Spanish Society Vocabulary

A collection of Spanish words related to the society. Great for beginners hoping to expand their vocabulary.

mayoría religiosa
religious majority

The Spanish phrase 'mayoría religiosa' translates to 'religious majority' in English. It is used to denote the largest group of individuals sharing the same religious beliefs within a given community, population, or region. This could refer to followers of any given religion, including but not limited to Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, etc., depending on the context and demographic being referred to.

Example sentences with  mayoría religiosa
mayoría social
social majority

The term 'mayoría social' in Spanish translates to 'social majority' in English. This term refers to the larger or greater number of a specific population or group within a society. It can be used in a variety of societal and political contexts to describe the group that has the most number of people in a particular setting, often indicating a common viewpoint or shared characteristics among the majority.

Example sentences with  mayoría social

In Spanish, 'miembro' is used to refer to a person who is part of a group, community, team or organization. Just like in English, it can apply to any context, whether it's a family member, a team member, or a member of a specific organization or club.

Example sentences with  miembro
minoría étnica
ethnic minority

The term 'minoría étnica' translates to 'ethnic minority' in English. It is used to refer to a group of people whose characteristics in terms of race, nationality, or cultural heritage differ from the majority of a society. These groups may also possess unique social, economic, and political experiences linked to their ethnicity. The term typically acknowledges the diversity and multicultural nature of a society.

Example sentences with  minoría étnica
minoría religiosa
religious minority

The Spanish term 'minoría religiosa' translates to 'religious minority' in English. It represents a religious group that does not form the majority in a specific location or society. This term is often used within the sphere of socio-political and cultural discussions to highlight the diversity and inclusiveness of a community or country. In many places around the world, religious minorities are often granted specific rights and protections under the law to safeguard their freedom of belief and practice.

Example sentences with  minoría religiosa
minoría social
social minority

The term 'minoría social' in Spanish translates to 'social minority' in English. A social minority is a group of people, within a given society, who are in a non-dominant position. This could refer to a group who are disadvantaged or less powerful due to factors like race, religion, socioeconomic status, or sexual orientation. This term is used to denote such groups and is used in discussions related to social justice and equality.

Example sentences with  minoría social

The Spanish word 'nobleza' translates to 'nobility' in English. It is a noun that is used to describe the quality of being noble in character or high in moral qualities. This word is commonly used in the context of aristocracy or upper classes in society, but it can also refer to a person's noble qualities or actions. So, in a broader sense, 'nobleza' could mean decent, ethical, or honorable behavior that showcases one's good character or high moral standards.

Example sentences with  nobleza

'Norma' is a Spanish word that translates to 'standard' in English. It is used to indicate a level of quality or attainment. It could also signify an accepted and agreed-upon model or pattern, often serving as a basis for comparison or as a guide for behavior or actions in various settings, such as social, professional, or educational.

Example sentences with  norma

The Spanish term 'normativa' is directly translated to 'regulations' in English. This term refers to the set of rules or instructions that are officially established by an authority. Its usage is predominant in legal, administrative and organizational contexts, wherein the 'normativa' puts in order the actions or behaviors that should be carried out within a specific framework or situation. In essence, 'normativa' is the fundamental basis for guiding proper conduct and actions to ensure smooth and legal operations.

Example sentences with  normativa

The Spanish word for organization is 'organización'. It follows the same concept as in English, referring to a group of people who work together in an ordered way. It is used in various contexts such as a business setting, social groups and even when referring to the organization or structure of a system or entity.

Example sentences with  organización

The Spanish word 'participación' translates to 'participation' in English. It is commonly used in various contexts such as elections, social events, business meetings, and discussions. It denotes the action of taking part in something or getting involved in an activity or event. For example, in a sentence: 'La participación ciudadana es importante para una democracia saludable' translates to 'Citizen participation is important for a healthy democracy'.

Example sentences with  participación
pluralidad cultural
Cultural plurality

The term 'pluralidad cultural' in Spanish translates to 'cultural plurality' in English. This is a term used in social sciences to refer to the presence and equal value of different cultural characteristics in a society. In practice, it represents the acceptance and promotion of diverse cultural expressions within a society. It acknowledges cultural differences as a valuable asset, using it to promote mutual understanding and peace among different ethnic, religious, and cultural groups. It encapsulates the idea that multiple ways of life coexisting harmoniously in one place can enrich society as a whole.

Example sentences with  pluralidad cultural
pluralidad lingüística
Linguistic pluralism

The term 'pluralidad lingüística' stands for 'linguistic pluralism' in English. Linguistic pluralism refers to the coexistence of multiple languages within a particular region or society. It emphasizes the importance of diverse languages and supports their coexistence. Linguistic pluralism can often be seen in multinational or multicultural countries, helping to promote cultural diversity and mutual understanding among different linguistic communities.

Example sentences with  pluralidad lingüística
pluralidad religiosa
Religious plurality

The term 'pluralidad religiosa' in Spanish translates to 'religious plurality' in English. This phrase refers to the existence, acceptance, or promotion of multiple religious traditions within a single jurisdiction, usually a state or a country. It is an attitude or policy of multiculturalism that applies to religious diversity and promotes peaceful existence among the followers of different faiths. As a sociological term, religious plurality can also imply religious diversity, the number of distinct religions in a society, and the relative societal influence each religion holds.

Example sentences with  pluralidad religiosa

The word 'población' is used in Spanish to refer to the total number of people living in a specific geographical area such as a city, country, or the world. It can also refer to a group of individuals of a specific type living in an area. Just like in English, it is used in various contexts, including but not limited to, demography, statistics, and geography.

Example sentences with  población
población joven
young population

The Spanish term 'población joven' refers to the demographic group typically defined as 'young population' in English. It generally encompasses individuals who fall under a certain age range, typically adolescents and young adults. This term may be used in various contexts, including social, economical, and political discussions to refer to the active and upcoming generation of a specific geographical area or country.

Example sentences with  población joven

In Spanish, 'poder' is used to represent 'power'. It can be used in a variety of contexts like 'he has the power to change this' which translates to 'él tiene el poder de cambiar esto'. Furthermore, 'poder' can also imply ability or possibility, in cases similar to the English 'can' or 'be able to'. For instance, 'yo puedo' would mean 'I can' or 'I am able to' in English.

Example sentences with  poder

The Spanish word for political is 'político'. This adjective can be used in various contexts related with the art or science of government or governing, especially of a political entity like a country, and the administration and control of its internal and external affairs.

Example sentences with  político

'Progreso' refers to the process of improving or developing something over a period of time. In learning a new skill, it is used to refer to the improvement one makes.

Example sentences with  progreso

The Spanish word 'proletariado' is translated into English as 'proletariat'. The proletariat is a term used to describe the class of wage-earners in a capitalist society, whose only possession of significant material value is their labor power. Essentially, these are individuals who sell their labor to live and do not own the means of production. Historically, it is a term used heavily in Marxist theories.

Example sentences with  proletariado

The Spanish word 'protección' translates to 'protection' in English. It is a noun and is used to denote the action of protecting someone or something, or the state of being protected. It can refer to a measure taken to prevent something from being damaged or interrupted or it can denote the act of keeping someone from harm or injury.


The Spanish word 'público' is used to refer to something that is open to everyone, similar to how 'public' is used in English. It is often used in phrases like 'transporte público' which means public transportation or 'servicio público', meaning public service. It can also be used as a noun to refer to people in general, much like 'public' used as a noun in English to refer to a group of people.

Example sentences with  público

The Spanish word 'rebeldía' translates to 'rebellion' in English. It is typically used to describe an act of resistance against an established authority, control, or tradition. Often it is associated with nonconformity to a system, defiance, insubordination, or dissent. This word is commonly used in both everyday conversation and formal contexts such as literature and news reporting.

Example sentences with  rebeldía

The Spanish word 'regla' can be used in much the same way as 'rule' in English. It is often used to describe a regulation, standard, or principle that must be followed. For example, 'Es una regla importante' translates to 'It's an important rule'. This word can also refer to a ruler, a tool used for measuring.

Example sentences with  regla

The Spanish word 'respetar' translates to 'respect' in English. It is a verb and it expresses the concept of admiration for someone because of their qualities, accomplishments, or abilities. It can also denote consideration or regard for someone's feelings, wishes, or rights. In a broader sense, 'respetar' can be used in various contexts to imply deference or courtesy.

Example sentences with  respetar

The Spanish word 'segregar' translates to 'segregate' in English. In both languages, the term refers to the action of setting someone, something, or a group apart from others. It implies dividing or excluding certain entities from a collective or separating distinctive items or individuals. Although it doesn't carry an inherently negative connotation, its usage often pertains to discussions around social and racial segregation, where it is usually viewed as a discriminatory or unfair practice.

Example sentences with  segregar
ser de clase alta
being high class

The Spanish phrase 'ser de clase alta' translates to 'being high class' in English. It refers to individuals who are part of the upper or elite class in society, typically characterized by wealth, influence, power, and superior access to resources. This term is often used in the context of discussions about social classes, wealth disparity, and economic systems.

Example sentences with  ser de clase alta
ser de clase baja
being low class

The term 'ser de clase baja' translates to 'being low class' in English. It is used to describe a social status in society that is generally considered below average. This term can be perceived negatively, as it often implies financial struggles and lack of opportunities to improve one's condition, though it is not always used harshly and might sometimes simply reflect the socio-economic division of a society. The usage depends on the context and the intention of the speaker.

Example sentences with  ser de clase baja
ser de clase media
being middle class

The phrase 'ser de clase media' in Spanish translates to 'being middle class' in English. It refers to an individual or family's socio-economic status which indicates whether one is neither very rich nor very poor. It is a lifestyle often associated with the bourgeoisie, where people can afford certain luxuries, yet still have to work to support their lifestyle. The concept of being middle class in different societies may vary, often underlying in the idea of a comfortable modest life that most strive for. In societal context it could also refer to the group of people accounting for most of the consumption patterns, contributing to the economy and often fighting socio-political battles for their rights.

Example sentences with  ser de clase media

The Spanish word 'soborno' translates to 'bribe' in English. It generally refers to the act of giving or receiving something of value to influence the actions of an authority or party. It's often used in cases of corruption, where officials may accept 'sobornos' to favor certain individuals or groups. It is important to note that the act of bribery is considered illegal and unethical in most societies.

Example sentences with  soborno
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