Spanish Society Vocabulary

A collection of Spanish words related to the society. Great for beginners hoping to expand their vocabulary.


The Spanish verb 'excluir' translates as 'to exclude' in English. It is used to denote someone or something being left out or not included within a group or category. It can be conjugated into different forms as per the tense and subject. This verb is commonly used in different contexts and is an important word in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'explotación' translates into English as 'exploitation'. It is used to describe a situation where someone benefits unfairly from the work or resources of another. This could occur in a variety of contexts, such as within economic systems, in interpersonal relationships, or in relation to natural resources. 'Explotación' can carry negative connotations, as it often implies that the person or resource being exploited is not receiving their fair share in return.

Example sentences with  explotación

The Spanish word 'federación' translates to 'federation' in English. A federation is a group of states, organizations, or parties that have united and are governed centrally. This term is often used in politics and organizational structures. For instance, some countries are known as federal states, meaning they are formed through a federation. 'Federación' carries the same concept in Spanish.

Example sentences with  federación
to federate

The word 'federarse' in Spanish translates to 'federate' in English. Typically used in a political or organizational context, it refers to the action of joining or forming a federation, which is a group of states, organizations or parties, that have agreed to coexist under a centralized governing body, while still retaining individual autonomy. It promotes unity and collective decision-making.

Example sentences with  federarse

The Spanish word 'foro' translates to 'forum' in English. A 'foro' can refer to both an internet forum or a public meeting or assembly for open discussion. Online, a 'foro' acts as a message board where individuals can hold conversations in the form of posted messages. In historical contexts, 'foro' may refer to a public square or marketplace in ancient Roman times. Knowing the precise meaning of 'foro', as with many words, often depends on contextual understanding.

Example sentences with  foro

The Spanish word 'hipocresía' translates to 'hypocrisy' in English. Hypocrisy is the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform. It is often associated with actions that contradict previous statements and behaviors. In a general sense, a person can be called a hypocrite if they criticize others for something that they themselves are guilty of.

Example sentences with  hipocresía

The Spanish word 'historia' translates to 'history' in English. History is a chronological collection of past events and developments related to a place, an institution, or a concept. It is studied to understand time and factors leading to current situations, thereby becoming the basis for future actions and decisions. The term 'historia' in Spanish carries the same implications and is used in various contexts, like 'historia de España' (history of Spain), 'historia del arte' (history of art), etc.

Example sentences with  historia
historia antigua
ancient history

The Spanish term 'historia antigua' translates to 'ancient history' in English. This refers to the period of history from the beginning of writing and recorded human history to the Early Middle Ages or the Postclassical Era. Subjects under this term would include the civilizations of Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Ancient Egypt, and others. It can also include the study of these periods, their people, cultures, events, and their influence on the present.

Example sentences with  historia antigua
historia contemporánea
contemporary history

The term 'historia contemporánea' in Spanish translates to 'contemporary history' in English. This term refers to a subset of history that reflects the historical period from approximately 1945 to the present day. Contemporary history includes the end of World War II through the early 21st century. As the study of the recent past, it often uses sources such as photographs, newspaper clippings, and other primary sources that were created at the time and provide a firsthand account of the events under study.

Example sentences with  historia contemporánea
historia del arte
history of art

The Spanish term 'historia del arte' translates to 'history of art' in English. The phrase is universally used in the field of academics, art institutions, and even in daily conversations referring to the study, development, and interpretation of visual arts over time. This study encompasses wide-ranging art forms including ancient, medieval, and modern as well as various geographic areas. It is a discipline that investigates the role of art as a reflection of the culture and society in which it was created.

Example sentences with  historia del arte
historia medieval
medieval history

The Spanish term 'historia medieval' translates to 'medieval history' in English. The term refers to the study or account of the Middle Ages period in history, which is generally recognized as taking place from the 5th to the 15th century. This period was marked by significant events such as the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the rise of Islam, and the beginning of the Renaissance.

Example sentences with  historia medieval
historia universal
universal history

The term 'historia universal' in Spanish is translated into English as 'universal history'. Universal history refers to an overview of the history of mankind as a whole, presenting the rise and fall of empires and civilizations from the ancient times to the present, focusing on the significant happenings, events and notable figures that shaped the world as we know it today.

Example sentences with  historia universal

The word 'historiador' is a noun in Spanish that translates to 'historian' in English. A 'historiador' is a person who studies, researches, and writes about the past, and is regarded as an authority on it. Historians are concerned with the continuous, methodical narrative and research of past events as relating to the human race; as well as the study of all history in time.

Example sentences with  historiador

The word 'honor' in Spanish translates to 'honour' in English. The term is used to represent the esteem, respect, or regard in which a person or thing is held. It outlines a sense of integrity in one's beliefs and actions and is usually associated with a high reputation and a sense of pride and fulfillment. For instance, it is often used in contexts like 'man of honor', 'honor student', etc., where it denotes respectability and nobility.

Example sentences with  honor
identidad cultural
cultural identity

Cultural identity is a feeling of belonging to a group or culture. It's a part of a person's self-conception and self-perception, and is related to nationality, ethnicity, religion, social class, generation, locality or any kind of social group that has its own distinctive culture. In this way, cultural identity is both characteristic of the individual but also of the culturally identical group of members sharing the same cultural identity.

Example sentences with  identidad cultural
identidad lingüística
linguistic identity
Example sentences with  identidad lingüística
identidad religiosa
religious identity

The term 'identidad religiosa' in Spanish can be translated to English as 'religious identity'. A religious identity is the set of beliefs and practices generally held by an individual, involving adherence to codified beliefs and rituals and study of ancestral or cultural traditions, writings and history. It is a specific type of identity formation where an individual is influenced by their religion to express, and oftentimes become a part of, their personal identity.

Example sentences with  identidad religiosa
integración social
social integration

The term 'integración social', in English means 'social integration'. This refers to the process by which individuals and communities are both reinstated and included within a community. Social integration involves inclusion of individuals or groups such as newcomers or immigrants, in a society. It implies an increased sense of belonging, more participation in social functions and activities, and increased access to opportunities, resources and rights, which were previously unattainable.

Example sentences with  integración social
to integrate

The Spanish word 'integrar' translates to 'integrate' in English. In many contexts, it refers to the act of combining one thing with another to become a whole or make up a whole. It can be applied in various fields such as mathematics, business, and technology. For example, 'integrar' a team means to become a part of a team. In a broader social context, it can imply inclusion or incorporation of various elements into a whole. It's a verb and its forms change according to tense, mood, and who is being referred to.

Example sentences with  integrar

The Spanish word 'intransigencia' translates to 'intransigence' in English. This term is used to illustrate a trait of being stubborn, unwilling to change one's views, or showing an extreme unwillingness to accept views that are different from one's own. The principle usage is often related to politics to depict individuals or parties who refuse to change their position or compromise on issues.


The Spanish word 'jerarquía' translates to 'hierarchy' in English. It is a noun that typically refers to a system or organization in which people, groups or things are ranked one above the other according to status or authority. It can be used in various contexts, such as corporate, social, or religious structures. Much like in English, 'jerarquía' can also refer to a sequence or ordering of items in terms of importance, significance, or precedence.

Example sentences with  jerarquía
justicia social
Social justice

The term 'justicia social' in Spanish translates to 'social justice' in English. It refers to the equal distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society. It encompasses notions of fairness, equity, and human rights. It advocates for creating and promoting just relationships among individuals in society, ensuring that every individual gets equal economic, political, and social rights and opportunities. Just like in English, 'justicia social' in Spanish is often a central theme in discussions related to politics, education, healthcare, and other societal structures.

Example sentences with  justicia social

The Spanish word 'lealtad' translates to 'loyalty' in English. It is a noun and is used to denote a sense of allegiance or faithfulness. It can be towards a person, group, country, or cause. Used in a sentence it might be 'He mostrado lealtad a mi equipo a través de los años,' which means, 'I have shown loyalty to my team over the years.' Remember that Spanish words can take on different meanings based on context, just like in English, so lealtad may not always translate directly to loyalty.

Example sentences with  lealtad
gambling addiction

The Spanish word 'ludopatía' translates to 'gambling addiction' in English. This term refers to a behavioural disorder wherein an individual develops an intense urge and takes on harmful risks with a persistent and recurrent use of any substance that alters their mood. The subject may continue such behaviour despite harmful negative consequences, which may involve gambling heavily whether they are in a good or bad situation financially. 'Ludopatía' comes from the Latin term 'ludus', which means 'game', and the Greek term 'pathos', which means 'suffering'.

Example sentences with  ludopatía

The Spanish word 'mandato' translates to 'mandate' in English. It generally refers to an official order, instruction or directive given by an authority. It can also mean the authority granted to an individual or body to act in certain ways or to perform certain tasks. Used in a context, it could be part of a sentence like 'El mandato presidencial dura cuatro años' - 'The presidential mandate lasts four years'.

Example sentences with  mandato

The Spanish word 'marginación' translates to 'marginalization' in English. It refers to a process of pushing certain individuals or groups to the edge of society by not allowing them an active role or place in it. These individuals are essentially dismissed as unimportant, becoming excluded from any form of participation, decision-making, or social mixing. As a result, they typically have limited resources, rights, and opportunities.


The Spanish word 'marginado' translates to 'marginalized' in English. It refers to someone who is treated as insignificant or peripheral within a society or group. This term may be used in a variety of contexts, such as social, economic, cultural, or political situations. It stems from the word 'margen' which means 'margin', implying the idea of being on the edge or outside of something.

Example sentences with  marginado

The word 'marginal' in Spanish has a similar meaning to its English counterpart. It may describe something that is not fully developed or important, not central or main, but rather at the lower limit of quality, at the edge or border, or not included in the main part of a group or society. In a literal sense, it can also refer to something situated on the border or edge of something. In an economic context, 'marginal' is often used to describe a small change in a system or in the production of goods, like marginal benefit, cost, or product.

Example sentences with  marginal

The Spanish verb 'marginar' aligns with the English verb 'to marginalize'. This verb is used to express the action of treating a person, group, or concept as insignificant or peripheral. It is often associated with social, economic, or political situations where certain individuals or groups are pushed to the periphery of a society or system. In common use, 'marginar' signifies enforcing the feeling of isolation or insignificance upon someone.

Example sentences with  marginar
mayoría étnica
ethnic majority

The term 'mayoría étnica' in Spanish refers to 'ethnic majority' in English. This concept is commonly used in social, political, and demographic contexts to speak about the ethnicity that has the most significant number of individuals within a given population. It's important to acknowledge that majorities can vary considerably in different regions or contexts, providing a complex and colorful tapestry of human diversity.

Example sentences with  mayoría étnica
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