Spanish Society Vocabulary

A collection of Spanish words related to the society. Great for beginners hoping to expand their vocabulary.


The word 'comunidad' in Spanish is used to refer to a group of people who live in the same place or have a common interest or purpose. It is similar to the English term 'community'. 'Comunidad' can also refer to a geographical or political entity.

Example sentences with  comunidad

The Spanish word 'comunitario' translates to 'community' in English. It refers to a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common. It can also pertain to a feeling of fellowship with others as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals. Lastly, 'comunitario' can describe something that is shared by all members of a community.

Example sentences with  comunitario
conciencia social
social awareness

The term 'conciencia social' in Spanish translates to 'social awareness' in English. It refers to an individual's or a group's cognizance, understanding, and recognition of social issues and factors. The term signifies the capacity to understand the social dynamics and complexities that influence communities, societies, and the world at large. It includes knowing about important themes like social justice, human rights, diversity, inclusion, environmental sustainability, etc. Understanding 'conciencia social' or 'social awareness' enables one to act and respond in ways that contribute to more equitable and sustainable communities.

Example sentences with  conciencia social

The Spanish word 'confianza' translates to 'confidence' in English. It refers to the feeling or belief that one can have faith in or rely on someone or something. It is often used in both social and professional contexts. It can also denote a certain level of comfort and trust in personal relationships, and may be used to express the sense of security one feels when one is able to trust in another's abilities, or in one's own.

Example sentences with  confianza

The Spanish word 'convivencia' translates to 'coexistence' in English. This term is commonly used to describe situations where two or more entities exist or live together in the same place at the same time, often used in various contexts including environmental, social, and interpersonal. It also encompasses principles of harmony, tolerance, and respect between different individuals or groups.

Example sentences with  convivencia

The word 'cooperación' in Spanish translates to 'cooperation' in English. It pertains to the process of working together to the same end or the situation of doing something with others for mutual benefit. It's usually used in the context of group efforts, projects or initiatives.

Example sentences with  cooperación

The Spanish verb 'cooperar' translates to 'cooperate' in English. It is used to express the concept of working together to the same end or participating in an activity or a group effort. The word 'cooperar' is a regular verb in Spanish and follows the regular verb conjugation rules. Therefore, being able to use and understand it can help in various communicative contexts where teamwork and mutual assistance are needed.


The Spanish word 'corrupción' translates to 'corruption' in English. It typically refers to illegal, unethical, or dishonest behavior by a person in a position of power, often a government official or a corporate executive. Corruption usually involves actions like bribery, embezzlement, or favoritism, and it can undermine social and economic development and justice.

Example sentences with  corrupción

The Spanish word 'cortesía' translates to 'courtesy' in English. It implies a polite or considerate behavior towards others. It can be used in different contexts such as social behavior, manners, and respect for others. It can also refer to a polite act or expression. This term is widely used in social and formal settings.

Example sentences with  cortesía
crecimiento de la mortalidad
growth in mortality

The Spanish term 'crecimiento de la mortalidad' translates to 'growth in mortality' in English. This phrase can be used in various contexts, especially in scientific, socio-economic, and health-related discussions. It signifies an increase in the number of deaths in a particular population during a specific period. In public health, this term commonly appears when addressing issues such as epidemics, public health crises, or demographic trends.

Example sentences with  crecimiento de la mortalidad
crecimiento de la natalidad
growth of the birth rate

The Spanish phrase 'crecimiento de la natalidad' translates to 'growth of the birth rate' in English. This term is used in discussions or analyses of population statistics and demographic trends. When the 'crecimiento de la natalidad' is high, it implies that the number of births in a specific population is increasing. This could be due to a variety of factors such as improved health care, economic stability, cultural factors, etc. Conversely, a low or negative 'crecimiento de la natalidad' would mean that the birth rate is decreasing.

Example sentences with  crecimiento de la natalidad

The word 'crisis' in Spanish translates directly to 'crisis' in English. It is a noun which describes a time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger. It can also refer to the turning point of a disease when an important change takes place, indicating either recovery or death.

Example sentences with  crisis

The Spanish word 'deberes' translates to the English word 'duties'. Generally, these duties refer to responsibilities or tasks that one is required to perform in a social or legal context. They could pertain to a job, an assigned task, or societal roles. In a school context, 'deberes' can also mean 'homework', referring to tasks assigned by teachers to be completed at home. The usage of the term depends on the context it is being used in.

Example sentences with  deberes

The Spanish word 'derechos' translates to 'rights' in English. This term can be used to denote legal, social, or ethical principles of freedom or entitlement. For example, derechos can be employed in contexts such as human rights ('derechos humanos'), civil rights ('derechos civiles') or property rights ('derechos de propiedad'). It's a plural noun, and the single form 'derecho' can mean 'right' as in direction or a field of study in law.

Example sentences with  derechos
derechos básicos
basic rights

The Spanish term 'derechos básicos' translates to 'basic rights' in English. Basic rights refer to the fundamental freedoms and privileges that every individual is entitled to, regardless of nationality, sex, ethnicity, religion, and other statuses. These rights commonly include the right to life, liberty, freedom of thought and expression, and equality before the law.

Example sentences with  derechos básicos
derechos constitucionales
constitutional rights

The Spanish term 'derechos constitucionales' translates to 'constitutional rights' in English. These are rights that are explicitly mentioned or inferred in a constitution, the fundamental political code, charter, or governing law of a polity, organization, or other type of entity. Constitutional rights typically include freedom of speech, right to fair trials, right to practice religion, and more. They are an integral part of a democratic society and are instrumental in protecting the freedoms and liberties of individuals.

Example sentences with  derechos constitucionales
derechos del ciudadano
rights of citizens

The Spanish phrase 'derechos del ciudadano' translates to 'rights of citizens' in English. This phrase is used to refer to the legal, social and ethical freedoms or entitlements held by the citizens according to law and societal norms. It implies the legal protections afforded to people as citizens in a country, often documented in forms like a country's constitution or legal statutes. These rights can include things like the right to vote, the right to freedom of speech, the right to privacy, etc. It indicates the social contract between the government and the people, defining what individuals are entitled to and the duties the governing body has for its citizens.

Example sentences with  derechos del ciudadano
derechos humanos
human rights

The term 'derechos humanos' in Spanish translates to 'human rights' in English. Human rights are basic rights and freedoms to which all individuals are entitled, regardless of nationality, sex, national or ethnic origin, race, religion, language, or other status. Human rights include the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to work and education, and many more. They are protected as legal rights in national and international law.

Example sentences with  derechos humanos

The Spanish word 'descortesía' translates to 'discourtesy' in English. It is a noun that refers to the act or behavior that shows rudeness and lack of respect or good manners. This word is often used to describe actions that are not considered polite or courteous in conversations or social interaction. Hence, 'descortesía' signifies actions that break the norm of decency, kindness, and respect towards others.

Example sentences with  descortesía

The word 'discriminación' in Spanish translates to 'discrimination' in English. Discrimination refers to the unjust or prejudiced treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex. It can also refer to the recognition and understanding of the difference between one thing and another. For example, 'la discriminación basada en género o raza está prohibida' translates to 'discrimination based on gender or race is prohibited'.

Example sentences with  discriminación

The Spanish word 'discriminar' translates to 'discriminate' in English. To discriminate means to treat a person or group differently, often in a prejudiced manner, based on particular characteristics such as race, age, or gender. It's important to note that this term often carries a negative implication of unfair treatment. In societal context, discrimination is considered a significant issue and efforts are continuously made worldwide to combat all forms of discrimination.

Example sentences with  discriminar
disminución de la natalidad
decrease in birth

The Spanish term 'disminución de la natalidad' translates to 'decrease in birth' in English. This term is used in demographics and can refer to a decline in the number of births in a particular geographic area over a certain period of time. An area that experiences a decrease in birth may do so due to a range of factors such as changing societal expectations, economic instability, advancements in contraception, or increased access to education, among others.

Example sentences with  disminución de la natalidad
disminución de la población
decrease in population

The Spanish phrase 'disminución de la población' translates to 'decrease in population' in English. This phrase is often used in demographic discussions or studies to describe a scenario where the number of individuals in a population is decreasing over a specific period of time. This could be due to various factors, such as migration, natural disasters, famine, disease, war, or other such events causing death or displacement of people.

Example sentences with  disminución de la población
distribución de la riqueza
distribution of wealth

The Spanish phrase 'distribución de la riqueza' translates to 'distribution of wealth' in English. It refers to the way wealth, or capital, is divided among the members of an economy. It can be represented by various political, economic, and social systems. The different types of distribution of wealth include equitably distributed wealth, accumulated wealth, and inherited wealth. The concept is often analyzed and debated in terms of its morality, economic efficiency, and impact on social stability and change.

Example sentences with  distribución de la riqueza
diversidad cultural
Cultural diversity

Cultural diversity, or 'diversidad cultural' in Spanish, refers to the existence of a variety of cultural or ethnic groups within a society. It acknowledges the presence of multiple ways of life, perspectives, and worldviews within a community or society. Cultural diversity can relate to different languages, religions, or traditions of different cultural groups, celebrating these differences instead of suppressing them. Cultural diversity allows societies to remain open, dynamic, and innovative.

Example sentences with  diversidad cultural
diversidad lingüística
Language diversity

The Spanish term 'diversidad lingüística' translates to 'language diversity' in English. It refers to the assortment and variety of languages spoken within a particular area or by a specific group of people. It encompasses the idea of linguistic richness and multiculturalism, recognizing the importance and value of every individual language as a means of cultural expression and communication.

Example sentences with  diversidad lingüística
diversidad religiosa
Religious diversity

The term 'diversidad religiosa' translates to 'religious diversity' in English. It denotes the variety and differences among religions around the world, such as differing beliefs, practices, and traditions. The concept respects and acknowledges the existence of multiple religions and belief systems, underscoring the importance of understanding and acceptance in multicultural societies. It aims to promote tolerance and mutual respect among individuals of different religions.

Example sentences with  diversidad religiosa

The Spanish word for education is 'educación'. It is used in the same context as in English, referring to the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university. It is commonly used in various phrases such as 'educación superior' which means higher education, 'educación primaria' meaning primary education etc.

Example sentences with  educación

The Spanish word 'educado' translates to 'educated' in English. Being 'educado' implies having good manners, being polite, respectful and well-bred in addition to having a good level of academic or professional knowledge. It can be used to describe both the nature of a person's behaviour and the level of education a person has received.

Example sentences with  educado

The word 'estado' in Spanish translates to 'state' in English. It's used in a similar context, such as when referring to the condition of someone or something, a state in a country, or expressing a particular condition that something is in. An example phrase would be 'El estado de la habitación' which translates to 'The state of the room.'

Example sentences with  estado
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