Spanish Society Vocabulary

A collection of Spanish words related to the society. Great for beginners hoping to expand their vocabulary.


The Spanish word 'administración' is used in much the same way as its English equivalent. It can refer to the managers of an organization, the tasks completed by these individuals, or an academic field of study relating to running businesses or public institutions. It is used in both formal and informal contexts and is commonly found in business and governmental language.

Example sentences with  administración

The Spanish word 'agresividad' translates into English as 'aggression'. This word is commonly used to describe behavior that is forceful, hostile or attacking. It can be used when discussing physical, verbal, or emotional actions that one person or entity exhibits towards another. Aggresividad can be used to describe humans or animals, and is also frequently used to talk about assertive or strong actions within a business, sports or competitive context.

Example sentences with  agresividad

The Spanish word 'agrupación' translates to 'grouping' in English. This noun is often used in contexts where a collection of people, things or ideas is brought together for a specific purpose. It can be used to describe a variety of gatherings or collections, from formal organizations and clubs to informal groupings of friends or items. The word is derived from the verb 'agrupar', which means 'to group'.

Example sentences with  agrupación

The Spanish word 'altruismo' translates to 'altruism' in English. It denotes the belief in or practice of disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others. This moral doctrine often opposes selfishness and emphasizes actions benefiting others, extending kindness and self-sacrifice for the good of other people. 'Altruismo' is often used in the context of actions, beliefs, or behavior patterns that emphasize self-less acts or contributing to the welfare of others.


The Spanish word 'anfitrión' translates to 'host' in English. It is used to refer to a person who receives or entertains guests at home or other places. Similarly to English, this word can also refer to a person or organization that invites guests to a function or event and provides the facilities for it. Interestingly, 'anfitrión' can also be used in a biological context to refer to an organism that harbors a parasite.


The Spanish word 'apenado' is generally used to indicate a feeling of sorrow or remorse, similar to the English word 'sorry'. It might be used when you feel upset because of something you did wrong or regret. Expression of regret or asking for forgiveness in Spanish might often include this word. It's important in the Spanish language to be able to express such sentiments accurately.


The Spanish word 'aristocracia' translates to 'aristocracy' in English. In context, this term refers to the highest class in certain societies, usually formed by social rank, familial lineage, or hereditary titles. Historically, the aristocracy held certain rights or privileges not granted to other members of society. While it's notable in the development and societal structure of many cultures and nations, its importance and influence vary worldwide.

Example sentences with  aristocracia

The Spanish word 'aristócrata' translates to 'aristocrat' in English. An aristocrat is a person who belongs to the highest social class, especially those holding hereditary titles. Historically, aristocrats often wielded significant power, particularly in the governance of nations. In modern times, the term primarily serves as a social marker, often associated with wealth, influence, and privilege.

Example sentences with  aristócrata

The Spanish word 'arrogancia' translates to 'arrogance' in English. It is a noun and refers to an attitude of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or presumptuous claims or assumptions. In general, it is used to describe a person who believes they are better, smarter, or more important than other people. Arrogance can be expressed in various ways such as in someone's tone of voice, body language, and behavior.


The Spanish word 'asilo' translates to 'asylum' in English. It is used to denote a place offering protection and safety, particularly for the persecuted and homeless in society, or a place of retreat and security. It also is used in the context of care home for the elderly.


The Spanish word 'asistencia' translates to 'assistance' in English. It can be used in various contexts, similar to English, such as assistance in a project, needing assistance with a task, or providing assistance in a situation. This word can also portray the meaning of attendance or presence in certain events or places like school or a meeting, depending on the context it is used in.

asociación de empresarios
association of entrepreneurs

The phrase 'asociación de empresarios' in Spanish translates to 'association of entrepreneurs' in English. This phrase often describes an organized group or body of entrepreneurs who come together based on their shared business interests. Such an association or organization may serve various purposes such as supporting, promoting, and developing entrepreneurship. It may also work to create a conducive environment for businesses, campaign for advantageous policies, offer resources for business growth, and facilitate networking among its members.

Example sentences with  asociación de empresarios
asociación de padres
parents association

The Spanish phrase 'asociación de padres' translates to 'parents association' in English. This term usually refers to a group of parents who join together to support the educational institution their children attend. These associations frequently organize fundraising events and other activities to improve the school environment for every student's benefit.

Example sentences with  asociación de padres
asociación de vecinos
association of neighbors

The term 'asociación de vecinos' in Spanish translates to 'association of neighbors' in English. This is typically a group of neighborhood residents who come together to discuss and address local concerns or issues, promote community activities, and liaise with external parties like the local government or businesses on behalf of the neighborhood. It serves the shared interests of the neighborhood and works on creating a better living environment for all residents.

Example sentences with  asociación de vecinos
asociación deportiva
sports association

The Spanish phrase 'asociación deportiva' translates to 'sports association' in English. This term usually refers to an organization or group that promotes and manages activities related to a particular sport. Sports associations can include local recreational leagues, non-profit groups, and professional league organizations. The overall purpose of a sports association is often to foster a love of the sport, create a sense of community, enhance skills of the participants, manage competitions, and establish rules and guidelines.

Example sentences with  asociación deportiva

The Spanish verb 'asociarse' translates to 'partnering' in English. It is often used in contexts where individuals or entities are joining together to form a partnership, such as in business or for a particular project or goal. The term suggests a spirit of collaboration and shared objectives. 'Asociarse' can be used to indicate both the action of forming a partnership and the state of being in partnership.

Example sentences with  asociarse
aumentar el número de desempleados
increase the number of unemployed

The Spanish phrase 'aumentar el número de desempleados' translates to 'increase the number of unemployed' in English. The verb 'aumentar' means 'to increase', 'el número de' refers to 'the number of', and 'desempleados' is a noun that means 'unemployed'. Therefore, this phrase is commonly used in socio-economic contexts or discussions referring to labor markets or unemployment trends.

buena persona
Good person

The Spanish term 'buena persona' translates to 'good person' in English. This term is used to describe an individual who is morally good, kind-hearted, and demonstrates positive qualities such as generosity, honesty, and kindness. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as personal character analysis or societal standards of morality. It is not directly tied to a person's actions, but more so their inherent qualities and moral standings.

Example sentences with  buena persona
buenas maneras
Good manners

The Spanish phrase 'buenas maneras' translates to 'good manners' in English. Good manners refer to the polite behaviors that are socially acceptable and expected in a particular culture or society. Examples of good manners might include saying 'please' and 'thank you', holding the door open for the person behind you, or using polite language when addressing others. In Spanish, similarly to English, demonstrating 'buenas maneras' is often seen as a sign of respect and good upbringing.

Example sentences with  buenas maneras

The Spanish word 'burgués' translates to 'bourgeois' in English. It's primarily used in social context to describe a member from the middle class in society or someone who has social behavior and political views held by these people. It's originated from bourgeois society which is essentially a society that is controlled by the middle-class people who are marked by a concern for wealth, possessions, and respectability.

Example sentences with  burgués

The Spanish word 'burguesía' translates to 'bourgeoisie' in English. It is a socio-economic term typically used to refer to the middle class or the capitalist class, who own most of society's wealth and means of production. It was often used in a historical context, especially during the time of Karl Marx, to discuss the class struggles and social dynamics of the time. Now, it's generally used in economic and sociopolitical discussions and analyses.

Example sentences with  burguesía

The word 'cargar' in Spanish is often used to indicate the action of carrying something, just like 'charge' in English. For instance, you might use it to describe the act of carrying a bag, among other things. It also works as loading a device with power. But keep in mind, like with many words, the context can influence the exact meaning of 'cargar'.

Example sentences with  cargar

The Spanish word 'ciudadano' translates to 'citizen' in English. In the societal context, a 'ciudadano' is an individual who is a legal member of a state or country, and has rights and responsibilities associated within that region. The term is universally used across various systems of government to denote members of its public or people who have legal rights under its jurisdiction.

Example sentences with  ciudadano

The Spanish word 'civil' translates into 'civilian' in English. It is commonly used to describe any individual who is not part of the armed services or the police force. The term can also be used in broader contexts to describe a non-military citizen, often in contrast to military personnel, police, or other groups involved in governance or enforcement roles.

Example sentences with  civil
clase social
social class

The term 'clase social' in Spanish translates to 'social class' in English. It refers to the hierarchical categorization of individuals in society based on wealth, occupation, educational attainment, and other economic and social factors. Social classes often indicate the degree of control individuals might have over their own lives and the opportunities accessible to them. It is a fundamental concept in sociology and other social sciences.

Example sentences with  clase social
clase trabajadora
working class

The term 'clase trabajadora' in Spanish translates to 'working class' in English. The working class typically includes people who earn an income through manual labor or low-level positions in the workforce. People belonging to the working class often lack a college degree and are not part of the managerial or professional class. They are characterized by their provision of essential services in the labor market and can be found in various industries like manufacturing, construction, and retail. In a broader sociological context, 'clase trabajadora' might be used as an identity marker in class-based political movements.

Example sentences with  clase trabajadora

In Spanish, 'club' is also used as in English to refer to a group of people organized for a common purpose such as a sports team, or a place where people go to dance and listen to music. It is also used to describe a heavy stick or a card suit in a standard deck of cards. Usage in sentences remains the same as it is in English.

Example sentences with  club

The Spanish word 'cobertura' translates to 'coverage' in English. It can refer to several types of coverage, including insurance coverage, news coverage, or the extent to which something is dealt with. Additionally, in a technological context, it may refer to areas in which a service is available, like cell phone or internet coverage.

Example sentences with  cobertura

The term 'compasión' in Spanish is used to denote a feeling of deep empathy and understanding for the suffering or misfortune of others. It is similar to the English word 'compassion', implying a strong emotion where one wishes to alleviate the pain or distress of another. It can be used in various contexts such as emotional, social, or humanitarian.

Example sentences with  compasión

The Spanish word 'común' is used similarly to the English word 'common'. It is applied to describe something that is usual, typical, or can be seen or found often. It's a common adjective for items or characteristics that are not unique or special and can be seen in many places or situations. In some contexts, it also means something shared by all.

Example sentences with  común
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