Spanish Learn Spanish: Social Services Terms

A comprehensive collection of Spanish vocabulary and phrases related to social services for English-speaking beginners.

servicio de atención
care service

The Spanish term 'servicio de atención' translates to 'care service' in English. It refers to a range of services provided either by a government or a private institution, which are aimed at taking care of individuals who need help due to various reasons such as sickness, age, or disability. This concept can be applied to healthcare, social care, customer service, 'after-sales service', where a company provides support to its customers after they purchase or use its products or services.

servicio de ayuda
Help service

The Spanish term 'servicio de ayuda' translates to 'help service' in English. It refers to a service designed to provide assistance or support to those who are in need, often related to technical, customer, or social services. 'Servicio' means service and 'ayuda' means help in English. This term is typically used in settings where there is a service provided to support or aid individuals in overcoming obstacles or difficulties.

servicio de integración
integration service

The Spanish phrase 'servicio de integración' translates directly to 'integration service' in English. It generally refers to a type of service that allows for different systems, software or platforms to be connected or combined, permitting them to communicate and work together in a unified manner. This term is frequently used in fields related to technology, software development or digital systems.

servicio de orientación
Guidance service

The word 'servicio de orientación' in Spanish translates to 'guidance service' in English. In the Spanish language, 'servicio' stands for 'service', while 'de orientación' implies 'guidance'. Collectively, the term is widely used in contexts related to education, health or any area where there might be a need for professional advice or support. This service can be found in schools, colleges, and various institutions, aiming to help individuals make informed decisions by providing necessary assistance and information.

servicios sociales
social services

The word 'servicios sociales' in Spanish translates to 'social services' in English. Social services refer to a range of public services provided by the government, non-profit organizations, and private entities to help improve the quality of life for individuals, families, and communities. These services often include, but are not limited to, services like healthcare, education, housing assistance, and food assistance. They are designed to support the well-being and development of individuals, particularly those in vulnerable situations.

teléfono de emergencia
emergency phone

The Spanish term 'teléfono de emergencia' translates to 'emergency phone' in English. This can refer to any type of telephone designed specifically for use in emergencies, such as emergency response service phones (like 911 in the United States), roadside emergency phones, or phones found in public places like malls, parks, or transportation systems that are marked and accessible for immediate use in crisis situations.

Old age

The Spanish word 'vejez' translates to 'old age' in English. It refers to the later period or stage in life, a time often marked by a decline in physical strength, mental acuity, and overall vitality. It can be used in various contexts such as discussing age-related health issues, referencing the elderly population, or simply to denote the passage of time. 'Vejez' reflects not only the chronological advancement of age, but also the sociocultural significance of the aging process.

voluntario de ONG
NGO volunteer

A 'voluntario de ONG' in Spanish refers to an individual who voluntarily offers their time and services to a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), without expecting compensation. The equivalent term in English is 'NGO volunteer'. NGOs are typically nonprofit voluntaries that operate independently of government involvement. NGO volunteers could help out in various fields, such as environmental, social, advocacy and human rights work. They could be seen across the world, working in an array of sectors including health, educational, research, and legal aid.

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