Spanish Learn Spanish: Social Services Terms

A comprehensive collection of Spanish vocabulary and phrases related to social services for English-speaking beginners.

gratuidad de los medicamentos
free medicine

The Spanish phrase 'gratuidad de los medicamentos' translates to 'free medicine' in English. This can refer to the provision of medicines to the public free of charge, usually by a government or healthcare institution. It is often a topic of discussion in the context of public health and social services. Understanding this phrase can be particularly important in conversations about healthcare policy and accessibility.

información y asesoramiento
information and advice

The Spanish phrase 'información y asesoramiento' translates to 'information and advice' in English. This phrase, often used in business and service contexts, refers to the process of providing data and guidance to individuals or groups. The first word, 'información', comes from the verb 'informar' which means 'to inform'. The second word, 'asesoramiento', comes from the verb 'asesorar' which means 'to advise'. Together, they convey the act of enlightening someone with data and guiding them towards a decision or course of action.


The Spanish term 'inmigración' translates to 'immigration' in English. Immigration refers to the international movement of people into a destination country of which they are not natives, or where they do not possess citizenship, in order to settle or reside there, especially as permanent residents or naturalized citizens, or to take up employment as a migrant worker or temporarily as a foreign worker.


The Spanish word 'inmigrantes' translates to 'immigrants' in English. An immigrant is a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country. They may do this for a variety of reasons, such as seeking greater economic opportunities or escaping from difficult situations in their home countries. Whether voluntary or involuntary, immigration has been a significant source of population growth and cultural change throughout much of the world's history.


The Spanish word 'integración' directly translates to the English word 'integration'. It is a noun used to describe the process of combining one entity into another compatible and relatively larger entity. In various contexts, it refers to the process of making populations, systems, or individuals into a unified whole. It is used in different fields such as mathematics, social sciences, and technology.

ley de protección
Protection Act

The Spanish term 'ley de protección' translates to 'protection act' in English. This phrase is typically used in legal and government contexts to denote a certain legislative act or law created to safeguard or protect specific rights, interests, or assets. It may provide protection in various areas like environment, consumer rights, data privacy, etc., depending on the specifics of the particular act.


The Spanish word 'marginación' translates to 'marginalization' in English. It refers to a process of pushing certain individuals or groups to the edge of society by not allowing them an active role or place in it. These individuals are essentially dismissed as unimportant, becoming excluded from any form of participation, decision-making, or social mixing. As a result, they typically have limited resources, rights, and opportunities.


The Spanish word 'menores' translates to 'minors' in English. It is commonly used in contexts related to law and human rights to refer to individuals who are under the age of legal maturity. This age varies depending on national legislation but is commonly 18 in many countries. However, it can also be used to simply refer to younger individuals in non-legal contexts.

monitor de actividades
activities monitor

The Spanish phrase 'monitor de actividades' translates to 'activities monitor' in English. This phrase is used to refer to a tool or a person that oversees, tracks, or manages various activities. It might be used in a technological context to refer to a system or software that monitors activities happening in a computer or network. It may also refer to a person, such as a teacher or a coach, who supervises activities in an educational or sports setting.

movilización pública
Public mobilization

The Spanish phrase 'movilización pública' translates to 'public mobilization' in English. It refers to the act of a group of people, often a large number, uniting for a specific cause or reason. This can involve activities such as protests, demonstrations, or other forms of collective action, with the goal of bringing about social or political change. The phrase might be used in news reports, political speeches, or discussions on social issues.

perder el empleo indefinida
losing permanent employment

The Spanish phrase 'perder el empleo indefinida' translates to 'losing permanent employment' in English. This phrase is frequently used in employment settings and job-related conversations in the context of job security or employment status. This could mean that an individual has lost a job that was previously considered to be long-term or permanent. It's a consequential phrase, often indicating a significant, negative change in someone's professional life.

personas discapacitadas
disabled persons

The Spanish term 'personas discapacitadas' translates to 'disabled persons' in English. This word is primarily used in contexts where it is necessary to refer to individuals with forms of physical or mental disability that may limit their movements, senses, or activities. Just as in English, awareness and respect for people with disabilities are emphasized in Spanish-speaking cultures, and the language reflects this in its terminologies.

personas en paro
unemployed persons

The Spanish phrase 'personas en paro' translates to 'unemployed persons' in English. It is often used to refer to individuals who are currently without jobs, either due to lack of opportunities or other circumstances. The phrase can apply to a wide variety of situations and contexts, such as economic reports, social analyses, or personal conversations. Remember, like many terms related to societal status, it's important to use it considerately when speaking or writing.

personas mayores

The Spanish term 'personas mayores' translates to 'elderly' in English. It is a phrase commonly used to refer to senior citizens or older adults in Spanish speaking societies. Similar to the English term, 'personas mayores' denotes respect and recognition of the age and wisdom of the referred individuals. It can be used to include anyone in an older age group, typically those who are retirement age or older.

personas sin hogar

The phrase 'personas sin hogar' in Spanish translates to 'homeless' in English. It is used to refer to individuals who lack fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. This term can apply to individuals or families living in shelters, on the street, in cars, or in any other unstable or non-permanent situation. It is a deeply socio-economical term, often discussed in the political and social services context.

personas sin trabajo
people without work

'Personas sin trabajo' is a Spanish phrase that translates into English as 'people without work'. This phrase is typically used to refer to the unemployed population in a particular area. It speaks to the sociopolitical and economic climate of that area, giving a glimpse into the rate of unemployment and potentially, the standard of living. The phrase may be particularly common in discussions around economics, employment policies, and social welfare.

plan de integración
integration plan

The phrase 'plan de integración' in Spanish translates to 'integration plan' in English. It is usually used in the context of implementing and organizing the diverse elements of a project or a system into a unified whole. This can involve aspects of technology, but also social and cultural sectors, among others. It is an important term in fields like business, technology, social sciences and education.

políticas de prevención y ayuda
prevention and aid policies

The Spanish phrase 'políticas de prevención y ayuda' translates to 'prevention and aid policies' in English. These include strategies or measures established by organizations, governments, or institutions to prevent certain situations or issues from happening or escalating. Meanwhile, aid policies are set to provide necessary assistance or support. This may apply in various contexts such as health, environmental, social, or economic matters.

programa de promoción
promotion programme

'Programa de promoción' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'promotion programme' in English. This can refer to any type of program or initiative designed to promote something it could be a product, a service, an idea, a place, a person, or any other thing one wishes to promote. It is often used in marketing contexts to discuss strategies for generating attention and interest in whatever it is being promoted.

programa social
social programme

The Spanish term 'programa social' translates directly to 'social program' in English. This generally refers to a plan or organized system of action typically put forth by a governmental or non-governmental organization that aims to address specific social issues, promote certain public goods or values, or improve the general welfare or well-being of a community or demographic group. Examples of social programs might include things like welfare, poverty alleviation programs, publicly funded healthcare, education initiatives, and community development projects.

proteger a menores
protection of minors

The Spanish phrase 'proteger a menores' translates to 'protection of minors' in English. This phrase refers to various legal and social measures and structures in place to ensure the safety, well-being, and rights of individuals who are under the age of 18, which is usually considered the threshold of adulthood. It encompasses a wide range of areas including, but not limited to, child labor laws, child welfare services, regulations against the exploitation of minors, and laws pertaining to the age of consent.

proteger a trabajadores
protect workers

The Spanish phrase 'proteger a trabajadores' translates to 'protect workers' in English. This phrase indicates the safeguarding or ensuring the safety and health of individuals in a working environment. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as advocating for workers' rights, workplace safety measures or legislation that aims to protect workers from harm and exploitation.


Psicólogo is a Spanish term that denotes a professional trained in psychology, usually possessing a degree and responsible for studying and interpreting human behavior, thoughts, emotions, and actions. In English, this professional is known as a psychologist. A psychologist can work in a variety of different contexts, such as counselling, research, education, corporate settings or in the mental health field, offering therapy and support for mental health issues.

recibir una ayuda
receive help

The Spanish phrase 'recibir una ayuda' translates to 'receive help' in English. This is a common phrase, a combination of the verb 'recibir' meaning to receive, and 'una ayuda' meaning a help. It is commonly used in contexts where one person is offering or providing assistance to another, and the individual is willing to accept or receive that help. It can be used in various different scenarios and is not limited to any specific type of help, ranging anywhere from emotional support to physical assistance.

recogida de firmas
collection of signatures

The Spanish term 'recogida de firmas' translates to 'collection of signatures' in English. This phrase is commonly used in various contexts, such as petition drives where signatures are collected to support a cause or initiative. Think of any scenario where a group of people need to provide their signature as a form of agreement or support - that's where you'd use 'recogida de firmas'.

reducción del precio del transporte público
reduction in the price of public transport

The Spanish phrase, 'reducción del precio del transporte público', translates to English as 'reduction in the price of public transport'. It refers to a decrease in the cost that commuters or passengers have to pay for using public forms of transportation such as buses, trams, trains, and other similar services.

residencia para personas mayores
residence for older persons

The Spanish term 'residencia para personas mayores' translates to 'residence for older persons' in English. This is usually referred to a place where older people are taken care of, similar to a nursing home or a retirement home. These places offer suitable amenities and care services specially designed to cater the needs of old or aging people. They provide comfortable accommodation and medical support to older persons, including those who are healthy and those who may need assistance for their daily activities.

residencias para discapacitados
residences for the disabled

The term 'residencias para discapacitados' translates to 'residences for the disabled' in English. These are living facilities designed to accommodate individuals with disabilities. They often contain features such as wheelchair ramps and modified layouts to cater to the various needs of the residents. The goal is to provide a comfortable living environment that enhances the quality of life of the disabled individuals and promotes their independence to the greatest extent possible.

residencias temporales
temporary residences

The Spanish term 'residencias temporales' translates to 'temporary residences' in English. It is used to describe places of accommodation where people live for a short period of time. This could apply to various situations such as vacation homes, dormitories for students, or homes people live in while their primary residence is being repaired or renovated. In a broader sense, it is a place where someone stays temporarily, making it their home for that short timespan.

salir voluntario

'Salir voluntario' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'volunteering' in English. In a broad sense, it implies offering oneself for a service or undertaking, willingly or without being forced. This can be applicable in various contexts including social work, community service or events organization among others. This phrase signifies the act of stepping up spontaneously for a cause, activity or responsibility.

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