Spanish Learn Spanish: Social Services Terms

A comprehensive collection of Spanish vocabulary and phrases related to social services for English-speaking beginners.

acoger a trabajadores
host workers

The Spanish phrase 'acoger a trabajadores' translates to 'host workers' in English. It usually implies providing accommodations or support for workers. The word 'acoger' translates to 'host' or 'welcome,' and 'trabajadores' translates to 'workers.' It’s often used in a business or professional context.


The Spanish word 'adaptación' translates to 'adaptation' in English. This refers to the process in which an organism becomes better suited to its habitat, or the process of changing to fit some purpose or situation. In language context, it could mean adjusting text in one language to make grammatical, idiomatic, or cultural sense in another.


The Spanish word 'aislamiento' translates to 'isolation' in English. It is often used when referring to the act of separating something or someone from other things or people. Just as in English, 'aislamiento' can apply to a variety of contexts, including social, physical, or even emotional isolation. It can also be used in scientific or technical circumstances where isolation is a necessary process or condition.

to isolate

The Spanish word 'aislar' translates to 'isolate' in English. It is primarily used as a verb in various contexts such as in science, technology, and health. For instance, in health, it can refer to the process of keeping an individual away from others to prevent the spread of disease. In technology, 'aislar' may refer to the act of separating a certain part of any system or machinery for safety or functional reasons. Similarly, in science 'aislar' could refer to the process of separating a particular element or compound. It is also used in day to day language to refer to the act of separating or setting something apart from its usual environment or group.

apoyo y orientación
support and guidance

The Spanish phrase 'apoyo y orientación' translates into English as 'support and guidance'. This phrase is used in contexts where assistance, advice, or direction is provided. 'Apoyo' can refer to emotional, financial, or any type of practical support. 'Orientación', on the other hand, usually implies providing direction or advice on how to proceed in a particular situation. Together, the phrases 'apoyo y orientación' clearly convey the provision of help or support along with the assistance in guiding or advising on the course of action.


The Spanish word 'asilo' translates to 'asylum' in English. It is used to denote a place offering protection and safety, particularly for the persecuted and homeless in society, or a place of retreat and security. It also is used in the context of care home for the elderly.


The Spanish word 'asistencia' translates to 'assistance' in English. It can be used in various contexts, similar to English, such as assistance in a project, needing assistance with a task, or providing assistance in a situation. This word can also portray the meaning of attendance or presence in certain events or places like school or a meeting, depending on the context it is used in.

asistente social
social worker

The Spanish term 'asistente social' translates to 'social worker' in English. A social worker is a professional who helps individuals, families, and groups enhance their individual and collective well-being. Their task often involves providing support and resources for navigating various social, medical, and legal challenges. In Spanish speaking regions, 'asistente social' is the professional designated to perform these tasks.

to assist

The Spanish word 'asistir' translates to 'attend', 'assist', or 'be present' in English. It is a verb and it is usually used for referring to someone's presence at a place or event or the act of helping or aiding someone or something. However, it's important to note that the word 'asistir' does not always mean to 'assist' in the context of giving help, as it might imply in English. The use of its meaning is highly dependent on the context in which it is used.

asistir a emigrantes retornados
assist returnees

The Spanish phrase 'asistir a emigrantes retornados' means 'assist returnees' in English. It portrays the idea of extending support or help to those individuals who have returned to their home countries after emigrating or moving to a different country, typically after a certain period. The term inherently means helping these people reintegrate into their society, this assistance could take different forms such as financial, psychological, or logistical support.

asistir a menores
attending minors

The Spanish phrase 'asistir a menores' translates to 'attending minors' in English. This phrase has a context in supervision, care, or help directed towards individuals who are under the age of legal adulthood (minors). In a broader context, it can be used in scenarios such as a nurse attending minors in a hospital, a teacher attending minors in a school etc. This phrase is often used in legal, educational, and healthcare settings.

asistir a trabajadores
assist workers

The Spanish term 'asistir a trabajadores' translates to 'assist workers' in English. This phrase suggests an action, where one person or a group of people are providing help, support or aid to employees or labourers. The concept of assistance might include a variety of tasks depending on the specific context, such as giving information, providing resources, offering physical help, imparting training or simply being there for moral support.

atender a personas mayores
care for older persons

The Spanish phrase 'atender a personas mayores' translates to 'care for older persons' in English. This typically involves providing various types of assistance to elderly individuals, possibly including aiding with basic tasks such as eating, dressing, or moving around, as well as more complex needs like health care management and social interaction. The phrase may be used in both professional and personal contexts, such as in healthcare settings or among family members helping their loved ones.

ayuda económica
economic aid

The Spanish phrase 'ayuda económica' translates directly to 'economic aid' in English. It refers to financial support. This support could be provided by an individual, the government, or a financial institution. 'Ayuda' means 'aid' or 'help', and 'económica' refers to 'economic'. Therefore, 'ayuda económica' can be understood as financial help or support, particularly in a time of need.

ayuda jurídica
legal aid

The term 'ayuda jurídica' in Spanish translates to 'legal aid' in English. This refers to the provision of assistance to individuals who are unable to afford legal representation and access to the court system. It is a crucial aspect of a just and equitable society, making legal services accessible to those who would otherwise be unable to afford them. Depending on the country's legislation, this can cover various types of civil and criminal cases.


The word 'ayudante' in Spanish is translated to 'assistant' in English. An ayudante can be someone who helps another person complete certain tasks or duties, much like an assistant would in a work setting. This could involve a variety of tasks depending on the context, from helping to manage scheduling and correspondence, to lending a hand in physical or more hands-on tasks. Just like in English, 'ayudante' can be applied in many different contexts in Spanish, from a personal assistant in a business setting to an assistant in a classroom or educational setting.

centro de animales (abandonados)
(abandoned) animal center

The Spanish phrase 'centro de animales (abandonados)' refers to a place where animals, often those that have been abandoned, are taken care of. It is similar to the concept of an animal shelter or rescue center in English. These centers are dedicated to taking in animals who have been lost, discarded, or neglected by their owners. They provide essentials like food, shelter, and medical care to these animals, while also working to find them new homes. This work is important for the welfare of these animals and for community health as well.

centro de día
day center

The Spanish term 'centro de día' has a direct translation in English as 'day center'. Generally, these establishments are intended for elderly or disabled people. They offer a variety of services throughout the day, including meals, recreational activities, and supervised healthcare. The goal of these centres is to provide a supportive environment for individuals who may not be able to handle everyday activities alone, while also offering respite for their caregivers. The 'centro de día' thus plays a crucial role in many communities.

centro de menores
juvenile centre

The Spanish term 'centro de menores' translates to 'juvenile center' in English. A 'centro de menores' is a facility where minors who have committed a crime are sent, much like a juvenile detention center in English-speaking countries. It pertains to the juvenile justice system, dealing with individuals not old enough to be held responsible in the criminal justice system. They might attend school and receive other services in these centers, aiming to reintegrate into society.

centro de mujeres
women ' s centre

The Spanish phrase 'centro de mujeres' translates to 'women's centre' in English. This term is commonly used to refer to a community centre or organisation specifically designed or designated for women. These centres aim to promote women's rights, provide support services, and foster a safe environment for women. Examples of such centres can be seen worldwide and they primarily focus on empowering women and addressing female-related issues.

cobrar el subsidio de desempleo
the unemployment benefit

The Spanish phrase 'cobrar el subsidio de desempleo' translates to 'to collect the unemployment benefit' in English. In this context, 'cobrar' means 'to collect', 'el subsidio' means 'the benefit', and 'de desempleo' means 'of unemployment'. Essentially, this phrase is commonly used in Spanish-speaking countries to refer to the action of receiving financial support from the government, typically after losing employment. It broadly encapsulates the process and action of claiming this support.


The Spanish word 'colaboración' translates to 'collaboration' in English. This term describes the process of working together with one or more people in order to achieve a common goal. It's often used in the context of group projects, business partnerships, and other cooperative efforts where multiple input and shared responsibility are key.


The Spanish word 'colaborar' translates to 'collaborate' in English. It is a verb and is commonly used to denote working together on an activity or project. The term invokes a sense of teamwork and joint efforts. For example, you might 'colaborar' with colleagues on a business proposal or with classmates on a group assignment. Just like in English, this term can be used in various contexts where combined action is needed.

colaborar como voluntario
collaborate as a volunteer

The Spanish phrase 'colaborar como voluntario' translates into English as 'collaborate as a volunteer'. This phrase is often used to refer to the act of willingly working with others in a cooperative way, often in a non-profit or charity setting, without expecting any form of direct compensation or payment for the service provided.


The Spanish verb 'cooperar' translates to 'cooperate' in English. It is used to express the concept of working together to the same end or participating in an activity or a group effort. The word 'cooperar' is a regular verb in Spanish and follows the regular verb conjugation rules. Therefore, being able to use and understand it can help in various communicative contexts where teamwork and mutual assistance are needed.

Take care

The word 'cuidar' in Spanish translates to 'take care' in English. It is often used in the context where one is told to look after or be cautious about something or someone such as in the case of caregiving or overseeing safety. For instance, you may 'cuidar a los niños' which means to take care of the kids. Furthermore, it could be used to express worry or concern toward a particular issue or situation.

descuentos en espectáculos
discounts on shows

The Spanish phrase 'descuentos en espectáculos' translates to 'discounts on shows' in English. It refers to a reduction in the original price or cost of shows (like theater performances, concerts, or cinema viewings). This discount could be offered as part of a promotional event, as a special benefit for members of clubs or groups, or to attract more customers during certain periods. The word 'descuentos' means 'discounts' and 'espectáculos' refers to 'shows' or 'performances'.


The Spanish word 'desempleo' translates to 'unemployment' in English. It is often used in a socio-economic context to refer to the state of joblessness. A person is said to be in 'desempleo' when they are actively seeking work but unable to find a job.


The Spanish word 'edad' translates to 'age' in English. It denotes the time that a person, animal, or plant has lived or a thing has existed. It is often used to inquire or talk about someone's age. It is a widely used term in various Spanish-speaking countries and it is an important term to learn for beginners studying the Spanish language.


The Spanish verb 'excluir' translates as 'to exclude' in English. It is used to denote someone or something being left out or not included within a group or category. It can be conjugated into different forms as per the tense and subject. This verb is commonly used in different contexts and is an important word in Spanish.

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