Spanish Religion: Vocabulary Guide

Explore Spanish vocabulary related to religion, from common phrases to specific religious items and concepts.

secta satánica
Satanic sect

The word 'secta satánica' in Spanish translates to 'satanic sect' in English. This phrase is often used in references to groups or communities that practice or are believed to practice forms of satanic worships or rituals. The term has a negative connotation and is associated with aspects of occult and secret societies. The English equivalent carries the same meanings and connotations.

Example sentences with  secta satánica

The Spanish word 'templo' translates to 'temple' in English. In the context of religion, a temple refers to a building used for religious practices and activities such as worship. Similarly, 'templo' in Spanish is also used to refer to a place of worship in various religions. It can also have a more general architectural meaning, describing any grand or impressive building, such as a historic monument or an old institution.

Example sentences with  templo
tener fe
having faith

The Spanish term 'tener fe' translates to 'having faith' in English. It is a phrase used to express confidence, trust, or belief in someone or something, particularly in a religious context. It involves the deep spiritual belief and trust in the higher power or God. It can also be used in a more general context to mean the trust or confidence in the possibility of positive outcome. For example, if you're hoping for a good result, you might say 'I have faith' or 'tengo fe' in Spanish.

Example sentences with  tener fe

The word 'Torá' in Spanish refers to the 'Torah' in English. The Torah is the central reference of the religious Judaic tradition. It has a range of meanings. It can most specifically mean the first five books (Pentateuch) of the 24 books of the Hebrew Bible. This is commonly known to be the written law. It is traditionally believed to have been written by Moses. The Torah is considered the most sacred texts in Judaism.

Example sentences with  Torá
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