Spanish Religion: Vocabulary Guide

Explore Spanish vocabulary related to religion, from common phrases to specific religious items and concepts.


The Spanish word 'politeísmo' translates to 'polytheism' in English. Polytheism is a religious belief or philosophy that recognizes more than one god. In contrast to monotheism, which asserts the existence of one god, polytheism acknowledges a pantheon of deities, each with their own domain, power, and attributes. This concept exists in various cultures and peoples around the world.

Example sentences with  politeísmo

The Spanish word 'practicante' translates to 'practitioner' in English. This is a person who is actively involved in a particular profession or occupation. It could refer to anyone from medical practitioners (i.e., doctors, nurses), legal practitioners (lawyers, paralegals), religious practitioners, and more. In every case, the term implies a certain level of expertise and knowledge, acquired through practice and experience in a specific field or industry.

Example sentences with  practicante
practicar la religión
practice religion

The Spanish phrase 'practicar la religión' translates to 'practice religion' in English. It is a verb phrase that refers to the act of following, observing, or performing religious customs, rituals, or beliefs. This may involve various activities such as attending religious services, praying, reading religious texts, or participating in religious activities or community. Its usage in a sentence in Spanish might be 'Ella decide practicar la religión de sus abuelos.' which means 'She decides to practice her grandparents' religion.' in English.

Example sentences with  practicar la religión

The Spanish word 'predicador' translates to 'preacher' in English. This term refers to someone who delivers sermons or gives religious speeches, typically a member of a religious institution like a church. They often lead religious services and can serve as spiritual guides or counselors. Just like in English, this term can be used both in a general and specific context: referring to anyone who preaches religion or to a specific person or role within a religious institution.

Example sentences with  predicador

The Spanish word 'procesión' translates to 'procession' in English. It refers to a number of people or vehicles moving forward in an orderly way, often as part of a ceremony or festival. For instance, it could be a religious event where believers or clergy march together, a military parade, or a funeral procession. This word generally implies a formal, organized movement rather than a casual walk or journey.

Example sentences with  procesión

The word 'protestante' in Spanish translates to 'protestant' in English. A protestant is a member of any of the Western Christian churches that are separate from the Roman Catholic Church and follow the principles of the Reformation, including the Baptist, Presbyterian, and Lutheran churches.

Example sentences with  protestante

Protestantismo refers to Protestantism in English. This is a form of Christianity that originated with the 16th-century Reformation, a movement against what its followers perceived to be errors in the Roman Catholic Church. Protestants reject the Roman Catholic doctrine of papal supremacy and sacraments, but disagree among themselves regarding the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, and matters of ecclesiastical polity and apostolic succession. They emphasize the priesthood of all believers; justification by faith alone (sola fide) rather than by good works; the teaching that salvation comes by divine grace or 'unmerited favor' only, not as something merited (sola gratia); and affirm the Bible as being the sole highest authority (sola scriptura or scripture alone).

Example sentences with  protestantismo

The Spanish word 'purgatorio' translates to 'purgatory' in English. In religious context, it refers to a place or state of suffering inhabited by the souls of sinners who are expiating their sins before going to heaven. In a more general context, 'purgatory' can also refer to a place or situation of temporary suffering or discomfort.

Example sentences with  purgatorio

The Spanish word 'rabino' translates to 'rabbi' in English. The term is used to denote a religious leader or teacher in Judaism, who is educated in Jewish law, tradition and practices. 'Rabino' is commonly used in religious contexts where the rabbi may lead community services, give sermons or interpret religious texts.

Example sentences with  rabino

Ramadán is a term in Spanish that translates to 'Ramadan' in English. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, observed by Muslims worldwide as a month of fasting, prayer, reflection and community. This annual observance is regarded as one of the Five Pillars of Islam. The month lasts 29–30 days based on the visual sightings of the crescent moon.

Example sentences with  Ramadán

The Spanish word 'redención' is used in the same way as the English word 'redemption'. It can refer to the act of making something better or more acceptable, such as in the context of redeeming one's sins or mistakes. It can also refer to the aspect of salvation in Christian belief. Much like in English, 'redención' is a noun and may require the use of appropriate articles or prepositions based on sentence structure.

Example sentences with  redención

The Spanish word 'reencarnación' translates to 'reincarnation' in English. 'Reincarnation' is a concept, frequently found in Eastern religions, that an individual's soul returns in a new body after physical death. This term not only represents a belief in a kind of afterlife, but also forms part of a longer cyclic view of human existence where souls continuously learn and develop through experiences in successive lives.

Example sentences with  reencarnación

The Spanish term 'reencarnarse' translates to 'reincarnate' in English. The concept of reincarnation is closely associated with certain philosophies and religions, such as Hinduism and Buddhism. In these contexts, 'reincarnate' means to be reborn in a new body after death. In a broader sense, the word can also refer to the idea of being reborn or recreated in a different form or aspect, either literally or metaphorically. As such, 'reencarnarse' carries a similar range of meanings in Spanish.

Example sentences with  reencarnarse

The Spanish word 'religión' translates to 'religion' in English. This word refers to the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods. The concept of 'religion' is a vast one, encompassing various global practices like Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, etc. It is a primary source of moral and cultural values and plays a significant role in influencing socio-cultural practices and norms in different societies.

Example sentences with  religión
religión mayoritaria
majority religion

The Spanish term 'religión mayoritaria' translates to 'majority religion' in English. This term typically refers to the religion that is followed by the greatest number of people within a particular society or community. It could refer to various religions around the world depending on regional demographics, such as Christianity in the United States or Hinduism in India.

Example sentences with  religión mayoritaria
religión minoritaria
minority religion

The Spanish term 'religión minoritaria' translates to 'minority religion' in English. It refers to a religion that does not have a significant following in a particular place or among a particular community. It is generally not the dominant or mainstream religion, and its believers constitute a small fraction of the total population. These religions often have unique practices, traditions, and belief systems that differentiate them from the predominant religions.

Example sentences with  religión minoritaria
religión monoteísta
monotheistic religion

The term 'religión monoteísta' in English translates to 'monotheistic religion'. This refers to any religion that emphasizes belief in a singular, supreme deity. Monotheistic faiths hold that this sole deity is responsible for creation and holds sovereignty over the universe. Some examples of monotheistic religions include Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Understanding such terms can provide a deeper insight into the cultural and religious contexts in Spanish-speaking communities.

Example sentences with  religión monoteísta
religión politeísta
Polytheist religion

The Spanish term 'religión politeísta' translates to 'polytheist religion' in English. A polytheist religion is a type of belief system or faith in which followers believe in and worship multiple deities or gods, unlike monotheistic religions where only one supreme god is worshipped. Examples of polytheist religions include ancient Greek and Roman religions, Norse and Celtic paganism, and many others.

Example sentences with  religión politeísta

The Spanish word 'resucitar' translates to 'resurrect' in English. It is a verb used to refer to the action of bringing someone or something back to life. In a literal sense, it is a term often associated with spiritual or religious contexts, particularly related to the belief in life after death in Christianity. Metaphorically, it can also be used to express the idea of revitalizing, rejuvenating, or restoring something that was previously inactive or in decline.

Example sentences with  resucitar

The Spanish word 'resurrección' translates to 'resurrection' in English. It is most commonly used to refer to the concept of coming back to life after death. In religious context, particularly Catholicism, 'resurrección' is highly significant as it refers to the belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ three days after his crucifixion. However, the word can also be used metaphorically in everyday conversation to describe the revitalization or revival of any phenomenon or entity.

Example sentences with  resurrección

The Spanish word 'rezar' refers to the act of speaking to a deity or higher power, often in the form of a fervent request or expression of thanks. This action, known in English as 'pray', is often a central part of religious or spiritual practices. 'Rezar' can imply both the formal act of prayer, such as in a religious service, or a personal, informal pray, such as praying for good weather or for a loved one's health.

Example sentences with  rezar

The Spanish word 'rosario' translates to 'rosary' in English. It is a string of beads that are used primarily by Roman Catholics for prayers, counting the prayers as they recite them aloud or in their mind. The rosary is considered very holy and is commonly used during personal or group prayer times. The word 'rosario' can also be used as a personal name in some Spanish-speaking regions.

Example sentences with  rosario

The Spanish word 'sacerdote' translates to 'priest' in English. The term is primarily used in religious contexts, referring to an ordained person in a Christian church who is authorized to perform certain rites and administer certain sacraments. 'Sacerdote' carries spiritual connotations, commonly associated with roles of leadership and guidance within a faith community.

Example sentences with  sacerdote
Sagradas Escrituras
Sacred Scriptures

The Spanish term 'Sagradas Escrituras' translates to 'Sacred Scriptures' in English. It is a term that is often used to refer to the holy texts of a religion, such as the Christian Bible. It can also refer to important writings or teachings in other religions. This term is commonly used in religious contexts, highlighting the revered status of these texts.

Example sentences with  Sagradas Escrituras

The Spanish word 'sagrado' translates to 'sacred' in English. It is often used in religious contexts, where 'sacred' refers to something that is regarded with deep respect and reverence in particular religious traditions. However, outside of religion, it can be used more generally to communicate an profound sense of awe and respect. Similarly, 'sagrado' can be used both in a religious aspect or generally in Spanish. It can be related to things, places, or moments considered to have a special significance.

Example sentences with  sagrado

The Spanish word 'salvación' translates to 'salvation' in English. In a religious context, it refers to the act of saving or protecting from harm, risk, loss, destruction, etc. It's often used to denote deliverance from sin and its consequences. In a broader sense, salvation can also mean liberation or rescue from any dire situation. In essence, 'salvación' carries a positive connotation symbolizing freedom or rescue from a negative circumstance.

Example sentences with  salvación
to save yourself

The Spanish word 'salvarse' translates to 'to save oneself' in English. It is a reflexive verb that is used when somebody evokes self-protection or preservation from a dangerous or challenging situation. 'Salvarse' can be used in various contexts, including physical, emotional, or figurative scenarios. An example sentence could be: 'Ella logró salvarse del accidente', meaning 'She managed to save herself from the accident.'

Example sentences with  salvarse

The Spanish word 'san' translates to 'saint' in English. It is generally used as a prefix in front of names of saints or holy figures, as seen in names of places, people, and institutions. For example, 'San Francisco' refers to Saint Francis. 'San' is a term of reverence and respect in Spanish-speaking cultures.

Example sentences with  san

The Spanish word 'santo' translates to 'holy' in English. It is often used in religious contexts to denote something or someone that is associated with sanctity or blessed by a religious institution. In Spanish culture, this word is particularly prevalent due to the country's strong Catholic history. It can be used to refer to a saint (persona santa), a holy day (día santo), or a holy city (ciudad santa). Its usage can also extend beyond the ecclesiastical to express an intense feeling or sentiment as in 'santo cielo!' (holy heaven!).

secta religiosa
religious sect

The Spanish term 'secta religiosa' translates to 'religious sect' in English. A 'secta religiosa' refers to a group of people with somewhat different religious beliefs from those of a larger group to which they belong. The English term 'religious sect' carries the same meaning, hence making these two terms equivalent across both languages.

Example sentences with  secta religiosa
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