Spanish Religion: Vocabulary Guide

Explore Spanish vocabulary related to religion, from common phrases to specific religious items and concepts.


Hinduismo, in English known as 'Hinduism', is a major religion that originated in the Indian subcontinent. It encompasses a wide variety of beliefs, practices and spiritual traditions. Hinduism is considered the world's third largest religion and has a diverse system of thought with beliefs spanning monotheism, polytheism, panentheism, pantheism, pandeism, monism, and atheism among others.

Example sentences with  hinduismo

The Spanish word 'idolatría' translates to 'idolatry' in English. Idolatry refers to the worship of idols or physical objects as a representation of God. It can also imply an excessive attachment or devotion to something. Historically, many religions have considered it as a major sin. This term is widely used in religious and philosophical discussions.

Example sentences with  idolatría
Iglesia anglicana
Anglican Church

The term 'Iglesia Anglicana' translates to 'Anglican Church' in English. The Anglican Church represents the English national branch of the Christian Church which originated from the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century, separating from the Roman Catholic Church. This church spread worldwide through England's global influence and colonization, forming the Anglican Communion. It is known for its middle-way theology between Protestant and Catholic traditions.

Example sentences with  Iglesia anglicana
Iglesia católica
Catholic Church

The Spanish phrase 'Iglesia católica' translates to 'Catholic Church' in English. The literal breakdown of this phrase is 'Iglesia', meaning 'Church', and 'católica', meaning 'Catholic'. This phrase is often used to refer to the entire body of churches in communion with the Pope in Rome, worldwide. It's one of the oldest and largest institutions in the world, making this a very widely recognized phrase.

Example sentences with  Iglesia católica
Iglesia evangélica
Evangelical Church

The Spanish phrase 'Iglesia evangélica' translates to 'Evangelical Church' in English. This is a term used to denote a specific type of Christian church that identifies with the beliefs associated with Evangelicalism, a global Protestant movement. The Evangélica Church is known for their emphasis on personal conversion experience, the Bible as the supreme authority in matters of faith and conduct, and the belief in the active evangelism or spreading of the Christian message.

Example sentences with  Iglesia evangélica

The word 'imán' is a Spanish term that translates to 'magnet' in English. This term originated from the Latin word 'magnēs', which means 'magnet'. Magnets are objects or pieces of material that generate a magnetic field. This field is invisible, but it is responsible for a magnet's most notable property - a force that pulls on other ferromagnetic materials such as iron, and attracts or repels other magnets. Thus, in general usage, 'imán' refers to an object that exhibits the typical properties of a magnet.

Example sentences with  imán

Infierno is the Spanish equivalent of the English word hell. It is used in pretty similar contexts as in English. It refers to a place of suffering in religious contexts, but it can also be used figuratively to depict harsh or unbearable situations. Additionally, it can be part of colloquial expressions.

Example sentences with  infierno

The Spanish word 'inmortalidad' translates to 'immortality' in English. This term is used to describe the concept of being able to live forever without dying or decaying. It has been a topic of interest and speculation in literature, philosophy, and religions worldwide due to the human desire for eternal life. Inmortalidad is a noun and it's commonly used in literary work and profound philosophical discussions.

Example sentences with  inmortalidad

The Spanish word 'integrismo' translates to 'fundamentalism' in English. It generally refers to a form of strict adherence to a particular set of ideals, beliefs, theories, or rules which is often associated with a religious, political, or philosophical viewpoint. This term is often used to describe movements that believe in return to traditional authority and are opposed to modernism or liberal views.

Example sentences with  integrismo
ir a la iglesia
go to church

The Spanish phrase 'ir a la iglesia' translates to 'go to the church' in English. It is a verb phrase, with 'ir' being the verb meaning 'to go', 'a' being a preposition meaning 'to' and 'la iglesia' being a noun phrase meaning 'the church'. This phrase is often used to talk about the action of going to attend a church service or visit a church.

Example sentences with  ir a la iglesia
ir a la mezquita
go to the mosque

The Spanish phrase 'ir a la mezquita' translates to 'go to the mosque' in English. It is a verb phrase made up of the verb 'ir' which means 'to go', the preposition 'a' which means 'to', and the noun 'la mezquita' which means 'the mosque'. It is used in specific contexts when someone is intending or planning to visit a mosque.

Example sentences with  ir a la mezquita
ir a la sinagoga
go to the synagogue

The Spanish phrase 'ir a la sinagoga' translates to 'go to the synagogue' in English. This phrase is typically used when one is expressing the act of going to a synagogue for worship or other religious activities. In Spanish, 'ir' means 'go', 'a' is a preposition that generally means 'to', 'la' is a definite article that translates to 'the', and 'sinagoga' is the noun referring to a 'synagogue'. Therefore, when these words are put together, they mean 'go to the synagogue'.

Example sentences with  ir a la sinagoga
ir a misa
go to mass

The phrase 'ir a misa' in Spanish translates to 'go to mass' in English. It is an idiomatic expression that is used to describe the action of attending a Catholic religious ceremony known as mass. This phrase can broadly be used in general conversations, and would mainly be understood by Spanish speakers who are familiar with Catholic Church activities or events.

Example sentences with  ir a misa

The term 'islamismo' in Spanish translates to 'Islam' in English. It refers to the monotheistic religious belief system originated in Mecca in the 7th century CE, propagated by the Prophet Muhammad. The faith of Islam emphasizes submission to God, with followers known as Muslims. It is one of the major religions in the world, with over 1.8 billion followers or approximately 24.1% of the global population.

Example sentences with  islamismo

'Judío' is a Spanish noun that translates to 'Jew' in English. It is used to refer to people who follow or are connected with Judaism, a monotheistic religion considered one of the world's major religious groups. This term is commonly used in Spanish-speaking countries to identify someone as a follower of Judaism, the same way 'Jew' is used in English.

Example sentences with  judío

The Spanish word 'mártir' translates to 'martyr' in English. This term is used to refer to a person who willingly suffers death rather than renounce his or her religion or beliefs. It can also be used more generally to describe someone who endures great suffering or hardship for a cause or principle.

Example sentences with  mártir

The word 'misionero' in Spanish translates to 'missionary' in English. A 'missionary' is often associated with individuals of certain religious groups who travel to different parts of the world with the aim of spreading their faith or conducting humanitarian work. These individuals are often sent by a church or other religious organization to a foreign country with the aim of teaching their beliefs, providing aid, or otherwise serving the needs of the local population. The term can be applied to anyone who works to spread a set of beliefs or ideals, whether or not they are attached to an organized religion.

Example sentences with  misionero

The Spanish word 'monasterio' translates to 'monastery' in English. A monastery is a building or complex of buildings comprising the domestic quarters and workplaces of monastics, monks or nuns, whether living in communities or alone. In Spanish culture, monasteries are highly revered places associated with religious, social and historical significance.

Example sentences with  monasterio

The word 'monja' in Spanish translates to 'nun' in English. A 'nun' is a member of a religious community of women, typically living under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. This term is generally used in the Roman Catholic church, but is also used more broadly to refer to a woman leading a monastic life in other religious traditions too. It's interesting to note that 'monja' is a noun in Spanish, and like other nouns, its article changes based on the gender and number.

Example sentences with  monja

The word 'musulmán' in Spanish corresponds to 'Muslim' in English. A 'musulmán' is a follower of the religion of Islam, a monotheistic, Abrahamic faith. It's important to remember the correct pronunciation, 'moo-soo-l-mahn'. These individuals believe in the teachings of the prophet Muhammad as the last prophet of God, value the Quran as their holy text, and observe practices such as prayer, fasting, charity and pilgrimage.

Example sentences with  musulmán

The Spanish word for 'christmas' is 'Navidad'. It is used the same way as 'christmas' in English. It refers to the annual Christian festival celebrating Christ's birth, held on December 25 in the Western Church. It's a widely celebrated holiday in Spanish-speaking countries, often marked with family gatherings and festive decorations.

Example sentences with  Navidad
Nuevo Testamento
New Testament

The Spanish term 'Nuevo Testamento' translates to 'New Testament' in English. The New Testament is an integral part of the Christian biblical canon, and it's centered on the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This term is commonly used in religious contexts and conversations about Christianity.

Example sentences with  Nuevo Testamento

The word 'ortodoxo' in Spanish translates to 'orthodox' in English. It is primarily used to describe something or someone as adhering to the accepted or traditional and established faith, especially in religion. In a broader context, it could also refer to anything that is generally accepted as the right or true way. Like the word 'orthodox' in English, 'ortodoxo' carries the same usage and connotation in Spanish.

Example sentences with  ortodoxo

The Spanish word 'paraíso' translates to 'paradise' in English. It is used to depict a place or state of absolute happiness, delight, or an idyllically beautiful location, often considered in religious contexts as a heavenly place. The term 'paraíso' in Spanish carries the same connotations, invoking a sense of perfect peace and profound joy.

Example sentences with  paraíso
parish priest

The Spanish word 'párroco' translates to 'parish priest' in English. In the context of the Catholic Church, a parish priest is a priest appointed by the bishop to represent him to the local parish, which is a subdivision of the diocese that has its own church. The parish priest is the highest-ranking clergyman in the church and is responsible for administering spiritual care to his parishioners.

Example sentences with  párroco

The Spanish word 'pecado' translates to 'sin' in English. It primarily refers to an act considered morally wrong as per the values or principles of a certain religion or societal expectation. It can also be used more broadly to indicate any wrongdoing, mistake, or negative action. The concept of 'pecado', or sin, varies widely across different cultural and religious contexts.

Example sentences with  pecado
pecado capital
deadly sin

'Pecado capital' in Spanish refers to a 'deadly sin' in English. The phrase is often associated with religious contexts, specifically with Christian doctrine. It is used to denote a particular category of sins that are viewed as particularly destructive, severe, and grievous. These sins include wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony in their traditional interpretation. 'Pecado capital' can also be used metaphorically to signify a serious fault or transgression in broader, non-religious contexts.

Example sentences with  pecado capital
pecado mortal
mortal sin

The Spanish term 'pecado mortal' translates to 'mortal sin' in English. This is a concept used primarily in Roman Catholic theology. It refers to a grave offence against God’s law, which can lead to eternal damnation if not repented. The nature of a mortal sin is that it severs the relationship between the individual and God. In a broader, non-religious context, it can be used figuratively to denote a severe error or wrongdoing.

Example sentences with  pecado mortal

The Spanish word 'pecador' translates to 'sinner' in English. This term is used to define a person who transgresses against divine law by committing an immoral act or acts. It is a common word used in religious contexts, often referring to a person who falls short of personal moral codes or societal norms, particularly those related to ethics or religion. However, 'pecador' might also simply be used to refer to someone who has made a mistake or error.

Example sentences with  pecador
pila bautismal
baptismal font

The term 'pila bautismal' in Spanish translates to 'baptismal font' in English. Located within Christian churches, a baptismal font is essentially a basin or receptacle that contains water for the purpose of baptisms. Typically, they are placed prominently in the area of the church known as the baptistery. They hold significant importance in various Christian baptisms where the ritual of water immersion or water sprinkling takes place. 'Pila bautismal' directly corresponds to this religious feature.

Example sentences with  pila bautismal
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