Spanish Religion: Vocabulary Guide

Explore Spanish vocabulary related to religion, from common phrases to specific religious items and concepts.


The Spanish word 'convento' translates to 'convent' in English. It is a noun that is used to refer to a community of priests, monks or nuns living under religious vows. It is generally a place where such religious individuals live, pray and often work. This term is associated with peace, tranquility, and spiritual devotion. The word has Latin origins, specifically from the term 'conventum' which means assembly or meeting. Through history, convents have played significant roles in religion and society, offering a space for worship, education, and charity.

Example sentences with  convento
convertirse al cristianismo
becoming christian

The Spanish phrase 'convertirse al cristianismo' translates to 'becoming Christian' in English. This verb phrase is typically used to describe the process of a person adopting Christian beliefs and practices in their own life. It might be used in a sentence to describe someone's personal faith journey, or in a broader historical or sociological context to describe shifts in religious demographics.

Example sentences with  convertirse al cristianismo
convertirse al hinduismo
to become Hinduism

The Spanish phrase 'convertirse al hinduismo' translates to 'to become Hinduism' in English. This phrase is usually used in a context where an individual is changing or has changed their religious faith to Hinduism. It's a verbal expression, and the usage might differ based on the context of the sentence.

Example sentences with  convertirse al hinduismo
convertirse al islamismo
becoming muslim

The Spanish phrase 'convertirse al islamismo' translates to 'becoming Muslim' in English. It refers to the act of adopting and committing to the teachings and practices of the Islamic faith. The verb 'convertirse' means 'to become' or 'to change oneself into', while 'al islamismo' refers to 'Islam', one of the world's major monotheistic religions.

Example sentences with  convertirse al islamismo

The Spanish word 'Corán' translates to 'Koran' in English. The Koran, also known as the Quran, is the holy book of Islam, considered by Muslims to be a guide in all aspects of life. It is divided into chapters, known as suwar, which are then divided into verses. The word 'Corán' is commonly used in Spanish-speaking countries to refer to this religious text.

Example sentences with  Corán
creer en Alá
believe in Allah

The Spanish term 'creer en Alá' translates to 'believe in Allah' in English. It is primarily a religious term used to express faith or belief in the Islamic religion, specifically in Allah, the supreme god of Islam. Similar to other religious faiths, where followers are said to 'believe in God', in Islam, it is common to express the concept of faith or belief with the phrase 'creer en Alá'.

Example sentences with  creer en Alá
creer en Dios
believe in God

The Spanish phrase 'creer en Dios' translates to 'believe in God' in English. This phrase is used in religious contexts to express the concept of faith in a divine entity, namely God. This phrase could be used in a statement like 'I believe in God' or 'Do you believe in God?' The verb 'creer' is conjugated according to the subject, so it may change form based on who is doing the believing.

Example sentences with  creer en Dios
creer en la reencarnación
believe in reincarnation

The Spanish phrase 'creer en la reencarnación' translates to 'believe in reincarnation' in English. In this phrase, 'creer' means 'believe', 'en' means 'in', and 'la reencarnación' means 'the reincarnation'. This phrase expresses the belief in the idea that an individual's soul, upon death of the body, comes back to earth in another body or form. This concept is a central part of several religious philosophies, including Hinduism and Buddhism.

Example sentences with  creer en la reencarnación

The Spanish word 'creyente' translates to 'believer' in English. This term is generally used to refer someone who believes or has faith, especially in a religious context. For instance, it can be used to describe someone who believes in a particular religion, or in the doctrines and teachings of that religion. 'Creyente' carries much the same connotations as its English equivalent and can also be used metaphorically to describe someone who has a firm belief in non-religious ideas or principles.

Example sentences with  creyente

The Spanish word 'cristianismo' translates to 'Christianity' in English. Christianity is a monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. It is one of the largest religions in the world, and it includes numerous sects or denominations like Catholicism, Protestantism, and Orthodoxy, among others. The central tenets of this religion is the belief in Jesus as the son of God and the messiah, who has sacrificed himself for humanity's sins and resurrected from death. Christians typically refer to their religious scriptures as The Bible, which includes the Old and New Testament.

Example sentences with  cristianismo

The Spanish word 'cristiano' translates to 'christian' in English. This word is a noun, used to refer to followers of the Christian religion which is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. It can also be used as an adjective to describe things associated with or relating to the Christian religion. For instance, 'música cristiana' refers to Christian music. As in English, it can be used to describe persons, events, or objects that involve or reflect Christian teachings or values.

Example sentences with  cristiano

The Spanish word 'crucifijo' translates to 'crucifix' in English. It represents a religious symbol in Christianity, specifically depicting Jesus on the cross. It is used predominantly in worship and rituals, and it also serves as a reminder of Jesus Christ's sacrifice for humanity. The term is derived from Latin 'crucifixus', meaning 'fixed to a cross'.

Example sentences with  crucifijo

The Spanish word 'curar' translates to 'cure' in English. It's a verb and it is generally used to describe the actions taken by healthcare professionals to restore health to someone who is ill. In a broader context, it can also be used as a term to express the action of rectifying or fixing something, similar to how 'cure' can be used in English.

Example sentences with  curar
decir misa
say Mass

The Spanish phrase 'decir misa' directly translates to 'say mass' in English. However, it is commonly used in a figurative sense to mean that something is irrelevant or unimportant. It is typically used in response to someone's statement or opinion, indicating that their views are meaningless or carry no weight. While its literal meaning refers to the act of conducting a Catholic Mass, its idiomatic use is more prevalent in everyday conversation.

Example sentences with  decir misa

The Spanish word 'devoto' translates to 'devotee' in English. It is commonly used to describe someone who is very devoted or dedicated to a certain cause or belief. In a religious context, it can specifically refer to a person who is highly dedicated to their religion or faith. This term can be used in various contexts, not just religious, to describe a high level of dedication or commitment to something.

Example sentences with  devoto

The Spanish word 'divino' is translated as 'divine' in English. It primarily refers to something related to God or a deity, therefore having a spiritual component. It's often used to express admiration for something extremely beautiful or impressive that it seems to have originated from a supreme or heavenly entity. Although predominantly used in religious contexts, 'divino' can be used in casual conversations as well indicating a supreme level of excellence or awe.

Example sentences with  divino
el Papa
the Pope

The word 'el Papa' in Spanish refers to the Pope in English. This is a term used in Catholicism, referring to the Bishop of Rome who holds the highest position in the Catholic Church, taking charge of numerous religious duties, including conducting mass and making religious rulings. Moreover, 'el Papa' is also a symbol for Catholicism and is greatly respected in Spanish-speaking and Catholic majority countries.

Example sentences with  el Papa

The Spanish word 'espíritu' translates to 'spirit' in English. It is used in a variety of contexts, like referring to the inner character or quality of a person, such as 'espíritu de lucha' meaning 'fighting spirit'. Alternatively, it could refer to the non-physical part of a person which is the seat of emotions and character, the soul. Also in a religious context, it is often used to refer to a holy spirit or supernatural beings. Similarly, it is used in phrases to convey the underlying intention or ethos of something, as in 'espíritu de la ley' which means 'the spirit of the law'.

Example sentences with  espíritu

The Spanish word 'eternidad' translates to 'eternity' in English. It is a noun and it is used to refer to a state to which time has no end, the state which comes after death, or existing for a time that has no end. It can also signify an infinite or countless periods of time. Situations or feelings that appear to have no end or limit, or that last for a very extended period can also be described as 'eternity'. 'Eternidad' is often used in spiritual or poetic contexts in Spanish.

Example sentences with  eternidad

The Spanish word 'Evangelio' translates to 'Gospel' in English. It is predominantly used in a religious context, particularly in Christianity, to refer to the teachings or revelation of Christ. The term 'Gospel' can also be used metaphorically to signify any doctrine or message that a person believes wholeheartedly.

Example sentences with  Evangelio

The Spanish word 'extremo' translates to 'extreme' in English. This word is generally used in contexts or situations that represent the highest degree or maximum level of something. For example, the phrase 'extremo peligro' would mean 'extreme danger'. The adjective 'extremo' can describe various phenomenons, states, or attributes, such as temperature, difficulty, necessity, etc., signifying they are at their utmost or highest level.


The word 'fanatismo' does not actually translate to 'fantasy' in English. It translates to 'fanaticism', which refers to the behavior or attitude of individuals who have very strong, often excessive or irrational, beliefs or enthusiasm about something, particularly in political or religious contexts.

Example sentences with  fanatismo

The word 'fetichismo' is Spanish for 'fetishism'. In English, it typically refers to an extreme and irrational devotion or commitment to something, which could be an object, a concept, or a ritual. This often extends beyond 'ordinary' interest or appreciation and may take on a pathological dimension. In a psychological context, 'fetishism' describes a scenario where a person derives sexual arousal from non-living objects or specific situations.

Example sentences with  fetichismo
hacer penitencia
to do penance

The Spanish phrase 'hacer penitencia' translates to 'to do penance' in English. This refers to the act of showing regret for a wrongdoing, usually in a religious context, by performing an action or series of actions determined by a spiritual guide or religious leader. In some cases, this could include prayer, confession, or acts of charity and service. The usage of this phrase is neither colloquial nor common, but highly specific to religious discussions or texts.

Example sentences with  hacer penitencia
hacer un milagro
doing a miracle

The Spanish phrase 'hacer un milagro' translates to 'doing a miracle' in English. This is often used in the context of achieving something truly exceptional or impressive, often against considerable odds or in a seemingly impossible situation, much like what a miracle would imply. The phrase can be used metaphorically and does not necessarily pertain to literal miracles. In daily speech, it might be used to describe problem-solving or achieving some extraordinary results.

Example sentences with  hacer un milagro
hacer un sacrificio
make a sacrifice

The Spanish phrase 'hacer un sacrificio' translates into English as 'make a sacrifice'. It is used to refer to the act of giving up something you value for the sake of something else considered as having more value or importance. It can be used in various contexts such as personal, professional, cultural, religious, etc. The usage of this phrase often involves a sense of selflessness or self-sacrifice for the good of others or achieving a particular aim or goal.

Example sentences with  hacer un sacrificio
hacer una promesa
make a promise

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una promesa' translates to 'make a promise' in English. This phrase combines the verb 'hacer' (to make) with the noun 'promesa' (promise), usually states that someone guarantees they will do a specific action in the future. Making a promise implies commitment, responsibility, and trustworthiness. For instance, we use it in sentences like 'Voy a hacer una promesa' which translates to 'I am going to make a promise'.

Example sentences with  hacer una promesa
hacerse budista
becoming Buddhist

The Spanish phrase 'hacerse budista' translates to 'becoming Buddhist' in English. It implies a person's transition or decision to follow Buddhism, a path of spiritual growth, meditation, and understanding proposed by Buddha. The phrase can refer to the adoption of Buddhist beliefs, customs, and practices due to a change in personal religious or spiritual perspective.

Example sentences with  hacerse budista
hacerse católico
becoming Catholic

The Spanish phrase 'hacerse católico' translates to 'becoming catholic' in English. This is usually used in the context of a person converting their religious beliefs to Catholicism. It's a verb phrase and the process it refers to is often considered a significant life event in many cultures.

Example sentences with  hacerse católico

The Spanish word 'himno' translates to 'hymn' in English. A hymn is a type of song, typically religious in nature and often used in Christian churches. It's designed for congregational singing and played during liturgical services. In a more general sense, 'hymn' may also mean a song of praise. When using 'himno' in Spanish, it carries the same meanings and contexts.

Example sentences with  himno
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