Spanish Religion: Vocabulary Guide

Explore Spanish vocabulary related to religion, from common phrases to specific religious items and concepts.


The word 'adoración' in Spanish translates to 'worship' in English and is typically used to describe the feeling or expression of religious reverence and adoration. This can be used in a sentence to describe religious practices, such as 'La adoración a los santos es común en la iglesia católica' which translates to 'The worship of saints is common in the Catholic Church'.

Example sentences with  adoración

The Spanish word 'agnóstico' translates to 'agnostic' in English. It is used to describe a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God. This word can be used in various contexts relating to religious beliefs and discussions.

Example sentences with  agnóstico
agua bendita
Holy water

The Spanish phrase 'agua bendita' translates to 'holy water' in English. This term is predominantly used in religious contexts, specifically within Christian therapy and rites. The water is blessed by a priest or another religious figure and is generally considered to have spiritually purifying qualities. It is often used in ceremonies like baptisms and blessings.

Example sentences with  agua bendita

The Spanish word 'alma' translates into English as 'soul'. In various contexts, it refers to the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal, often regarded as immortal. It is also used metaphorically in a variety of phrases and expressions to denote the essential part or fundamental nature of a person, thing, or phenomenon.

Example sentences with  alma

The word 'altar' originates from Spanish and has the same meaning in English. An altar can be referred to as a table or a flat-topped block used for religious rituals, especially in offerings or sacrifices to a deity. It has a significant place in places of worship such as churches, temples, or homes where it often holds religious symbols or objects.

Example sentences with  altar
Antiguo Testamento
Old Testament

The term 'Antiguo Testamento' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'Old Testament' in English. The 'Old Testament' refers to the first part of the Christian Bible, which is based mainly on the Hebrew Bible. It is a collection of religious texts that were written before the birth of Jesus Christ and forms the foundation of both Jewish and Christian religions. In Spanish, 'Antiguo' means 'Old', and 'Testamento' translates to 'Testament'.

Example sentences with  Antiguo Testamento

The Spanish word, 'arzobispo', translates to 'archbishop' in English. An archbishop is a high-ranking bishop in the Christian Church, typically governing an ecclesiastical province or diocese. Arzobispo is a very specific religious term, and not typically used in everyday Spanish conversation unless discussing church hierarchy or history.

Example sentences with  arzobispo

The Spanish word 'ateísmo' translates to 'atheism' in English. It represents a belief system, or often a lack thereof, where individuals do not believe in the existence of a god or gods. 'Ateísmo' is a noun in Spanish and it is used in contexts regarding religious discussion or philosophical exploration.

Example sentences with  ateísmo

The Spanish word 'Ateo' translates to 'Atheist' in English. This term refers to a person who does not believe in the existence of God or gods. An atheist might also reject the belief in any form of spiritual or supernatural realm. In other words, an atheist is someone who lives without any religious beliefs or practices. The term 'Ateo' therefore, is used to describe a person who holds such beliefs in the Spanish-speaking world.

Example sentences with  ateo

The Spanish word 'bautizo' is translated into English as 'baptism'. It refers to a Christian sacrament of initiation and adoption, usually with the use of water. It is generally associated with denominations of Christianity that practice infant baptism as well as believers' baptism. The literal sense is 'I baptize' and it can be associated with religious ceremonies, traditions, and rites of passage.


The Spanish word 'beato' translates to 'blessed' in English. This term is commonly used in religious contexts, signifying someone with divine favor or protection. It could also be used to describe somebody that is revered or sanctified. Moreover, 'beato' in the clerical realm is also used to indicate a person who has been beatified by the Catholic church, which is the step before canonization (or sainthood). Regardless of the context, 'beato' generally carries a positive connotation.

Example sentences with  beato

The Spanish word 'bendecir' translates to 'bless' in English. It is often used in a religious context, as when a priest blesses his congregation, but it can also be used in a more generalized manner to suggest bestowing well-wishes or good intentions upon someone. Like many Spanish verbs, 'bendecir' changes its form depending on tense and who the subject of the sentence is. It's a regular verb, so once you know the rules for conjugating -IR verbs in Spanish, you should be able to use it in different contexts.

Example sentences with  bendecir

The word 'bendito' in Spanish translates to 'blessed' in English. In a religious context, it often refers to a divine or holy figure who has been sanctified. 'Bendito' can also be used to express gratitude or joy, conveying a sense of thankfulness and appreciation for someone or something. It can also function as an adjective, describing a person, place, or thing that brings happiness or good fortune.

Example sentences with  bendito

The word 'Biblia' in Spanish translates to 'Bible' in English. It is a noun that refers to the religious text of Christianity, encompassing both the Old and New Testaments. It is an important spiritual, cultural, and historical text, used in religious practices and teachings.

Example sentences with  Biblia

The word 'budismo' refers to Buddhism in English, which is a religion and philosophical tradition founded in India during the 5th century BC. This tradition is based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, commonly known as Buddha, focusing on the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment through meditation and ethical living. Buddhism encompasses a variety of traditions, beliefs, and spiritual practices primarily based on the Buddha's teachings and interpreted in various ways around the world.

Example sentences with  budismo

The term 'budista' is Spanish refers to 'Buddhist' in English, which is an adjective used to describe anything relating to Buddhism. Buddhism is a major world religion or philosophy that is founded on the teachings of Buddha and encompasses a variety of traditions, beliefs, and spiritual practices. Hence, a 'budista' could be an individual who follows the teachings of Buddha, or it could refer to principles, literature, structures etc., that relate to Buddhism.

Example sentences with  budista

The Spanish word 'capilla' translates to 'chapel' in English. A 'capilla' is a place, often a part of a larger structure like a church or in a hospital, school or prison, for people to go to pray and participate in religious practices. It's generally smaller than the main place of worship and might be used for more intimate services or ceremonies.

Example sentences with  capilla

The Spanish term 'casarse' does not directly translate to 'marriage' in English. It is a verb, which means 'to get married'. Used in a sentence, 'casarse' refers to the act of entering into a marriage union or ceremony. For instance, in the sentence 'Ellos van a casarse', it means 'They are going to get married'.


The Spanish word 'catolicismo' translates to 'Catholicism' in English. Catholicism is the branch of Christianity that follows the teachings of Jesus Christ, as passed down through the Apostolic succession of the Pope, who is recognized as the successor of Saint Peter. The Catholic Church upholds seven sacraments, including baptism and the Eucharist, as integral to the practice of faith. The word 'catolicismo' in Spanish reflects these same beliefs and religious structures.

Example sentences with  catolicismo

The word 'católico' is a Spanish adjective and noun that translates to 'Catholic' in English. It's often used to refer to someone who follows the Catholic religion, which is a branch of Christianity led by the Pope. It could also be used to talk about anything related to the Catholic Church or its teachings. Like English, the Spanish language also differentiates between the use of capital and lowercase letters. Capitalized 'Católico' typically refers to the organization (the Catholic Church), while lowercase 'católico' refers to the individual believer.

Example sentences with  católico
celebrar misa
celebrate mass

The Spanish term 'celebrar misa' translates to 'celebrate mass' in English. It involves the gathering of a Catholic congregation for prayer and worship, usually led by a priest. The mass is a fundamental part of the Catholic faith. It includes readings from the Bible, prayer, song, and the Eucharist, which is the ritual of consecrating bread and wine to represent the body and blood of Jesus Christ.

Example sentences with  celebrar misa
celebrar un bautizo
celebrate a baptism

The Spanish phrase 'celebrar un bautizo' translates in English to 'celebrate a baptism'. This is a phrase that is oftentimes used in religious proceedings within the Catholic Church. It refers to the festive activities that take place after the sacrament of baptism. This might include a family gathering, a meal, or a party to honor the person who was baptized. It's a way of sharing joy and happiness in acknowledging the welcoming of the person into the Christian community.

Example sentences with  celebrar un bautizo
celebrar una boda
celebrate a wedding

The Spanish phrase 'celebrar una boda' translates to 'celebrate a wedding' in English. This phrase indicates the act of holding a festive event to honor the marriage of two individuals. Typically, this includes a ceremony where vows are exchanged, followed by a reception with food, music, and dancing. The concept of celebrating a wedding is a universal one, found in different cultures and countries around the world, taking on unique traditions and customs to each.

Example sentences with  celebrar una boda

The word 'cielo' in Spanish translates to 'heaven' in English. It is often used in contexts or phrases that discuss ethereal or spiritual concepts. As in English, it can also be used in a romantic sense to metaphorically express an overwhelming emotion. Moreover, 'cielo' can also signify 'sky' in English, depicting the space above the ground where clouds, the sun, and aircrafts can be seen.

Example sentences with  cielo

The Spanish word 'comulgar' translates to 'to receive communion' in English. It is mostly used in a religious context, specifically in the Christian practice, where individuals partake in the Eucharist in remembrance of Christ's death and resurrection.

Example sentences with  comulgar

The term 'comunión' in Spanish translates to 'communion' in English. It is a religious term often used in Christian churches to reference the Eucharist, which is a Christian sacrament or ordinance. It is derived from the Latin word 'communio', which signifies a sharing or common participation. The word can also be used more generally to refer to a sense of shared understanding and fellowship.

Example sentences with  comunión

The Spanish term 'condena' translates to 'conviction' in English. It denotes a legal term for the verdict that comes from a judge or jury in a courtroom setting, concluding that the defendant is guilty of a crime. The same word, 'condena', could also imply a very strong disapproval or disagreement. Contextual usage of the word can influence its interpretation substantially.

Example sentences with  condena

The Spanish word 'condenarse' translates to 'condemnation' in English. It is derived from the verb 'condenar' which means 'to condemn'. This can be used in various contexts like legal, religious, or social, when someone is strongly disapproved or criticized. For instance, in a legal context, it may refer to a severe penal sentence. In a religious context, it might refer to divine punishment. However, usage will often vary based on context.

Example sentences with  condenarse

The Spanish word 'confesar' translates to 'confess' in English. It is a verb used in situations where one needs to admit something that they have done or feel, often something wrong or embarrassing that they have been hiding. It is frequently used in legal and religious contexts, but is also common in everyday conversation. The conjugation of 'confesar' changes according to the subject and tense like many other regular Spanish verbs.


The Spanish word 'confesionario' translates to 'confessional' in English. It is a noun and refers to a small, enclosed booth used for the Sacrament of Penance in the Roman Catholic Church. The confessional is where faithful individuals confess their sins to a priest and seek absolution. The term can also metaphorically refer to any situation where a confession or the disclosure of sins, misdeeds or embarrassing information is made.

Example sentences with  confesionario
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