Spanish Learn Spanish: Postal Service

A collection of Spanish vocabulary for postal service items.

dictar una carta
dictate a letter

The Spanish phrase 'dictar una carta' translates to 'dictictate a letter' in English. It describes the action of instructing someone else to write down what you are saying, commonly understood as the process in which you are saying words out loud for somebody else to transcribe and produce a written letter or document.

empleado de correos
post office

The Spanish term 'empleado de correos' can be translated to English as 'post office employee'. This is a person who works at the post office, an establishment for the reception, dispatch, and delivery of letters and packages, and selling stamps and other postal supplies.

empresa de mensajería
courier company

The term 'empresa de mensajería' is Spanish for 'courier company'. A courier company is a firm specializing in delivering messages, packages, and mail. These companies offer quicker and more targeted delivery services than usual mail. They are known for their speed, security, tracking service, and specialization and offer services for different kinds of goods such as documents, small packages, and even large shipments. In modern times, courier companies are an essential part of the logistics and supply chain industry, helping businesses and individuals to send and receive items efficiently and effectively.


The Spanish word 'encabezamiento' translates to 'heading' in English. It is often used in the context of documents or publications, referring to the title or introductory section of a piece. It can be used in contexts such as books, articles, letters, or any text that requires a title or an introductory section. The word 'encabezamiento' is a noun and it is derived from the verb 'encabezar' which means 'to lead' or 'to head'.

entregar en mano
deliver in hand

The Spanish phrase 'entregar en mano' is translated to English as 'deliver in hand'. This phrase is typically used in instances where a direct or personal delivery of an item or document is being referred to. For example, a letter or package that needs to be delivered directly and personally to the recipient rather than being sent via mail or courier could use this phrase. It implies a level of responsibility and assurance that the item will reach the desired target without any concerns of it getting lost, as it may do during indirect methods of delivery, like post or courier services.

entregar la correspondencia
deliver the correspondence

The Spanish phrase 'entregar la correspondencia' translates to 'deliver the correspondence' in English. It consists of two main parts: 'entregar' which means 'to deliver', and 'la correspondencia' which refers to 'the correspondence'. This phrase could be used in situations such as mailing a letter or delivering an official document. In a broader context, it can also symbolize the act of transmitting or passing on information or items from one individual or place to another.

entregar un mensaje
deliver a message

The Spanish phrase 'entregar un mensaje' translates to 'deliver a message' in English. This is commonly used to refer to the act of making sure that a message, which can be either verbal or written, reaches the person or group of people it is intended for. In a broader context, it can also mean to convey or communicate a certain idea or point.

entregar un telegrama
deliver a telegram

The Spanish term 'Entregar un telegrama' translates to 'Deliver a telegram' in English. The verb 'Entregar' means 'to deliver' and 'un telegrama' is an indefinite article and noun combination that translates to 'a telegram'. Therefore, the phrase implies the act of delivering a telegram which might be associated with the job duties of a postman or anyone in a similar role. Remember to note the difference between the pronunciation and emphasis on certain syllables in Spanish as compared to English.

entregar una carta
deliver a letter

The phrase 'entregar una carta' in Spanish translates to 'deliver a letter' in English. This can pertain to physically giving a written letter to someone or the act of sending it through a mail service or courier. It is often used in multiple contexts, such as giving a letter to a friend, sending an official document, or delivering news by means of a written letter.

enviar con acuse de recibo
send with acknowledgement

The Spanish phrase 'enviar con acuse de recibo' translates to 'send with acknowledgement' in English. It refers to the practice of sending something (usually a document or a package) with the understanding that the recipient will acknowledge its receipt. This is similar to delivery confirmation in parcel services where the sender ensures that the item has been delivered by receiving a notice or proof of delivery.

enviar contra reembolso
send cash on delivery

The Spanish term 'enviar contra reembolso' translates to 'send cash on delivery' in English. This phrase is often used in commerce, primarily in the context of shipping goods. When an item is 'sent cash on delivery', it means that payment is given to the delivery person at the time of delivery. It is a type of transaction where the buyer makes the payment for a good at the time of delivery. If the buyer is not making payment at the time of delivery, the good will be returned to the seller.

enviar la correspondencia
send the correspondence

The Spanish phrase 'enviar la correspondencia' translates into English as 'send the correspondence'. This phrase is often used in a formal or business context to imply the act of sending letters, packages, emails, or any form of communication to another person or organization. The word 'enviar' directly translates to 'send' and 'la correspondencia' means 'the correspondence'. Hence, the phrase 'enviar la correspondencia' is basically instructing or urging someone to send the communication or the document.

enviar una postal
send a postcard

The Spanish phrase 'enviar una postal' translates to 'send a postcard' in English. It is associated with the action of mailing a rectangular piece of thick paper or thin cardboard intended for writing and mailing without an envelope. This term is often related to travel and communication, as postcards are typically mailed by travelers to friends and family to share a greeting or update from a different location.


The term 'envío' in Spanish translates to 'shipping' in English. It mainly refers to the action or process of sending goods from one place to another. This can be done in different ways such as by mail, courier, shipping services, etc. It is a commonly used term in businesses, especially in ecommerce and logistics, where products need to be sent to customers or to different business locations.

escribir una carta a mano
write a letter by hand

The Spanish phrase 'escribir una carta a mano' translates to 'write a letter by hand' in English. This phrase represents an action, specifically the physically hand-written communication through a letter. Usually, it refers to traditional correspondence, which is written on paper rather than typed on an electronic device. 'Escribir' means 'to write', 'una carta' means 'a letter', and 'a mano' means 'by hand'. Therefore, this act emphasizes the personal touch and effort put into the communication.

escribir una carta a máquina
write a letter to machine

The Spanish phrase 'escribir una carta a máquina' does not mean 'write a letter to machine' in English. Properly translated, it means 'to type a letter'. The verb 'escribir' means 'to write', 'una carta' means 'a letter', and 'a máquina' means 'with a machine' or 'by machine', indicating the use of a typewriter or computer. Therefore, the full translation does not involve writing a letter to a machine, but rather using a machine to write or type a letter.

escribir una carta a ordenador
write a letter to computer

The Spanish phrase 'escribir una carta a ordenador' translates to 'write a letter to computer' in English. In this context, 'escribir' means 'write', 'una carta' means 'a letter', and 'a ordenador' means 'to computer'. This phrase could be used in scenarios where you are instructing someone to draft a letter using a computer, where 'a ordenador' implies using the computer as a tool for writing the letter.

escribir una postal
write a postcard

'Escribir una postal' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'write a postcard' in English. It is formed from the verb 'escribir', which means 'to write', and the phrase 'una postal', which means 'a postcard'. This phrase is generally used in the context of writing postcards for travel, holiday, or other special occasions. It's a great phrase to know if you plan to communicate via traditional mail while in a Spanish-speaking country.

escribir unas letras
write a few letters

The Spanish phrase 'escribir unas letras' translates to 'write a few letters' in English. This phrase can be used in multiple contexts. For instance, it could be used to refer to composing a few physical letters to send via mail, or metaphorically to suggest starting to write or work on a piece of writing. It might also be used in conversation to indicate the simple act of writing few alphabet letters on a paper for practice or demonstration.

escribir unas líneas
write some lines

The Spanish phrase 'escribir unas líneas' translates to 'write some lines' in English. This could be used in a variety of contexts, such as asking someone to write a few sentences or lines of a poem, story, or letter. The verb 'escribir' means 'to write', 'unas' is a form of 'uno' that can interpret as 'some', and 'líneas' is the plural of 'línea', which means 'line'. The instruction suggests to write not just a word or two but a few coherent sentences.

fechar una carta
date a letter

The phrase 'fechar una carta' in Spanish means 'to date a letter' in English. It refers to the action of writing down the date on a letter, which typically indicates the day when the letter was written. This is a common practice in formal letter writing where the date is often included at the top of the letter under the sender's address. This phrase can also metaphorically mean to indicate or specify a particular time or period.


The Spanish word 'franqueo' translates to 'postage' in English. This term is commonly used in postal services and essentially refers to the payment for the service of delivering or sending letters, parcels, or packages. For example, one might need to pay for 'franqueo' when sending a letter internationally. Thus, understanding this term can be particularly useful when dealing with postal services or discussing mailing items in Spanish-speaking countries.

gastos de envío
shipping costs

The Spanish term 'gastos de envío' translates to 'shipping costs' in English. It is a common term used in commerce to refer to the charges that the consumer pays to get the products delivered to their location. This term is often found in e-commerce sites, retail businesses, and shipment services. It varies depending on factors such as the delivery location, the weight of the product, and the shipping company's tariffs.

giro postal
postal order

The Spanish term 'giro postal' translates to 'postal order' in English. A postal order, often used as a method of sending money through the mail, is a financial instrument purchased at a post office. It is considered a safer alternative than sending cash as it can be tracked and only cashed by the person to whom it is issued.

giro telegráfico

The term 'giro telegráfico' in Spanish actually translates to 'telegraphic transfer' in English. It refers to a method of transferring money from one bank to another, especially across international borders, which used to be done via telegraph signals before the digital era.


The Spanish word 'inauguración' translates to 'opening' in English. This can refer to the act or ceremony of formally starting something, such as an event, building, or institution. It can also denote the start or first part of something. Additionally, it can represent a formal celebration that marks the beginning of a major public event.

mandar por correo

The Spanish phrase 'mandar por correo' is translated into English as 'mail'. This term is often used to denote the system for sending letters and packages from one place to another. In a broader context, it can also refer to the act of sending electronic letters or messages through the internet. The term can be used both as a noun and a verb in a sentence. For instance, when used as a verb, it may imply the act of sending something, usually a letter or package, through the mail service.

mantener correspondencia

The Spanish phrase 'mantener correspondencia' translates to 'correspondence' in English. It implies the practice of writing, receiving, and reading letters, particularly if it is done on a regular basis between two parties. This could be for personal, professional, or academic purposes. Therefore, when we 'mantener correspondencia' in Spanish, we are maintaining a consistent communication or exchange, often through written correspondence or letters.


The Spanish word 'matasellos' refers to a postmark in English. A postmark is a mark printed on a letter, package, or other postal article, indicating the date and place of mailing. This is commonly observed on the postage stamps where it signifies the place and the time of posting. The term 'matasellos' is a combination of two words in Spanish: 'mata' means 'kill' and 'sellos' means 'stamps', when combined it can be understood metaphorically as 'cancelling the stamp', which is a fundamental function of the postmark.


The Spanish word 'membrete' translates to 'letterhead' in English. A letterhead refers to the heading at the top of a sheet of letter paper. It usually includes the name, address, and logo of a company or organization. It's traditionally used in official correspondences to convey professionalism and authenticity.

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