Spanish Learn Spanish: Postal Service

A collection of Spanish vocabulary for postal service items.

abrir el buzón
open the mailbox

The Spanish phrase 'abrir el buzón' translates to 'open the mailbox' in English. It's an expression that is used when someone is going to check their mail by unlocking and opening the box where their paper mail is delivered. This could apply in both formal and informal situations, and can be used in various contexts, such as when expecting a letter or package in the mailbox.

abrir la correspondencia
open mail

The Spanish phrase 'abrir la correspondencia' translates to 'open mail' in English. This phrase is typically used in a professional or personal context where one is requested or required to open their mail or correspondences. In Spanish, 'abrir' means 'to open', 'la' is a definite article which translates as 'the', and 'correspondencia' means 'correspondence' or 'mail'. Overall, this phrase signifies the action of opening mail or letters received.

apartado de correos
post office box

The term 'apartado de correos' in Spanish generally refers to a 'post office box' in English. Strategically placed within post offices, these boxes are assigned particular numbers and rented out to individuals or businesses on an annual basis. This rental service allows individuals or businesses to collect mail and small packages at a location separate from their home or business address. The term is widely used for receiving mail in areas where mail delivery is not possible or practical.


The word 'buzón' is a Spanish term that represents a physical box or virtual location where mail or electronic messages are placed when delivered. It's commonly used in a postal context and can be found in homes, businesses or on the streets. In English, this word is translated as 'mailbox'. It is a common and essential item related to communication means in every day life in many cultures.

carta certificada
certified letter

The Spanish term 'carta certificada' directly translates into English as 'certified letter'. It is an important term commonly used in post offices and legal settings, and is associated with an advanced and secure method of letter delivery. A certified letter, in general, is a high-priority mail item that provides the sender with a mailing receipt or acknowledgment of receipt upon delivery, which is also often accompanied by tracking online. It is an ideal method for sending important documents or information that needs to be delivered reliably and with evidence of delivery.

carta confidencial
Confidential letter

The Spanish phrase 'carta confidencial' translates to 'confidential letter' in English. This term is often used in professional settings or in legal contexts where information being shared must remain private between the sender and the recipient. It is a document that has sensitive or important information. Confidential letters are sealed or enveloped under security conditions and are supposed to be opened and read only by the person to whom it's addressed. This is the English equivalent of 'carta confidencial'.

carta de reclamación
claim letter

The Spanish phrase 'carta de reclamación' translates to 'claim letter' in English. It refers to a formal written document that one sends to a company, institution, or individual expressing dissatisfaction or seeking redress for grievances. It is often written in a professional tone, detailing the issue at hand, the impact of the problem, and the expected resolution. Considering the importance of effective communication, understanding the term 'carta de reclamación' is essential when interacting in business or official environments.

carta de solicitud de trabajo
letter of request for work

The Spanish phrase 'carta de solicitud de trabajo' translates to 'letter of request for work' in English. This term is used in the business and professional context, usually when someone wants to apply for a job in a company. It includes details about the applicant's skills, experiences, and reasons why they believe they're suitable for the job. The 'carta de solicitud de trabajo' serves as an introduction and a request for job consideration, similar to a cover letter in the English-speaking world.

carta formal
formal letter

The phrase 'carta formal' in Spanish translates to 'formal letter' in English. A formal letter is a letter written in formal language, generally used for official communication and correspondence. The language, style, and content of such a letter depend on the purpose of the letter and who is being addressed. 'Carta formal' can be used in personal, academic or business settings where a degree of formality is required.

carta manuscrita
handwritten letter

The Spanish phrase 'carta manuscrita' translates to 'handwritten letter' in English. This term is typically used to reference a physical letter that is written by hand, often with a pen or pencil, as opposed to being printed or typed. Handwritten letters are traditionally seen as more personal and intimate, because they require more effort and time to create than digital forms of communication. They are often used for personal correspondence, like letters to friends or family, thank you notes, or sentimental messages.

carta mecanografiada
Type letter

The term 'carta mecanografiada' in Spanish translates to 'type letter' in English. This often refers to a letter or document that has been produced using a mechanical device, like a typewriter. Generally, 'carta' means 'letter' and 'mecanografiada' is the past participle of the verb 'mecanografiar', which means to type or typewrite. In a broader context, it can also refer to any typed document especially in professional or formal settings.

carta oficial
Official letter

The Spanish term 'carta oficial' translates to 'official letter' in English. This term is used in formal contexts, often in business, legal, and academic environments. An official letter is a piece of correspondence that is of a formal and sanctioned nature. The specificity of the terminology is crucial in certain circumstances, as an 'official' letter carries more authority than a casual, non-official letter. It may contain valuable information, important announcements, legal details, or other official communication, and is usually written in a formal language and tone.

carta personal
personal letter

The Spanish phrase 'carta personal' translates to 'personal letter' in English. A personal letter is a type of letter (or written communication) exchanged between individuals for personal purposes. Personal letters can include various types of communication such as thank you notes, condolences, invitations, and congratulations. They are less formal than business letters and allow for a personal touch. In Spanish, just like in English, personal letters are a common and important form of communication.

carta privada
Private letter

A 'carta privada' in Spanish refers to a written communication, document, or message from one individual to another, and is intended for the recipient’s eyes only. The term translates to 'private letter' in English. This form of communication is often used in personal and sometimes professional contexts, where the sender wishes to convey private or confidential information.

carta urgente
Urgent letter

The Spanish phrase 'carta urgente' translates to 'urgent letter' in English. It is used to indicate a letter or document that needs immediate attention and quick action. This can be anything from an important contract, a letter of notification, a deadline-sensitive invitation, or critical communication. Its sense of urgency is expressed through the term 'urgente', while 'carta' means letter. It's a phrase one might frequently encounter in a business or official context.

to correspond

The Spanish word 'cartearse' translates to 'correspond' in English. Derived from the term 'carta' which means 'letter', 'cartearse' is a reflexive verb that is typically used in a formal context or in literary works. It implies exchanging letters or communicating with someone else, usually over a period of time. It can also be used metaphorically to denote an exchange of ideas or information.

cartero comercial
commercial mail

The Spanish term 'cartero comercial' translates to 'commercial mail' in English. A commercial mail refers to a category of mail used by businesses for advertising, soliciting donations, providing information, etc. It includes items such as brochures, catalogs, advertisements, newsletters and so on. This type of mail plays a vital role in business communication and is considered a cost-effective mode of direct marketing.

cerrar un sobre
Close an envelope

The Spanish phrase 'cerrar un sobre' translates to 'close an envelope' in English. It is a verb phrase that is used to describe the action of sealing or closing an envelope, usually after placing a letter or something else inside it. The verb 'cerrar' specifically means 'to close', and 'un sobre' refers to 'an envelope'. Thus, 'cerrar un sobre' gives us the specific action 'close an envelope'.


The Spanish word 'certificar' translates to 'certify' in English. It is typically used to refer to the confirmation or verification of certain conditions or standards being met. For example, a product might be 'certificado', or certified, meaning it meets certain safety or quality standards. Similarly, in legal contexts, a document might be 'certificado', indicating it's been officially acknowledged or validated. It is a verb, and its conjugation follows the standard rules of Spanish verbs ending in '-ar'.

certificar un paquete
certify a package

The phrase 'certificar un paquete' in Spanish translates to 'certify a package' in English. The act of certifying a package refers to the process of validating, verifying, or confirming the authenticity or accuracy of a package. This could be done for various reasons such as assurance of quality, validity of contents, safety standards, etc. In many cases, this certification process is required by laws or regulations in different sectors like commerce, shipping, or manufacturing.

certificar una carta
certify a letter

The Spanish phrase 'certificar una carta' translates as 'certify a letter' in English. This refers to the process of officially verifying a letter's contents, authenticity, or delivery. It's often used in legal, academic, or professional contexts where confirmation of a letter's validity is critical. The certification process might involve notarization, official seals, or signatures from relevant authorities. Businesses or individuals might certify letters for various reasons such as confirming details of agreements, realizing certain actions, or ensuring the receipt of important communication.

cheque postal
postal cheque

The Spanish term 'cheque postal' translates to 'postal cheque' in English. It refers to a financial instrument, usually a type of cheque, sent by mail to a payee who then cashes it through the postal system. Functioning similarly to regular bank cheques, the 'cheque postal' offers a more secure method for sending money through mail because it can be replaced if lost or stolen.

correo aéreo
air mail

The Spanish term 'correo aéreo' translates to 'air mail' in English. This term is used to refer to the system of sending mail by aircraft, which is typically faster than ground or sea mail. It is commonly used in postal services to allow for quicker and more efficient delivery, especially for international mail. Despite the advent of electronic mail, 'correo aéreo' still plays a vital role in global communication.

correo ordinario
regular mail

The Spanish term 'correo ordinario' translates to 'regular mail' in English. This is the standard system of sending letters and packages through a postal service. 'Correo' stands for 'mail' and 'ordinario' means 'regular'. Typical usage of 'regular mail' refers to non-electronic, physical delivery of documents and other packages.

correo postal
postal mail

The Spanish term 'correo postal' translates to 'postal mail' in English. It is a system for physically transporting postcards, letters, and parcels. In a wider sense, the term can refer to the whole process of sorting, handling, and delivering post. It's an old method of communication, especially useful for sending items over long distances, and while it has been largely replaced by electronic mail ('correo electrónico' in Spanish) in day-to-day communication, 'correo postal' remains critical for various official and commercial purposes.

cuerpo de la carta
body of the letter

The Spanish term 'cuerpo de la carta' translates to 'body of the letter' in English. This refers to the main section of a letter, the part that contains the majority of the information. It's where the writer elaborates on the main points and details of their message after the opening or greeting. In both Spanish and English correspondence, the body of the letter is an essential part, as it communicates the main intent of the letter.

descifrar una carta
decipher a letter

The Spanish phrase 'descifrar una carta' translates to 'decipher a letter' in English. This is a verb phrase that denotes taking a letter that is written in code or a difficult to understand format, and figuring out what it says, making it understandable. This could be used in the context of solving a puzzle, understanding a complex problem, or literally deciphering a coded message in a letter.


The Spanish word 'despedida' translates to 'goodbye' in English. This word is commonly used in Spanish-speaking countries to bid farewell or say goodbye to someone. Similar to its English equivalent, 'despedida' is used when parting ways at the end of any social gathering, event, or everyday conversations. It can also be used formally or informally depending on the context.


The Spanish word 'destinatario' translates to 'recipient' in English. It is primarily used in contexts such as mail services, electronic communications, banking and similar, where there is a sender and a receiver or 'recipient' of an item or service. A 'destinatario' could be the recipient of a letter, email, package, or even the beneficiary of a monetary transaction.

destinatario ausente
recipient absent

The Spanish phrase 'destinatario ausente' is translated into English as 'recipient absent'. In a formal setup, this term is often used in mail or package delivery to indicate that the intended recipient of the goods or services was not present at the time of delivery. It is an indication that the delivery could not be completed as the party meant to receive the item was not available. In email communications, this could be used metaphorically to communicate that the intended receiver of the message is not paying attention or not responding.

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