Spanish Spanish Vocabulary: Politics and Government

Learn key Spanish vocabulary for discussing politics and government. Ideal for beginners and intermediate students.


The word 'unidad' is Spanish translates to 'unity' in English. It is primarily used to talk about concepts of solidarity, oneness, and cohesion in both social and technical context. For example, it can represent unity in a community or the unity in a system of equations in mathematics.

Example sentences with  unidad

The Spanish word 'unión' can be used in a variety of contexts similar to English. It can mean the act of joining two or more things together, as well as a group of people or states that have agreed to work together for a common cause. For example, in a sentence, 'La unión de estas dos empresas creará una potencia global' - The union of these two companies will create a global power.

Example sentences with  unión
Unión Europea (UE)

Unión Europea (UE) is a Spanish term that translates to 'European Union (EU)' in English. Formed after World War II to foster economic cooperation and prevent future hostilities between European nations, the EU is a regional organization that promotes and enforces laws related to economics, politics, and society amongst its member countries. This term is often used in international relations and business contexts.

Example sentences with  Unión Europea (UE)

The Spanish word 'urna' translates to 'urn' in English. This word is generally used to refer to a large, often decorative, container, particularly those that are used to hold the ashes of someone who has been cremated. Additionally, 'urna' can also refer to a container used to hold lots or draw tickets in a lottery or vote.

Example sentences with  urna

The word 'vicepresidente' is a noun in the Spanish language. It translates to 'vice-president' in English. The vice-president is often the second in command and is usually prepared to assume the responsibilities of a president if required. Its use is widespread in various contexts, including politics and business. 'Vicepresidente', like 'presidente', can be used to refer to both men and women.

Example sentences with  vicepresidente

The Spanish word 'votante' translates to 'voter' in English. In the context of political elections or democratic processes, a voter (votante) is an individual who has the right to vote, either in local or national decisions. The word 'votante' reflects the active role citizens play in political choices in a democratic society.

Example sentences with  votante

The Spanish word for 'vote' is 'voto'. It is used in the same context as in English, referring to the act of expressing a formal indication of choice in decision-making situations such as in elections or referendums. The plural form is 'votos'. For example, 'Mi voto es secreto' translates to 'My vote is secret'.

Example sentences with  voto
voto (en blanco)
blank vote

The Spanish term 'voto (en blanco)' translates to 'blank vote' in English. In the context of voting or elections, it indicates a vote that is either not given to any candidate or a ballot that is left empty. This usually signifies the voter's indifference, protest, or dissatisfaction towards all of the candidates or the voting system in general. Hence, it is a way of participating in the voting process without supporting any candidate or proposal.

Example sentences with  voto (en blanco)
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