Spanish Spanish Vocabulary: Politics and Government

Learn key Spanish vocabulary for discussing politics and government. Ideal for beginners and intermediate students.

poder judicial

The Spanish term 'poder judicial' translates to 'judiciary' in English. This is a system where judges are tasked with making decisions based on the law. It includes courts that have the authority to determine both civil and criminal cases. In broad terms, it comprises the mechanism established for the resolution of disputes, enforcement of rights, and punishment of offenders under the country's constitution. The judiciary is one of the three branches of government, along with the executive and legislative branches, functioning independently of each other for a system of checks and balances.

Example sentences with  poder judicial
poder legislativo

In English, 'poder legislativo' translates to 'legislature'. This term is used to describe the part of government that has the power to create, amend, and repeal laws. The legislature is often composed of elected representatives who work together to shape and influence law within a certain country, state, or jurisdiction. As such, the 'poder legislativo' plays a crucial role in the function and governance of society.

Example sentences with  poder legislativo
poder político
political power

The Spanish term 'poder político' translates to 'political power' in English. This encompasses the authority and influence that those in governance or positions of leadership have over political affairs, legislation, and societal rules within a certain geographical area or community. It also relates to the ability to influence, control or even manipulate social and public behavior, policy changes, distribution of resources and other key political decisions.

Example sentences with  poder político

The word 'política' is used in Spanish in the same context as 'policy' in English. It most commonly refers to a course or principle of action proposed or adopted by an organization or individual. For example, company policy( política de la empresa), government policy (política gubernamental), or privacy policy (política de privacidad).

Example sentences with  política

The Spanish word for political is 'político'. This adjective can be used in various contexts related with the art or science of government or governing, especially of a political entity like a country, and the administration and control of its internal and external affairs.

Example sentences with  político

The Spanish term 'presidencial' translates to 'presidential' in English. It is used to describe something related to or possessing the characteristics of a president. For example, in terms of governance, residence, powers, actions, decisions, or period of service. It is often used to refer to debates, elections, or powers associated with the role of a president.

Example sentences with  presidencial
presidente electo

The Spanish term 'presidente electo' translates to 'president-elect' in English. This term refers to an individual who has been elected as the president but has not yet officially taken or started their role or office. The term is especially used in the interim period between an election and the official inauguration or swearing-in of the individual as president.

Example sentences with  presidente electo
presidente en funciones
Acting President

The Spanish term 'presidente en funciones' translates to 'acting president' in English. This term is often used in a political context, referring to an individual who is temporarily filling in the role of a president, often due to the absence, incapacity, or death of the substantive president. 'Presidente en funciones' can also pertain to a person who holds the office until a new president is elected or appointed.

Example sentences with  presidente en funciones
presidir (el gobierno)
preside (the government)

The term 'presidir (el gobierno)' in Spanish translates to 'preside (the government)' in English. In a political context, it means to occupy the highest position or have control over something such as a meeting, event, or government. For instance, a president or a chairman would preside over their respective organizations or institutions. Hence, when a person is said to 'presidir el gobierno', they are at the helm of the government, making important decisions and guiding its operations.

Example sentences with  presidir (el gobierno)
presidir (un) gobierno
preside over (a) government

The Spanish term 'presidir (un) gobierno' refers to the act of leading or occupying the highest position in the government, equivalent in English to 'preside over (a) government'. This includes activities like decision-making, setting policy direction, and representing the government at official events or in diplomatic matters.

Example sentences with  presidir (un) gobierno

The Spanish word 'princesa' translates to 'princess' in English. This term is often used in the context of royal or noble rank, or informal address. In stories, a princess is usually a high- ranking female element of royalty, typically the daughter of a king or queen. They are often depicted in fairy tales or other historical narratives.

Example sentences with  princesa

The Spanish word 'príncipe' translates to 'prince' in English. It is commonly used to refer to a male royal ruler of a small country, or a monarch's son. The word 'príncipe' comes from the Latin word 'princeps', meaning 'first in time or order; the chief, most distinguished, ruler, prince.' It can also be used metaphorically to refer to someone pre-eminent in a particular field or someone viewed as a superior example.

Example sentences with  príncipe
programa electoral
electoral programme

The Spanish term 'programa electoral' translates to 'electoral programme' in English. An electoral program, also known as a political platform, is a list of the policies that are endorsed by a political party or candidate, which they propose to implement, if they secure the mandate in the elections. It serves as a set of principles, actions, and policy goals that the party or candidate stands for, effectively guiding their stint in office post election.

Example sentences with  programa electoral
propaganda electoral
electoral propaganda

The term 'propaganda electoral' in Spanish refers to the spread of information, either in support of or opposition to a political cause, policy or candidate during an election period. It is used by political parties and candidates to influence voters' perspectives and decisions. Similarly, in English, 'electoral propaganda' is communication specifically designed to influence the political viewpoints of potential voters in the period preceding an election.

Example sentences with  propaganda electoral

The Spanish word 'provincia' translates to 'province' in English. It is a principal administrative division within a country. This term can signify a wide array of regions and districts, from the provincial government to the territorial boundary. Countries are often divided into provinces to manage their territories more efficiently.

Example sentences with  provincia

The Spanish word 'rebeldía' translates to 'rebellion' in English. It is typically used to describe an act of resistance against an established authority, control, or tradition. Often it is associated with nonconformity to a system, defiance, insubordination, or dissent. This word is commonly used in both everyday conversation and formal contexts such as literature and news reporting.

Example sentences with  rebeldía

The Spanish word 'referéndum' translates to 'referendum' in English. A referendum is a general vote by the electorate on a single political question which has been referred to them for a direct decision. It is often used in matters of constitutional or political changes. This democratic process allows citizens to directly participate in making specific legislative or constitutional decisions. The term 'referéndum' is used in the same context in Spanish speaking regions.

Example sentences with  referéndum

The Spanish word 'región' is used exactly like the English word 'region.' It can describe an administrative division within a country, a geographical area, or a realm of activity, knowledge, or influence. It can be used metaphorically as well, however, the context usually makes its meaning very clear.

Example sentences with  región

The Spanish word 'reina' translates to 'queen' in English. This term represents a female monarch who is generally the sovereign ruler of a kingdom or realm. It is also used metaphorically to mean a woman perceived as the best or most important in her sphere of activity.


The Spanish word 'república' translates to 'republic' in English. A republic is a form of government where power resides in the people, and the country is considered a 'public matter' with officials being representatives of the public and must govern according to existing constitution.

Example sentences with  república

The Spanish word 'republicano' which translates to 'republican' in English, typically refers to a supporter of a republic, a form of government that is not a monarchy or dictatorship, and can also denote a member of a specific political party carrying the name 'Republican'. It is often used in a political context to describe a person's political beliefs or affiliation.

Example sentences with  republicano

In Spanish, 'rey' is the word for 'king'. It's generally used to refer to the male ruler of a nation who usually inherits his position by virtue of birth- similar to the usage in English. It can also be used metaphorically to represent someone who is best at something, or to denote extreme importance in a specific context.

Example sentences with  rey

The Spanish word 'senado' translates to 'senate' in English. The term is most commonly used in political contexts to refer to a legislative or governing body. In a broader sense, a senate represents the upper house or chamber in a bicameral legislature, typically having a smaller membership and often more authority than the lower house. The term originates from the Roman Empire, where the senate was the advisory council of the ancient Roman republic.

Example sentences with  senado

The Spanish word 'senador' translates to 'senator' in English. A senator is a member of a senate, which is a governing body in many countries. They usually have significant power in the government and are involved in making legislation or laws. 'Senador' can refer to this role in any country, not just Spain or Spanish-speaking countries. The word is used in the same contexts and has the same connotations as 'senator' does in English, and can be used to discuss politics, government, and legislative acts.

Example sentences with  senador
ser de un partido político
being of a political party

The Spanish phrase 'ser de un partido político' translates to 'being of a political party' in English. It is used to denote the affiliation or the act of belonging to a specific political party. This can be used in various contexts, such as discussing one's political identification or describing someone else's political allegiance. In a sentence, you might say 'Yo soy de un partido político' which means 'I am of a political party'.

Example sentences with  ser de un partido político

The Spanish word 'soborno' translates to 'bribe' in English. It generally refers to the act of giving or receiving something of value to influence the actions of an authority or party. It's often used in cases of corruption, where officials may accept 'sobornos' to favor certain individuals or groups. It is important to note that the act of bribery is considered illegal and unethical in most societies.

Example sentences with  soborno

Socialismo, translated to English as 'socialism', is a political, social, and economic philosophy that advocates for the means of production, distribution, and exchange to be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. This ideology posits that the ownership and control of the resources, means and ends of production, should be shared by the community to prevent exploitation and ensure a fair distribution of wealth and services. Historically, socialism has been associated with an opposition to capitalism and the belief in a cooperative system replacing competitive private enterprise.

Example sentences with  socialismo

The term 'socialista' is Spanish for 'socialist'. A socialist is a person who believes in socialism, which is a political and economic theory of social organization advocating that the production, distribution, and exchange of goods should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. This ideology promotes equal opportunities and equal distribution of wealth.

Example sentences with  socialista
Tercer Mundo
Third World

The term 'Tercer Mundo' is Spanish for 'Third World'. It is used in socioeconomic contexts often referring to underdeveloped or developing nations, typically in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The term originated during the Cold War, dividing the nations into three categories: First World referred to the US, Western Europe, and their allies; Second World referred to the Soviet Union, China, and their allies; 'Tercer Mundo' or Third World referred to neutral and non-aligned countries, many of which were impoverished. However, in the modern context, it is more commonly used to describe nations that face economic challenges and higher rates of poverty.

Tribunal Constitucional
Constitutional Court

Tribunal Constitucional is a Spanish term which translates to 'Constitutional Court' in English. A Constitutional Court is a high court that deals with matters related to the constitution of a country. It is where issues of constitutional legality are decided, such as testing the constitutionality of laws or government decisions. It plays a vital role in a nation's system of checks and balances, enforcing the fundamental laws of the land and ensuring that the government functions within its constitutional boundaries.

Example sentences with  Tribunal Constitucional
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