Spanish Spanish Vocabulary: Politics and Government

Learn key Spanish vocabulary for discussing politics and government. Ideal for beginners and intermediate students.


Marxismo, better known as 'Marxism' in English, is a social, political, and economic theory originated by Karl Marx, which emphasizes the role of class struggle in society and the ways in which capitalism, as a socio-economic system, leads to social inequality. It suggests the means of production should be owned and controlled by the proletariat (workers) and promotes the establishment of a classless society. These ideas have had large influences on numerous political movements and social change throughout history, and they continue to be important theoretical frameworks within sociology, political science, and various other disciplines.

Example sentences with  marxismo
mesa electoral
electoral table

The term 'mesa electoral' in Spanish refers to an electoral table in English. It's generally associated with elections in Spanish-speaking countries, where voters physically go to a location, such as a school or a town hall, to cast their ballots. The 'mesa electoral' consists of pertinent materials like the ballot box, electoral roll, legal instructions for voting, and the necessary privacy materials. Due to the democratic nature of these countries, it represents voting and democracy and is known to all citizens who can vote.

Example sentences with  mesa electoral

The word 'ministerial' in Spanish translates to 'ministerial' in English. It is an adjective that is used to describe something pertaining to a minister or the ministry. This could refer to any sort of high authority in a government, religious, or other organization. It is often used in contexts relating to power, leadership, and management.

Example sentences with  ministerial

The Spanish word 'Ministerio' translates to 'Ministry' in English. In a governmental context, a ministry is a department or specific branch of a government. This division is headed by a minister who is appointed by the head of the state. Ministries focus on a specific segment of governance like health, defense, education, and more. Thus, 'Ministerio' refers to these specific departments within a government or organization.

Example sentences with  Ministerio
ministro de Asuntos Exteriores
Minister of Foreign Affairs

The Spanish phrase 'ministro de Asuntos Exteriores' translates to 'Minister of Foreign Affairs' in English. This is a high-ranking official in a national government who is responsible for handling international relations and representing their country to the rest of the world. This person may negotiate treaties, engage in diplomatic talks with representatives from other countries, and work on issues like trade agreements, international human rights, and global environmental policies.

Example sentences with  ministro de Asuntos Exteriores
ministro de Defensa
Minister of Defence

The term 'ministro de Defensa' in Spanish translates to 'Minister of Defence' in English. This is a high-ranking government position responsible for coordinating and supervising all agencies and functions directly related to national security and the armed forces. The Minister of Defence has the authority over the army, navy, and air force. He or she is sometimes a member of the country's executive, judicial, or legislative branch, depending on the country's constitution.

Example sentences with  ministro de Defensa
ministro de Educación
Minister of Education

The Spanish phrase 'ministro de Educación' translates to 'Minister of Education' in English and it refers to the government member in charge of the education department who is responsible for creating and implementing policies related to education sector. This role includes overseeing educational institutions, curriculum standards and policies ensuring educational development in the country.

Example sentences with  ministro de Educación
ministro de Interior
Minister of the Interior

The Spanish phrase 'ministro de Interior' translates to 'Minister of the Interior' in English. This is a governmental role similar to Secretary of the Interior or Home Secretary in other countries. The person in this position is typically responsible for policies related to homeland security, including emergency preparedness, national defense, and immigration. They may also oversee important departments such as law enforcement agencies, fire departments, and sometimes the postal service. The exact duties of the Minister of the Interior vary depending on the specific country's governmental structure.

Example sentences with  ministro de Interior

The word 'monarquía' is a Spanish term that corresponds to the English word 'monarchy'. It refers to a form of government where the power is specifically invested in one individual, who is the monarch or the king/queen. The rule and the power are usually inherited within a certain family. Monarchs may have different roles and powers depending on the country and its specific form of monarchy, some can have absolute power, whereas others are merely symbolic or ceremonial in nature.

Example sentences with  monarquía

The word 'nación' in Spanish is used to refer to a community of people, who live in a specific territory, have a common culture and are politically organised. It can also refer to a country or state. Just as in English, 'nación' can be used in various contexts, including politics, geography, and culture.

Example sentences with  nación

The word 'nacional' in Spanish is used to refer to something that is related to a nation or country, similar as in English. It encompasses areas like national identity, national law, national interest, etc. For example, 'Parque Nacional' means 'National Park'. It can also relate to a citizen or item from the country, for instance, 'Equipo nacional de fútbol' translates to 'National football team'.

Example sentences with  nacional
Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos (OEI)
Organization of Ibero-American States (OEI)

The 'Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos (OEI)' is an international organization, known in English as the 'Organization of Ibero-American States (OEI)'. This organization consists of 23 member countries primarily from Latin America, Spain, Portugal and Equatorial Guinea. In English-speaking countries, it's commonly referred to by its acronym 'OEI'. The OEI is based in Madrid, Spain and mainly concerns itself with education, science, technology and culture in the Ibero-American space.

Example sentences with  Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos (OEI)
Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU)
United Nations Organization (UN)

The 'Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU)' is a Spanish term, which translates to 'United Nations Organization (UN)' in English. The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945. It is composed of nearly every independent nation and serves as a global forum for resolving international conflicts, facilitating cooperation in international law, promoting human rights, fostering social and economic development, and coordinating efforts to tackle global challenges, such as climate change and poverty.

Example sentences with  Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU)
Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte (OTAN)
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

The 'Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte (OTAN)' is Spanish for 'North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)'. This signifies an international organization composed of North American and European countries brought together by the North Atlantic Treaty, which was signed on 4 April 1949. This entity functions as a collective defence wherein independent member states agree to mutual defense in response to an attack by any external party.

Example sentences with  Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte (OTAN)

The Spanish word for 'country' is 'país'. It is used similarly to English, to refer to a nation or state. For example, 'Estados Unidos es un país' - United States is a country. The plural is 'paises' which means 'countries'.

Example sentences with  país
países en vías de desarrollo
developing countries

The Spanish term 'países en vías de desarrollo' translates to 'developing countries' in English. These are countries that have a lower living standard, underdeveloped industrial base, and low Human Development Index relative to other countries. They are usually characterized by being less industrialized, having lower incomes per capita, higher rates of illiteracy, and lower health standards.

Example sentences with  países en vías de desarrollo
países pobres
poor countries

The Spanish term 'países pobres' translates to the English term 'poor countries'. This phrase refers to countries that lack certain basic necessities and opportunities usually enjoyed by most countries, such as adequate healthcare, education, and employment. The term 'poor' here describes a state of poverty, in terms of wealth, resources, and opportunities, rather than a lack of moral or personal quality. However, it is important to note that this term can be considered pejorative and may not truly capture the diverse realities and potential of these countries.

países ricos
rich countries

The Spanish term 'países ricos' translates to 'rich countries' in English. This term refers to nations that possess great wealth, either by a high gross domestic product or by a large personal wealth per capita among residents. They are also often recognized for their influence on global matters, such as politics and economy. The wealth of these countries allows them to invest heavily in infrastructure, education, healthcare, and other sectors that directly contribute to the high living standards of their citizens.

ballot paper

The word 'papeleta' in Spanish translates to 'ballot paper' in English. It is commonly used in the context of voting or elections. It refers to the physical paper that voters use to mark their votes for different candidates or issues. The use and importance of the 'papeleta' may depend on the voting system of a specific country or institution.

Example sentences with  papeleta

The Spanish word 'parlamentario' translates to 'parliamentary' in English. In politics, it refers to something that is related to a parliament or its proceedings. A parliament is a supreme legislative body in a government. 'Parlamentario' can be used as an adjective to describe anything related to such a body, like 'debate parlamentario' (parliamentary debate).

Example sentences with  parlamentario

The Spanish word 'parlamento' translates to 'parliament' in English. It is a noun that refers to the highest legislature, typically made up of elected representatives, in a government. For example, in many countries, the parliament is the sovereign legislative body and it may be bicameral or unicameral. Its primary roles often include passing laws, creating budgets, and making important decisions for the country.

Example sentences with  parlamento
partido de centro
centrist party

The Spanish term 'partido de centro' translates to 'centrist party' in English. This term typically refers to a political organization or party that avoids leanings towards the far-left or far-right, instead favoring moderate, middle-of-the-road stances on most political issues. Centrist parties often work towards balancing social equality and social order, aiming to combine elements of both liberal and conservative ideologies.

Example sentences with  partido de centro
partido de derechas
right-wing party

The term 'partido de derechas' in Spanish directly translates to 'right-wing party' in English. A 'right-wing party' is a political organization or group that follows the principles of right-wing politics, such as limited government intervention, free market capitalism, and traditional societal values. These parties can exist within many different political systems and countries, and their specific policies can vary widely. However, they generally advocate for individual liberties and economic freedoms.

Example sentences with  partido de derechas
partido de izquierdas
left-wing party

The term 'partido de izquierdas' in Spanish translates to 'left-wing party' in English. This phrase is typically used to describe a political party that advocates for social equality and opposes the social hierarchy. The left-wing parties often endorse policies aimed at addressing issues such as inequality, climate change, social justice, and labor rights. However, the specific ideologies and policies may vary significantly between different left-wing parties.

Example sentences with  partido de izquierdas
partido de la oposición
opposition party

The phrase 'partido de la oposición' in Spanish translates to 'opposition party' in English. It is used in a political context to refer to a party in the lower house which is not in government and contests the decisions of the party in power. Similarly, in an election, an opposition party is one that competes against the party currently holding power. The main role of an opposition party involves scrutinizing government policies and providing an alternative government for voters if they are not satisfied with the current government.

Example sentences with  partido de la oposición
partido político
political party

The Spanish phrase 'partido político' translates to 'political party' in English. A political party is an organised group of people who share similar political views and work together to influence public policy and government actions. They do this typically by participating in elections, with the intent to get their candidates elected to various government offices. Political parties play a crucial role in a democratic system, encouraging citizen participation and representing a diversity of opinion within a political system.

Example sentences with  partido político
perder (las) elecciones
loss (the elections)

The Spanish term 'perder (las) elecciones' can be translated into English as 'lose (the) elections'. It is usually used in a political context referring to a candidate who does not win a political competition such as presidential, congressional, or local elections. The term 'perder' means 'to lose', and 'elecciones' means 'elections'. The parentheses around 'las' indicate that the word may be omitted depending on the context of the sentence in which the phrase is used.

Example sentences with  perder (las) elecciones
periodo electoral
electoral period

The term 'periodo electoral' in Spanish directly translates to 'electoral period' in English. This phrase refers to the timeline or sequence of events leading up to an election. It typically includes the registration of candidates, campaigning, voting, and the announcement of results. This term is used in the context of political elections, whether they are local, regional, national, or even organizational such as in clubs or societies.

Example sentences with  periodo electoral
pertenecer a un partido político
belong to a political party

The Spanish phrase 'pertenecer a un partido político' translates to 'belong to a political party' in English. It implies that the individual is a member of a specific political group or party. The word 'pertenecer' means 'to belong', 'a' means 'to', and 'un partido político' means 'a political party'. This phrase may be used in the context of discussing political affiliations or activities.

Example sentences with  pertenecer a un partido político

The word 'población' is used in Spanish to refer to the total number of people living in a specific geographical area such as a city, country, or the world. It can also refer to a group of individuals of a specific type living in an area. Just like in English, it is used in various contexts, including but not limited to, demography, statistics, and geography.

Example sentences with  población
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