Spanish Spanish Vocabulary: Politics and Government

Learn key Spanish vocabulary for discussing politics and government. Ideal for beginners and intermediate students.


The Spanish term 'electorado' translates to 'electorate' in English. This term is typically used in a political context and refers to all the people in a country or area who are entitled to vote in an election. In a broader sense, 'electorate' can also refer to a body of voters in a specified area who elect a representative to a legislative body.

Example sentences with  electorado

The Spanish word 'embajada' translates to 'embassy' in English. An embassy is a diplomatic office or mission that one country appoints in another country to represent its affairs. Embassies generally provide services like issuing visas, taking part in trade activities between the two countries, and aiding its citizens who are visiting or living in the foreign country.

Example sentences with  embajada

The Spanish word 'embajador' translates to 'ambassador' in English. An ambassador is an authorized representative or diplomat of a nation, often residing in a foreign country. Ambassadors principally serve to maintain diplomatic relations and to deal with issues related to politics and trade between their home country and the foreign country. So in a sense, an 'embajador' is someone who represents and advocates for their country while based in another country.

Example sentences with  embajador

The word 'estado' in Spanish translates to 'state' in English. It's used in a similar context, such as when referring to the condition of someone or something, a state in a country, or expressing a particular condition that something is in. An example phrase would be 'El estado de la habitación' which translates to 'The state of the room.'

Example sentences with  estado
estado autonómico
autonomous state

The term 'estado autonómico' in Spanish translates to 'autonomous state' in English. An autonomous state is a state or region that has a high degree of self-governance, or autonomy, from a federal or national government. It operates independently in certain matters while still being part of a larger entity. It is often used to refer to regions or provinces within larger nations that have their own local governments, and may have their own laws, regulations, and constitutions. Examples of autonomous states include Catalonia in Spain, Scotland in the UK, and Tibet in China.

Example sentences with  estado autonómico
estado de derecho
rule of law

The Spanish term 'estado de derecho' translates to 'rule of law' in English. This term refers to the principle that law should govern a nation, as opposed to being governed by arbitrary decisions of individual government officials. It primarily refers to the influence and authority of law within society, particularly as a constraint upon behavior, including behavior of government officials. 'Estado de derecho' is a fundamental principle in much of the western world where the power of the state is limited in order to protect citizens' rights.

Example sentences with  estado de derecho
estado democrático
democratic state

The term 'estado democrático' in Spanish translates to 'democratic state' in English. A democratic state is a form of government where the people have the authority to choose their governing legislature. It is a type of political system that is shaped by citizens and their participation, emphasizing equal rights, freedom of speech, and a fair rule of law.

Example sentences with  estado democrático
estado federal
federal state

'Estado federal' is a term in Spanish referring to 'federal state' in English. It is a specific political entity characterized by a union of partially self-governing provinces, states, or other regions under a central federal government. This term encapsulates the political structure found in nations such as the United States, where individual states have powers that are independent of the federal government, but are still under its regulation. In translation, 'estado' stands for 'state' and 'federal' remains identical in English.

Example sentences with  estado federal

The Spanish word 'extranjero' is used to denote something or someone from another country, not native. It is commonly used in contexts where you are talking about foreign languages, countries, people, goods etc. It is important to note that this term can be both a noun and an adjective, depending on the context in which it is used.

Example sentences with  extranjero

Fascismo is a Spanish word that translates to 'fascism' in English. Fascism is a form of far-right, authoritarian political ideology that is characterized by dictatorial power, strong regimentation of society and the economy, and the suppression of opposition through force and censorship. It emerged in early 20th-century Europe from nationalist and other right-wing ideologies. Fascism is commonly associated with the regimes of Benito Mussolini in Italy, Adolf Hitler in Germany, and Francisco Franco in Spain.

Example sentences with  fascismo
firmar un pacto
sign a pact

The Spanish phrase 'firmar un pacto' translates to 'sign a pact' in English. It is a verbal phrase usually used in formal or legal contexts. Here, 'firmar' is the verb meaning 'to sign' or 'to authorize', and 'un pacto' is a noun phrase meaning 'a pact' or 'an agreement'. In use, the phrase describes the action of officially agreeing to a deal or contract by signing it.

Example sentences with  firmar un pacto
firmar un tratado
sign a treaty

The Spanish phrase 'firmar un tratado' translates to 'sign a treaty' in English. This phrase is typically used in conversations regarding international politics, where it is regularly used to discuss countries making formal agreements with one another. Such a treaty can be about a wide variety of issues, such as trade conditions, peace agreements, or environmental commitments. The act of signing the treaty finalizes the negotiation process between the involved parties, making the agreed upon terms legally binding, assuming the treaty is ratified by the necessary governing bodies.

Example sentences with  firmar un tratado
formar (el gobierno)
form (the government)

The Spanish word 'formar (el gobierno)' translates to 'form (the government)' in English. It's a verb that's usually used in the context of establishing, creating, or putting together a governing body or political entity. It can also be used more broadly to convey the idea of constructing, building, or making something.

Example sentences with  formar (el gobierno)
ganar (las) elecciones
win (the elections)

The phrase 'ganar (las) elecciones' in Spanish translates to 'win (the) elections' in English. It is a phrase used in political context, where 'ganar' means 'to win' and 'elecciones' means 'elections'. It is often used to discuss the outcome of a political race, especially when a candidate or party has received the majority of votes.

Example sentences with  ganar (las) elecciones
to govern

The Spanish verb 'gobernar' translates to 'to govern' in English. It pertains to the exercise of authority in controlling an organization, country or state. The term is commonly used in the context of political power. In use, an example could be: 'El presidente gobierna el país', which translates as 'The president governs the country'.

Example sentences with  gobernar

The term 'gobierno' is used in Spanish to refer to the group of people who control and make decisions for a country, state, etc. It is used in the same way as 'government' in English. For instance, you can use it to talk about politicians, institutions, policies, and more. Moreover, it is a common term when discussing politics and societal issues.

Example sentences with  gobierno
gobierno central
central government

The term 'gobierno central' is Spanish for 'central government'. In politics and law, a central government is the entity responsible for a nation. It creates and enforces laws, manages state affairs, and typically has executive, legislative, and judicial authority. The central government often has the power to make decisions and dictate policies that are implemented nationwide, as opposed to those decided on by regional or local governments.

Example sentences with  gobierno central
gobierno democrático
Democratic government

The term 'gobierno democrático' translates to 'democratic government' in English. A democratic government is a form of government in which power resides in the people and is exercised by them either directly or through elected representatives. This system respects and upholds the principles of democracy, including equality, freedom, and social justice. The concept is a critical aspect of political science and is fundamental to understand international relations, law, historical developments, and societal structures.

Example sentences with  gobierno democrático
gobierno independiente
independent government

The Spanish term 'gobierno independiente' translates to 'independent government' in English. The phrase is used to describe a body of power within a nation or state that operates without control or influence from outside authorities or institutions. It suggests a level of autonomy and self-governance, often in the context of political discussions. For instance, following a regime change or during periods of rebellion or revolution, a region or group might establish their 'gobierno independiente'.

Example sentences with  gobierno independiente
gobierno liberal
Liberal government

The term 'gobierno liberal' in Spanish translates to 'liberal government' in English. A liberal government typically supports ideas such as free political institutions, the free expression of opinion, and a free market economy. Moreover, they often advocate for policies promoting social liberalism, including civil rights and the use of government intervention to promote social justice. These ideologies and principles may vary slightly between different countries and regions based on historical and cultural contexts.

Example sentences with  gobierno liberal
gobierno nacionalista
Nationalist government

The term 'gobierno nacionalista' from Spanish translates to 'nationalist government' in English. This refers to a form of government where the state derives its political legitimacy from the unity of the individuals it governs. 'Gobierno' means 'government' and 'nacionalista' indicates 'nationalist'. This type of government is typically characterized by the promotion of national myths and folklore, and a drive to advance the interests of a particular nation, especially with the aim of gaining and maintaining self-governance, or full sovereignty, over the group's homeland.

Example sentences with  gobierno nacionalista
gobierno progresista
progressive government

The term 'gobierno progresista' in Spanish translates to 'progressive government' in English. A progressive government is one that advocates for or implements progressive policies, which typically involve reform or innovative changes. These governments are often characterized by their focus on social equality, environmental protection, and labor rights. The word 'gobierno' stands for 'government' and 'progresista' stands for 'progressive'. Hence, 'gobierno progresista' can be used to describe a government that is forward-thinking, inclusive, and committed to advancing societal norms and standards.

Example sentences with  gobierno progresista
gobierno totalitario
totalitarian government

The Spanish phrase 'gobierno totalitario' translates to 'totalitarian government' in English. A totalitarian government is a political system in which the state holds total authority over the society and seeks to control all aspects of public and private life wherever possible. In this system, individual freedom is quite limited. It's important to note that understanding how different political systems are described can be helpful for communicating about world events or historical periods in Spanish.

Example sentences with  gobierno totalitario

The word 'gubernamental' in Spanish translates to 'governmental' in English. This adjective is often used to describe something that is related to or is involved with the government. It can be used in various contexts, such as in 'política gubernamental' which means 'governmental policy'. This word stems from 'gobierno' which means 'government' in Spanish, and the '-al' suffix can be likened to the English suffix '-al' used to form adjectives.

Example sentences with  gubernamental
himno (nacional)
anthem (national)

The Spanish word 'himno (nacional)' translates to 'anthem (national)' in English. This word often refers to a rousing or uplifting song identified with a particular group, body, or cause, and in this specific context, it refers to a country's national anthem, which is a patriotic song officially adopted by a country as an expression of national identity.

Example sentences with  himno (nacional)

The word 'internacional' is used in Spanish similarly as 'international' is used in English. It is most often used when referring to things, events, or people that involve more than one country. For example, if someone participates in an 'evento internacional', they are taking part in an 'international event'. It can also be used as an adjective to describe something that is known, recognized or present in many different countries.

Example sentences with  internacional
jefe de Estado
Head of State

The Spanish term 'jefe de Estado' translates to 'Head of State' in English. It refers to the highest-ranking political position and constitutional authority in a country. It can refer to a president, king, queen, or other leader who serves as the nation's main representative or symbol. The specific duties and powers of the 'jefe de Estado' often depend on the country's form of government and its constitution.

Example sentences with  jefe de Estado
legalizar un partido político
legalize a political party

The Spanish phrase 'legalizar un partido político' translates to 'legalize a political party' in English. It refers to the process by which a political party is recognized and officially allowed to participate in political activities such as elections. This term is commonly used in the context of political discussions or legal proceedings.

Example sentences with  legalizar un partido político

The Spanish word 'liberal' translates to 'liberal' in English, retaining the same meaning. It is used to describe someone who is open to new behavior or opinions and is willing to discard traditional values. Liberals aim for equality, where the freedom of the individual is usually emphasized over the authority of the state or the requirements of religion.

Example sentences with  liberal

The Spanish translation for leader is 'líder'. It is used similarly in both Spanish and English to denote a person who leads a group, team, or organization. It can apply to various contexts, ranging from a team leader in sports, a leader in a business organization, to a political leader.

Example sentences with  líder
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