Spanish Spanish Vocabulary: Politics and Government

Learn key Spanish vocabulary for discussing politics and government. Ideal for beginners and intermediate students.

Consejero de Salud
Health Counsellor

The term 'Consejero de Salud' originates from Spanish and translates to 'Health Counsellor' in English language. A Health Counsellor specialises in providing guidance on health-related issues. Their main duties typically include assisting individuals to navigate through health challenges, advising them on healthy lifestyle choices, or providing emotional support during health crises. This term is notably used in health institutions, therapy sessions, and wellness programs.

Example sentences with  Consejero de Salud
Consejo de Europa (CE)
European Council (EC)
Example sentences with  Consejo de Europa (CE)

The Spanish word 'conservador' translates to 'conservative' in English. In a political context, a 'conservador' could refer to someone who holds traditional attitudes and values and is cautious about change or innovation. However, the term can also be used more broadly to describe a person or entity that is resistant to change and prefers to maintain existing conditions, practices, or institutions.

constituir (un) gobierno
constitute (a) government

The Spanish phrase 'constituir (un) gobierno' translates to 'constitute (a) government' in English. This is a verb phrase often used in political contexts, referring to the establishment or formation of a government body. The word 'constituir' means 'to constitute' or 'to form', and 'gobierno' means 'government'. When used in a sentence, it implies the act of setting up or creating a government through an official and formal process. The inclusion of '(un)' which means 'a' in English, is optional and depends on the context of the sentence.

Example sentences with  constituir (un) gobierno

The word 'cónsul' in Spanish translates to 'consul' in English. A consul is a government official living in a foreign city. Consuls represent their home country's interests by aiding and protecting its citizens living or traveling abroad, and they play a key role in promoting the commercial and economic relations between the countries.

Example sentences with  cónsul

The word 'consulado' in Spanish translates to 'consulate' in English. A consulate is a place where a consul, an official representative of the government of one state in the territory of another, normally acting to assist and protect the citizens of the consul's own country, and to facilitate trade and friendship between the people of the two countries. Therefore, 'consulado' is a term used in diplomacy and international relations.

Example sentences with  consulado
convocar (las) elecciones
call the elections

The phrase 'convocar (las) elecciones' in Spanish translates to 'call the elections' in English. It is typically used in the context of politics, where a governing body or official has the power to 'convocar elecciones', or 'call elections'. This process is a way to ask the public to vote, either for a new official, or on a specific issue or policy. The use of 'las' before 'elecciones' is optional and depends on context, but with or without it, the meaning remains the same.

Example sentences with  convocar (las) elecciones

The Spanish word 'corrupción' translates to 'corruption' in English. It typically refers to illegal, unethical, or dishonest behavior by a person in a position of power, often a government official or a corporate executive. Corruption usually involves actions like bribery, embezzlement, or favoritism, and it can undermine social and economic development and justice.

Example sentences with  corrupción
crecer el número de desempleados
grow the number of unemployed

The Spanish phrase 'crecer el número de desempleados' translates to 'grow the number of unemployed' in English. This phrase implies an increase in the number of individuals who are jobless in a particular context or situation, such as a country or industry. It's an expression often used to denote economic instability or a challenging job market.

dar un golpe de Estado
give a coup d'etat

The Spanish phrase 'dar un golpe de Estado' translates to 'give a coup d'etat' in English. A coup d'etat is a sudden and decisive act in politics, especially one resulting in a change of government illegally or by force. It's worth noting that the direct translation can be seen as confusing, as we don't typically 'give' a coup d'etat in English. Instead, we might say 'carry out' or 'execute' a coup d'etat.

Example sentences with  dar un golpe de Estado
Defensor del Consumidor
Consumer Ombudsman

The term 'Defensor del Consumidor' in Spanish translates to 'Consumer Ombudsman' in English. A Consumer Ombudsman is an official appointed to investigate individuals' complaints against a company or organization, especially in the public sector. Their role is to represent the rights and interests of consumers, ensuring that they are treated fairly and protected from any unscrupulous or harmful business practices.

Example sentences with  Defensor del Consumidor
Defensor del Pueblo

The Spanish term 'Defensor del Pueblo' translates to 'Ombudsman' in English. An Ombudsman is an official, usually appointed by government, who investigates complaints (usually lodged by private citizens) against the government, large organizations, or public entities. The literal meaning of 'Defensor del Pueblo' is 'Defender of the People', underlining the protective and investigative role the Ombudsman takes in safeguarding the rights and interests of the public.

Example sentences with  Defensor del Pueblo

The word 'democracia' in Spanish translates to 'democracy' in English. Democracy is a system of government in which power is vested in the people, who rule either directly or through freely elected representatives. As a concept, democracy is derived from the Greek words 'demos' and 'kratia' which means 'people' and 'power' respectively. The word 'democracia' would be used in a context where discussion or representation of such a system of government is required.

Example sentences with  democracia

The Spanish word for 'democrat' is 'demócrata'. It is used in the same context as in English, typically referring to a member of or believer in the Democratic political party. However, it can also mean a person who believes in or supports democracy, the system of government where power is vested in the people, who rule either directly or through freely elected representatives.

Example sentences with  demócrata

The Spanish word 'derechos' translates to 'rights' in English. This term can be used to denote legal, social, or ethical principles of freedom or entitlement. For example, derechos can be employed in contexts such as human rights ('derechos humanos'), civil rights ('derechos civiles') or property rights ('derechos de propiedad'). It's a plural noun, and the single form 'derecho' can mean 'right' as in direction or a field of study in law.

Example sentences with  derechos
derechos constitucionales
constitutional rights

The Spanish term 'derechos constitucionales' translates to 'constitutional rights' in English. These are rights that are explicitly mentioned or inferred in a constitution, the fundamental political code, charter, or governing law of a polity, organization, or other type of entity. Constitutional rights typically include freedom of speech, right to fair trials, right to practice religion, and more. They are an integral part of a democratic society and are instrumental in protecting the freedoms and liberties of individuals.

Example sentences with  derechos constitucionales

The Spanish word 'dictador' translates to 'dictator' in English. It refers to a ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained power by force. The term is usually associated with a negative connotation, implying a lack of democracy, violation of human rights, or the use of military force to seize power.

Example sentences with  dictador

The Spanish word 'dictadura' translates to 'dictatorship' in English. A dictatorship is a political system where power is exercised by a single ruler who has total control and authority, often obtained and maintained by force. It is not a democratic system, as the ruler's power is not subject to control by the people or their representatives. In a dictatorship, individual freedoms and liberties are usually suppressed, and dissent is often met with punishment.

Example sentences with  dictadura
subsistence allowance

The word 'dietas' in Spanish refers to a certain type of allowance. This allowance is not just any regular allowance, it is specifically a subsistence allowance. Subsistence allowance is the amount of money given to someone, typically for employment purposes, which covers basic daily needs such as food and drink. This type of allowance is mainly used to cover the necessary expenses of living, while performing job-related tasks or obligations. It can also be referred to as per diem.


The Spanish word 'diplomático' translates to 'diplomat' in English. A diplomat is a person appointed by a government to conduct diplomatic negotiations and maintain political, economic, and social relations with another country. Diplomats are representatives of their own government to the government of another country or to an international organization. In Spanish, the same role is described by the word 'diplomático'.

Example sentences with  diplomático

The Spanish word 'diputado' translates to 'deputy' in English. This is often used in a political context, referring to a member of a legislative body, particularly in countries like Spain and those in Latin America. A 'diputado' is similar to a congressman or representative and is elected by the people to represent a political party in the government. The word can also be used to refer to a representative of a group, profession or sector in a meeting, congress or another assembly.

Example sentences with  diputado
discurso electoral
election speech

The term 'discurso electoral' in Spanish refers to a public address or a formal talk given by a candidate during an electoral campaign. This speech is intended to express their political platform and to convince voters about their suitability for the role they are running for. The speech can cover a variety of topics including the candidate's goals, policies, and plans if they are elected. In English, this is known as an 'election speech'.

Example sentences with  discurso electoral
disminuir el número de desempleados
decrease the number of unemployed

The Spanish phrase 'disminuir el número de desempleados' translates to 'decrease the number of unemployed' in English. This is generally used in a socioeconomic or political context, referring to the goal of reducing the count of people who do not currently have a job and are actively seeking employment. The word 'disminuir' means decrease, 'el número de' translates to 'the number of', and 'desempleados' means unemployed. Thus, this phrase represents a common aim of government policies and economic strategies to lower unemployment rates.


The Spanish word 'distrito' is used as similar to 'district' in English. It refers to a defined area or territory within a city or town, which is governed or managed at a local level. The term can be found in many contexts, such as school districts, voting districts, or administrative districts. Always be mindful to use it within the right context.

Example sentences with  distrito

The Spanish word 'edil' translates to 'mayor' in English. In local governments, ediles are responsible for the governance and administration of a city or town. They play crucial roles in making important decisions, implementing policies, and managing public services. It's an important political position, usually elected by the citizens of the place.

Example sentences with  edil
ejercer la presidencia
to exercise the presidency

The phrase 'ejercer la presidencia' in Spanish translates to 'to exercise the presidency' in English. This phrase implies the action of carrying out the powers, duties, and functions associated with the role of a president in an official capacity. It is used to describe the actions of being in the presidential role and actively performing the tasks and responsibilities involved with that position.

Example sentences with  ejercer la presidencia
elecciones autonómicas
autonomic elections

The term 'elecciones autonómicas' in Spanish directly translates to 'autonomic elections' in English. This phrase is used to describe the electoral processes that take place within autonomous communities in Spain. These elections determine the local governments of these communities and occur separately from the national general elections.

Example sentences with  elecciones autonómicas
elecciones generales
General elections

The Spanish term 'elecciones generales' translates to 'general elections' in English. In a political context, general elections are usually held at an established frequency and involve the selection of individuals to fill positions in various offices or bodies by the eligible voters of a specific country or area. These can involve various roles, from the highest office in the nation, such as the presidency, all the way down to local councillors or other similar roles. A 'general' election typically denotes a national or wide-ranging vote as opposed to smaller, local, or special elections.

Example sentences with  elecciones generales
elecciones locales
Local elections

The term 'elecciones locales' in Spanish translates to 'local elections' in English. Local elections are a critical aspect of democratic governance, as they grant citizens the opportunity to select local officials who will represent their interests and concerns at the local governance level. Typically, positions like mayors, city council members, sheriffs, and other local governmental offices are filled through local elections.

Example sentences with  elecciones locales
elecciones municipales
municipal elections

The Spanish term 'elecciones municipales' translates to 'municipal elections' in English. These are elections that take place at the city or town level to choose local government officials. In these elections, citizens vote for their preferred candidates to represent and make decisions in their local municipality. This term is widely used in Spanish-speaking countries during local election periods.

Example sentences with  elecciones municipales
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