Spanish Spanish Vocabulary: Politics and Government

Learn key Spanish vocabulary for discussing politics and government. Ideal for beginners and intermediate students.

(primer) ministro
(first) Minister

'(Primer) ministro' is a Spanish term that refers to the term '(First) Minister' in English. In political terms, it is most often used to denote the head of a cabinet, similar to Prime Minister or Premier. This public official is typically the leader of the executive branch of government in a parliamentary system. The minister leads cabinet meetings and oversees the execution of government plans and strategies. The adjective 'primer', meaning 'first', indicates the prominence or superiority of the position within a governmental structure.

Example sentences with  (primer) ministro

The Spanish word 'abstenerse' translates to 'abstain' in English. This word derives from Latin and is a reflexive verb which means to hold oneself back from doing something, not to do something, or to refrain from an action. This word is frequently applicable in the context of voting where a voter chooses not to vote, or in a context where someone does not take part in a particular event or refrains from consuming certain foods or drinks.

Example sentences with  abstenerse

The Spanish word 'administración' is used in much the same way as its English equivalent. It can refer to the managers of an organization, the tasks completed by these individuals, or an academic field of study relating to running businesses or public institutions. It is used in both formal and informal contexts and is commonly found in business and governmental language.

Example sentences with  administración

The Spanish word 'alcalde' translates to 'mayor' in English. It refers to the elected head of a city, town, municipality, or other local government level. As a political position, an alcalde's responsibilities typically include law enforcement and the establishment of local policies and directives. The term is used in Spanish speaking countries, and its English equivalent, mayor, shares much the same connotations and roles within a community.

Example sentences with  alcalde

The Spanish word 'anarquía' translates to 'anarchy' in English. This term is often used to describe a state of society without government or law. Similarly, it can also indicate a situation in which there is a lack of order or coherence. It has been widely used in political discourse, where it is applied to scenarios in which societal or government structures are disregarded or absent.

Example sentences with  anarquía
asumir la presidencia
to assume the presidency

The Spanish phrase 'asumir la presidencia' translates to 'assume the presidency' in English. It involves taking on the responsibilities and roles of the presidency, typically following an election, the resignation or removal of a predecessor, or a succession process. It is often used in the context of political power transitions in a country, corporation, or other organization where such a position exists.

Example sentences with  asumir la presidencia
City Council

The Spanish word 'Ayuntamiento' translates to 'City Council' in English. In Spain, it refers to a local government body that administers a city or town. Members of an Ayuntamiento, known as councilors, are elected by the local population and they make decisions regarding local affairs such as social services, urban planning, and economic development. This term is widely used in the Spanish-speaking world to indicate a similar form of local governance.

Example sentences with  Ayuntamiento

The Spanish term 'burocracia' translates to 'bureaucracy' in English. It refers to the complex structure and procedures of governmental or organizational systems, often characterized by redundancy, lack of flexibility, and inefficiency. It usually involves numerous departments and individuals going through rigorous processes and regulations to carry out decisions or actions. This can include tasks from obtaining permits, deploying resources, or implementing new initiatives.

calendario electoral
electoral calendar

The term 'calendario electoral' in Spanish translates to 'electoral calendar' in English. In politics, an electoral calendar is the schedule of various important dates and events leading up to an election, such as the dates for registration, candidate nominations, campaigning periods, and polling day itself. Understanding the electoral calendar is crucial for participants in the election process as it helps set the pace for all electoral activities.

Example sentences with  calendario electoral

The Spanish word 'campaña' comes from the Latin 'campania'. It's used mainly in the political, advertising and military fields. In politics, 'campaña' refers to the time period in which candidates present their proposals to the voters. In advertising, it refers to the set of strategies used to promote a product or service. And in the military, 'campaña' refers to the operations in a specific time and area.

Example sentences with  campaña
campaña electoral
electoral campaign

The Spanish term 'campaña electoral' translates to 'electoral campaign' in English. An 'electoral campaign' is a systematic, targeted effort, often undertaken by a politician, a political party, or an electoral campaign organization, to influence decision making process within a specific group, typically in the run up to a vote or election. Such campaigns include activities designed to attract the public support needed for the candidate to win the election and typically involve various strategies such as advertising, public speaking, and public relations work.

Example sentences with  campaña electoral

The Spanish word 'candidato' is used exactly like the English word 'candidate'. It refers to someone who is applying for a job or running in an election. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as politics, job interviews, and more. Its plural form is 'candidatos'.

Example sentences with  candidato

The Spanish word 'capital' can have several English meanings based on its usage. It could refer to 'capital' as in a city that serves as the seat of government for a country or state, like 'Madrid' is the capital of Spain. It can also mean 'capital' in an economic context, referring to wealth in the form of money or property, used or accumulated in a business by a person, partnership, or corporation. Moreover, 'capital' might also refer to a capital letter in the context of writing or typography. Its exact English equivalent would therefore depend on its contextual usage in a sentence.

Example sentences with  capital
celebrar (las) elecciones

The Spanish phrase 'celebrar (las) elecciones' translates to 'to hold (the) elections' in English. This phrase is widely used in political context, referring to the process of conducting or organizing elections. It should be noted that the verb 'celebrar' in Spanish has multiple meanings, one of which is 'to hold' in the context of organizing an event. Hence, 'celebrar elecciones' is used when a country or institution is organizing or conducting an election.

Example sentences with  celebrar (las) elecciones

The Spanish word 'censura' translates to 'censorship' in English. In the context of media and communication, 'censura' refers to the suppression, prohibition, or edited alteration of books, films, news, etc., that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security. It's used similarly in both languages, signifying a powerful control mechanism in preserving societal norms or governmental rules.


The Spanish word 'ciudadano' translates to 'citizen' in English. A citizen is a person who legally belongs to a country and has the rights and protection of that country. Citizens can be native born or naturalized and they owe allegiance to their country. Similarly, in Spanish, 'ciudadano' refers to an individual who is a legal member of a particular country, with all the rights, benefits, and duties that come with such membership.

Example sentences with  ciudadano

The Spanish word 'ciudadano' translates to 'citizen' in English. In the societal context, a 'ciudadano' is an individual who is a legal member of a state or country, and has rights and responsibilities associated within that region. The term is universally used across various systems of government to denote members of its public or people who have legal rights under its jurisdiction.

Example sentences with  ciudadano
clase política
political class

The phrase 'clase política' in Spanish refers to a social group that constitutes the politicians in a government or nation. It's a collective term that denotes individuals in the society who are directly involved in the governance or politics of a country. Hence, it translates to 'political class' in English. This term typically includes individuals who hold or have held positions in the executive, legislative, or judicial branches of government, such as presidents, senators, congressmen, governors, mayors or judges. It could also include influential figures like political consultants, lobbyists, activists, political scholars, etc.

Example sentences with  clase política
colegio electoral
Electoral College

The Spanish term 'colegio electoral' translates to 'electoral college' in English. It is a body of people representing the states of the U.S., who formally cast votes for the election of the president and vice president. Similarly, in contexts outside the U.S., it may be referred to groups with similar functions in the process of voting or election. It's a term most widely used in politics.

Example sentences with  colegio electoral
compromiso electoral
electoral commitment

The term 'compromiso electoral' in Spanish translates to 'electoral commitment' in English. It refers to the pledge or promise made by a political candidate or party to the electorate before the election. Such commitments often involve policies or actions that the candidate or party promises to implement if they are elected. Electoral commitments are essential as they provide information on what the political candidate or party intends to do, thus enabling voters to make an informed decision.

Example sentences with  compromiso electoral

Comunismo, translated into English as 'communism', is a system of social organization in which all property is owned by the community and each person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs. This term is also related to the political ideologies that advocate such a system, particularly Marxism-Leninism, and the parties and states that aim to establish, or historically have established, this system.

Example sentences with  comunismo

The Spanish word 'comunista' translates to 'communist' in English. A communist is a person who supports or believes in the principles of communism. Communism is a socioeconomic system where all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs. The term 'comunista' is used in many of the same contexts in Spanish that 'communist' would be used in English.

Example sentences with  comunista

The Spanish word 'concejal' translates to 'councillor' in English. A 'concejal' is a member of a local government council, typically elected by the public. Duties of a 'concejal' might involve, but are not limited to, making decisions about local issues like public services, creating policies, and managing budgets. It's an important role in the management of cities and towns.

Example sentences with  concejal

The Spanish word 'condado' translates to 'county' in English. It refers to a territorial division of a country, defined for political, administrative and geographical purposes. Depending on the context, it can also refer to a domain associated with a count (a noble rank in certain European countries). It can be used in a sentence to denote the geographical or administrative area, for example 'El condado de Los Angeles es muy grande'.

Example sentences with  condado

The Spanish word 'congreso' is used in a very similar way to the English word 'congress'. It primarily refers to the official meeting of the delegates or representatives of an organization, business, community or political party. It can also refer to the national legislative body of a country, much like it does in the United States. For example, the phrase 'El congreso está en sesión' means 'The congress is in session'.

Example sentences with  congreso
Consejería de Educación
Department of Education

The Spanish term 'Consejería de Educación' translates to 'Department of Education' in English. It is a government entity responsible for managing education policies, and it oversees various aspects of the educational system such as curriculum, school standards, teacher qualifications, and student welfare. It plays a critical role in ensuring quality and efficiency in education, which are vital for the country's development and the individual growth of its students.

Example sentences with  Consejería de Educación
Consejería de Medio Ambiente
Environmental Counseling

The term 'Consejería de Medio Ambiente' is Spanish for Environmental Counseling. This term is generally used to refer to a department or agency within Spanish-speaking governments responsible for the enforcement, regulation and administration of environmental policies and preservation. Other related tasks might involve the provision of counseling on environmental matters such as conservation, pollution control, and sustainable management of natural resources. Its English equivalent would typically refer to an environmental agency or department at various levels of government.

Example sentences with  Consejería de Medio Ambiente
Consejería de Salud
Health Counseling

The Spanish term 'Consejería de Salud' translates to 'Health Counseling' in English. This usually refers to the provision of information, advice, and assistance related to health matters, including physical, mental, and emotional health. It can also refer to a department or organization that provides these services.

Example sentences with  Consejería de Salud
Consejero de Educación
Education Counsellor

The Spanish term 'Consejero de Educación' translates to 'Education Counsellor' in English. An Education Counsellor is a professional who assists students in managing their educational and career paths. They offer guidance and support regarding various educational issues, such as course selection, academic performance, and career planning. In Spain and other Spanish-speaking regions, an 'Consejero de Educación' plays a pivotal role in molding the academic and career trajectories of students.

Example sentences with  Consejero de Educación
Consejero de Medio Ambiente
Environmental Counsellor

The Spanish term 'Consejero de Medio Ambiente' translates to 'Environmental Counsellor' in English. This term is very common in the fields of environmental conservation and politics. An Environmental Counsellor typically advises on matters related to environmental policy, conservation strategies, and sustainable practices. This can relate to a variety of contexts such as government, corporations, or non-governmental organizations. The overall objective of an Environmental Counsellor is to help ensure the health and sustainability of the environment and its numerous ecosystems.

Example sentences with  Consejero de Medio Ambiente
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