Spanish Learn Spanish: Plants Vocabulary

An educational page for learning Spanish vocabulary related to plants. Useful for beginners in Spanish and gardening enthusiasts.

planta trepadora
climbing plant

The Spanish term 'planta trepadora' refers to a type of plant known as a 'climbing plant' in English. Climbing plants are plants which climb up trees and other tall objects using special structures such as tendrils or twining stems. They are part of an adaptation strategy which allows them to reach sunlight by using the height of other plants or structures in order to grow. Examples of climbing plants include vines, ivy, and some species of roses and passion flowers. This term is frequently used in horticulture and plant biology.

Example sentences with  planta trepadora
planta venenosa
poisonous plant

The Spanish term 'planta venenosa' translates to 'poisonous plant' in English. This term is used to describe a plant that produces toxins harmful or deadly to animals, humans, or other plants. Diverse plants have different types of toxins, and their effects can range from mild discomfort to severe illness or even death. It's usually recommended to avoid touching or ingesting unknown plants, particularly in the wild, as they could potentially be poisonous.

Example sentences with  planta venenosa

The word 'plantación' in Spanish translates to 'plantation' in English. A plantation is a large farm or estate on which crops such as coffee, sugar, tobacco, or cotton are cultivated, usually by resident laborers. Similarly, a 'plantación' in Spanish refers to an extensive agricultural estate, especially one in tropical or subtropical areas, on which a crop of a specific kind is grown, typically on a large scale and by using mostly manual labor or low-wage labor force.

Example sentences with  plantación
plantar un árbol
plant a tree

The Spanish phrase 'plantar un árbol' translates to 'plant a tree' in English. This phrase is often related to environmental activities or gardening tasks, suggesting the manual process of planting a tree into the ground. It is indicative of the action of burying a tree's seeds or sapling in soil with the intention of growing a tree.

Example sentences with  plantar un árbol

The Spanish word 'poda' translates to 'pruning' in English. 'Pruning' is an agricultural practice that involves selectively removing certain parts of a plant, such as branches, buds, or roots. This is often done to remove deadwood, to maintain the plant's health, or to control growth. Typically, it is carried out in late winter or early spring. The term 'poda' can also be used metaphorically in Spanish to refer to trimming or cutting back in various contexts, similar to its usage in English.

Example sentences with  poda

The Spanish word 'pudrirse' translates to 'rot' in English. It is a reflexive verb that is often used to describe the process of decomposition in organic materials. When something is 'pudriéndose', it means it is currently rotting or decomposing. This word is usually associated with the natural decay of fruits, vegetables, or other biological materials. Keep in mind that this word has a negative connotation, indicating that something is spoiled or ruined.

regar el jardín
water the garden

The Spanish phrase 'regar el jardín' translates to 'water the garden' in English. This is a common phrase that you might use if you are doing gardening tasks. The verb 'regar' specifically refers to the act of watering something, such as plants or a garden, and 'el jardín' means 'the garden'. So when combined, you're essentially saying that you are watering the garden.

Example sentences with  regar el jardín
regar las plantas
water the plants

The Spanish phrase 'regar las plantas' translates to 'water the plants' in English. It is often used to refer to the act of providing water to plants as part of their care and maintenance routine. This phrase is commonly used in a gardening or household context where someone is tasked to care for greenery either indoors or outdoors. The verb 'regar' signifies the act of watering while 'las plantas' specifically means the plants.

Example sentences with  regar las plantas

The Spanish word 'rosa' translates to 'rose' in English. It can be used to refer to the flower of varying shades and colors, most commonly red, that is famous for its appearance and scent. 'Rosa' can also be used to depict the color rose or pink in Spanish. Furthermore, it also stands for the name 'Rose' in English.

Example sentences with  rosa

The Spanish word 'savia' translates to 'sap' in English. Sap is a fluid transported in xylem cells of vascular plants or in the phloem. There are two types of sap, known as xylem sap and phloem sap. It carries necessary water, nutrients, and sugars between the leaves and roots of a plant, serving an essential role in the biology of the plant. Hence, in terms of a plant's anatomy and survival, 'savia' holds a significant importance.

Example sentences with  savia
secarse las hojas
dry the leaves

The Spanish phrase 'secarse las hojas' translates to 'dry the leaves' in English. This phrase could be used in various contexts. For instance, it might be used in a gardening setting, referring to the action of allowing the leaves to dry out. The verb 'secarse' (to dry out) is reflexive, implying that the action is being done to oneself or one's own things. 'Las hojas' simply means 'the leaves'. Therefore, you could think about this phrase as the leaves drying themselves out.

Example sentences with  secarse las hojas

The Spanish word 'selva' translates to 'jungle' in English. Derived from the Latin word 'silva', 'selva' typically refers to a large unexplored region covered with dense vegetation, often in the tropics. The 'selva' is characterised by high levels of biodiversity and is home to a variety of animals and plant species. It plays a vital role in the Earth's ecosystem by contributing hugely to the planet's oxygen production.

Example sentences with  selva

The Spanish word 'semilla' translates to 'seed' in English. It is often used in horticultural and botanical contexts, referring to the small object produced by plants from which new plants can grow. 'Semilla' can also be used metaphorically in a similar way as 'seed' in English, to refer to the inception or starting point of an idea, a plan, etc.

Example sentences with  semilla

The Spanish word 'seta' translates to 'mushroom' in English. 'Seta' is a generic term for any mushroom-like fungi, and is used across many Spanish-speaking regions. As with English, there are more specific words for different types of mushrooms. The word 'seta' can be used in various contexts, such as in cooking recipes, outdoor activities, and science descriptions.

Example sentences with  seta
talar un árbol
cutting a tree

The Spanish expression 'talar un árbol' translates to 'cutting a tree' in English. This phrase could be used in a variety of contexts such as gardening, forestry, or construction. It may refer to the act of physically removing a tree by cutting it down with a tool like an axe or a chainsaw. However, it could also be used in a metaphorical sense to denote the removal or end of something. Just as with the English equivalent, the connotation can be either neutral, positive or negative, depending on the context in which it is used.

Example sentences with  talar un árbol

The Spanish word 'trasplantar' translates to 'transplantation' in English. It is a verb used in medical contexts and refers to the process of moving an organ, tissue, or cells from one location to another within a body, or from one body to another. For example, when a person has a kidney disease, they may need to 'trasplantar' a kidney from a compatible donor. This word demonstrates the broad range of medical terminology existing in the Spanish language.

Example sentences with  trasplantar

The Spanish word 'tronco' translates to 'trunk' in English. 'Tronco' can refer to the main stem of a tree, commonly called a trunk in English. However, it can also refer to the main part of a human or animal body separate from the head and limbs, also known as trunk. Thus, depending on the context, 'tronco' in Spanish can mean either a tree trunk or the main body of an organism.

vegetación autóctona
native vegetation

The term 'vegetación autóctona' translates to 'native vegetation' in English. This refers to the plants that are naturally occurring, or indigenous, to a specific geographical region or ecosystem. Often used in environmental and biological contexts, native vegetation plays a crucial role in maintaining the biodiversity, stability, and functionality of ecosystems. It has adapted to the conditions of the region including climate, soil, and interaction with the local wildlife, and forms an integral part of the environment's health and wellbeing.

Example sentences with  vegetación autóctona
vegetación densa
thick vegetation

The Spanish phrase 'vegetación densa' translates to 'thick vegetation' in English. This phrase is often used in geographical, botanical, and nature-related contexts to refer to an area of land covered by a dense growth of plants, trees, or a forest. It describes a dense and lush greenery, where the growth and overlap of plants and their foliage make it hard to navigate or see through. This term does not necessarily indicate the types of plants or their arrangement, but rather, it only refers to their quantity and density.

Example sentences with  vegetación densa
vegetación frondosa
lush vegetation

The term 'vegetación frondosa' is a Spanish phrase that refers to lush, thick, and abundant vegetation. This could apply to a variety of environments, including forests, jungles, gardens, or any other place where plant life grows thickly and in abundance. Just like a dense foliage provides substantial cover and rich resources for wildlife, this term connotes a certain richness and profuseness in Spanish.

Example sentences with  vegetación frondosa
vegetación selvática
wild vegetation

The Spanish term 'vegetación selvática' translates to 'wild vegetation' in English. It is commonly used to refer to the flora that grows in uncontrollable conditions, usually found in wilderness areas or forests. The term can denote a diverse array of vegetation, including numerous species of trees, shrubs, and other plants. This term signifies nature's raw and ensnared form where human interference is minimal or entirely absent.

Example sentences with  vegetación selvática
vegetación tupida
dense vegetation

The Spanish term 'vegetación tupida' translates to 'dense vegetation' in English. It is often used to refer to areas where plant life is so thick and closely packed, it is difficult to move through. This term can be used in various contexts such as environmental, geographical descriptions, science field studies, and travel experiences. It is a commonly used term to describe forests, jungle landscapes, or any place where plants grow abundantly and densely.

Example sentences with  vegetación tupida
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