Spanish Learn Spanish: Plants Vocabulary

An educational page for learning Spanish vocabulary related to plants. Useful for beginners in Spanish and gardening enthusiasts.


The Spanish word 'florecer' corresponds to the English word 'bloom'. It is usually used to refer to the period or process in which flowers open up or a plant starts to produce flowers. In a broader and metaphorical sense, florecer can also mean to flourish or thrive, much like a flower does when it blooms.

Example sentences with  florecer

The Spanish word 'florero' translates to 'vase' in English. This is a type of container, often decorative, that is used to hold cut flowers. They can be made from a variety of materials, including glass, ceramic, and metal. The word 'florero' can also refer to a person who sells flowers in some Spanish speaking regions.


The Spanish word 'frondoso' translates to 'leafy' in English. It is often used to describe something that is full of leaves or foliage, typically trees or plants. This adjective conveys a sense of lushness or abundance in nature. For example, a 'frondoso' tree would be a tree that is richly filled with green leaves.

Example sentences with  frondoso

The term 'fruta' in Spanish is translated as 'fruit' in English. The word 'fruta' represents a significant category in the food pyramid. Fruits are plant-derived, often sweet, and are eaten in a variety of ways. They can be consumed in their fresh form, in salads, desserts or juices. In Spanish-speaking countries, fruits play a key role in daily dietary habits and are often available in a wide variety of types due to a diversity of climates. Similar to English, the term 'fruta' in Spanish is universal and can be used to collectively refer to fruits of all types and forms.


The Spanish word 'fumigado' translates into English as 'fumigated'. Fumigated is the past participle of the verb 'to fumigate', which means to apply the action of introducing gas or smoke into a space to disinfect it or get rid of pests. It is often used in the dialogue about pest control, particularly in homes and gardens, and in agricultural settings. The word 'fumigado' has the same use and context in Spanish.

Example sentences with  fumigado
to fumigate

The Spanish word 'fumigar' translates to 'fumigate' in English. This is a verb which implies the action of applying the process of fumigation. Fumigation is a method that uses various chemicals or gases to eliminate pests or insects in certain spaces and environments. This process is usually carried in enclosed areas to ensure the gases do not escape to the surroundings. Thus, when someone says 'fumigar' in Spanish, they refer to conducting this pest removal process.

Example sentences with  fumigar

The Spanish verb 'germinar' translates to 'germinate' in English. It is usually used in the context of plant biology to describe the process of a plant growing from a seed. For example, you might use 'germinar' to talk about a flower seed beginning to sprout and grow into a flower. This word can also be used metaphorically in both languages to describe ideas, plans, or feelings that are beginning to develop.

Example sentences with  germinar

The Spanish word 'hierba' translates to 'grass' in English. It refers to any plant with leaves, seeds, or flowers used for flavoring, food, medicine, or perfume. It can also convey a broader meaning and include shrubs, vines, trees, mosses, ferns, etc., in certain contexts. It's often used in relation to lawns and the fields on which animals graze, presenting an image of lush greenery.

Example sentences with  hierba

The Spanish word 'hoja' translates to 'leaf' in English. It is a term used in botany to refer to the main organs of photosynthesis and transpiration in higher plants. Apart from this, 'hoja' can also be used in the context of a sheet of paper in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'huerta' translates to 'orchard' in English, referring to a plantation of trees or shrubs that bear fruits or nuts. Often consisting of a variety of trees, such as apple, pear, or peach trees, an orchard is usually intended for commercial production. However, in a domestic context, it might refer to a smaller area where fruit trees are cultivated for personal use.

Example sentences with  huerta
to graft

The Spanish word 'injertar' translates to 'to graft' in English. This verb basically refers to the process of taking a piece of one plant and joining it onto another plant, so that the two grow together. The purpose of grafting is usually either to propagate desirable characteristics of one plant onto another, or to repair damaged plants. 'Injertar' can also be used in a figurative sense to mean introducing or incorporating something into something else, similar to the English word 'engraft'.

Example sentences with  injertar

The Spanish word 'injerto' translates to 'grafting' in English. Grafting or 'injerto' is a horticultural technique whereby tissues of plants are joined so as to continue their growth together. 'Injerto' can also refer to a piece of living tissue that is transplanted surgically.

Example sentences with  injerto

The word 'jardinera' in Spanish translates to 'gardener' in English. Gardener signifies a person who tends and cultivates a garden either as a hobby or profession. 'Jardinera' can also imply the feminine gender in Spanish due to the 'a' suffix. Hence, it is especially used to address female gardeners. Besides, 'jardinera' further refers to a kind of Spanish vegetable stew, thereby bearing a dual meaning.

Example sentences with  jardinera

The Spanish word 'jardinería' translates to 'gardening' in English. Gardening is the practice of growing and cultivating plants as part of horticulture. It is a relaxing and rewarding hobby for many people, allowing them to enjoy the beauty of nature. In Spanish, 'jardinería' carries the same connotations, covering activities such as planting flowers and vegetables, pruning plants, and generally maintaining a tidy and attractive outdoor space.


The Spanish word 'jarrón' translates to 'vase' in English. A 'jarrón' is a decorative container, typically made of glass or ceramic, that is often used to display arrangements of flowers. It is a common household item and can be found in various shapes, sizes and designs. Much like in English-speaking cultures, 'jarrones' in Spanish-speaking cultures are a popular form of interior decor and are considered an important aspect of home aesthetics.

Example sentences with  jarrón

The Spanish word 'maceta' translates directly to 'flowerpot' in English. It is a container in which flowers and other plants are cultivated and displayed. Traditionally, flowerpots were made from terracotta, but they can now be made from a variety of materials including plastic, metal, wood, stone, and even sometimes biodegradable material. You will typically find them in homes, patios, gardens and other outdoor spaces.

Example sentences with  maceta

The Spanish word 'madurar' translates to 'mature' in English. Its primary uses relate to the process of becoming fully developed physically or mentally, possessing advanced intellectual development, or being appropriate for adults only. Just like 'mature', 'madurar' can be used in various contexts, such as the ripening of fruits or the development of feelings or relationships. It serves as a significant concept in human growth and development, as well as in agriculture and emotional intelligence.


The Spanish word 'margarita' translates to 'daisy' in English. The term is commonly used in Spanish-speaking countries to refer to the daisy flower, known for its white petals and prominent yellow center. The word 'margarita' plays a crucial role in gardening terminology and flower classification in Spanish language, and it is also a popular female name. Interestingly, 'Margarita' also refers to a well-known cocktail made primarily of tequila, lime juice, and orange liqueur, served with salt on the rim of the glass.

Example sentences with  margarita
mundo vegetal
Plant world

The term 'mundo vegetal' originates from the Spanish language and it translates to 'plant world' in English. In a broader sense, it can refer to the entirety of plant life, biodiversity, and ecosystems on Earth. It can also imply the study and exploration of plants, their types, their growth, and their significance in the world. It's widely used in scientific, educational, and environmental contexts. Its use might also suggest a focus on the importance of plants in our daily lives and for the planet's sustainability.

Example sentences with  mundo vegetal

The Spanish word 'olivo' translates to 'olive' in English. This can refer to the small oval fruit of the olive tree, which is typically green or black, commonly used as food when processed. It can also denote the olive tree itself, which is native to the Mediterranean region and is known for its fruit and the oil produced from it. Not only is it a main component of the region's cuisine, but olives have also had significant symbolic and religious uses throughout history.

Example sentences with  olivo
parque natural
nature park

The Spanish term 'parque natural' translates to 'nature park' in English. A 'parque natural' is a legally declared area, set aside for the purpose of preserving the natural environment, wildlife, and cultural heritage. It may be established in areas that are representative of diverse biomes, ecological regions and landscapes. These parks are often open to the public for purposes of outdoor recreation, education, and tourism, but subject to rules and regulations designed to preserve the natural values of the park.


The Spanish word 'pétalo' translates to 'petal' in English. It is often used in the context of botany and flower description. Just like in English, 'pétalo' refers to the individual elements that together form the corolla, or the inner circle, of a flower. Petals are usually the colorful parts of a flower that serve to attract pollinators.

Example sentences with  pétalo

In Spanish, the word for 'plant' is 'planta'. It can be used in several contexts such as vegetation, machinery, building, or plan. However, most commonly it is used to refer to an organ of a plant that usually rises above the ground and supports the leaves and flowers. For instance, 'Voy a regar la planta' means 'I am going to water the plant'.

Example sentences with  planta
planta acuática
Aquatic plant

The term 'planta acuática' is Spanish for 'aquatic plant'. An aquatic plant is a type of plant that has adapted to living in water environments (saltwater or freshwater). They are also referred to as hydrophytes, macrophytes, or waterplants. These plants require special adaptations for living submerged in water, or at the water's surface, including but not limited to floating leaves, finely dissected leaves or breathing roots.

Example sentences with  planta acuática
planta carnívora
carnivore plant

The term 'planta carnívora' in Spanish translates to 'carnivorous plant' in English. Carnivorous plants are a unique subset of plants that can obtain nutrients, particularly nitrogen, by trapping and consuming insects and sometimes small animals. Some examples of such plants are the Venus flytrap or pitcher plants. The phrase 'planta carnívora' can be used to refer to any plant in this group.

Example sentences with  planta carnívora
planta de exterior
outdoor plant

The Spanish phrase 'planta de exterior' translates to 'outdoor plant' in English. It is often used in the context of gardening and horticulture, referring to plants that are suitable for outdoor cultivation, as opposed to indoor plants. Outdoor plants are typically hardier, able to withstand varying weather conditions, and may include a wide variety of plants from flowering plants to shrubs to trees.

Example sentences with  planta de exterior
planta de interior
interior plant

The Spanish term 'planta de interior' translates to 'interior plant' in English. This refers to a plant that is typically grown indoors, in places such as homes or offices. It includes a variety of types, mainly decorative plants that can potentially improve indoor air quality. Examples of interior plants include succulents, ferns, and various ornamental plants.

Example sentences with  planta de interior
planta decorativa
decorative plant

The Spanish term 'planta decorativa' translates into English as 'decorative plant'. This phrase is typically used in horticulture and interior decor settings. A decorative plant refers to any plant that is primarily used for its beauty or ornamental value, rather than for practical purposes such as food or medicine. Decorative plants can come in a variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and types, and many can be grown both indoors and outdoors, depending on the specific species and its individual needs or requirements. These plants play a crucial role in enhancing aesthetics and providing pleasing visual detail in any space.

Example sentences with  planta decorativa
planta medicinal
medicinal plant

The Spanish term 'planta medicinal' translates to 'medicinal plant' in English. These are typically plants discovered and developed to be used in pharmacognosy, which is the study of drugs derived from plants. The use of medicinal plants has a long history in the treatment of diseases and health maintenance and are found vital, owing to the fact that they are naturally occurring, biodegradable, and less likely than synthetic drugs to have unsettling side effects. Many modern substances were and are still derived from plants.

Example sentences with  planta medicinal
planta silvestre
wild plant

The Spanish phrase 'planta silvestre' translates to 'wild plant' in English. It refers to a plant that has not been altered by humans, rather it occurs naturally in habitats that have not been significantly modified by mankind. This can refer to a wide variety of plant species, and can be used to refer to plants in the wild, in forests, in deserts, or any natural environment. 'Planta Silvestre' honors the beauty and uncontrolled spirit of nature's vegetation.

Example sentences with  planta silvestre
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