Spanish Learn Spanish: Plants Vocabulary

An educational page for learning Spanish vocabulary related to plants. Useful for beginners in Spanish and gardening enthusiasts.


The Spanish word 'alga' translates to 'alga' in English, which refers to a group of simple, green plants that live in water. Algae can range in size from tiny single-celled organisms to large, complex forms like seaweeds. They are photosynthetic, meaning they use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into food. Algae are found in both freshwater and marine environments and can also grow on rocks, soils, vegetation, and even in extreme conditions like snowfields.

Example sentences with  alga

The English word 'tree' translates to 'árbol' in Spanish. In a Spanish sentence, you can use it the same way as in English. For instance, 'Veo un árbol' means 'I see a tree'. Just like in English, it can also be used in various expressions, proverbs, or metaphors.

Example sentences with  árbol
árbol centenario
centenary tree

The Spanish term 'árbol centenario' is translated into English as 'centenary tree'. It refers to a tree that is at least one hundred years old. Trees are often used as symbols of long life and permanence, and a centenary tree thus embodies resilience, longevity, and historical continuity. As living monuments, they are tangible reminders of the past and can sometimes even outlive several human generations.

Example sentences with  árbol centenario
árbol de hoja caduca
deciduous leaf tree

The Spanish term 'árbol de hoja caduca' translates to 'deciduous leaf tree' in English. This refers to a tree that sheds its leaves annually, usually in the fall or autumn season. These trees have a cyclic leaf pattern which typically involves new growth in the spring, full maturity in the summer, color change and shedding in the fall, and dormancy in the winter. Examples of deciduous trees include oak, maple, and birch among others.

Example sentences with  árbol de hoja caduca
árbol de hoja perenne
evergreen tree

The Spanish 'árbol de hoja perenne' translates to 'evergreen tree' in English. Evergreen trees are a type of tree that keeps its leaves throughout the year, hence remaining green all year round. This phrase can be broken down into three parts: 'árbol' means 'tree', 'de' means 'of', and 'hoja perenne' means 'evergreen leaf' or 'leaf that is always green'. Therefore, 'árbol de hoja perenne' is literally 'tree of the evergreen leaf' in English.

Example sentences with  árbol de hoja perenne
árbol frondoso
lush tree

The word 'árbol frondoso' in Spanish translates to 'lush tree' in English. The word is used to describe trees that are full of bright, healthy leaves or foliage, giving them a vibrant, rich appearance. The term 'lush' often connotes lushness and abundance in English, which is similar to how the word 'frondoso' is used in Spanish. In terms of usage, it can be used to talk about the natural environment, parks, forests or any place where there are trees that are full and rich in foliage.

Example sentences with  árbol frondoso
árbol frutal
fruit tree

The Spanish term 'árbol frutal' translates to 'fruit tree' in English. A fruit tree is a tree which bears fruit that is consumed or used by humans and some animals. Different fruit trees are known for their respective fruit, for instance, an apple tree for its apples. The term 'árbol frutal' thus describes a category of trees that provide a food source in nature, and are also commonly grown for their attractive, delicious fruits in gardens, orchards, and farms.

Example sentences with  árbol frutal

The Spanish word 'arbusto' translates to 'bush' in English. A 'bush' is a small to medium-sized perennial woody plant which is distinguished from a tree by its multiple stems and shorter height. 'Arbusto' in various Spanish-speaking regions can refer to any range of different plants, so the exact meaning may vary based on context and local ecosystem. It is an example of common Spanish vocabulary related to nature and the natural world.

Example sentences with  arbusto

A 'Bosque' is a large area covered primarily with trees and undergrowth. It is home to various kinds of wildlife.

Example sentences with  bosque

The word 'botánica' in Spanish translates to 'botany' in English. Botany is a branch of biology that involves the scientific study of plant life, including the study of fungi and algae. This term includes the study of the structure, properties, and biochemical processes of all forms of plant life, including trees, flowers, herbs, bushes, vines, seaweeds and molds. Therefore, 'botánica' refers to the comprehensive scientific study of plants in all their forms and interactions with the environment.

Example sentences with  botánica

The Spanish word 'botánico' translates to 'botanic' in English. It refers to something related to botany or the scientific study of plants. This can be used in various contexts relating to science, nature, and the environment. It could describe a garden, a scientist, or anything else related to the field of study. Similar to English, it is an adjective in Spanish and can be used to describe a noun.

Example sentences with  botánico
to sprout

The Spanish word 'brotar' translates to 'to sprout' in English. It is often used in the context of plants or seeds beginning to grow, such as a seed sprouting into a new plant. However, 'brotar' can also be used metaphorically to describe the start or emergence of non-physical things, such as emotions, ideas, or initiatives.

Example sentences with  brotar
caerse las hojas
leaves falling

The Spanish phrase 'caerse las hojas' represents a natural event regarding trees, specifically it translates to 'leaves falling' in English. This term is frequently used to describe the seasonal changes in autumn when the leaves change colors and start falling from trees.

Example sentences with  caerse las hojas
lawn grass

The Spanish word 'césped' translates to 'lawn grass' in English. It is used to describe the grassy area in a yard or park. If you imagine a green outdoor space where families have picnics or people play sports, you're thinking of a 'césped'. It forms a significant part of landscaping and gardening. Maintaining a 'césped' involves tasks such as mowing and watering.

Example sentences with  césped
corona de flores
crown of flowers

The Spanish term 'corona de flores' translates to 'crown of flowers' in English. It can refer to a floral arrangement formed in a circular shape, typically adorned on one's head as a symbol of honor, achievement, or celebration. Such adornments are often used in cultural, religious, or festive ceremonies. In some context, it may also refer to a wreath of flowers as an arrangement for funerals or grave decorations.

Example sentences with  corona de flores
cortar una flor
cut a flower

The term 'cortar una flor' in Spanish translates to 'cut a flower' in English. It is a verb phrase used to describe the action of cutting a flower from its plant. This could be for various reasons such as to arrange in a vase for decoration, to gift it to someone, or for botanical studies and so forth.

Example sentences with  cortar una flor

The Spanish word 'cultivar' translates to 'cultivate' in English. It's a verb that describes the action of preparing and using land for crops or gardening. Similarly, it can also talk about the act of acquiring or developing a quality, sentiment, or skill. Just like in English, 'cultivar' may be used metaphorically in Spanish to depict intellectual and personal growth.

Example sentences with  cultivar
dar flor
give flower

The Spanish phrase 'dar flor' translates to 'give flower' in English. It's used literally to mean the act of giving a flower to someone. This could be a romantic gesture, a sign of friendship, or a simple act of kindness. Metaphorically, it can also refer to sharing something beautiful or precious with another person. As Spanish phrases can have different connotations depending on the culture and region, it's always good to understand the context in which it's used.

Example sentences with  dar flor
dar fruto
bear fruit

The Spanish phrase 'dar fruto' translates to 'bear fruit' in English. It is often used metaphorically to signify that one's efforts have produced beneficial results. This phrase is a verb and can be used in various contexts, usually indicating the production or giving forth of something, literally or figuratively.

Example sentences with  dar fruto
deshojar una flor
pluck a flower

The Spanish phrase 'deshojar una flor' literally translates to 'pluck a flower' in English. It's generally used to refer to removing the petals from a flower one by one. The phrase can also be metaphorically used to mean disassembling or breaking down something step by step, much like plucking the petals of a flower.

Example sentences with  deshojar una flor
especie vegetal
plant species

The Spanish phrase 'especie vegetal' translates to 'plant species' in English. Plant species is a term from the field of botany that refers to individual types of plants that share the same general characteristics and are capable of interbreeding. For example, all types of apple trees belong to the same species. In more general terms, the concept of species includes not only plants but also animals and microorganisms. When used in reference to plants, the term serves to classify and categorize the enormously diverse world of flora that exists on our planet.

Example sentences with  especie vegetal

The Spanish word 'fertilizar' translates to 'fertilize' in English. It is a verb that means to make (an egg, female animal, or plant) fertile or (of an egg, female animal, or plant) become fertile. In other words, it is the action of causing something to become fertile, often in terms of agriculture, where it refers to the application of plant or animal waste to soil in order to increase its fertility and promote plant growth.

Example sentences with  fertilizar
flor artificial
artificial flower

The term 'flor artificial' in Spanish translates to 'artificial flower' in English. This term consists of two parts; 'flor' refers to 'flower', and 'artificial' directly translates to 'artificial'. It is generally used to refer to a flower that has been artificially made, often from materials such as plastic or silk, rather than a naturally grown one. These types of decorations are popular as they require no maintenance, can be any color, and are not subject to wilting like regular flowers.

Example sentences with  flor artificial
flor delicada
delicate flower

The Spanish phrase 'flor delicada' translates to 'delicate flower' in English. A 'flor delicada' refers to a flower that is fragile or gentle, often associated with flowers known for their soft petal textures and delicate nature.

Example sentences with  flor delicada
flor exótica
exotic flower

The Spanish term 'flor exótica' translates to 'exotic flower' in English. Typically, an exotic flower refers to a type of plant that is not native and relatively unfamiliar or unusual in a particular ecosystem or geographical area. Exotic flowers often have unique, striking appearances and are typically associated with distant, tropical climates. The term 'flor exótica' can also potentially denote rarity, intrigue, and fascination given the distinctive traits and mystique typically associated with items labeled as 'exotic'.

Example sentences with  flor exótica
flor marchita
withered flower

The term 'flor marchita' in Spanish translates to 'withered flower' in English. It is a phrase composed of two words -- 'flor' meaning 'flower' and 'marchita' meaning 'withered or faded'. The phrase could metaphorically represent a state of decline or deterioration, or literally reference a flower that has faded or wilted.

Example sentences with  flor marchita
flor mustia
flower mustia

The Spanish word 'flor mustia' translates to 'wilted flower' in English. This term is used to describe a flower which has started to dry up and lose its life. It is no longer crisp and fresh, but instead looks sad and forlorn as it wilts and fades. This term can also be used metaphorically to describe someone or something that is no longer vibrant and healthy.

Example sentences with  flor mustia
flor natural
natural flower

The Spanish term 'flor natural' translates to 'natural flower' in English. It's a term commonly used when referring to an unadulterated, undyed, or unpreserved flower. In horticulture, 'flor natural' can imply a plant breed or species that hasn't been genetically modified or enhanced with human aid. In ancillary uses, it can metaphorically refer to purity, natural beauty or innate talent.

Example sentences with  flor natural
flor seca
dried flower

The Spanish term 'flor seca' translates to 'dried flower' in English. In a literal sense, it refers to a flower that has been dried for preservation. This term is often used in the world of arts and crafts, where dried flowers might be used in scrapbooking, home decor, or as a keepsake. Drying a flower allows its beauty to be maintained longer than if it were left to naturally wilt and decompose. Not only a botanical term, 'flor seca' can also be used figuratively in literature and poetry to symbolize ephemerality, loss, and the passage of time.

Example sentences with  flor seca
flor silvestre

The Spanish term 'flor silvestre' translates to 'wildflower' in English. It refers to a flower that grows naturally in the wild, not intentionally sown or planted. Wildflowers can be found in diverse environments, from forests and grasslands to deserts and tundras. They range in size, form, and color, and offer aesthetic beauty as well as habitats and food for wildlife.

Example sentences with  flor silvestre
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