Spanish Spanish Vocabulary: Places

Learn Spanish vocabulary for various places such as home, school, park, etc. Improve your language skills by understanding usage in context.


The Spanish word 'paisajista' translates to 'landscape' in English. This term is usually used to refer to the visible features of an area of land, including physical elements such as landforms, bodies of water, plants, structures, and other similar features. 'Paisajista' could also refer to a person who is a landscape artist or a landscape architect, one who designs, plans, and manages the landscape.

Example sentences with  paisajista

The term 'palacete' in Spanish refers to a small palace or a very luxurious house, often in reference to a large, impressive, grandeur residential home that can be quite ornate and aesthetically pleasing. While it literally translates to 'little palace' in English, it doesn't necessarily denote a royal or imperial residence but rather a very opulent house often associated with wealth and extravagance.


The word 'panadería' is a Spanish noun which comes from 'pan', meaning 'bread', and the suffix '-ería', indicating a place where something is sold. Thus, 'panadería' directly translates to 'place where bread is sold', or in other words, a 'bakery' in English. A panadería in Spanish-speaking cultures is not only a place to purchase bread, but also other baked goods like pastries, making it an often central and bustling hub in many communities.


The Spanish word 'pantano' translates to 'marsh' in English. A marsh is a type of wetland, characterized by water-logged soils and aquatic vegetation. It's a term often used in geography and nature-related contexts. Similarly, 'pantano' in Spanish is used to describe a natural landscape that is frequently or entirely covered by water, with abundant aquatic plants.

Example sentences with  pantano

The Spanish word 'papelera' translates to 'trash' in English. It is a noun and can refer to a garbage bin or wastebasket where unwanted materials are discarded. The word is feminine in gender, therefore the definite articles 'la' or 'una' are used before it. It is derived from the word 'papel' which means paper, indicating its common usage for paper waste. The plural form is 'papeleras'.

Example sentences with  papelera

The Spanish word 'papelería' translates to 'stationery' in English. The term 'stationery' refers to all items needed for written communication, including papers, envelopes, writing instruments like pens and pencils, and other office supplies. It is a noun and is pronounced 'pap-e-ler-ia' in Spanish with stress on the second last syllable. This word is commonly used in both the commercial and personal context.

parada de autobús
bus stop

The Spanish term 'parada de autobús' translates to 'bus stop' in English. A bus stop is a designated place where buses stop for passengers to board or alight from a bus. These are usually positioned on the city streets, alongside the sidewalk or road. In Spain or any Spanish-speaking countries, if you're looking to use public transportation, especially buses, look for a 'parada de autobús'.

Example sentences with  parada de autobús
parada de metro
metro stop

The Spanish term 'parada de metro' translates directly into English as 'metro stop'. It refers to a designated place along a metro or subway line where the train will stop to allow passengers to board or disembark. These stops are often marked by a station or platform, and are critical points in urban public transportation systems. In everyday conversation, one might use this term to describe their commuting route or to give directions within a city.

Example sentences with  parada de metro
parada de taxi
taxi stop

The Spanish phrase 'parada de taxi' translates to 'taxi stop' in English. It is used to designate a specific location where taxis wait for passengers or where passengers can wait to hail a taxi. Similar to a bus stop, a taxi stop is a designated area usually signposted and reserved for this purpose.

Example sentences with  parada de taxi

A 'Parque' is a green area designated for recreational activities in a town or city. It may include playgrounds, sports fields, and picnic spots.

Example sentences with  parque
parque de bomberos
fire station

The term 'parque de bomberos' translates to 'fire station' in English. This is a location where firefighters are stationed and where firefighting equipment, such as fire trucks and other apparatus, are stored. Here, firefighters wait until they are called to an emergency, at which point they will rush to the scene to extinguish fires, rescue individuals, and help in other emergencies. Fire stations are critical parts of every community, providing an essential public safety function.

Example sentences with  parque de bomberos

The Spanish word 'peatón' is translated into English as 'pedestrian'. It refers to a person who is walking, especially in an area where vehicles go. The term 'peatón' is used in different Spanish-speaking contexts such as in road safety where it's greatly stressed to observe traffic rules not only for the vehicle drivers but also for the 'peatones' or pedestrians.

Example sentences with  peatón
pedir el libro de reclamaciones
order the claim book

The Spanish phrase 'pedir el libro de reclamaciones' generally translates to 'order the claim book' in English. In a commercial context, particularly in a consumer and business relationship, it is a formal request by a customer for a complaints book. This is a standard method of documenting dissatisfaction with a service or product in certain territories. Though the phrase can literally refer to the act of ordering a physical claim book, it is more widely understood and used as an invocation of consumer rights in a situation of dispute or dissatisfaction with a service or product.

pedir la vez
ask the time

The Spanish term 'pedir la vez' is usually not translated as 'ask the time' in English. Instead, it's a phrase used in certain contexts to signify 'to wait one's turn' or 'to ask for the turn'. It is used when, for example, several people are waiting in line for something, but there is no official queue. One would say 'pedir la vez' to make sure everyone knows they arrived and are waiting their turn. Mistaking it for 'ask the time' could lead to misunderstandings, as the correct Spanish expression for 'ask the time' is 'preguntar la hora'.


The Spanish word 'peluquería' translates to 'hairdresser' in English. It is commonly used to refer to a person who cuts or styles hair as a profession in a salon or a barber shop. Apart from cutting and styling, hairdressers often also offer other services such as hair coloring and treatments. The term can also refer to the salon or shop where these professionals work. 'Peluquería' is a feminine noun in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'península' translates to 'peninsula' in English. A peninsula is a piece of land that is bordered by water on three sides but connected to mainland. The peninsula concept is used in its literal sense in geography, and also metaphorically in various contexts. It can be used to refer to a portion of a geographical area, a projecting part of a larger structure or area or even a condition or state being isolated or projected from a mass.

Example sentences with  península
perder clientes
lose customers

The Spanish term 'perder clientes' translates to 'lose customers' in English. This phrase is often used in a business context and refers to the situation where a business loses its clients, typically due to unsatisfactory products/services, high rates, better competition, etc. It implies a reduction in business revenue and customer base, and is widely seen as unfavorable for business growth and sustainability.


The Spanish word 'periferia' translates to 'periphery' in English. It is commonly used in both languages to indicate the outer limits or edge of an area or object. It can refer to a physical boundary, such as the periphery of a city, or a conceptual one, such as the periphery of a topic or issue. Similar to its usage in English, 'periferia' can also refer to something that is not central or mainstream, conveying a sense of distance or marginality.

Example sentences with  periferia
pie de una montaña
foot of a mountain

The Spanish term 'pie de una montaña' translates literally to 'foot of a mountain' in English. It is a geographic term that refers to the lower end or base of a mountain. Its English equivalent might be 'base,' 'foot,' or 'bottom' of a mountain. Viewed in a broader sense, 'pie de una montaña' can also symbolize the starting point of a difficult journey or large task, much like climbing an actual mountain begins at its foot.

Example sentences with  pie de una montaña

A 'Playa' is a landform alongside a body of water filled with sand, pebbles, or cobblestones. It is a popular location for vacations and fun activities.

Example sentences with  playa

The word 'plaza' in Spanish translates to 'square' in English. It's often used to refer to a city square or public park in a town's center. Historically, it is a meeting place where markets and social activities are held. The term 'plaza' can also refer to a wide and open area in a town or city where people can gather.

plaza mayor
main square

The Spanish term 'plaza mayor' translates in English to 'main square.' It is most commonly used to refer to the principal public square in towns or cities in Spain, other Spanish-speaking countries, and even in some parts of the Philippines. The plaza mayor is traditionally the center of the city where important public buildings, shops, and churches are located and events are held. The term 'plaza mayor' is widely used in urban planning terms, maps, and in daily conversation.

Example sentences with  plaza mayor

The word 'población' is used in Spanish to refer to the total number of people living in a specific geographical area such as a city, country, or the world. It can also refer to a group of individuals of a specific type living in an area. Just like in English, it is used in various contexts, including but not limited to, demography, statistics, and geography.

Example sentences with  población
población activa
active population

'Población activa' in Spanish refers to the active population in English. This phrase is utilized within economic and demographic context and it signifies the section of a country's population that is either employed or actively seeking employment. It includes individuals who contribute to the economy of a country and doesn't comprise retired individuals, students, and those not actively searching for work.

población adulta
adult population

The Spanish phrase 'población adulta' translates to 'adult population' in English. This term refers to the segment of a city, region, country, or any other demographic entity that is composed of individuals who have reached adulthood, usually denoted by a certain age threshold. This concept is often used in various forms of analyses, such as social, economic, or health. The precise age range defining the adult population can vary depending on the context and the legal or cultural norms of a particular society or institution.

Example sentences with  población adulta
población urbana
urban population

The Spanish term 'población urbana' translates to 'urban population' in English. It refers to all people living within the administrative boundaries of a city or a town. It also carries significance in sociological, historical, and geographical studies where it represents a segment of population residing in established areas or cities, as contrasted with rural populations living in scattered, non-defined areas or in smaller villages.

Example sentences with  población urbana

The Spanish term 'poblado' translates to 'village' in English. It is usually used to refer to a small human settlement, typically one that is larger than a hamlet but smaller than a town. Such settlements are often situated in a rural or a semi-rural area and they usually consist of a few dwellings where people live. The term 'poblado' is a noun, and it reflects the beauty and simplicity of small-scale, community-oriented living arrangements in Spanish-speaking cultures.

Example sentences with  poblado
policía municipal
Municipal police

Policía municipal, a phrase in Spanish, directly translates to 'municipal police' in English. In many Spanish-speaking countries, 'policía municipal' is a term used to reference local or city-level police forces. These are law enforcement agencies run by municipalities, accountable for maintaining order, enforcing local laws, and providing general public safety services within a city's boundaries. Their role and coverage may vary based on the country's law enforcement structure but generally, they're an integral part of local governance and public safety systems.

poner una reclamación
put a claim

The Spanish phrase 'poner una reclamación' translates to 'put a claim' in English. In a more practical, everyday usage, it refers to the process of making a formal complaint or reporting an issue to an authority or an organization, which is expected to take action or provide a resolution. This may be done in various contexts such as insurance, customer service, or law enforcement.


The Spanish word 'pradera' translates to 'prairie' in English. A prairie is a type of landscape that is characterized by large open areas of grassland, often with few to no trees. It's a term used especially in the context of North America, referring to the ecosystem type found in regions like the Central United States and Canada. Thus, if you hear or see the word 'pradera' in Spanish, it is referring to this kind of natural environment.

Example sentences with  pradera
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