Spanish Spanish Vocabulary: Places

Learn Spanish vocabulary for various places such as home, school, park, etc. Improve your language skills by understanding usage in context.

movimiento migratorio
migratory movement

The term 'movimiento migratorio' in Spanish translates to 'migratory movement' in English. This could refer to the large-scale movement of people from one geographical area to another. The reasons for these movements could be numerous - economic, social, political or environmental. Whether voluntary or involuntary, these movements have sociological, historical, and geographical interest.

Example sentences with  movimiento migratorio

The Spanish word 'municipio' translates to 'municipality' in English. It represents an administrative division within a country or region, typically governed by a mayor and council. Municipalities can vary greatly in size, from a small village or town to a large urban city. In many Spanish-speaking countries, a 'municipio' may comprise of several towns or communities, each with its own town hall, much like a county or a district. This term is commonly used in government or legal contexts.

Example sentences with  municipio

A 'Museo' is a building or institution where objects of historical, scientific, artistic, or cultural interest are stored and exhibited.

Example sentences with  museo
nacimiento de un río
birth of a river

The Spanish phrase 'nacimiento de un río' translates to 'birth of a river' in English. This is a natural phenomenon where water from underground reservoirs, often from rain or melted snow, comes to the surface to create the starting point of a river.

Example sentences with  nacimiento de un río

The word 'nación' in Spanish is used to refer to a community of people, who live in a specific territory, have a common culture and are politically organised. It can also refer to a country or state. Just as in English, 'nación' can be used in various contexts, including politics, geography, and culture.

Example sentences with  nación

The word 'nacional' in Spanish is used to refer to something that is related to a nation or country, similar as in English. It encompasses areas like national identity, national law, national interest, etc. For example, 'Parque Nacional' means 'National Park'. It can also relate to a citizen or item from the country, for instance, 'Equipo nacional de fútbol' translates to 'National football team'.

Example sentences with  nacional

The Spanish word 'naturaleza' is used to refer to the natural world encompassing all the living and non-living things occurring naturally. It can also refer to the inherent or fundamental qualities or characteristics of something or someone. Just like in English, it can be used in different contexts including science, philosophy, and everyday conversations.

Example sentences with  naturaleza

The Spanish word 'negociante' translates to 'negotiator' in English. It is a noun that describes a person who discusses something formally in order to make an agreement, a deal, or to argue for a specific cause or purpose. Negotiators often represent others in business or political discussions to bring about resolution or compromise.


Northeast, known as 'Nordeste' in Spanish, refers to the direction that is at an angle of 45 degrees on a compass. In Geography, it is often used to describe the region of a country, area, or city that is situated towards the northeast. In context, it can refer to the part of a place (such as a country or region) that is towards the northeast, or it can also refer to the northeastern part of a particular place.

Example sentences with  Nordeste

The Spanish word 'Noroeste' is translated as 'Northwest' in English. It is a cardinal point on the compass indicating a direction in between North and West. It's commonly used in geographic contexts, or when giving or receiving directions. The term is a combination of 'Norte' which means 'North' and 'Oeste' which means 'West'.

Example sentences with  Noroeste

The word 'occidental' in Spanish is translated into English as 'western'. This term is usually used in geographical context to refer to the region or direction that is towards the sunset. It is also used in a cultural context to refer to the societies or nations in the Western or European part of the world. The term 'occidental' has Latin roots, from 'occidens' which means 'setting', referring to the setting or the descent of the sun.

Example sentences with  occidental

The word 'Oceanía' represents a region in the world, translated as 'Oceania' in English. Including Australasia, Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia, the region consists of oceans and islands, notably Australia and New Zealand among thousands of other island states and territories. It also includes the Pacific Ocean. This geographical term was derived from the Greek word 'Ωκεανός' (Okeanos, Oceanus) meaning 'Ocean'.

Example sentences with  Oceanía
océano Ártico
Arctic ocean

The Spanish term 'océano Ártico' translates to 'Arctic Ocean' in English. The Arctic Ocean is the smallest and shallowest of the world's five major oceans. It is mostly covered by sea ice throughout the year and it's known for its harsh conditions and extreme cold.

Example sentences with  océano Ártico
océano Atlántico
Atlantic Ocean

The term 'océano Atlántico' is Spanish for 'Atlantic Ocean'. It is one of the world's five major oceans, located between the continents of America, Europe and Africa. It is primarily known for its size, diverse ecosystem, and importance to global trade and climate. Being a proper noun, it doesn't have plural form in its consideration. It is generally used in context of geographical and environmental statements or discussions.

Example sentences with  océano Atlántico
océano Pacífico
Pacific Ocean

The term 'océano Pacífico' refers to what is known in English as the Pacific Ocean. This is the largest and deepest ocean on earth, known for its immeasurable biodiversity and critical role in the worldwide water cycle. Translated literally, 'océano Pacífico' means tranquil or peaceful ocean, however, with its occasional typhoons, tsunamis, and its notorious 'Ring of Fire', it can often be anything but. It is recognized as one of the world's major oceanic divisions, bounded by the continents of Asia and Australia in the west, and the Americas in the east.

Example sentences with  océano Pacífico

In Spanish, 'oeste' translates to 'west' in English. It is commonly used in geographical context to indicate direction or when referring to western regions, similar to its use in English. For instance, 'El sol se pone en el oeste' means 'The sun sets in the west'.

Example sentences with  oeste
oficina de turismo
tourist office

The Spanish term 'oficina de turismo' translates to 'tourist office' in English. The 'oficina de turismo' is the place where tourists can get information about a destination, including recommendations on places to visit, eat, sleep and enjoy. The objective of a 'oficina de turismo' is to facilitate the experience of visitors, providing them with maps, guidance and all the necessary tools to make the most of their stay. The services provided in this office are generally free of charge and aimed to enhance the touristic potential of the area.

orilla del mar

The Spanish phrase 'orilla del mar' translates to 'seashore' in English. The phrase effectively refers to the land area immediately adjacent to the ocean, specifically where land meets the sea. In English, as in Spanish, the phrase is often used in both literal and metaphorical contexts, referring both to the physical location and also to concepts of crossing boundaries or arriving at new stages in one's life.

Example sentences with  orilla del mar
orilla del río
banks of the river

The Spanish term 'orilla del río' translates to 'banks of the river' in English. This is often used to refer to the sides of a river, typically indicating the parts of the river's margins that are above water level.

Example sentences with  orilla del río

The Spanish word for 'country' is 'país'. It is used similarly to English, to refer to a nation or state. For example, 'Estados Unidos es un país' - United States is a country. The plural is 'paises' which means 'countries'.

Example sentences with  país
paisaje desértico
desert landscape

The term 'paisaje desértico' in Spanish translates to 'desert landscape' in English. It refers to an area of land that is extremely dry, typically because of low rainfall that is unable to support much plant life. This term is usually used to describe a barren, arid region that is generally inhospitable and features conditions like rolling sand dunes, rocky hills, or plains with sparse to no vegetation.

Example sentences with  paisaje desértico
paisaje desolador
desolate landscape

The Spanish term 'paisaje desolador' translates to 'desolate landscape' in English. It's typically used to describe an area or scene that is barren or empty, often evoking a sense of bleakness or desolation. This phrase could be used in various contexts - from literal descriptions of physical environments, such as a desert or a war-ravaged city, to more metaphorical uses in literature and conversations to convey a sense of emotional emptiness or despair.

Example sentences with  paisaje desolador
paisaje idílico
idyllic landscape

The Spanish term 'paisaje idílico' translates to 'idyllic landscape' in English. It refers to a scenery or setting that is incredibly beautiful, peaceful, and picturesque, often seen as perfect or ideal, much like the image that the word 'idyllic' conjures up. This could be anywhere from a serene countryside filled with flowers and greenery to a peaceful beach scene with a perfect sunset. The term 'paisaje idílico' is used to describe such locations in literature, art, and everyday conversation in Spanish.

Example sentences with  paisaje idílico
paisaje industrial
industrial landscape

The Spanish term 'paisaje industrial' directly translates to 'industrial landscape' in English. It is used to describe a type of landscape characterized by large-scale industrial operations, manufacturing, or other heavy industry activities. These can include factories, refineries, mining operations, warehouses, and ports, which may be associated with negative environmental impacts but also represent economic and employment opportunities.

Example sentences with  paisaje industrial
paisaje natural
natural landscape

The Spanish term 'paisaje natural' translates to 'natural landscape' in English. This usually refers to an area of land that is free from human-made structures or alterations, and instead, is filled with the inherent beauties that nature provides. Natural landscapes can be anything from vast forests, majestic mountain ranges, calming bodies of water to the barren expanses of deserts. The term is often used in context of the environment, ecosystem discussions or nature-related conversations in Spanish.

Example sentences with  paisaje natural
paisaje pintoresco
picturesque landscape

The term 'paisaje pintoresco' in Spanish translates to 'picturesque landscape' in English. This phrase is typically used to describe a scene or view that is artistically pleasant and charming, much like a picture. It refers to a landscape that is especially attractive and beauty-filled, typically because of its natural features like rolling hills, vibrant flower fields, beautiful trees, calm rivers, or majestic mountains. It might also be used to describe man-made beauty such as a quaint village or cityscape. This phrase is often used in travel descriptions or conversations about outdoor beauty.

Example sentences with  paisaje pintoresco
paisaje rocoso
rocky landscape

The term 'paisaje rocoso' in Spanish translates to 'rocky landscape' in English. It typically refers to areas dominated by visible and often large rock formations. These can occur naturally, in outdoor environments where weathering and erosion have exposed rocks on the surface. They can also be man-made, particularly in the context of rock gardens or similar landscaping features. The phrase can be used literally, to discuss geography and physical terrain, or metaphorically, to suggest a tough or challenging situation.

Example sentences with  paisaje rocoso
paisaje tropical
tropical landscape

The Spanish term 'paisaje tropical' translates to 'tropical landscape' in English. It typically refers to a type of geographical setting that exudes an exotic, humid, and lush aura generally found in tropical regions. These landscapes, often abundant with diverse forms of wildlife and vegetation, are usually located near the equator. Therefore, this term can represent pictures or descriptions of such landscapes in various contexts such as in literature, photography, painting, or even in travel planning.

Example sentences with  paisaje tropical
paisaje urbano
urban landscape

The Spanish phrase 'paisaje urbano' translates to 'urban landscape' in English. It is often used to describe the physical features of a city or town including its buildings, roads, and other man-made structures. This can also refer to the general visual appearance of these areas, encompassing not just the physical elements but the arrangement and interplay between them. It is a common term in discussions about urban planning, architecture, and environmental studies.

Example sentences with  paisaje urbano
paisaje volcánico
volcanic landscape

The Spanish term 'paisaje volcánico' translates to 'volcanic landscape' in English. This phrase is comprised of two parts. 'Paisaje' means 'landscape' or 'scenery' and 'volcánico' means 'volcanic'. Therefore, when put together, they refer to the landscape or scenery that is characterized by, formed from, or relates to volcanoes. This could refer to actual geographical and natural terrains that have been shaped by volcanic activity, and can include features such as lava fields, volcanic mountains, craters, and more.

Example sentences with  paisaje volcánico
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