Spanish Spanish Vocabulary: Places

Learn Spanish vocabulary for various places such as home, school, park, etc. Improve your language skills by understanding usage in context.

ir a la playa
go to the beach

The Spanish phrase 'ir a la playa' translates to 'go to the beach' in English. It combines the verb 'ir', which means 'to go', with the preposition 'a', which means 'to', and the noun phrase 'la playa', which means 'the beach'. It expresses an action of traveling or moving to a beach.

Example sentences with  ir a la playa
ir de compras
go shopping

The Spanish term 'ir de compras' directly translates to 'go shopping' in English. It is a common phrase used in Spanish-speaking regions to signify the act of visiting stores and purchasing goods or services. This can refer to any form of shopping, including grocery shopping, clothes shopping, or simply browsing through products at different stores. Just like in English, it can also be used in various contexts, such as planning to shop ('Vamos a ir de compras') or being currently at the shopping mall ('Estoy yendo de compras').

ir de tiendas
go shops

The phrase 'ir de tiendas' in Spanish directly translates to 'go shops' in English. However, its more accurate translation and intended meaning is 'go shopping'. It's a common phrase used to express the action of visiting several stores or shops, usually for purchasing goods or commodities. The verb 'ir' means 'to go', and 'tiendas' refers to 'shops' or 'stores'. So when you say 'ir de tiendas', it implies that you are going out to visit stores, most probably with the intention to buy something.


The Spanish word for island is 'isla'. It's used much in the same way as it is in English. For example, 'Vivo en una isla' means 'I live on an island'. Like in English, 'isla' can be used metaphorically to describe isolation or remoteness as well.

Example sentences with  isla

The Spanish word 'jardín' translates to 'garden' in English. It's a noun used to describe an area of ground, typically in a residential property, where flowers and plants are grown. A 'jardín' can also refer to a public park or a green space in a city. It's commonly used in various contexts, such as in 'jardín botánico' meaning 'botanic garden', or 'jardín de niños' meaning 'kindergarten'.

junta municipal
municipal council

The term 'junta municipal' in Spanish translates to 'municipal council' in English. It refers to a local level of government that manages the public affairs of a city, town, or locality. It often includes a group of persons, usually elected by local residents, who make decisions and regulations on local matters such as sanitation, parks and recreation, and community services.

Example sentences with  junta municipal

The Spanish word 'lago' translates to 'lake' in English. It is a common term used to refer to a large body of water surrounded by land. Formed by a variety of geological processes, lakes are usually found in mountainous areas, rift zones, and areas with ongoing glaciation. Many lakes are artificial and are constructed for industrial or agricultural use, for hydro-electric power generation or domestic water supply.

Example sentences with  lago

The Spanish word 'laguna' translates to 'lagoon' in English. The term can be used specifically to denote coastal water bodies separated from the larger sea by a barrier such as a sandbar, coral reef or barrier island. Similarly, in Spanish contexts, 'laguna' could also be used to refer to smaller water bodies such as a pond.

Example sentences with  laguna

The Spanish word 'latitud' translates to 'latitude' in English. Latitude is a geographic coordinate that specifies the North-South position of a point on the Earth's surface. It is an angular measurement, usually expressed in degrees, minutes, and seconds, and ranges from 0 degrees at the Equator to 90 degrees at the North and South Poles. The line of latitude is referred to as parallels as they run parallel to the Equator. Understanding and using latitude is an essential part of navigation and geography.

Example sentences with  latitud

The Spanish word 'librería' translates to 'bookshop' in English. It denotes a place, generally a physical store, where books are sold. Moreover, these books can cover a spectrum of genres, from fiction, non-fiction, to academic works. It is a hotspot for bibliophiles and literati, providing a space to delve into literary wonders. 'Librería' can also refer to bookstores located in academic institutions.

limitar al este
limit to the east

The phrase 'limitar al este' is a Spanish term that translates to 'limit to the east' in English. This phrase is commonly used in geographical contexts or descriptions to indicate a boundary or restriction towards the eastern direction. For example, a piece of land or country might 'limitar al este' with another geographical feature or area, showing its eastern boundaries. Knowledge of such phrases can be crucial in understanding descriptions or discussions involving directions, boundaries, or geographical locations.

Example sentences with  limitar al este
limitar al norte
limit to the north

The Spanish phrase 'limitar al norte' translates to 'limit to the north' in English. It's used in geographical contexts and it typically means that a certain area, region or country is bounded or limited to the north by another geographical feature or area. This phrase can be used in different types of conversations or writings that deal with geography, directions, or descriptions of a place.

Example sentences with  limitar al norte
limitar al oeste
limit to the west

The Spanish phrase 'limitar al oeste' translates to 'limit to the west' in English. It is often used in geographical context to designate boundaries or limitations towards the western direction. An example of a sentence could be 'El territorio limita al oeste con el océano', which means 'The territory limits to the west with the ocean'. This could indicate that the western boundary of the mentioned territory is the ocean.

Example sentences with  limitar al oeste
limitar al sur
limit to the south

The Spanish phrase 'limitar al sur' translates to 'limit to the south' in English. It is often used in geographical contexts to describe a boundary or an area that is confined to the south. This could refer to southern boundaries of countries, states, cities or any other geographical locations. Its usage is not limited to just geographical contexts but can also be used in metaphorical contexts where 'south' signifies a direction, a limit or a boundary.

Example sentences with  limitar al sur

The Spanish word 'litoral' translates to 'coast' in English. It typically refers to the area where the land meets the sea or ocean. The usage in sentences or context mainly revolves around geographical and natural descriptions or dialogues. So, when you hear or see the word 'litoral', you can associate it with beaches, ocean views, coastal areas, and related maritime contexts.

Example sentences with  litoral

The Spanish word 'llanura' translates to 'plain' in English. In geography, a plain refers to a broad, flat, or gently rolling area. It's typically devoid of much elevation change and is often used for farming because of the typically fertile soils. The term is used to indicate this natural feature in English-speaking countries, while 'llanura' is used in Spanish-speaking countries.

Example sentences with  llanura

The Spanish word 'localidad' translates to 'locality' in English. This word is often used to define a certain area or region. It can imply a geographic place like a city, town or community, or any other specific place within a larger scope. The use of 'localidad' is common in both formal and informal contexts, referring to local territorial or administrative divisions. It often helps in specifying the exact location or place to which one is referring.

Example sentences with  localidad

The Spanish word 'longitud' translates to 'length' in English. This term is often used in measurements, it can be referred to the measurement of an object from one end to the other end. The term 'longitud' can be found in various contexts such as mathematics, physics, and everyday conversation to describe the measurement of an object, distance or a period of time.

Example sentences with  longitud

The Spanish word 'lugar' is used to describe a place or location. It can be used in various sentences and contexts for example, '¿Dónde está el lugar?' translates to 'Where is the place?'. It is also used in phrases like 'en primer lugar' which means 'in the first place'. As with English, 'lugar' can refer to a physical location or a conceptual one.

Example sentences with  lugar

The Spanish word 'mapa' translates to 'map' in English. It is a noun that refers to a representation, usually on a flat surface, of the whole or a part of an area. It can show geographical features, roads, cities, etc. It is often used for navigation or for referencing particular places or regions. So, when you say 'mapa' in Spanish, you are referring to a similar concept of a visual depiction of an area.


The Spanish word 'mar' translates to 'sea' in English. It is a common term used to indicate the large body of salt water that covers most of the Earth's surface. 'Mar' is a noun and it can be used in various contexts including geographical discussions, travel descriptions, literature, and more. It's a singular masculine noun in Spanish, so you'd use 'el' (the) with it; 'el mar' means 'the sea'. Remember, the pronunciation is important in Spanish language, 'mar' is pronounced as 'mar' in Spanish.

Example sentences with  mar
mar Báltico
Baltic sea

The Spanish term 'mar Báltico' translates to 'Baltic Sea' in English. The Baltic Sea is a marginal sea of the Atlantic Ocean, enclosed by Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Poland, Germany and the North and Central European Plain. It includes the Gulf of Bothnia, the Bay of Bothnia, the Gulf of Finland, the Gulf of Riga, and the Bay of Gdańsk. 'Mar Báltico' is a well-known geographical term widely used in international context and maps.

Example sentences with  mar Báltico
mar Mediterráneo
Mediterranean Sea

The Spanish phrase 'mar Mediterráneo' translates to 'Mediterranean Sea' in English. It is the term used to refer to one of the largest seas connected to the Atlantic Ocean, surrounded by the Mediterranean region and almost completely enclosed by land. It is known in Spanish-speaking countries as 'mar Mediterráneo'.

Example sentences with  mar Mediterráneo
mar Rojo
Red sea

The term 'mar Rojo' in Spanish translates to 'Red Sea' in English. The Red Sea is a seawater inlet of the Indian Ocean, lying between Africa and Asia. The sea is known for its rich and diverse ecosystem, making it a popular destination for diving and underwater exploration. Its name is derived from the seasonal blooms of the red-colored Trichodesmium erythraeum algae near its surface.

Example sentences with  mar Rojo

The Spanish word 'mercancía' translates to 'merchandise' in English. This is a general term that can refer to any kind of goods, items or commodities that are to be bought, sold, or traded. 'Mercancía' is commonly used in the context of commerce and business where it can be used to talk about both physical and non-physical goods ranging from clothing and accessories, to software products and digital content.


The Spanish word 'meseta' translates to 'plateau' in English. A plateau is a flat or gently sloping elevated area that has been uplifted due to geological forces. Similarly, in Spanish, 'meseta' refers to an elevated, flat or slightly sloping region. It could be found between mountains or as high plains, and it's a term commonly used in geographic contexts.

Example sentences with  meseta

The term 'metropolitano' in Spanish translates to 'metropolitan' in English. In many contexts, it often refers to something that pertains or belongs to a large, capital, or important city, that has a high degree of urbanization and concentration of services. For example, a metropolitan area, a metropolitan museum. It can also mean pertaining to the see or province of a metropolitan, in ecclesiastical terms.

Example sentences with  metropolitano
mobiliario urbano
urban furniture

The term 'mobiliario urbano' refers to the public installations and fixtures found in urban settings that are used by large numbers of people. Broadly speaking, these include different types of seating, waste bins, lighting fixtures, public restrooms, water fountains, mailboxes, signage, and more. This term also applies to outdoor artistic installations such as murals and sculptures. 'Mobiliario urbano' primarily exists for the benefit, convenience, and aesthetics of both residents and tourists in a city or town.

Example sentences with  mobiliario urbano

'Montaña' refers to a landform that rises above the surrounding areas. It is higher and steeper than a hill, and often has a peak.

Example sentences with  montaña

The Spanish word 'monumento' translates to 'monument' in English. Monuments are structures which are erected to commemorate a historical event or a person. They help in preserving the culture and history of a place. Monuments are usually symbolic and unique like the Statue of Liberty in New York or the Eiffel Tower in Paris which represent their respective countries. Similar to English, 'monumento' in Spanish is also a masculine noun and used to refer to a building, structure, or site that is of historical importance or interest.

Example sentences with  monumento
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