Spanish Spanish Vocabulary: Places

Learn Spanish vocabulary for various places such as home, school, park, etc. Improve your language skills by understanding usage in context.


The Spanish word 'gente' is used to refer to a group or body of individuals. It is often used in a general sense, similar to how we use 'people' in English. For example, 'La gente está hablando' translates to 'People are talking'. Remarkably, even though 'gente' refers to a group of individuals, it is treated as singular in Spanish.

Example sentences with  gente

The Spanish word 'geografía' translates to 'geography' in English. Geography is a scientific field of study that explores the lands, the features, the inhabitants, and the phenomena of Earth. It is an all-encompassing discipline that seeks an understanding of the Earth and its human and natural complexities. 'Geografía' in Spanish carries the same meaning and is used in the same context.

Example sentences with  geografía
geografía física
physical geography

The term 'geografía física' in Spanish translates to 'physical geography' in English. Physical geography is a sub-field of geography, and it primarily focuses on studying the natural environment and its components. This includes studying the Earth's various physical features and patterns, such as landforms, climates, soils, vegetation, and water bodies. It is an important discipline that helps us understand the physical characteristics of the Earth and how these characteristics interact and influence human activities.

Example sentences with  geografía física
geografía humana
human geography

The term 'geografía humana' in Spanish translates to 'human geography' in English. Human geography is a branch of geography that deals with the study of people and their communities, cultures, economies, and interactions with the environment by studying their relations with and across space and place.

Example sentences with  geografía humana
geografía política
political geography

The term 'geografía política' in Spanish translates to 'political geography' in English. Political geography is a field of study concerned with the spatial analysis of political phenomena. It includes studying the spatial structures and processes associated with the functioning of political systems and the study of geographical influences on political behavior. The term is used to explain the politics and geography of a particular region or area.

Example sentences with  geografía política

The Spanish word 'geográfico' translates to 'geographical' in English. It is an adjective used to describe something related to geography, the study of the physical features of the Earth and its atmosphere. It can also refer to anything connected with the interaction between humans and their environment including population distribution, land use, and industries.

Example sentences with  geográfico

The Spanish word 'golfo' translates to 'gulf' in English. It is used to describe a large area of a sea or ocean that is partially enclosed by land. It is usually much larger than a bay and provides a wide opening for navigation into coastal areas. 'Golfo' is often used in geographical contexts or when discussing features of the earth's surface.

Example sentences with  golfo

The Spanish word 'granero' translates to 'barn' in English. It's mainly used in the context of rural, agricultural settings where it serves as a storage place for grains, hay, and often to house livestock. This term is common in both Castilian Spanish, which is spoken in Spain, and Latin American Spanish.

Example sentences with  granero

A 'Granja' is a place where animals or crops are raised. It is typically rural and may include areas for livestock and planting.

Example sentences with  granja
haber resaca

The Spanish term 'haber resaca' commonly translates to 'being hungover' in English. It is generally used to describe a constellation of unpleasant physical and mental symptoms that can occur after drinking too much alcohol. It can include symptoms like headache, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, and difficulty concentrating. Just as the English term 'hungover', 'haber resaca' is widely used among Spanish speakers to convey this specific state after an episode of heavy alcohol consumption.

Example sentences with  haber resaca

The word 'habitante' in Spanish translates to 'inhabitant' in English. It is used to refer to a person who resides in a particular place. For instance, if someone lives in Madrid, they could be referred to as a 'habitante de Madrid' meaning 'inhabitant of Madrid'. Depending on the context, the word 'habitante' can also indicate plants or animals living in a particular environment.

Example sentences with  habitante
habitantes por metro cuadrado
inhabitants per square meter

In English, 'habitantes por metro cuadrado' translates to 'inhabitants per square meter'. This term is used in demography and geography to measure the density of population in a specific area, usually an urban or rural region. It calculates the average number of people living in each square meter of that area. The higher the number of 'habitantes por metro cuadro', the more densely populated the area is.

Example sentences with  habitantes por metro cuadrado

The Spanish verb 'habitar' translates to 'inhabit' in English. It is used to describe the action of living in a certain place or environment. It can be employed in various contexts, just like the English equivalent, and it is commonly used in both formal and informal communication.

hacer la compra
make the purchase

The Spanish phrase 'hacer la compra' literally translates to 'make the purchase' in English. However, it is often used in everyday conversation to refer to the act of going shopping, especially for food and household items. For example, you might say 'Voy a hacer la compra' to mean 'I'm going to do the shopping'. This phrase is useful to know when talking about daily activities in Spanish.

hacer peatonal el centro urbano
to make the urban center pedestrian

The Spanish phrase 'hacer peatonal el centro urbano' translates to 'to make the urban center pedestrian' in English. This means transforming a downtown or city center area into a zone where only foot traffic is allowed, i.e., cars and other motor vehicles are not permitted. This is often done to promote a more peaceful environment, to encourage walking and other forms of active transportation, or to create a more comfortable and engaging street life for residents and visitors.

hemisferio norte
Northern hemisphere

The Spanish term 'hemisferio norte' translates to 'northern hemisphere' in English. The northern hemisphere refers to the half of the planet that is north of the equator. This hemisphere includes parts of North America, Europe, Asia, and significant portions of Africa. In the context of astronomy, the northern hemisphere is also a term used to refer to the half of the celestial sphere that is north of the celestial equator.

Example sentences with  hemisferio norte
hemisferio sur
Southern hemisphere

The Spanish term 'hemisferio sur' translates to 'southern hemisphere' in English. The term is used in geography to refer to the half of earth that is located to the south of the equator. It includes all the parts of South America, Australasia, half of Africa, Antarctic and parts of the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

Example sentences with  hemisferio sur
horario comercial
business hours

The Spanish phrase 'horario comercial' translates to 'business hours' in English. This term is generally used to refer to the typical hours during which a business is open for operation. It usually refers to a set schedule established by a company for the convenience of its customers, specifying the opening and closing times, including any breaks. The exact schedule can vary widely depending on multiple factors including the type of business, cultural norms, and local regulations.

horario continuo
Continuous schedule

The Spanish term 'horario continuo' refers to the concept of a 'continuous schedule' in English. This term is commonly used in contexts such as working hours and schedule planning. A 'horario continuo' suggests a working or operating period without interruptions or breaks. For instance, it might refer to businesses or stores that remain open throughout the day, schools on a single continuous schedule, or employees following a continuous work schedule without split shifts.


The Spanish word 'horizonte' translates to 'horizon' in English. It refers to the apparent line that separates earth from sky, the line where the earth seems to end and the sky begins. It's often used metaphorically to represent the limits or possibilities of knowledge or experience.

Example sentences with  horizonte

The Spanish word 'huerta' translates to 'orchard' in English, referring to a plantation of trees or shrubs that bear fruits or nuts. Often consisting of a variety of trees, such as apple, pear, or peach trees, an orchard is usually intended for commercial production. However, in a domestic context, it might refer to a smaller area where fruit trees are cultivated for personal use.

Example sentences with  huerta

The Spanish word for church is 'iglesia'. Just like in English, 'iglesia' is used to refer to a physical place of worship for Christians. It is a common noun that can be used in a variety of contexts, such as 'Vamos a la iglesia' which means 'We are going to the church'. It can also be used symbolically to refer to the organization or institution of a religious group.

Example sentences with  iglesia
inaugurar un comercio
inaugurate trade

The phrase 'inaugurar un comercio' in Spanish translates to 'inaugurate a trade' in English. It can be used when establishing or opening a new business or marketplace, signifying the beginning of operations. The act of inaugurating typically involves a formal ceremony or ritual marking the official opening. The term 'inaugurar' directly relates to 'inaugurate' in English, and 'comercio' to 'trade' or 'business'. The phrase as a whole can signify embarking on a new commercial endeavor.

índice de mortalidad
Mortality index

The term 'índice de mortalidad' translates to 'mortality index' in English. It refers to a statistical measurement typically used in epidemiology and public health that reflects the number of deaths in a given population, usually in relation to the population's size and they are often divided into specific causes and age groups, and are often recorded annually. It is a valuable tool in assessing health and development in countries around the world.

Example sentences with  índice de mortalidad
índice de natalidad
birth rate

The term 'índice de natalidad' in Spanish refers to the 'birth rate' in English. The birth rate is a demographic measure of population, usually expressed as the number of live births per thousand population per year. It is frequently used in public health, demography, economics, and geography for planning and resource allocation. The Spanish term 'índice' means 'index' or 'rate', and 'natalidad' means 'natality' or 'birth', which together translate to 'birth rate'.

Example sentences with  índice de natalidad
índice de población
Population index

The term 'índice de población' in Spanish translates to 'population index' in English. This is a statistic that is used to measure the number of individuals residing within a specified geographical area. It could be anything ranging from a city, a country, a continent, or the entire world. This term is frequently used in demographics, geography, sociology, and various other fields that require population analysis. In certain contexts, the population index could also be used to analyze population trends over time, which can provide insights into growth rates, migration patterns, and population dynamics.

Example sentences with  índice de población

The Spanish word 'inmediaciones' can be translated to English as 'nearby' or 'vicinity'. It is usually used to refer to areas or locations that are close to a certain point of reference. For instance, it could be used to describe the area around your current location or near a specific, mentioned place.

Example sentences with  inmediaciones

The Spanish word 'inmigrante' translates to 'immigrant' in English. An immigrant is a person who moves to another country, voluntarily or by force, with intentions to settle, typically as permanent residents or naturalized citizens, and often with the promise of a better lifestyle, job prospects, or for safety reasons. Similarly, in Spanish, an 'inmigrante' is someone who has relocated to a different country, often for the same reasons expressed in English.

Example sentences with  inmigrante

The word 'internacional' is used in Spanish similarly as 'international' is used in English. It is most often used when referring to things, events, or people that involve more than one country. For example, if someone participates in an 'evento internacional', they are taking part in an 'international event'. It can also be used as an adjective to describe something that is known, recognized or present in many different countries.

Example sentences with  internacional
ir a la montaña
go to the mountain

'Ir a la montaña' is a Spanish phrase that directly translates to 'go to the mountain' in English. This phrase is often used when someone is expressing their desire or plan to travel or hike up a mountain. Like in English, it can be used in various contexts. It's a basic phrase that's important for learners to understand when starting to comprehend Spanish phrases related to travel and outdoor activities.

Example sentences with  ir a la montaña
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