Spanish Spanish Vocabulary: Places

Learn Spanish vocabulary for various places such as home, school, park, etc. Improve your language skills by understanding usage in context.


The Spanish word 'esquina' translates to 'corner' in English. It is primarily used to describe the place or point where two or more edges, sides, or surfaces of something meet. In geography, it is used for the intersection of two streets. Its secondary usage can be in the context of a place or situation offering opportunities for privacy or concealment. To master its usage, try to use 'esquina' in your daily conversation while referring to corners.

Example sentences with  esquina

The Spanish word 'establecimiento' translates to 'establishment' in English. This word can be used in various contexts including business, education, and more. For instance, it can refer to a place of business or a public or private institution. Similarly, the term can also indicate the act or process of establishing something or being established. In a legal context, it may refer to a formal declaration or settlement. It's a noun and is often used in formal contexts or official documentation.

estación de autobuses
bus station

The Spanish phrase 'estación de autobuses' translates to 'bus station' in English. A 'bus station' is a structure where city or intercity buses stop to pick up and drop off passengers. It's a central hub of public transportation, often located in city centers or busy neighborhoods, where various bus routes converge. In Spanish speaking countries, 'estación de autobuses' are common and an important part of public transportation infrastructure.

Example sentences with  estación de autobuses
estación de metro
metro station

The Spanish term 'estación de metro' translates to 'metro station' in English. It refers to a specified area where the metro, or a type of high-capacity public transportation, stops for passengers to get on or off. These stations are typically found in urban areas and can be located either underground or above ground. They are a central part of public transportation in many cities worldwide.

Example sentences with  estación de metro
estación de tren
train station

The Spanish term 'estación de tren' translates to 'train station' in English. This is a facility where trains regularly stop to load or unload passengers or freight. It generally consists of at least one track-side platform and a station building providing such ancillary services as ticket sales, waiting rooms and baggage/freight service. It's a very common term used in transportation.

Example sentences with  estación de tren

An 'Estadio' is a large structure or venue for sports, concerts, or events. It usually has a field or stage surrounded by tiers of seating for spectators.

Example sentences with  estadio
estadio municipal
Municipal stadium

The term 'estadio municipal' in Spanish translates to 'municipal stadium' in English. The term is typically used to refer a sports arena or a facility where sporting events are usually held, and it's owned and operated by a municipality or local government. These stadiums can host a variety of sports, including football, baseball, or athletics, serving as important venues for local team games, competitions and community events.

Example sentences with  estadio municipal

The word 'estado' in Spanish translates to 'state' in English. It's used in a similar context, such as when referring to the condition of someone or something, a state in a country, or expressing a particular condition that something is in. An example phrase would be 'El estado de la habitación' which translates to 'The state of the room.'

Example sentences with  estado

The given information is incorrect. 'Estanco' does not translate to 'staircase'. 'Estanco' is a Spanish word which is generally used to represent a small shop or kiosk that sells tobacco, stamps, and other public documents in Spain. Sometimes it could also mean a place where the sale of an item is strictly controlled by the state or 'a monopoly'. A closer Spanish word for 'staircase' is 'escalera'.


The Spanish word 'estantería' translates to 'shelf' in English. It typically refers to a flat horizontal plane used for storage. They are most commonly found in homes, offices, libraries, and many other places, used to hold items such as books, decorative objects, kitchen utensils, and various equipment. In a broader sense, estantería might refer to a bookcase or shelving unit, which is a structure consisting of several shelves.

estar de oferta
be on offer

The Spanish term 'estar de oferta' translates to 'be on offer' in English. This phrase is usually used in sales and marketing context to indicate that a product or service is available at a discounted or special offer price. It's a common term that you may come across while shopping or browsing deals in Spanish speaking regions.

estar en obras
to be in works

The Spanish phrase 'estar en obras' is an idiomatic expression that generally means 'to be in works'. It is commonly used to refer to a situation, place, or thing that is currently under construction, renovation, or significant change. For instance, it could refer to a building that is currently undergoing construction, a project that is in progress, or a life situation that is in the process of transformation.

Example sentences with  estar en obras
estar situado
be located

The phrase 'estar situado' in Spanish is translated as 'be located' in English. The phrase is used in similar contexts in both languages, typically to indicate the place or position of something or someone. For instance, if you enquire about the location of a place, someone might use this phrase to describe where it is. It's a common phrase that comes in handy in various situations, such as asking for directions, discussing geography or reporting about events.

Example sentences with  estar situado

The word 'estatua' in Spanish translates to 'statue' in English. A statue is a free-standing sculpture in which real or imaginary people or animals, or, less commonly, things are represented. Usually found in public places, statues are an integral part of architecture and history, symbolizing important events or people from the past.

Example sentences with  estatua

The word 'estrecho' in Spanish does not mean 'straight' in English. It actually translates to 'narrow'. Estrecho can be used to describe anything from a narrow road, a gap or even a tight squeeze in a situation. It is also used to describe close relationships between people, such as 'estrecha amistad' which means 'close friendship.'

Example sentences with  estrecho

The Spanish word 'etiqueta' translates to 'tag' in English. It is commonly used to refer to a type or kind of something. In a store, you find etiquetas on items which provide information about the product. It is also used in a digital context to categorize or label posts, articles or items on the internet.


The Spanish word 'Europa' translates to 'Europe' in English. Europe is a continent with a vast diversity of languages, cultures, and histories. It is the second smallest continent, yet it has the second largest population. Composed of 50 countries, some of which have territories and dependencies around the world, Europe has had a profound impact on the world's economy, history, and culture.

Example sentences with  Europa
Extremo Oriente
Far East

The term 'Extremo Oriente', translated in English as 'Far East', refers to the easternmost part of a geographic region, often in reference to the continent of Asia. It includes nations such as China, Japan, South Korea, and sometimes even Southeast Asian countries like Vietnam and the Philippines. The term is widely used in historical, social, and geographic contexts.

Example sentences with  Extremo Oriente

The Spanish word 'fabricante' translates to 'manufacturer' in English. A manufacturer is a person, a group of people, or a company that produces goods in large quantities, often using machinery. This production process involves converting raw materials, components, or parts into finished goods that meet a customer's expectations or specifications. Therefore, in a business context, 'fabricante' plays a vital role in the supply chain, producing and supplying goods to various markets.


The Spanish word 'farmacia' translates to 'pharmacy' in English. A 'farmacia' is a place where medicines are prepared and sold. It's equivalent to a drug store or a chemist's shop in English-speaking countries. Just like in English-speaking countries, 'farmacias' in Spanish-speaking regions can also provide health consultations and sell over-the-counter drugs, among other health-related products.

Example sentences with  farmacia

The Spanish word 'farola' translates to 'streetlight' in English. A streetlight is a raised source of light on the edge of a road or pathway, which is turned on or lit at a certain time every night. Modern lamps may also have light-sensitive photocells to turn them on at dusk, off at dawn, or activate automatically in dark weather. In general, 'farola' represents a device designed to illuminate areas at night or during low light conditions for safety, visibility and aesthetics.


The Spanish word 'finca' translates to 'estate' in English. In Spanish speaking countries, a 'finca' can refer to a large piece of land, often with a house or farm on it. It is similar to what English speakers would understand as a ranch, plantation, or a large homestead. The word is often used to describe rural properties used for agricultural or farming purposes. However, it can also refer to any property, including urban buildings and houses.

Example sentences with  finca
fluir un río
flow a river

The Spanish phrase 'fluir un río' directly translates to 'flow a river' in English. This is often used to describe the continuous and smooth movement of a river, much like the natural action of water flowing downstream. It serves as an environmental imagery illustrating the constant motion and free-flowing nature of a river, signifying the concept of moving forward or proceeding unhindered in a particular direction.

Example sentences with  fluir un río

The word 'forestal' in Spanish refers to 'forestry' in English. It typically relates to the science, art, and craft of creating, maintaining, using, conserving, and repairing forests, woodlands, and associated resources to meet desired goals, needs, and values for human and environment benefits. Forestry is practiced in plantations and natural stands.

Example sentences with  forestal

The Spanish word 'frondoso' translates to 'leafy' in English. It is often used to describe something that is full of leaves or foliage, typically trees or plants. This adjective conveys a sense of lushness or abundance in nature. For example, a 'frondoso' tree would be a tree that is richly filled with green leaves.

Example sentences with  frondoso

The Spanish word 'gallinero' translates to 'henhouse' in English. A 'henhouse' is a house or enclosure for female chickens or hens to live and lay their eggs. This term is often used in rural or farming contexts to refer to the specific area where chickens are kept. Henhouses provide safety and shelter for the chickens, protecting them from various weather elements and predators.

Example sentences with  gallinero
cattle ranch

The Spanish term 'ganadero' translates to 'cattle ranch' in English. It is derived from the Spanish word 'ganado', which means 'cattle', and the -ero suffix, which can indicate profession or occupation. Therefore, a 'ganadero' is a person or business involved in raising cattle for various purposes such as milk or meat production. In other words, it's a place where cattle are kept and bred, forming a significant part of the agricultural industry in Spanish-speaking areas.

Example sentences with  ganadero
ganar clientes
win customers

The Spanish phrase 'ganar clientes' translates to 'win customers' in English. It is often used in business contexts to denote the act of attracting new customers or clients to one's business. It can involve various marketing strategies, such as advertising, promotional offers, quality services, etc., aimed at increasing the customer base. Note: Though the literal translation is 'win customers', it might be more naturally said as 'attract customers' or 'gain customers' in English.

garantía de calidad
quality assurance

The term 'garantía de calidad' in Spanish translates to 'quality assurance' in English. It is used to describe a systematic process of determining whether products meet customers' expectations. Quality assurance is a method of preventing mistakes or defects in manufactured products and avoiding problems when delivering services or solutions to customers. Its importance is paramount in any production or service industry as it helps instill confidence in the product or service provided and ensures it is free from flaws and errors.

gas station

The Spanish word 'gasolinera' translates to 'gas station' in English. It is a facility which sells fuel and engine lubricants for motor vehicles. The services available regarding motor fuel differ greatly around the world. Other services, such as small snacks, vehicle repair services, or even full shopping outlets may also be available at a gas station (or 'gasolinera', in Spanish).

Example sentences with  gasolinera
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