Spanish Spanish Vocabulary: Places

Learn Spanish vocabulary for various places such as home, school, park, etc. Improve your language skills by understanding usage in context.


The Spanish word 'continente' translates to 'continent' in English. A continent is one of several very large landmasses on Earth. They are generally identified by convention rather than any strict criteria, with up to seven regions commonly regarded as continents. These are from largest in size to smallest: Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia.

Example sentences with  continente
mountain range

The Spanish word 'cordillera' translates to 'mountain range' in English. In geography, a mountain range is a series of mountains or hills ranged in a line and connected by high ground. Mountain ranges are often formed by tectonic plate interactions in the Earth's crust. In Spanish-speaking regions, 'cordillera' is commonly used to describe these natural formations. It's a very useful word to know, especially when discussing geography or nature in Spanish.

Example sentences with  cordillera

The Spanish word 'corral' translates to 'corral' in English. In both languages, it refers to an enclosure or pen for livestock, particularly cattle or horses, on a farm or ranch. It's an outdoor space surrounded by fencing where animals are kept. It can also be used metaphorically in English to suggest a situation where someone is being tightly controlled or confined.

Example sentences with  corral
corriente de un río
stream of a river

The Spanish term 'corriente de un río' translates to 'stream of a river' in English. In geography, this describes the continuous, directed movement of water in a river, which often flows towards the ocean, sea, lake, or another river. It plays a vital role in the water cycle, the transportation of sediment, and the shaping of the riverine landscape.

Example sentences with  corriente de un río

The Spanish word 'cosechar' translates to 'harvest' in English. It is often used in the context of agriculture, where it refers to the process of gathering ripe crops from the fields. However, it can also be used metaphorically to express the result of any work or effort. For example, one can 'cosechar' the benefits of hard work. Like many Spanish verbs, 'cosechar' can be conjugated differently based on tense, mood and subject.

Example sentences with  cosechar

The Spanish word 'costa' translates to 'coast' in English. It refers to the land along the edge of a sea, ocean, lake, or river. This could be either a beach with sand or pebbles or a steep cliff like terrain. It functions as a noun in the sentence.

Example sentences with  costa

The Spanish word 'costero' translates to 'coastal' in English. It is an adjective used to describe something that is related to, located at, or living near the coast. For instance, it can be used in the context of 'a coastal town' ('un pueblo costero') or 'coastal area' ('area costera'). This word is derived from the noun 'costa' meaning 'coast' in Spanish.

Example sentences with  costero
crecimiento de la población
population growth

The term 'crecimiento de la población' in Spanish translates to 'population growth' in English. This phrase refers to the increase in the number of individuals in a population. It can be due to several factors such as a rise in birth rates, a decline in mortality rates, immigration, or an escalation in the population's resources. It's a term common in discussions about economics, sociology, environmental science, and public planning.

Example sentences with  crecimiento de la población

The Spanish word 'cultivo' translates to 'cultivation' in English. Cultivation refers to the act of preparing and using land for crops or gardening. It is an agricultural term essentially depicting the process in which humans make attempts to alter or manipulate the natural ecosystem, typically for the growth of crops or other activities such as gardening. This includes activities like plowing the land, sowing seeds, watering the plants, and taking care of the crops till they are ready to be harvested. In Spanish, all these activities can be collectively referred to as 'cultivo'.

Example sentences with  cultivo
cultivos de regadío
irrigation crops

The Spanish term 'cultivos de regadío' refers to 'irrigation crops' in English. These are plants that are not entirely dependent on rainfall for their growth but rather rely on an artificial application of water, often delivered through various irrigation systems. This practice is particularly prevalent in regions where natural rainfall is insufficient or irregular, making it necessary to supplement the natural water supply with man-made methods. Some common examples of irrigation crops include rice, wheat, and various fruits and vegetables.

Example sentences with  cultivos de regadío
cultivos de secano
dry crops

The Spanish term 'cultivos de secano' translates to 'dry crops' in English. This term is typically used in agriculture and farming terminology to refer to crops that rely only on natural rainfall for their watering needs, rather than irrigation or other artificial watering systems. They are grown in dry, arid regions where water supply is minimal or unreliable. Examples of such crops are wheat, corn, and sorghum. This method of farming is common in regions with limited water resources.

Example sentences with  cultivos de secano
dar la vez
give the time

The Spanish phrase 'dar la vez' does not actually mean 'give the time' in English. Instead, this phrase is more accurately translated to 'give the turn' or 'yield the turn', which refers to allowing someone else to have their turn in a conversation, game or any rotational activity.

denominación de origen
denomination of origin

The Spanish phrase 'denominación de origen' translates to 'denomination of origin' in English. It is a phrase often used in Spanish-speaking regions to classify various products, especially food and drinks, by their geographical origin. It's a certification that ensures that the product possesses certain qualities or enjoys a certain reputation, due to its geographical origin and its method of production or processing being carried out in that specific region. This term is commonly associated with wine but can be applied to many other products as well.

densidad de población
population density

The Spanish phrase 'densidad de población' translates to 'population density' in English. Population density is a measure of the number of people living in a particular area, such as a square mile or kilometer. It is typically calculated by dividing the total population by the total land area. It helps in understanding the concentration of people in a specific region, which can be crucial in areas like city planning or resource allocation.

Example sentences with  densidad de población
desbordarse un río
overflowing a river

In Spanish, 'desbordarse un río' refers to the phenomenon where a river's water level rises beyond its banks, typically due to excessive rainfall or a sudden influx of water, such that it spans beyond its usual reach. In English, this is referred to as a river overflowing.

Example sentences with  desbordarse un río
descenso de la natalidad
decline in birth

The term 'descenso de la natalidad' in Spanish translates to 'decline in birth' in English. It is often used in sociological, economic, or demographic contexts, referring to a reduction in the number of births in a particular geographical area or population over a specific period of time. The term can also denote a broader societal trend towards having fewer children.

Example sentences with  descenso de la natalidad
descenso de la población
population decline

The Spanish phrase 'descenso de la población' translates to 'population decline' in English. This is a demographic term that indicates a decrease in a region's population over a certain period, usually due to factors such as higher death rates, lower birth rates, emigration, or any combination of these. Any geographical area or racial or ethnic group that has this demographic trend is said to be in 'descenso de la población'.

Example sentences with  descenso de la población
desembocadura de un río
mouth of a river

The term 'desembocadura de un río' in Spanish refers to the geographical feature known as the 'mouth of a river' in English. This is a location in which a river -- typically carrying water from inland areas -- meets a larger body of water such as a sea or an ocean. It is typically characterized by a change in the river's flow and often forms a delta or estuary, depending upon the relative strengths of the river and the receiving waters.

Example sentences with  desembocadura de un río

'Desierto' refers to a large, arid area with little to no vegetation, usually because of the low rainfall.

Example sentences with  desierto
disminución de la mortalidad
decrease in mortality

The Spanish phrase 'disminución de la mortalidad' translates to 'decrease in mortality' in English. This phrase refers to the reduction in the rate of mortality, often within a specific population or due to a specific cause. This term is highly used in demographics, epidemiology, and public health contexts to denote progress in health measures, advancements in healthcare, or improvement in living conditions that results in fewer deaths.

Example sentences with  disminución de la mortalidad

The Spanish word 'distribución' translates to 'distribution' in English. It is intertwined with various disciplines, commonly seen in mathematics, statistics, and business. In business, 'distribución' refers to the process of making a product or service available for the consumer or business user who needs it. In statistics, the 'distribución' of a statistical data set is a listing or function showing all the possible values of the data and how often they occur.


The Spanish word 'distrito' is used as similar to 'district' in English. It refers to a defined area or territory within a city or town, which is governed or managed at a local level. The term can be found in many contexts, such as school districts, voting districts, or administrative districts. Always be mindful to use it within the right context.

Example sentences with  distrito
echar un vistazo
Take a look

The Spanish phrase 'echar un vistazo' translates to 'take a look' in English. It is composed of three words, 'echar', 'un', and 'vistazo'. 'Echar' is an action verb often used to indicate the action of throwing or pouring, but in this context it is used more metaphorically to mean 'to direct'. 'Un' is an indefinite article equivalent to 'a' in English. 'Vistazo' is a noun that comes from the verb 'vistar' meaning 'to see', with the suffix '-azo' it translates as 'a glance' or 'a look'. Therefore, 'echar un vistazo' altogether means to direct a glance at something, or in other words, 'to take a look'.


The Spanish word 'ecuatorial' translates to 'equatorial' in English. It refers to something of, at, or near the equator, which is the imaginary line around the middle of the Earth. The word is often used in geographical and astronomical contexts, such as 'equatorial climate', 'equatorial region', etc. This adjective can describe things being in or related to this geographical area.

Example sentences with  ecuatorial

The Spanish word 'edificio' is used to describe a large structure or a building. This could be anything from a skyscraper to a school. It's used in the same context as the English 'building', as in the sentence: 'El edificio es muy alto', which translates to 'The building is very tall'.

Example sentences with  edificio

The Spanish word 'emigración' translates to 'emigration' in English. Emigration is the act of leaving one's native country or region to settle in another. It typically occurs with the intent to settle permanently in a new location. The term is closely related to immigration, which is the process of individuals moving into a new country. Together, emigration and immigration are part of the wider process of migration within and between nations.

Example sentences with  emigración

The Spanish word 'emigrante' translates to 'emigrant' in English. An emigrant is a person who leaves their own country in order to settle permanently in another. This term is used to describe those individuals or groups of people who choose to relocate, often in search of better life opportunities or to escape from situations such as political unrest or economic challenges in their home countries.

Example sentences with  emigrante
empleado de correos
post office

The Spanish term 'empleado de correos' can be translated to English as 'post office employee'. This is a person who works at the post office, an establishment for the reception, dispatch, and delivery of letters and packages, and selling stamps and other postal supplies.

escaleras mecánicas

The Spanish phrase 'escaleras mecánicas' translates to 'escalators' in English. An escalator is a moving staircase, a conveyor transport device for carrying people between floors of a building. The device consists of a motor-driven chain of individual, linked steps that move up or down on tracks, allowing the step treads to remain horizontal.


The Spanish word 'escolar' is an adjective that refers to anything related to school. Common uses include defining a year, uniform, or a day as school-related. For example, 'año escolar' translates to 'school year', 'uniforme escolar' means 'school uniform', 'día escolar' becomes 'school day' in English. However, it's crucial to remember that the noun 'school' is translated as 'escuela' in Spanish, not as 'escolar'.

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