Spanish Spanish Vocabulary: Places

Learn Spanish vocabulary for various places such as home, school, park, etc. Improve your language skills by understanding usage in context.


The Spanish word 'catedral' translates to 'cathedral' in English. A cathedral is a large, important church, often the principal church of a diocese, with which a bishop is officially associated. Cathedrals are typical symbols of the Catholic faith but are also present in other Christian denominations. Similarly, 'catedral' in Spanish also bear religious importance and often represent the center of religious activities in a city or region.

Example sentences with  catedral
cauce de un río
channel of a river

The Spanish phrase 'cauce de un río' translates to 'channel of a river' in English. It refers to the path that a river follows across the land. The term 'cauce' signifies the natural or artificial bed, confined overground, funnelling the flow of water. Essentially, it is the deeper part of a river where most of the water flows. 'Cauce de un río' falls under the category of geographical terminologies and is a common term used in studies related to Earth's physical structures and processes. It is an important aspect of understanding how rivers shape the environment and influence biosphere patterns.

Example sentences with  cauce de un río
caudal de un río
flow of a river

The Spanish phrase 'caudal de un río' translates to 'flow of a river' in English. It refers to the quantity of water that passes through a river per unit of time. It is often measured in cubic meters per second. This term is popularly used in the study of hydrology, an aspect of geographical science that majorly focuses on water bodies. The flow of a river can significantly affect the environment and ecosystems around it, as it determines the amount of water available for both human use and wildlife habitats.

Example sentences with  caudal de un río
flow rate

The Spanish word 'caudaloso' refers to a high flow rate, often used to describe a river or stream. Literally, it translates to 'abundant flow'. In English, it could be used in context such as, 'The Amazon is a caudaloso, or abundantly flowing river'. The term is fundamentally used to face the high volume of water flow in a river or a stream.

Example sentences with  caudaloso

The word 'central' in Spanish is used much like it is in English. It refers to something that is in the middle or is the most important. For instance, it can be used while speaking about a central location or a central idea.

Example sentences with  central
centro comercial

The Spanish phrase 'centro comercial' translates to 'mall' in English. It refers to a large enclosed building complex that contains a variety of stores and often restaurants, offering a wide range of consumer goods under one roof. Malls are designed to serve as a one-stop destination for individuals seeking to make multiple purchases, and often include entertainment facilities as well.

centro de belleza
beauty center

'Centro de belleza' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'beauty center' in English. In a typical 'centro de belleza' you might find a variety of beauty services including hair care, manicures, pedicures, facials, massages, etc. It can also refer to a place where beauty products are sold. In essence, a 'centro de belleza' is a place dedicated to personal care and enhancement of physical beauty.

Example sentences with  centro de belleza

'Ciudad' refers to a large place where people live and work, usually featuring tall buildings and busy streets.

Example sentences with  ciudad
ciudad antigua
ancient city

The Spanish term 'ciudad antigua' translates to 'ancient city' in English. This term is often used in the context of discussing city structures and civilizations that existed in the distant past. For example, it could refer to cities from the Roman or Greek eras, or any other city with significant historical significance that has been preserved or discovered through archaeological means.

Example sentences with  ciudad antigua
ciudad cosmopolita
cosmopolitan city

The term 'ciudad cosmopolita' in Spanish translates to 'cosmopolitan city' in English. This refers to a city that's characterized by its global nature, diverse population and an embracement of many different cultures and ideas. Cosmopolitan cities are often large, with exciting hubs of business, tourism, food, fashion, and other industries, holding people from varied ethnic backgrounds and walks of life.

Example sentences with  ciudad cosmopolita
ciudad industrial
industrial city

The Spanish term 'ciudad industrial' translates to 'industrial city' in English. An industrial city is a city where the primary industry is manufacturing, characterized by factories, industries and establishments that convert raw materials into products in large quantities. It is often bustling with activity and may host a large labour force involved in various stages on the manufacturing process. Examples of industrial cities could include Detroit in the United States, known for its automotive industry, and Birmingham in the United Kingdom, known for its historical significance in the industrial revolution.

Example sentences with  ciudad industrial
ciudad moderna
modern city

The Spanish term 'ciudad moderna' translates to 'modern city' in English. This term is used to describe cities that are characterized by up-to-date and advanced infrastructure, architecture, technology, and amenities. These cities often offer advanced systems in transportation, communication, education, and recreational activities. They keep up with contemporary urban design trends and evolve with the changing times, striving for sustainable growth and development.

Example sentences with  ciudad moderna
ciudad universitaria
University city

The Spanish phrase 'ciudad universitaria' translates to 'university city' in English. This refers to an area or a part of a city where many universities or colleges are located. It can also mean a campus where several department buildings of a single university are located. These places are hubs of educational activity, often bustling with students, faculty, and staff from the university. Besides educational buildings, university cities typically contain amenities to support daily life including housing, dining, social spaces, and more.

Example sentences with  ciudad universitaria

The Spanish word 'ciudadano' translates to 'citizen' in English. A citizen is a person who legally belongs to a country and has the rights and protection of that country. Citizens can be native born or naturalized and they owe allegiance to their country. Similarly, in Spanish, 'ciudadano' refers to an individual who is a legal member of a particular country, with all the rights, benefits, and duties that come with such membership.

Example sentences with  ciudadano

The Spanish word 'cívico' translates to 'civic' in English. It is an adjective that describes anything related to city or town affairs, citizenship, or community activities. This term is commonly used in the context of public involvement and participation in a town or city. For example, when discussing civic duties or responsibilities, such as voting, obeying laws, or volunteering for the betterment of the community.

Example sentences with  cívico

A client is a person or organization that uses the services or advice of a professional or company. In business context, they're the ones who purchase or consume the goods and services.

Example sentences with  cliente
cliente habitual
usual customer

The Spanish term 'cliente habitual' translates to 'usual customer' in English. It refers to a customer who frequently visits or uses the services of a specific business establishment or service provider. The term is commonly used in various types of businesses including retail, restaurants, and service-based industries. The regularity of these customers often contributes to the steady income of the business and builds customer loyalty.

cliente potencial

The term 'cliente potencial' in Spanish refers to a person or organization that could potentially be converted into a client. They have shown some degree of interest in the product or service offered by a company but have not yet made a purchase or agreement. The potential client is also referred to as a 'prospect', as they represent potential revenue for the business. A potential client embodies the prospect of a future relationship that may evolve into a formal client relationship, depending on how effective the sales and marketing strategies are. In English, this term translates literally to 'Potential client'.


The Spanish word 'clínica' translates to 'clinic' in English. It is used in the same context, meaning a healthcare facility that is primarily focused on the care of outpatients. Clinics can be publicly managed or privately managed and typically cover the primary healthcare needs of populations in local communities, contrary to larger hospitals which offer specialist treatments and admit inpatients for overnight stays.


The word 'colegio' in Spanish is often used to refer both to a primary or secondary school and is typically used in many Spanish-speaking countries. However, it can also refer to a college, which is an institution of higher education or a part of a university. It's worth noting that the use of 'colegio' may change in context or region. It is important to understand the context when this word is used.


The Spanish word 'colina' translates to 'hill' in English. It is a common geographical term used to refer to a natural elevated part of the earth's surface, smaller than a mountain. It has a small area elevated above the rest of the surface. 'Colinas' can often be found in hilly landscapes and they play a significant role in various aspects of human life including settlement, agriculture and tourism.

Example sentences with  colina

The Spanish term 'colonia' translates to 'colony' in English. A colony is often understood as a territory or a group under the political control of another country, typically a distant one. This primarily historic concept stands crucial to understand several historic timelines and relations. The word can also refer to a group of people of one nationality or ethnic group living in a foreign city or country. The word 'colonia' in Spanish holds the same meaning.

Example sentences with  colonia

The Spanish word 'comercial' translates to 'commercial' in English. This word can be used in various contexts such as in business where a 'comercial' is an advertisement or it can be related to commerce or trade. It can also refer to something that is intended for, or relates to, the buying and selling of goods and services. This term broadly links to anything related to the commercial sector.


The Spanish word 'comerciante' translates to 'merchant' in English. A 'comerciante' is an individual or company that buys and sells goods and services with the objective of making a profit. In a broader context, 'comerciante' might also refer to someone who is adept in business and commerce in general.

comisaría (de policía)
police station

The Spanish word 'comisaría (de policía)' translates to 'police station' in English. It refers to a place where police officers work. This can be considered as the local headquarters or a branch of the law enforcement or police department. The people who work there are involved in maintaining law and order, preventing and investigating crimes and safeguarding citizens. The term can be found used in different contexts and sentences.

comunidad autónoma
Autonomous Community

The Spanish phrase 'comunidad autónoma' translates to 'autonomous community' in English. It is an administrative division in Spain, similar to a state in the United States, with its own regional government. Each 'comunidad autónoma' has its own constitution, known as a 'Statute of Autonomy', and has powers over certain areas such as education, health, and culture. There are 17 'comunidades autónomas' in Spain, each with its own distinct history, culture, and sometimes, its own official language in addition to Spanish.

Example sentences with  comunidad autónoma

The Spanish word 'condado' translates to 'county' in English. It refers to a territorial division of a country, defined for political, administrative and geographical purposes. Depending on the context, it can also refer to a domain associated with a count (a noble rank in certain European countries). It can be used in a sentence to denote the geographical or administrative area, for example 'El condado de Los Angeles es muy grande'.

Example sentences with  condado

The Spanish word 'construcción' translates to 'construction' in English. The term is often used in the building industry, referring to the act or process of building, erecting or constructing buildings, roads, or other structures. It can be used in various contexts, such as 'construcción de un puente' meaning 'construction of a bridge'. It is a noun in Spanish language and can be included in professional vocabulary for those involved in architecture, civil engineering or any building-related jobs.

Example sentences with  construcción

The Spanish word 'consumidor' translates to 'consumer' in English. The term is primarily used in economic and marketing contexts, and refers to an individual or entity that purchases or utilizes goods and services for personal use, rather than for manufacturing or resale. A consumer plays a vital role in the economic system of a nation because it determines which products are in demand. This has an influence on the prices, production, and strategies employed by companies.

contenedor de vidrio
glass container

The Spanish phrase 'contenedor de vidrio' directly translates to 'glass container' in English. It is a noun phrase used to describe a container made out of glass, often used for storing or holding things. It can refer to various items in daily life, including but not limited to, a glass jar, bottle, beaker or decorative item. The term is quite common in everyday usage.

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