Spanish Spanish Vocabulary: Places

Learn Spanish vocabulary for various places such as home, school, park, etc. Improve your language skills by understanding usage in context.


The Spanish word 'avenida' translates to 'avenue' in English. It signifies a broad road in a town or city, normally having trees at regular intervals along its sides. The term can also attribute to a way of approach or access. In general context, it represents a broad road in an urban setting. English speakers, while learning Spanish, can familiarize themselves with 'avenida' as it equates to their understanding of an 'avenue'.


The word 'bahía' in Spanish translates to 'bay' in English. This term is generally used to refer to a body of water partially surrounded by land but with a wide mouth, affording access to the sea. It is usually more enclosed than a gulf. Understanding the term 'bahía' can make you more familiar with geographical conversations or discussions in Spanish.

Example sentences with  bahía
bajar la marea
lower the tide

The Spanish phrase 'bajar la marea' translates to 'lower the tide' in English. It is a common idiomatic expression used in Spanish language. It mostly refers to easing a tense situation or calming down extreme emotions, similar to how an incoming tide can be reduced or 'lowered'. However, keep in mind that idioms do not always translate literally between languages.

Example sentences with  bajar la marea

In Spanish, 'banco' refers to a financial institution where customers can save or borrow money. For example, 'Voy al banco a sacar dinero', which means 'I am going to the bank to withdraw money'. It can also mean a 'bench' or 'seat', relying on context for the correct interpretation.

Example sentences with  banco
baños públicos
public baths

The Spanish phrase 'baños públicos' translates to 'public baths' in English. The term typically refers to communal bathing facilities that are open for general use, but it can also refer to public restrooms or toilets in some contexts. These public facilities can be found in a variety of settings including parks, community centers, and transport hubs among others.

barrio comercial
Commercial district

The Spanish term 'barrio comercial' translates to 'commercial district' in English. It refers to a specific area within a city that is primarily used for business activities, such as the buying and selling of goods and services. These districts are often bustling with activity and populated with offices, shops, restaurants, and other institutions that are engaged in commerce. A 'barrio comercial' is typically a centerpiece of a city's economy as it tends to concentrate commercial activities and attract both locals and tourists for shopping and dining purposes.

Example sentences with  barrio comercial
barrio industrial
Industrial district

'Barrio industrial' is a Spanish term that refers to an area within a city or town that is predominantly used for industrial business activities. These areas can house factories or warehouses, accommodate heavy machinery or infrastructure, and are typically known for manufacturing, distribution, and other commercial operations. It's the English equivalent of 'industrial district'. Strong infrastructure and transport connectivity typically characterize such regions to facilitate the movement of goods and services. These areas greatly contribute to the economy of a city or a country and also provide immense job opportunities.

Example sentences with  barrio industrial
barrio residencial
residential district

The term 'barrio residencial' in Spanish translates to 'residential district' in English. It describes an area within a city that is primarily residential, where people have their homes. This could be anything from a neighborhood of single-family houses to a district of high-rise apartment buildings. The characteristics of a 'barrio residencial' can vary significantly, including factors such as the type of housing, the population density, and the availability of public facilities.

Example sentences with  barrio residencial
basurero municipal
municipal garbage

The term 'basurero municipal' in Spanish translates to 'municipal garbage' in English. It's generally used to indicate the government entity responsible for the management and collection of waste in a city or town. This entity ensures the disposal, recycling, and treatment of waste according to the local laws and regulations. The term can also refer to the physical location or facility where the municipality's waste is collected or processed.

Example sentences with  basurero municipal

A 'Bosque' is a large area covered primarily with trees and undergrowth. It is home to various kinds of wildlife.

Example sentences with  bosque

The word 'cadena' is a noun in Spanish language which translates to 'chain' in English. It is typically used to denote a series of things that are connected or following in succession such as links or rings. This term can be used in various contexts e.g., cadena of mountains, cadena in jewellery or a cadena of events.

caída de la mortalidad
fall in mortality

The Spanish term 'caída de la mortalidad' translates directly to 'fall in mortality' in English. The phrase is commonly used in health and demographic contexts to describe a situation or trend where the mortality rate, or the number of deaths in a particular population, is decreasing. It can be seen as a positive indication of improvements in health care, living conditions, diet or other factors contributing to lifespan and well-being.

Example sentences with  caída de la mortalidad
caída de la natalidad
fall of birth

The Spanish term 'caída de la natalidad' translates to 'fall of birth' in English. It is often used in context to discuss the decline in birth rates within a certain population or region, typically due to factors such as economic conditions, access to healthcare, social norms, and other demographic trends. This term is frequently used in discussions of population dynamics, societal development, and economic policy.

Example sentences with  caída de la natalidad

In Spanish, 'calle' is used to refer to a public road in a city or town. The usage is similar to English, it can be used in various contexts such as giving directions, describing locations etc. It's important to note that, just like in English, 'calle' is feminine in Spanish, so it would be 'la calle'.

Example sentences with  calle
calle comercial
Commercial street

The term 'calle comercial' in Spanish translates to 'commercial street' in English. In many cities, this refers to a busy street where many businesses and retail shops are located. It could also be known as a business district or downtown area in some English-speaking places. These streets often bustle with activity with shoppers during the day, and sometimes even during the night depending on the area and culture.

Example sentences with  calle comercial
calle peatonal
pedestrian street

The term 'calle peatonal' in Spanish directly translates to 'pedestrian street' in English. A 'calle peatonal' is a street or a part of a street that is designated for pedestrians and is typically found in urban areas. In these zones, motorized traffic is not allowed, allowing pedestrians to roam freely and safely without interference from vehicles. These pedestrian streets are often lined with shops, restaurants, and other establishments, fostering a bustling atmosphere and encouraging foot traffic.

Example sentences with  calle peatonal

The Spanish word 'callejero' can be translated to English as 'street', but not in the sense of a physical street. Instead, it is used more to describe something related to the street. For example, when referring to a dog, 'callejero' suggests that the dog is a stray or street dog. It could also refer to people, insinuating that they spend a lot of time in the streets or are street-smart.

Example sentences with  callejero
callejón sin salida
dead end

The Spanish term 'callejón sin salida' translates to 'dead end' in English. It can be used to refer to a street or pathway that ends abruptly and does not lead anywhere. Metaphorically, it can also apply to situations with no apparent solution or way forward.

Example sentences with  callejón sin salida

The Spanish word 'campestre' can be explained in English as relatable to the country or countryside. It often refers to something rural or pertaining to a pastoral or agricultural field. 'Campestre' incorporates the charm and serenity typically associated with life outside urban areas, including aspects like nature, peace, and rural landscape. Please remember, the word can also carry various subtleties of meaning depending on the context of use.

Example sentences with  campestre

The Spanish word 'campo' is used in similar contexts as 'field' in English. It can refer to an area of open land, especially one planted with crops or pasture. In addition, it might signify a particular branch of study or sphere of activity or interest. 'Campo' can also mean 'countryside' in a more general sense than 'field'. For instance, 'Vivo en el campo' translates to 'I live in the countryside'.

Example sentences with  campo

The Spanish word 'canal' translates to 'channel' in English. It can be used to refer to a natural or artificial body of water allowing passage of boats or ships. Also, it can imply a television or radio frequency, or a medium of communication. 'Canal' can be used metaphorically as well, referring to the concept of making or finding a way through something or towards something.


The Spanish word 'capital' can have several English meanings based on its usage. It could refer to 'capital' as in a city that serves as the seat of government for a country or state, like 'Madrid' is the capital of Spain. It can also mean 'capital' in an economic context, referring to wealth in the form of money or property, used or accumulated in a business by a person, partnership, or corporation. Moreover, 'capital' might also refer to a capital letter in the context of writing or typography. Its exact English equivalent would therefore depend on its contextual usage in a sentence.

Example sentences with  capital
butcher shop

The Spanish word 'carnicería' translates to 'butcher shop' in English. It refers to a store where a variety of meat products are sold. The term 'carnicería' comes from 'carne', the Spanish word for meat. The place is often organized by types of meat, like beef, pork, chicken, etc, and the cuts available. This word is widely used in all Spanish-speaking regions.


The Spanish word 'carretera' is used to refer to a long, hard surface built for vehicles to travel along. This can refer to both smaller roads in rural areas, as well as major highways. It can be used in a variety of contexts, similar to the English usage of the term 'road'.

Example sentences with  carretera
cartera de clientes
customer portfolio

The term 'cartera de clientes' is a Spanish phrase that refers to a company's customer portfolio. This portfolio represents a range of different customers that a business serves or intends to reach. It can include existing clients, potential prospects, and past customers. The management of this portfolio is essential for businesses aiming to increase customer loyalty, to understand their customer base, and to grow their market share. The 'cartera de clientes' might be diversified in terms of age, geographical location, purchasing power, preferences, etc., varying from business to business.


The Spanish word 'cascada' translates to 'waterfall' in English. It refers to a cascade of water falling from a height, often in a mountain or hill setting. It is also used in a more metaphorical sense to describe any stream of items or events that resembles a waterfall in some way. As it is a common word, 'cascada' might appear frequently in literature, descriptions of nature, and travel writing.

Example sentences with  cascada
casco antiguo
Old Town

The Spanish term 'casco antiguo' directly translates to 'old town' in English. It refers to the historical or original nucleus of a city, often preserving the old architecture and historical elements. Many European cities are popular for their old towns, which draw travelers looking to experience rich history and culture. The 'casco antiguo' encompasses a city's roots and may boast museums, cathedrals, and other significant monuments. These areas often contain narrow, winding streets and buildings dating back several centuries, creating a distinctive charm and character.

Example sentences with  casco antiguo
casco histórico
historic centre

The term 'casco histórico' in Spanish translates to 'historic centre' in English. It refers to an area that has been designated as culturally important due to its historical significance. Typically, 'casco histórico' consists of older buildings that represent the architecture and style of a specific period in history. Such areas are often preserved and maintained by governments or local societies to promote heritage and tourism.

Example sentences with  casco histórico

The Spanish word 'castillo' translates to 'castle' in English. A castle is a large building or group of buildings fortified against attack with thick walls, battlements, towers, and in many cases a moat. Castles were primarily built during the Middle Ages and were used to protect the inhabitants from potential enemy attacks. In the context of Spanish culture, many castles can be found across the country, displaying a variety of architectural styles influenced by different historical periods and geographical locations.

Example sentences with  castillo

The Spanish word 'catarata' translates to 'cataract' in English. A cataract refers to a medical condition characterized by the clouding of the lens in the eye which affects vision. In a wider context outside medicine, 'cataract' can also refer to a large, powerful waterfall.

Example sentences with  catarata
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