Spanish Spanish Vocabulary: Places

Learn Spanish vocabulary for various places such as home, school, park, etc. Improve your language skills by understanding usage in context.

suelo húmedo
Wet soil

The Spanish phrase 'suelo húmedo' translates to 'wet soil' in English. It is a compound term made up of two words. 'Suelo' is the Spanish word for 'soil' and 'húmedo' is the Spanish word for 'wet'. These sorts of phrases are useful in a variety of contexts. For instance, you could use it when speaking about gardening, farming, or even when describing the weather or nature. Understanding both individual words and combined phrases is useful for better understanding of Spanish.

Example sentences with  suelo húmedo
suelo seco
Dry soil

The Spanish phrase 'suelo seco' translates to 'dry soil' in English. The term is typically used in geographical or agricultural contexts, often to describe a specific ground condition. In general, 'suelo seco' refers to soil that has little or no moisture, which can happen due to hot weather or lack of rainfall. This type of soil condition impacts the type of vegetation that can grow, or the manner in which crops should be cultivated.

Example sentences with  suelo seco

A 'Supermercado' is a large self-service store selling a wide variety of food and household goods, organized into aisles. It's commonly found in most towns and cities.

Example sentences with  supermercado

The Spanish word for 'south' is 'sur'. It is often used in the context of geographical direction. Similar to its use in English, 'sur' is used in various phrases and contexts to indicate a location or direction towards the southern part of a place or country.

Example sentences with  sur

The Spanish term 'Suroeste' translates to 'Southwest' in English. This is a geographical term, typically used to indicate a direction or position. It is used to denote a point that is precisely between the south and west. It also refers to a region or area that is located to the south-west of a particular point. This term is often used in navigation or meteorology to describe wind directions or the movement of a storm, as well as in physical geography to describe the location of features or places.

Example sentences with  Suroeste
tener garantía

The Spanish phrase 'tener garantía' translates to 'have guarantee' in English. It is often used in the context of assuring that a product or service will operate or perform as advertised for a certain period of time. This can also refer to a legal promise to repair or replace faulty goods during the warranty period. In a broader sense, 'tener garantía' can also imply a sense of security, assurance or certainty about a particular situation or outcome.

territorial territory

The word 'territorial' in Spanish essentially contains the same meaning as its English counterpart. It pertains to the ownership, control or jurisdiction over an area or land. It is used to describe something, often a nation's political power or an animal's behavior, that relates to a specific territory or area. A nation might be territorial in the sense that it vigorously defends its physical borders, and an animal might be territorial in the sense that it marks and defends a specific area against other animals.

Example sentences with  territorial

The Spanish word 'tienda' is used to refer to a physical location where items are sold, similar to how 'store' is used in English. Mostly, it is accompanied with the type of store it is, for example, 'tienda de ropa' for clothing store. It could also be used to indicate an online platform for the sales of goods, namely 'tienda en línea'.

Example sentences with  tienda
tienda de de decoración
Decoration shop

The Spanish term 'tienda de decoración' translates to 'decoration shop' in English. A 'tienda de decoración' is a store where one can purchase items for decorating a home, office, or any other space. These items can range from furniture, art, rugs, and various knick-knacks. Think of places like Pottery Barn, HomeGoods, or IKEA. It literally consists of two words where 'tienda' means 'shop' and 'decoración' means 'decoration'. So, if you find yourself in a Spanish speaking country, look for a 'tienda de decoración' when you want to spruce up your living space.

tienda de de deportes
Sports shop

The Spanish term 'tienda de deportes' translates to 'sports shop' in English. This is an establishment where one can buy sporting gear and equipment, such as clothing, shoes, balls, racquets, clubs, and other items used in various sports activities.

tienda de de discos
record store

The Spanish phrase 'tienda de discos' translates to 'record store' in English. A 'record store' is a shop that sells music recordings, predominantly in vinyl format. This type of store emerged as an essential part of the music industry during the mid-20th century and served as a popular social gathering place for music lovers. Although the advent of digital music has affected their prevalence, record stores remain an important cornerstone of music culture.

tienda de de regalos
Gift shop

The Spanish phrase 'tienda de regalos' translates to 'gift shop' in English. A gift shop is a store primarily selling souvenirs, memorabilia, and other items relating to a particular topic or theme. These might be items that are designed to be gifts for others, or they could be a way to remember a special location or event. Gift shops are often found in areas visited by tourists, such as museums, galleries, parks and destinations of interest.

tienda de ropa
Clothing shop

The Spanish term 'tienda de ropa' translates to 'clothing shop' in English. It is a place where clothes are sold. This can refer to any type of clothing shop, from a small boutique with unique pieces to a large department store with a variety of different styles and brands. Shopping for clothes or 'ropa' in a 'tienda de ropa' is a common activity for many people, and these stores can be found in many places around the world.

tierra húmedo
wet land

The Spanish phrase 'tierra húmedo' translates to 'wet land' in English. It is often used in environmental contexts or situations where the moistness or saturation of the ground is important. It can refer to a variety of geographical features including marshes, swamps, mudflats, or any piece of land that is saturated with water.

Example sentences with  tierra húmedo
tierra seco
dry land

The Spanish term 'tierra seco' refers to a geographic or environmental condition, specifically 'dry land'. In English, 'dry land' is typically associated with areas where water is scarce or rainfall is minimal, leading to arid or semi-arid conditions. This term may commonly be used in discussions concerning geography, climate, agriculture or other earth sciences. It may often be contrasted with terms referring to wetter environments, such as 'wetlands' or 'moist forests'.

Example sentences with  tierra seco
traspasar un comercio
transferring trade

The term 'traspasar un comercio' in Spanish refers to the process of transferring or passing on the proprietorship or management of a commercial enterprise or business from one individual or entity to another. This may involve various legal and administrative procedures, based on the prevailing business laws and regulations in the concerned jurisdiction. The term highlights a change in the control and responsibility of the business, where the previous owner relinquishes all authority and accountability associated to the business to the new owner or operator.


The Spanish word 'tropical' translates to 'tropical' in English. It is used to describe a climate that is warm and moist throughout the year. The word is often associated with regions that are near the equator, where temperatures are high and vegetation is diverse. The term can also be used to characterize certain types of vegetation, fauna, and cultures that are typical of these climates.

Example sentences with  tropical
trópico de Cáncer
Tropics of Cancer

The 'trópico de Cáncer' is Spanish for 'Tropic of Cancer'. This geographical term refers to one of the five major circles of latitude marked on maps of Earth. It's the northernmost point where the Sun can be seen directly overhead at noon. This happens during the June solstice when the Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun. The Tropic of Cancer, thereby, marks an important line of meteorological and astronomical significance.

Example sentences with  trópico de Cáncer
trópico de Capricornio
Tropic of Capricorn

The 'trópico de Capricornio' in Spanish translates to 'Tropic of Capricorn' in English. It refers to the southernmost point on Earth where the sun can be directly overhead. This line of latitude is approximately 23.5 degrees south of the Earth's equatorial plane. It is one of the five major circles of latitude that mark maps of the Earth and passes through Australia, Chile, southern Brazil, and northern South Africa, among others.

Example sentences with  trópico de Capricornio

The Spanish word 'universidad' is a noun used in conversation to refer to higher education institutions where students pursue undergraduate, postgraduate, or doctorate degrees. It's a direct translation of the English word 'university'. In a sentence, it can be used like this: 'Voy a la universidad para estudiar medicina', which means 'I go to the university to study medicine'.

Example sentences with  universidad

The word 'urbanización' in Spanish translates to 'urbanization' in English. This term refers to the process through which towns and cities grow as more people begin living and working in central areas. It can be associated with the idea of development and modernization of rural areas. The concept includes not only physical growth but also a change in the lifestyle of individuals due to increased access to amenities and services that are driven by urbanization.

Example sentences with  urbanización

The word 'urbano' in Spanish is an adjective that directly translates to 'urban' in English. It is used to describe something that is in, relating to, or characteristic of a town or city. This word often characterizes environments, lifestyles, or areas that are influenced by the cultural, economic and societal activities of towns or cities. It can further be used in a range of contexts such as urban development, urban lifestyle, urban population, among others.

Example sentences with  urbano

The Spanish word 'valle' translates to 'valley' in English. It is a geographical term used to refer to a depression or hollow between hills or mountains. It typically has a river flowing through it or at least some form of water body. Valleys are notable for their fertile soil and are often the site of agricultural activities. They also cater to habitats for various types of flora and fauna.

Example sentences with  valle

The Spanish word 'vecindario' translates to 'neighborhood' in English. It refers to a district or community within a town or city. It implies a certain sense of community and familiarity, as it represents the group of houses or buildings and their inhabitants that are situated close to each other. Just like a neighborhood in English-speaking countries, a 'vecindario' in Spanish-speaking countries can have a unique culture and character, influenced by the people living there and their way of life.


The Spanish word 'villa' translates directly to 'villa' in English. It is often used to describe a large, luxurious country house in a suburban or rural setting. It is a term that originally comes from Roman culture used to describe a country house or estate. Today, it is used more broadly in various languages including English and Spanish to depict houses that are often grand and luxurious in nature.

Example sentences with  villa
violencia callejero
Street violence

The Spanish term 'violencia callejero' translates to 'street violence' in English. This refers to a broad range of violent and criminal behaviors that take place in public places - typically in urban environments. It includes a variety of acts such as physical aggression, theft, vandalism or even more serious crimes like armed robbery and assault. Street violence often underscores issues of public safety, law enforcement, and social services in many communities.

Example sentences with  violencia callejero

The Spanish word 'vitrina' translates to 'showcase' in English. This can refer to a glass display case found in a store or museum, wherein objects are exhibited. Moreover, 'vitrina' can also represent a metaphorical way of displaying or showing off one's abilities or qualities, similar to how items are displayed in a showcase.

zona (super)poblada
area (super)populated

The Spanish term 'zona (super)poblada' translates to 'area (super)populated' in English. The word 'zona' stands for zone or area, and '(super)poblada' means heavily populated, indicating an abundance of inhabitants. This term is usually used to describe regions, cities, or portions of a country where the population is significantly high, possibly attributable to various influential factors such as employment opportunities, economic activities, or favorable living conditions.

Example sentences with  zona (super)poblada
zona comercial
Commercial area

The term 'zona comercial' translates to 'commercial area' in English. A commercial area refers to a designated region of a city or town, that is principally dedicated to commercial activities, such as buying and selling of goods and services. Shops, malls, offices, restaurants may typically be found in these areas. These regions are usually bustling with activity, particularly in the day, when businesses are operational.

Example sentences with  zona comercial
zona despoblada
populated area

The Spanish term 'zona despoblada' is not correctly translated as 'populated area' in English. In fact, it signifies the opposite, translating to 'unpopulated area' or 'deserted area' in English. This term is generally used to define an area or zone with few to no inhabitants or structures. It's often utilized in geographical and demographical contexts.

Example sentences with  zona despoblada
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