Spanish Spanish Vocabulary: Places

Learn Spanish vocabulary for various places such as home, school, park, etc. Improve your language skills by understanding usage in context.


The Spanish word 'prado' translates to 'meadow' in English. It refers to a field habitat vegetated by grass and other non-woody plants, often found in rural areas where they are primarily used for grazing by wild and domesticated animals. The blend of beautiful wildflowers, tall grasses and diverse fauna often makes 'prado' a subject in literature and painting, symbolizing nature's quiet but thriving life away from urban landscapes.

Example sentences with  prado

The Spanish word 'productor' translates to 'producer' in English. In detail, it refers to a person, company, or country that makes, grows, or supplies goods or commodities for sale, especially in the context of business or agriculture. This term can be applied in various industries including film, music, television, and theater, where it denotes the person who oversees and manages the production of a show or product.


The Spanish word 'promoción' translates to 'promotion' in English. It may refer to the act of advancing someone to a higher position or rank, usually in a professional context. Moreover, 'promoción' can also mean a special offer aimed at increasing the sales of a product or service. It varies in usage based on context.


The Spanish word 'provincia' translates to 'province' in English. It is a principal administrative division within a country. This term can signify a wide array of regions and districts, from the provincial government to the territorial boundary. Countries are often divided into provinces to manage their territories more efficiently.

Example sentences with  provincia

The Spanish word 'quiosco' translates to 'kiosk' in English. A kiosk is typically a small, separated garden pavilion open on some or all sides. It is also frequently used, in modern context, to refer to a small, open-fronted hut or cube-like structure where magazines, newspapers, confectionary or tickets are sold. Therefore, 'quiosco' represents similar concepts in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'realizador' refers to a person who is in a position of managing or directing a business, project, or other initiative. This can involve a wide range of tasks, such as coordinating personnel, making strategic decisions, and overseeing day-to-day operations. The word 'realizador' bears the connotation of someone who not only manages, but also brings things into reality, closely aligning with the active and responsible role that managers often play.

recuperar clientes
recover customers

The Spanish phrase 'recuperar clientes' translates to mean 'recover customers' in English. This phrase is often used in business contexts and refers to the process of encouraging former customers who have stopped doing business with a company to return and become active customers again. This could be through strategies like improved customer service, marketing efforts, or providing better products or services than before.


The Spanish word 'región' is used exactly like the English word 'region.' It can describe an administrative division within a country, a geographical area, or a realm of activity, knowledge, or influence. It can be used metaphorically as well, however, the context usually makes its meaning very clear.

Example sentences with  región
región poblada
populated region

The Spanish phrase 'región poblada' translates to 'populated region' in English. It refers to an area or part of a country or the world that is occupied by a large number of people. A populated region typically has an established community, resources, and infrastructure which support human livelihood and activities. Examples of populated regions can be large bustling cities, suburbs or even smaller towns or villages which have a significant number of residents.

Example sentences with  región poblada

The word 'regional' in Spanish is identical to the English word 'regional'. It's used to describe something related to a specific area or part of a country. For example, when talking about customs, food, or dialects that are specific to a certain area, one could use the term 'regional'. It also applies to divisions of large businesses and organizations.

Example sentences with  regional

The Spanish word 'reparto' is translated as 'distribution' in English. This can refer to the process of handing out or distributing something among a group of people. It might apply to the distribution of resources, the distribution of products in a company, or, more broadly, to any process where something is shared or apportioned. The context will often dictate the precise meaning.


The Spanish word 'residente' translates to 'resident' in English. It is used to refer to a person who lives somewhere permanently or on a long-term basis. It can be used in various contexts, such as legal, immigration, or simply to refer to the inhabitant of a house or city.

to reside

The Spanish verb 'residir' translates to 'to reside' in English. It is used to express the notion of living somewhere or in a certain place. For example, you might use the phrase 'Yo resido en España' to say 'I reside in Spain'. Just like with other Spanish verbs, 'residir' changes according to the subject and the tense, so it's worth learning its different forms.


A 'Restaurante' is a business that serves prepared food and beverages to patrons. Food service, the experience and the location of the restaurant, can be a main selling point.

Example sentences with  restaurante

The Spanish word 'ribera' translates to 'shore' in English. In geographical terms, a shore or shoreline is the fringe of land at the edge of a large body of water, such as an ocean, sea, or large lake. It is a significant geographical concept that differs from other terms like coast, beach, and bank. 'Ribera' in Spanish is used in the same context, to describe the strip of land that meets with a body of water.

Example sentences with  ribera

'Río' is the Spanish word for 'River'. This term is used to describe a large, flowing body of water that usually empties into a sea or ocean. Just like in English, this term is used in geographical contexts or in metaphoric expressions, such as 'vida es un río', referring to the flow of life.

Example sentences with  río

The word 'rural' in Spanish is directly translated to 'rural' in English. It is predominantly used to describe areas, communities or populations in the countryside or on the outskirts of urban areas. These areas are typically characterized by a low population density and small settlements. Agricultural activities often take place in rural areas, and these areas are also usually areas rich in natural resources. Similar to its English definition, 'rural' in Spanish can also symbolize a simplistic, traditional or relaxed way of living, in contrast to the hustle and bustle associated with city life.

Example sentences with  rural

The Spanish word 'rústico' translates to 'rustic' in English. This adjective is often used to refer to something that is simple, charming, and quite often related to the rural countryside. It can be used to describe a variety of things, including a style of decor, a type of food, or the general feeling of a place. Consistent with its English counterpart, 'rústico' can convey a sense of unrefined, yet appealing and accessible simplicity.

Example sentences with  rústico
salida de emergencia
emergency exit

The Spanish phrase 'salida de emergencia' translates to 'emergency exit' in English. It is used in establishments like buildings, restaurants, planes or boats, to indicate the fastest and safest way to exit the premises in case of an emergency. This could be crucial in situations of imminent danger such as fire, earthquake or violence. Esp-Eng buildings usually post signs with this phrase along with a symbol representing a running figure and a door, indicating the direction of the escape path.

salón de belleza
beauty salon

The Spanish phrase 'salón de belleza' directly translates to 'beauty salon' in English. A 'salón de belleza' is a place where individuals go to receive services that improve their appearance, such as haircuts, hair color, makeup application, and nail treatments, among other services. It is an establishment where people go for professional beauty treatments. It's a widespread industry and exists in almost every culture worldwide.

Example sentences with  salón de belleza
sector de población
population sector

The Spanish term 'sector de población' translates to 'population sector' in English. This term is often used in demographics, urban planning, and statistical contexts. It can refer to a specific segment of population classified based on various parameters like age, income, or geographic location etc. Additionally, in geographical context, it can also refer to a certain area of a city, town, or country where a specific population segment resides.

Example sentences with  sector de población

The Spanish word 'selva' translates to 'jungle' in English. Derived from the Latin word 'silva', 'selva' typically refers to a large unexplored region covered with dense vegetation, often in the tropics. The 'selva' is characterised by high levels of biodiversity and is home to a variety of animals and plant species. It plays a vital role in the Earth's ecosystem by contributing hugely to the planet's oxygen production.

Example sentences with  selva
to sow

The Spanish word 'sembrar' translates to 'to sow' in English. This term is frequently used in an agricultural context, but it can also be used metaphorically. For instance, you might sembrar seeds in the ground, which means you are sowing seeds. Alternatively, you could also sembrar an idea in someone's mind, which means you are planting an idea.

Example sentences with  sembrar

The Spanish word 'semilla' translates to 'seed' in English. It is often used in horticultural and botanical contexts, referring to the small object produced by plants from which new plants can grow. 'Semilla' can also be used metaphorically in a similar way as 'seed' in English, to refer to the inception or starting point of an idea, a plan, etc.

Example sentences with  semilla

The Spanish word 'sierra' translates to 'saw' in English. It is a common term used for a range of cutting tools, with teeth along one edge, designed to cut materials like wood or metal. Moreover, in a broader context, 'sierra' can refer to a mountain range, as the jagged peaks often resemble the teeth of a saw.

Example sentences with  sierra

The Spanish word 'silvestre' translates to 'wild' in English. It is an adjective used to describe something that grows, lives, or exists in the wild, not tamed, or domesticated. It can refer to animals, plants, landscapes, or can be used metaphorically to describe a person with a free, unrestrained spirit.

Example sentences with  silvestre

The word 'sitio' in Spanish translates to 'site' in English. It is used in the same way as in English, to refer to a place or location. It can refer to a physical place or location, as well as an online website or location. For example, 'sitio de construcción' translates to 'construction site', while 'sitio web' translates to 'website'.

Example sentences with  sitio
subir la marea
up the tide

The Spanish phrase 'subir la marea' translates to 'up the tide' in English. In a more contextual sense, it signifies increasing or intensifying the tide, which is a common term in maritime terms. This phrase can also be used metaphorically in many contexts to suggest the intensification of an issue or situation.

Example sentences with  subir la marea

The word 'Sudeste' is a Spanish word that translates to 'Southeast' in English. It is used to identify one of the main cardinal points or compass points and is often associated with geography or navigation to indicate direction. Like all cardinal points, it is a basic element in the systems of coordinates that allow to locate any point in space or on the Earth's surface.

Example sentences with  Sudeste

In Spanish, 'suelo' is used to refer to the surface of the earth or floor. This term is commonly used in outdoor settings and can also denote 'ground' in electrical contexts. It may also be used metaphorically, like in English, to imply a basis or foundation.

Example sentences with  suelo
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