Spanish Spanish Vocabulary: Places

Learn Spanish vocabulary for various places such as home, school, park, etc. Improve your language skills by understanding usage in context.

(el) centro
(the) centre

(El) centro is a Spanish word that refers to a specific position or point. In English, it is generally translated as 'the centre'. It could refer to a physical, geographical, or conceptual point that is equidistant from the boundaries or it could refer to a place where certain activities are concentrated. For example, when used in phrases such as 'el centro de la ciudad', it indicates the middle or the heart of the city, usually the busiest part. When referred to a circle, 'el centro' would mean the point that is equally distant from the boundary of the circle.

Example sentences with  (el) centro
(las) afueras
(the) outside

(Las) Afueras is a Spanish noun which generally refers to areas that are outside or on the periphery of a town or city. It's the plural form and is usually preceded by the definite article 'las'. The translation of '(las) afueras' into English is '(the) outskirts' or '(the) outside'. When used in context, it gives the idea of being located away from the center or main parts of a city.

Example sentences with  (las) afueras

The Spanish word '(super)mercado' translates to '(super)market' in English. It refers to a physical or virtual platform where buyers and sellers meet to exchange goods and services. When it is prefixed by 'super', it generally refers a large form of grocery store that also sells non-food products, such as clothing or household items. It's notable that both the English and Spanish words carry similar cultural and economic connotations.


The word 'accidentado' in Spanish refers to a state or event that is uneven, rugged, or, in some contexts, it can also refer to an unfortunate occurrence that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury, which in English is generally referred to as an 'accident'. However, it is more frequently used to describe terrain, roads, or landscapes that are irregular or difficult due to natural formations.

Example sentences with  accidentado
accidente geográfico
geographical accident

The term 'accidente geográfico' refers to the various natural formations or features seen on the surface of the earth. These are physical features that are part of the landscape and can include mountains, rivers, valleys, canyons, and peninsulas among others. They are naturally existing and are not created by human beings. This term is the equivalent of 'geographical accident' in English, although the more common English translation would be 'geographical feature' or 'landform'.

Example sentences with  accidente geográfico

The Spanish word 'acera' translates to 'sidewalk' in English. This is the paved path meant specifically for pedestrians on the side of a road or street. It serves the purpose of providing a safe pathway separate from the vehicles on the road. The word 'acera' is commonly used in everyday conversations in Spanish speaking countries.

Example sentences with  acera
actividad callejero
Street activity

The Spanish phrase 'actividad callejero' translates to 'street activity' in English. It refers to events or actions taking place on the streets such as street performances, night markets, street food, and more. It captures a vibrant part of urban culture where public spaces are used for various communal and individual activities.

Example sentences with  actividad callejero
afluente de un río
tributary of a river

The term 'afluente de un río' in Spanish translates to 'tributary of a river' in English. A 'tributary' is a river or stream that flows into a larger river or a lake. It doesn't flow directly into the sea. The term 'afluente' can also be used in a more general sense to denote any subsidiary or secondary phenomenon that feeds into a primary one. Hence, 'afluente de un río' could describe any smaller body of water that contributes to the main flow of a larger river.

Example sentences with  afluente de un río

'África' is a Spanish noun that translates to 'Africa' in English. It's the name of the world's second-largest continent that's rich in history, diverse cultures, and unique wildlife. The term itself is used broadly across various contexts, including geography, zoology, anthropology, and many more topics, depending on the conversation. Note to pronounce it correctly in Spanish, stress the first syllable 'Áf-'.

Example sentences with  África
agencia de viajes
travel agency

The term 'agencia de viajes' in Spanish translates to 'travel agency' in English. A travel agency is a business, either physical or online, that provides travel and tourism related services to the public on behalf of suppliers such as airlines, car rentals, cruise lines, hotels, railways, and package tours. Travel agencies can also specialize in certain types of travel such as leisure or business travel and may be located in a wide variety of settings including commercial establishments and online.


The Spanish word 'agrícola' translates to 'agricultural' in English. It is an adjective often used to describe something that is relating to, used in, or engaged in farming or agriculture. This word can be used in a variety of contexts in the Spanish language, much like 'agricultural' in English. It can refer to agricultural practices, industries, studies, products, lands and more.

Example sentences with  agrícola

The Spanish word 'alarma' translates to 'alarm' in English. It is a noun and it is used to refer to a device or system that signals or warns of danger, problem, or any unexpected situation. It can also mean a state of sudden fear or concern caused by the realization of danger. It is used in various contexts such as security alarm in case of burglary, alarm clock to wake up, or a breach alarm in systems, etc.

surrounding area

The Spanish word 'alrededores' translates into English as 'surrounding area'. This is typically used to describe the area or environment immediately around a particular place or location. It might refer to a neighborhood around a house, the terrain around a city, or even the countries bordering a specific nation. This term is common in contexts where geographical or spatial description is needed.

Example sentences with  alrededores

The Spanish word 'altitud' translates to 'altitude' in English. It is a noun and used in various contexts. One common usage is when talking about the height of an object or point in relation to sea level or ground level. It is often used in geography, aviation, and various scientific fields. For example, 'La montaña tiene una altitud de 2000 metros' means 'The mountain has an altitude of 2000 meters'. In general, 'altitud' is used to describe how high something is.

Example sentences with  altitud
alumbrado público
street lighting

The phrase 'alumbrado público' in Spanish translates to 'street lighting' in English. This term refers to the infrastructure that provides illumination on streets and public spaces during nighttime. It includes all the artificial light sources like lamps, light fixtures, and other elements designed to provide visibility and safety in urban areas when natural light is insufficient.


The Spanish word 'América' is a direct translation of the English word 'America'. It stands for both the continents of North America and South America combined, which are altogether viewed as a single continent in many parts of the world. Moreover, sometimes 'América' is used in a narrow way to denote the United States. The use may vary depending upon the context.

Example sentences with  América

The word 'aparcamiento' in Spanish translates to 'parking' in English. It is primarily used in reference to the action of bringing a vehicle to a halt in a designated area or space where it can be left temporarily. This word is typically used in Spain more so than in Latin America. In usage, it is commonly found in contexts referring to roadside or controlled parking facilities, as well as in general discussions about driving or traveling. When visiting Spanish-speaking countries, this term could be very useful, especially if you are driving and need to find a place to park your vehicle.


The Spanish word for 'area' is 'área'. Just like in English, 'área' can be used in many contexts to refer to a particular extent of space or surface, whether it's the area of a room, a geographic region, or a topic of study or interest.

Example sentences with  área
área despoblada
area depopulated

The term 'área despoblada' in Spanish refers to a place or region where there is little or no population. It's an area that has been depopulated, either due to migration, natural disasters, or any other incidents that could cause people to leave. This could be in the context of rural areas that lack modern facilities leading to a decrease in human population, specific residential places abandoned because of economic downturn, or regions experiencing conflict or turmoil. In English, 'área despoblada' is translated as 'depopulated area'.

Example sentences with  área despoblada

The Spanish word 'árido' translates to 'arid' in English. It is an adjective used to describe a dry, barren, or desert-like environment. Typically, it is applied to lands where the lack of rainfall, dry conditions, or poor irrigation systems make it difficult for plants and vegetation to grow. In literature, it can be used metaphorically to signify sterility or lack of productivity.

Example sentences with  árido
arte callejero
Street art

Arte callejero, translated as 'street art' in English, refers to visual art created in public locations such as city streets, walls, tunnels, and basically any outdoor public space. This form of art is often unsanctioned, but some works may be commissioned or legally created on private property. It includes diverse techniques and styles including graffiti, stencil art, sticker art, wheatpasting, video projection, art intervention, guerrilla art, flash mobbing, and street installations.

Example sentences with  arte callejero
ascenso de la mortalidad
promotion of mortality

The Spanish phrase 'ascenso de la mortalidad' translates to 'promotion of mortality' in English. This expression is mostly used in a medical or statistical context to refer to an increase or rise in the death rate within a specific population. It is not a common phrase you'd use in everyday Spanish conversation, but it might be seen in news articles, medical journals or demographic studies. The word 'ascenso' literally translates to 'rise' or 'increase', while 'la mortalidad' means 'the mortality'.

Example sentences with  ascenso de la mortalidad
ascenso de la natalidad
promotion of birth

The phrase 'ascenso de la natalidad' in Spanish translates to 'promotion of birth' in English. This phrase could be used in a variety of contexts but is commonly associated with policies or strategies aimed at increasing birth rates in a population. These may include incentives such as financial benefits, improved healthcare services, extended parental leave or various forms of support for families with children.

Example sentences with  ascenso de la natalidad
ascenso de la población
promotion of the population

The Spanish term 'ascenso de la población' translates to 'promotion of the population' in English. This can refer to economic, social, or general improvement of a group of people within a certain population. For instance, it could imply improving living standards, increasing opportunities, or enhancing the level of education. The term optimistically suggests a positive forward motion of society as a whole rather than individual enhancement.

Example sentences with  ascenso de la población
aseos públicos
public toilets

The Spanish phrase 'aseos públicos' translates to 'public toilets' in English. It is a noun phrase commonly used to describe restroom facilities in public places such as parks, shopping malls, and train stations. In this phrase, 'aseos' refers to washrooms or toilets, and 'públicos' means public, referring to the fact that these facilities are open to general public use.


The word 'Asia' in Spanish means 'Asia' in English. It refers to the continent that is the Earth's largest and most populous, located primarily in the Eastern and Northern Hemispheres. This term is the same in both English and Spanish languages, making it simple and straightforward for English speakers to understand when learning Spanish.

Example sentences with  Asia
atender clientes
customer service

Atender clientes translates to customer service in English. It's a term that refers to a range of activities provided by a company to its customers before, during and after purchasing and using products or services. It may involve providing information about a product, dealing with customer inquiries and complaints, handling returns or exchanges, and more. It's all about ensuring that the customer's interaction with the company is a satisfying experience, encouraging repeat business, loyalty and word-of-mouth recommendation.

aumento de la mortalidad
increase in mortality

The Spanish phrase 'aumento de la mortalidad' translates to 'increase in mortality' in English. This phrase is generally used in the context of public health or statistics when the death rate within a specific population increases. It could be due to various factors such as disease, natural disaster, war or others which significantly impact the mortality rate.

Example sentences with  aumento de la mortalidad
aumento de la natalidad
increase in birth

The Spanish term 'aumento de la natalidad' translates to 'increase in birth' in English. It's commonly used in demographic and statistical contexts to describe a situation or a period during which the number of births in a particular area or country significantly grows. The phenomenon is often related to various societal, economical, or cultural factors that encourage larger family sizes or improved conditions promoting higher birth rates.

Example sentences with  aumento de la natalidad
aumento de la población
increase in population

The Spanish phrase 'aumento de la población' translates to 'increase in population' in English. This phrase is typically used to discuss demographics, such as in the context of a city, country, or the world. It could refer to any growth in the number of inhabitants in these places due to factors like better healthcare, immigration, higher birth rates, etc. It is an important term in fields like social science, economics, and environmental studies.

Example sentences with  aumento de la población
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