Spanish Photography

A comprehensive collection of Spanish words and phrases related to Photography.

hacer una ampliación

'Hacer una ampliación' in Spanish translates to 'make an enlargement' in English. It could be used in various contexts such as increasing the size of a photo, a plan or a space amongst others. When used in a sentence, it denotes the action of making something larger in size, extending or expanding it.

Example sentences with  hacer una ampliación
hacer una copia
make a copy

'Hacer una copia' is a Spanish phrase that translates into 'make a copy' in English. It is used when you want to reproduce an exact replica of an original document, picture, or piece of work. The phrase can be broken down into 'hacer' which means 'to make' in English, and 'una copia' which means 'a copy'. This expression is commonly used in work or school environments where the replication of important material is a common task. Remember, it is pronounced 'ah-thair oo-na ko-pee-ah'.

Example sentences with  hacer una copia
imagen borrosa
blurred image

The Spanish phrase 'imagen borrosa' directly translates to 'blurred image' in English. It is primarily used in the context of photography or any other domain where imagery plays a crucial role, for instance, computer graphics, videography, vision-related studies in biology, etc. It could also refer to trouble in vision, portraying metaphoric connotations in literature and day-to-day conversation. Care needs to be taken, as the usage and meaning could change with the context.

Example sentences with  imagen borrosa
imagen enfocada
focussed image

The Spanish phrase 'imagen enfocada' translates to 'focused image' in English. In photography, a focused image is one where the subject of the photograph is sharp and clear, with all details visibly crisp. This term could also be used metaphorically to refer to a clear, concentrated idea or aim.

Example sentences with  imagen enfocada
imagen movida
blurry image

The Spanish phrase 'imagen movida' translates to 'blurry image' in English. The direct translation would be 'moved image', but in practice, it refers to an image that is not clear, crisp, or focused. It is often used in the context of photography or digital imaging where the clarity of the image is vital. It could result from various factors such as quick motion, out-of-focus lens, long exposure, or camera shake, among others. Therefore, 'imagen movida' in Spanish effectively communicates the concept of an image that lacks sharpness, detail, and clarity, as understood in English.

Example sentences with  imagen movida

The Spanish word 'imprimir' translates to 'print' in English. It is often used in contexts like printing a document or an image from a computer. Sometimes, it can also refer to impressing or imprinting something on a surface, especially in a metaphorical sense. This verb is primarily used in its various conjugated forms, which depend on the subject and the tense of the sentence.

Example sentences with  imprimir

The word 'mate' in Spanish refers to a traditional South American drink made from steeping yerba mate leaves in hot water. It is also a social activity, as it is often shared amongst a group of people. The word 'mate' is also used in Chile and Argentina to refer to a friend or mate, similar to 'buddy' or 'pal' in English. Additionally, 'mate' can mean 'I killed' in a more formal or literary context. Its meaning depends on the context in which it is used.


The Spanish word 'retrato' translates to 'portrait' in English. This term generally refers to an artistic representation or depiction of a person, where the countenance and its expression are predominant. The intent of a portrait is to display the likeness, personality, and even mood of an individual. 'Retrato' is often used in contexts such as photography, painting, sculpting, and other forms of art where individuals are depicted.

Example sentences with  retrato
revelar un carrete
reveal a reel

The Spanish phrase 'revelar un carrete' translates to 'reveal a reel' in English. It's often used in the context of developing film from a film roll, a process which brings the captured images to life. In a broader context, it may also suggest the notion of unveiling or uncovering something.

Example sentences with  revelar un carrete
revelar una foto(grafía)
reveal a photo(graphic)

The Spanish phrase 'revelar una foto(grafía)' translates to 'reveal a photo(graphic)' in English. The word 'revelar' means 'to reveal', 'una' means 'a', and 'foto(grafía)' serves to mean 'photo(graphic)'. Typically, the phrase can be used in the context of revealing or developing a photographic image from a negative or a digital file in a photo laboratory, or in wider contexts, to disclose or display a photo or an image to people. It is indeed an interesting phrase that helps understand the conjunction functions in Spanish language.

Example sentences with  revelar una foto(grafía)
sacar una foto
Take a picture

The Spanish phrase 'sacar una foto' translates to 'take a picture' in English. It is a common term often used in conversational Spanish. Invoked when someone wants to capture a moment using a camera or a smartphone, much like the English equivalent. For instance, while on a vacation or at a gathering, someone can say, 'Vamos a sacar una foto', which translates to 'Let's take a picture'. It stands as a perfect example to highlight the rich and vivid terminology found in the Spanish language.

Example sentences with  sacar una foto
tomar una foto
take a picture

The Spanish phrase 'tomar una foto' translates to 'take a picture' in English. It is often used in contexts where you want to capture a moment in a photograph. In Spain and many Latin American countries, it's a common phrase used in daily conversation. As in English, it can be used both literally (to take a physical picture with a camera) and figuratively (to capture a mental or emotional 'snapshot').

Example sentences with  tomar una foto
ver una exposición
see an exhibition

The Spanish phrase 'ver una exposición' translates to 'see an exhibition' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of visiting museums, art galleries, or any public displays of art, science, or history. It implies actively observing and engaging with the presented works or items. In a sentence, you could use it as 'Vamos a ver una exposición este fin de semana', which means 'We are going to see an exhibition this weekend' in English.

Example sentences with  ver una exposición

The word 'zum' in Spanish translates to 'zoom' in English. The term 'zoom' refers to a rapid movement indicating either a rush to a new scene or a change in perspective from a long shot to a close-up in cinematography. In digital technology, it is commonly used to describe the function of moving the view in order to observe at close range, frequently used in photography, videography, and in various applications on digital devices.

Example sentences with  zum
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