Spanish Photography

A comprehensive collection of Spanish words and phrases related to Photography.

álbum de fotos
photo album

The term 'álbum de fotos' in Spanish translates to 'photo album' in English. A photo album is a book or binder where one organizes and stores their photographs. It is commonly used to safely keep personal family photos or professional portraits, and is organized by various themes, such as 'vacations', 'birthdays', or 'weddings'. They help keep memories consolidated and safe, and are one way to categorize and keep track of life events and moments in a visual and tangible form.

apretar el botón
press the button

The Spanish phrase 'apretar el botón' translates to 'press the button' in English. This can be in the context of pressing a physical button, such as on a device or machine, or a digital button, like on a touch screen or computer interface. The phrase is a verb action and the literal meaning is to apply pressure or force to a button in order to activate or control something.

Example sentences with  apretar el botón

The Spanish word 'brillo' translates to 'shine' in English. It is a noun that can be used to describe the brightness or glossiness of an object, such as the shine of a polished surface or the brightness of a light. It is also used metaphorically to refer to the quality of being outstanding or exceptional, similar to how 'shine' is used in English.

Example sentences with  brillo
cámara (de fotos)
camera (photos)

The Spanish word 'cámara (de fotos)' translates to 'camera (photos)' in English. This is a device that captures still images or videos. It can be analog, which uses film to capture and record images, or digital, which records images electronically. The term 'cámara de fotos' distinguishes it specifically as a device for taking still photographs as opposed to video.

Example sentences with  cámara (de fotos)
cámara automática
Automatic camera

The Spanish term 'cámara automática' translates to 'automatic camera' in English. It refers to a type of camera that operates automatically, without the need for manual adjustment. These cameras often have features like auto-focus, auto-exposure, and automated film or image processing, all designed to make photography easier and more convenient for the user.

Example sentences with  cámara automática
cámara digital
digital camera

The Spanish term 'cámara digital' translates to 'digital camera' in English. It is a device that captures photographs electronically. Instead of a film strip or photosensitive plate, a digital camera uses digital technology to convert light into electronic data. This data is then stored in memory. As with any camera, the digital camera's primary purpose is to capture pictures and videos. With the advantage of modern technology, it allows users to check images instantly, edit them, and even share online if desired. This tool is extensively used in various fields such as photography, videography, journalism, and on personal occasions.

Example sentences with  cámara digital
cámara manual
Manual camera

The term 'cámara manual' in Spanish refers to a type of camera that allows the user to manually adjust key photography settings such as focus, exposure, and shutter speed. This is often used by professional photographers and hobbyists who want to have more control over their photographic outcomes than what a fully automatic camera can provide. The term 'manual' alludes to the need for the operator to manually adjust these settings, unlike an automatic camera that adjusts the settings automatically based on the shooting environment.

Example sentences with  cámara manual

The Spanish word 'composición' translates to 'composition' in English. Composition can represent several meanings depending on the context, for instance, it signifies the structure, constitution, or makeup of a thing or person; or it can designate the action of combining things to form a whole; it can also refer to a work of music, literature or art. Please note, meanings may vary in different circumstances.

Example sentences with  composición

The Spanish word 'contraste' translates to 'contrast' in English. It is utilized to depict the degree of difference between colors, tones, or emotions. Similar to its use in English, it can be employed in various areas such as photography, art, literature, and more, representing the strong or stark difference between two things or concepts.

Example sentences with  contraste

The Spanish word 'disparar' can be used similarly to the English word 'shoot'. It can refer to the act of firing a weapon, or be used metaphorically to instruct someone to begin speaking or acting. However, it does not translate to the photography term 'shoot', for which the Spanish term 'fotografiar' would be used.

Example sentences with  disparar

The Spanish word 'enfoque' is the direct translation for 'focus' in English. It is often used in sentences to signify the attention or concentration on something or someone. For instance, 'poner enfoque en algo' is commonly used to mean 'put focus on something'.

Example sentences with  enfoque
estrechamiento de calzada

The Spanish term 'estrechamiento de calzada' translates to 'road narrowing' or 'narrowing of the road' in English. It is a phrase that speaks to traffic and road conditions, typically used to warn drivers of upcoming changes in the road's width. It does not mean 'close-up' as stated earlier. Please note that contextual translation might vary slightly, however, it is widely understood to indicate a change in road conditions that requires drivers to take caution.

Example sentences with  estrechamiento de calzada

The word 'flash' in Spanish has the same meaning as in English. It refers to a sudden brief burst of bright light or a short sudden display, appearance, or experience. It can also refer to a device used in photography to give a sudden, brief burst of bright light for taking pictures in less than ideal light conditions.

Example sentences with  flash

In Spanish, 'fondo' translates to the English word 'background.' However, it is important to understand the context when using this word, as 'fondo' can also mean 'background' or 'bottom' depending on the sentence. For example, in the context of finance or money, 'fondo' refers to a 'fund' or 'pool of money'. However, in a sentence about geography or physical objects, it may refer to the bottom part or background of something.

Example sentences with  fondo

The Spanish word for 'photo' is 'foto'. It is used in the same context as in English, to describe a picture taken by a camera. It can be used in various sentences such as 'Tomamos una foto' which means 'We took a photograph'.

Example sentences with  foto
foto(grafía) borrosa
blurred photo(graph)

The phrase 'foto(grafía) borrosa' in Spanish translates to 'blurred photo(graph)' in English. It is used when a photo or an image is not clear or precise, details are vague or smeared and lack sharpness or clarity. The term can be applied to both physical and digital imagery. It's often used in photography or image editing contexts.

Example sentences with  foto(grafía) borrosa
foto(grafía) digital
digital photo(graphy)

The term 'foto(grafía) digital' is Spanish for 'digital photo(graphy)'. This can refer to either an individual digital image, often taken by a camera or other digital devices, or the field of digital photography in general. Digital photography is a form of photography that uses digital technology to either record images electronically, or digitize an analog image, such as an old photograph, into a form that can be stored and manipulated digitally.

Example sentences with  foto(grafía) digital
foto(grafía) en blanco y negro
black and white photo(graphy)

The phrase 'foto(grafía) en blanco y negro' in Spanish translates to 'black and white photo(graphy)' in English. It's often used to describe a style of photograph that does not incorporate any color, instead only using shades of grey. This term is used in both formal and informal contexts in Spanish literature and conversation.

Example sentences with  foto(grafía) en blanco y negro
foto(grafía) en color
color photo(graphy)

The Spanish term 'foto(grafía) en color' translates to 'color photo(graphy)' in English. This phrase is usually used to describe photos or images that are presented in color as opposed to black and white. Spanish is similar to English in that 'foto(grafía)' is the direct analogue of 'photo(graphy)', and 'en color' is the equivalent of 'in color'. Be mindful of the pronunciation though, as 'foto(grafía)' is pronounced like 'foto(grafia)' and 'en color' sounds like 'en koh-lor'.

Example sentences with  foto(grafía) en color
foto(grafía) enfocada
photo(graphic) focus

The phrase 'foto(grafía) enfocada' in Spanish translates to 'photo(graphic) focus' in English. It is typically used in the context of photography when discussing an image that is sharp, clear, and well-defined. This term is especially important when talking about the quality of an image or photograph, where the subject is clear and the details are visibly sharp. The term can also metaphorically refer to the concept of maintaining focus or clarity in a broader context or situation.

Example sentences with  foto(grafía) enfocada

The Spanish word 'fotogénico' translates to 'photogenic' in English. It is an adjective describing someone or something that looks attractive in photographs or on film. The word is often used in contexts related to photography, modelling, cinema, or media where the physical appeal or attractiveness of individuals or objects is pertinent. It is not a word that is commonly used in everyday Spanish conversations unless the discussions involve those contexts.

Example sentences with  fotogénico

The Spanish word 'fotografía' translates to 'photography' in English. It refers to the art, practice, or occupation of taking and processing photographs. This can cover a broad range of types, from portrait and landscape photography to abstract and conceptual art. The term 'fotografía' can also refer to an individual photograph or to the field in general.

Example sentences with  fotografía
fotografía abstracta
Abstract photography

Abstract photography, known as 'fotografía abstracta' in Spanish, involves capturing images that do not have an immediate association with the object world. This type of photography is often experimental, non-objective, or non-concrete. It holds an emphasis on the aesthetic qualities rather than the illustrative properties of the image, focusing on shape, form, color, pattern and texture of the subject, rather than representing it in a literal way.

Example sentences with  fotografía abstracta
fotografía artística
artistic photography

The word 'fotografía artística' is a phrase in Spanish that directly translates to 'artistic photography' in English. In this context, 'fotografía' refers to the act of capturing images with a camera, which is known as 'photography' in English. 'Artística', the adjective, correlates to the English word 'artistic' and describes photography that is considered to create an aesthetic value and express emotional and symbolic meanings. Overall, 'fotografía artística' represents a form of creative expression through the medium of photographic imagery.

Example sentences with  fotografía artística
fotografía científica
Scientific photography

The term 'fotografía científica' is from Spanish and translates to 'scientific photography' in English. Scientific photography can be described as the use of photography to record and present scientific phenomena, and is often used in research and documentation in the scientific field. This can include a wide range of types, such as micrography, astrophotography, or underwater photography depending on the area of scientific study.

Example sentences with  fotografía científica
fotografía de estudio
study photography

The phrase 'fotografía de estudio' translates to 'study photography' in English. This term is often used to refer to the genre of photography that primarily takes place in a controlled studio environment. This environment can be manipulated with artificial lighting, backgrounds, and other conditions to create specific visual effects. It is commonly applied to many professional and artistic fields, including but not limited to, fashion, advertising, portrait, and product photography.

Example sentences with  fotografía de estudio

The Spanish word 'fotografiar' translates to 'photograph' in English. It is a verb that is used to describe the action of creating images by recording light or other types of radiant energy, typically with a camera. This verb may also be employed contextually to talk about preserving memories, documenting an event, or capturing a specific situation or object through the lens of a camera.

Example sentences with  fotografiar

The Spanish term 'fotógrafo' translates to 'photographer' in English. A 'fotógrafo' is a person who takes photographs, especially as a job. The word is a male noun in Spanish, and its female counterpart is 'fotógrafa'. This individual may work in many spheres such as fashion, sports, nature, or commercial photography, to capture and document moments, events or to tell stories.

Example sentences with  fotógrafo
hacer fotos

The Spanish phrase 'hacer fotos' is directly translated to English as 'make photos'. However, it is more commonly understood as 'take photos', matching the action of capturing an image with a camera.

Example sentences with  hacer fotos
hacer un cuadro
make a picture

The Spanish phrase 'hacer un cuadro' translates to 'make a picture' in English. This can refer to the action of creating a visual piece of art such as a painting or a drawing. It can imply the use of different materials, for instance, paint, charcoal, or pencil. Generally, it is used to indicate the process of crafting a visual representation on a surface.

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