Spanish Spanish Philosophy Words

Collection of Spanish vocabulary words related to the tag 'Philosophy'. Learn and understand Spanish philosophical terms.


The Spanish word 'concepto' translates to 'concept' in English. It is a noun and it is used to refer to an abstract idea or a mental construct derived from thinking, understanding, or imagining. It can be used in various contexts in daily communications. An example of its usage could be: 'He explicado el concepto a ellos' which means 'I have explained the concept to them'.

Example sentences with  concepto

The Spanish word for 'knowledge' is 'conocimiento'. It is a noun and is used in the context of having information, understanding, or skill that comes from experience or education. It can also refer to what is known about a particular topic or subject. Like in English, it is commonly used in both formal and informal settings.

Example sentences with  conocimiento
corriente filosófica
Philosophical current

The term 'corriente filosófica' translates to 'philosophical current' in English. This phrase refers to a trend or a movement in the field of philosophy that comprises a specific doctrine or a school of thought. A philosophical current is characterized by a shared set of beliefs, ideas, or methods, and can span across various eras and geographical locations. Some well known philosophical currents include existentialism, empiricism, rationalism, and many more.

Example sentences with  corriente filosófica
doctrina filosófico
philosophical doctrine

The term 'doctrina filosófico' in Spanish translates to 'philosophical doctrine' in English. It essentially refers to a set of beliefs, concepts or theories that are developed and followed by a group, which can range from philosophical groups, thinkers, or schools. This Spanish term, just like its English counterpart, is commonly used in academic and intellectual contexts, specifically when discussing various branches and schools of philosophy.

Example sentences with  doctrina filosófico
escuela filosófica
Philosophical School

The Spanish term 'escuela filosófica' translates to 'philosophical school' in English. In a broad sense, a 'philosophical school' refers to a group or movement whose members share common characteristics and ideas within the field of philosophy. These groups often have unique beliefs, methods, and philosophical approaches. They play a significant role in shaping intellectual thought and discussions.

Example sentences with  escuela filosófica

The Spanish word 'estética' translates to 'aesthetic' in English. It comes from the Greek word 'aisthetikos'. It is primarily used to express concepts associated with beauty and the art. 'Estética' can refer both to the study of beauty and art, especially in philosophy, as well as to a pleasing appearance or arrangement in general. Like the English word 'aesthetic', 'estética' can describe both the philosophical concept and tangible objects or design, lending a broad and complex meaning to the term.

Example sentences with  estética

The word 'Filosofía' in Spanish translates to 'Philosophy' in English. It is derived from the ancient Greek word 'philosophia', meaning 'love of wisdom'. Philosophy is a field of study that explores fundamental questions about existence, reality, consciousness, ethics, and human nature, among others. In Spanish-speaking cultures, as globally, philosophy often forms a crucial part of academic and intellectual discourse.

Example sentences with  filosofía

The Spanish word 'filosófico' translates to 'philosophical' in English. It is an adjective that describes something related to or concerning the theoretical basis of a particular branch of knowledge or experience, especially in the moral, social, or aesthetic aspects of life. It can also refer to a person who is learned, wise, and has an inquisitive mind, often pondering the fundamental nature of things, such as the meaning of life, morality, truth, existence and reality.

Example sentences with  filosófico

The Spanish word 'filósofo' translates to 'philosopher' in English. A 'filósofo' or 'philosopher' is a person who seeks wisdom or enlightenment, principally engaged in the search for understanding and knowledge. This individual is known for questioning and exploring many things such as life, existence, values, reason, mind, and reality. The term 'philosopher' comes from the Ancient Greek word for 'lover of wisdom'.

Example sentences with  filósofo
filósofo moralista
moral philosopher

The Spanish term 'filósofo moralista' translates to 'moral philosopher' in English. A moral philosopher generally studies or teaches about topics such as ethics, morals, virtue, ethics, moral psychology, ethical theory, and moral epistemology. It is a professional or academic occupation where the individual philosophically contemplates the nature of human morality, exploring concepts such as right and wrong, good and evil, justice, virtue, and the ethical nature of various actions.

Example sentences with  filósofo moralista
filósofo sofista
Sophist philosopher

The term 'filósofo sofista' comes from Spanish, where 'filósofo' translates to 'philosopher' and 'sofista' to 'sophist'. In English, 'sophist philosopher' refers to an ancient Greek kind of philosopher who, in the fifth and fourth centuries BC, specialized in one or more subject areas, such as philosophy, rhetoric, music, athletics, and mathematics. They are known for their critical or speculative thought and the fact that they charged fees, something that was against Socratic thought. Sophists have been known to teach persuasive skills that could be applied in public and political life.

Example sentences with  filósofo sofista

In Spanish, 'idea' is used in the same context as it is used in English. It refers to a concept or a belief. It can also mean a plan or intention in someone's mind. For example, in the sentence 'Tengo una idea', it means 'I have an idea'.

Example sentences with  idea

The Spanish word 'ideológico' translates to 'ideological' in English. It is an adjective that describes something related to or concerned with ideas, the study of their origin and nature. It is often used in the contexts of politics, philosophy, or society, where it might refer to a particular system of ideas that forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy.

Example sentences with  ideológico

The Spanish word 'ideólogo' translates to 'ideologist' in English. An ideologist is a person who strongly supports a particular set of ideas or theories, especially in politics. It refers to someone who has a systematic body of concepts and who supports certain views or doctrines. For instance, a political ideologist would be someone who deeply believes and promotes particular political ideas or doctrines.

Example sentences with  ideólogo

The term 'lógica' in Spanish is translated to 'logic' in English. It refers to reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity. It's the systematic use or the principles underlying the arrangement of elements in some sphere of activity or a particular method of reasoning or argumentation. 'Lógica' is a noun in Spanish. Like its English equivalent, it is used in the context of reasoning, philosophy, computation, and other such sectors.

Example sentences with  lógica

The Spanish word 'metafísica' translates to 'metaphysics' in English. Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that explores the fundamental nature of reality, including the relationship between mind and matter, substance and attribute, potentiality and actuality. In other words, it is the study of what is truly real. The term 'metafísica' shares similar meanings in Spanish, often related to philosophical, existential or spiritual concepts.

Example sentences with  metafísica

The word 'metafísico' in Spanish translates to 'metaphysical' in English. This is an adjective often used in philosophical context to refer to the nature of reality that is beyond the physical or observable world. It deals with concepts like existence, consciousness, and the universe as a whole. It is also used in the context of works of art, literature and music to suggest meanings that go beyond the strictly literal or physical levels.

Example sentences with  metafísico

The Spanish word 'pensador' translates to 'thinker' in English. It is a noun often referred to someone who thinks deeply, is involved in reflection or intellectual activities. In a broader context, a 'pensador' can also be seen as a philosopher or someone who generates ideas. The word 'pensador' is derived from the verb 'pensar' which means 'to think'.

Example sentences with  pensador

The Spanish word for 'thought' is 'pensamiento'. It is mostly used in the same way as in English. It refers to an idea, plan, opinion, or the act of thinking. As in English, it can be used in a wide range of contexts, including in phrases like 'just a thought' (solo un pensamiento) or 'deep in thought' (profundamente pensativo).

Example sentences with  pensamiento
pensamiento filosófico
philosophical thought

Philosophical thought, or 'pensamiento filosófico' in Spanish, refers to the process of using reason and rigorous questioning to explore complex ideas and problems. It often involves contemplating life's big questions, such as the nature of reality and existence, morality, and the meaning of life. This thought process is typically associated with the field of philosophy, which encourages critical thinking, logical argumentation, and the application of ethical concepts.

Example sentences with  pensamiento filosófico
razonamiento filosófico
philosophical reasoning

The term 'razonamiento filosófico' translates to 'philosophical reasoning' in English. This refers to the application of specific mental abilities and techniques to questions that have been raised by philosophy. These abilities can include, but are not limited to, logical reasoning, critical thinking, systematic problem solving and questioning. Philosophical reasoning is a way of critically examining ideas and beliefs, including one's own beliefs, to better understand and explain the world and our experiences within it.

Example sentences with  razonamiento filosófico

'Razonar' is a Spanish verb that translates to 'reasoning' in English. It is primarily used to describe the process of thinking about something in a logical manner in order to make a decision or understand something. The verb can be used in various contexts, such as legal, mathematical or everyday situations where critical thinking is applied.

Example sentences with  razonar

The Spanish verb 'reflexionar' translates as 'reflect' in English. It may primarily be used to denote thinking about something carefully and at length. Alternatively, in a more scientific or logical context, it might also be used to refer to the instance where light, heat, or sound is thrown back without absorbing it. Nonetheless, 'reflexionar' is more commonly used in the sense of pondering over something in the Spanish language.

Example sentences with  reflexionar
tener ética

'Tener ética' is a phrase in Spanish which translates to 'to have ethics' in English. It is often used to refer to the moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity. This can apply to various fields like business, healthcare, politics, and everyday life. When someone is said to 'tener ética', it means that they always try to do what is right - according to their moral code or the principles of their profession.


The Spanish word 'teología' translates to 'theology' in English. Theology is the critical study of the nature of the divine, more broadly, it is the study of religious faith, practice, and experience. It is especially associated with the Christian tradition, and it involves the systematic and rational approach towards concepts of God and its associated attributes within the structure of a religious context. However, the term is also used in the context of other religions for similar fields of study.

Example sentences with  teología
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