Spanish Personality Vocabulary in Spanish

A collection of Spanish vocabulary words related to personality traits and characteristics.


The Spanish term 'timidez' roughly translates to 'shyness' in English. Shyness is often characterized by feelings of discomfort or inhibition in social situations, which can make it challenging to interact with others. Other synonyms for 'timidez' in English could include bashfulness, reservation, or reticence.


Tímido means 'shy'. It describes someone who is not much confident or comfortable with unknown people or in social situations. For example, 'El niño es tímido' translates to 'The child is shy'.

Example sentences with  tímido

The Spanish word 'tolerante' translates to 'tolerant' in English. It's an adjective that describes someone who is willing to allow the existence of opinions or behaviors that they may disagree with or do not necessarily accept. A 'tolerante' individual is understanding and patient, able to accept different views, values, and ways of behaving, even if they conflict with their own.


Tranquilo translates to 'calm'. It is used to describe a person who is relaxed and does not get upset easily. For instance, 'El niño es tranquilo' means 'The child is calm'.

Example sentences with  tranquilo

Travieso means 'naughty'. It refers to a child who is mischievous or disobedient in a playful way. For example, 'El niño es travieso' translates to 'The child is naughty'.

Example sentences with  travieso

The information provided is incorrect. The Spanish word 'vacación' translates to 'vacation' in English. It does not mean courage. It represents a period of time that a person spends away from home, school, or business, usually in travel or leisure activities.


The Spanish word 'vago' translates into English as 'lazy'. It is an adjective used to describe someone who avoids work or effort, reflecting a reluctance to do or use energy. It can also suffice to describe a person who is not busy or active.


The word 'valentía' is a Spanish noun most commonly translated into English as 'courage'. It is derived from the word 'valiente', which means 'brave'. 'Valentía' is used to express the concept of bravery, courage, and strength in behavior or character, showing fearlessness in the face of difficulty or danger. It is a positive character trait highly valued within society. This word is widely used in literature, speeches and day-to-day conversation throughout Spanish-speaking countries.


Valiente means 'brave'. It is used to describe someone who is not afraid to face difficult situations. For example, 'El niño es valiente' means 'The child is brave'.

Example sentences with  valiente

The Spanish word 'versátil' translates to 'versatile' in English. Versatile is a characteristic referring to an ability to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities. It implies a person or object's capability to adjust to new, different, or changing requirements. Similarly, 'versátil' is used in Spanish to describe something or someone who has multi-faceted skills or features and can adapt or be applied in various ways.


The Spanish word 'vulnerabilidad' translates to 'vulnerability' in English. It is a noun that represents the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally. It describes a state of susceptibility to harm or injury, a weakness which can be exploited by others.

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