Spanish Personality Vocabulary in Spanish

A collection of Spanish vocabulary words related to personality traits and characteristics.


The Spanish word 'prudente' translates to 'prudent' in English. In a broader sense, it refers to showing care and thought for the future. It can be used to describe someone who is wise in practical affairs, discreet or circumspect; sober. It encourages the idea of exercising good judgment or common sense in handling practical matters.

Example sentences with  prudente

The Spanish word 'puntualidad' translates to 'punctuality' in English. This refers to the characteristic or quality of being on time. It indicates that a person values time and respects agreed schedules. In many cultures, including Spanish and English-speaking ones, punctuality is highly valued and seen as a sign of responsibility, organisation, and professionalism.


The Spanish word 'reservado' translates into English as 'reserved'. It can be used in a variety of contexts such as hotel or restaurant reservations (i.e. 'reservado para' meaning 'reserved for'), indicating a reserved demeanor or nature (i.e. 'persona reservada' meaning 'reserved person'), and implying set aside or earmarked conditions (i.e. 'espacio reservado' meaning 'reserved space'). Thus, 'reservado' serves a versatile role in the Spanish language and its usage is determined based on context.


The Spanish word 'responsabilidad' translates to 'accountability' in English. It is a noun often used in discussions involving duty, obligation, or liability. In a broader sense, 'responsabilidad' can also signify an individual's or organization's responsibility to carry out tasks sincerely and correctly, answering or accounting for their actions or decisions.


The Spanish word 'responsable' translates to 'responsible' in English. It's an adjective that can be used to describe a person, action, or thing that shows reliability or dependability. It denotes an obligation or the ability to act correctly and make decisions on your own. Just like in English, 'responsable' in Spanish can also apply to a role or position in which the person is expected to act on certain responsibilities.

ser bonito
be nice

'Ser bonito' in Spanish is translated as 'be nice' in English. This phrase is a combination of the verb 'ser' meaning 'to be', and the adjective 'bonito' meaning 'nice' or 'pretty'. The Spanish language often uses 'ser' with adjectives to describe inherent or lasting traits. So, 'ser bonito' would be used to describe someone or something that is inherently or generally nice or pleasant.

Example sentences with  ser bonito
ser de carácter brusco
to be abrupt

The Spanish phrase 'ser de carácter brusco' translates to 'to be abrupt' in English. This phrase is used to describe someone who displays sudden, unforeseen, or unexpected actions or behaviors. It can refer to people who are straightforward and may sometimes come off as rude or harsh because of their abruptness. The component 'ser' translates to 'to be,' while 'de carácter brusco' translates to 'of abrupt character.'

ser de carácter débil
being of a weak character

The Spanish phrase 'ser de carácter débil' translates to 'being of a weak character' in English. This phrase is typically used to describe someone who lacks assertiveness, strength, or decisiveness in their behavior or attitude. It pertains to qualities relating to a person's character that are perceived as ineffective or feeble. For example, someone may use this term to describe a character in a story or a person they know who generally gives in to pressure easily, does not assert their ideas, or does not deal well with challenges.

ser de carácter difícil
to be of a difficult character

The phrase 'ser de carácter difícil' in Spanish translates to 'to be of a difficult character' in English. This can refer to a person who is often hard to deal with or understand due to their complex or unpredictable behavior. It is generally used to depict individuals who possess a challenging personality.

ser de carácter fácil
be of easy character

The phrase 'ser de carácter fácil' translates to 'be of easy character' in English. This phrase is often used to describe a person's personality or temperament. Someone with an 'easy character' is generally amiable, flexible, and calm. They tend not to get upset or frustrated easily. They adapt quickly to change, are open-minded, and handle stress well. Please note that this is a general interpretation; the exact meaning can vary slightly depending on context.

ser de carácter fuerte
to be of strong character

'Ser de carácter fuerte' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'to be of strong character' in English. This phrase is typically used to describe an individual who is assertive, resilient, and unwavering in their beliefs or principles. Such individuals often have a noticeable presence, are able to effectively communicate their ideas, and maintain composure during conceivably stressful situations. They're often self-confident, can establish firm personal boundaries, and are valued for their leadership qualities.

ser de carácter serio
to be of a serious nature

The Spanish phrase 'ser de carácter serio' translates to 'to be of a serious nature' in English. This phrase is used to describe someone who is solemn or not given to frivolity or levity. In a sentence, it may refer to a person's general disposition or their demeanor in specific situations.

ser de carácter tranquilo
to be of peaceful character

The Spanish phrase 'ser de carácter tranquilo' translates to 'to be of peaceful character' in English. It is used to describe someone who generally has a calm and serene personality. This individual usually doesn't get agitated or restless easily and maintains their composure in most situations. They often exhibit patience, equanimity, and quiet behavior. These characteristics enable them to handle stressful situations with grace and ease. It denotes a positive trait and is used as a compliment or praise when referring to someone's demeanor.

ser un blando
being a soft one

'Ser un blando' is a Spanish phrase that translates into English as 'being a soft one'. It is often used to describe someone who is kind-hearted, understanding, or easy-going. However, it can also have negative connotations, suggesting that someone is weak, easily taken advantage of, or lacks the necessary toughness or assertiveness. The phrase can heavily rely on context, as different situations may lead to different interpretations of the phrase 'ser un blando'.

ser un caradura
to be cheeky

The Spanish phrase 'ser un caradura' translates to 'to be cheeky' in English. It's an idiomatic expression used in Spanish speaking countries when a person behaves without shame or without considering the consequences, similar to the English phrase 'to have a lot of nerve'.

ser un gallina
being a chicken

The Spanish phrase 'ser un gallina' translates to 'being a chicken' in English. This term is often used colloquially to refer to someone who is considered cowardly or overly cautious, similar to the way the term 'chicken' is used in English to describe someone who is afraid or unwilling to take risks.

ser un lince
being a lynx

The phrase 'ser un lince' in Spanish directly translates to 'being a lynx' in English. However, it is not a literal reference to the animal. In Spanish, it's used metaphorically to describe someone who is very observant or sharp-witted, similar to the characteristics of a lynx. It's akin to the English idiom 'to have an eagle eye'.

ser un zorro
being a fox

'Ser un zorro' is a Spanish idiomatic phrase. In a literal sense, it translates to 'being a fox' in English. However, it is often used somewhat figuratively in Spanish. Similar to the way we use 'fox' in English, 'ser un zorro' can refer to a person who is sly, cunning, or crafty. It can be used to denote someone's cleverness or wit, especially when they are being a little tricky or sneaky.


The Spanish word 'seriedad' translates to 'seriousness' in English. This term can be utilized to describe the quality or state of being serious, earnest, or sincere. It depicts solemn, grave, or sober behavior, attitude, or character, often devoid of humor or frivolity. In other instances, it may also convey the weightiness or importance of a situation or matter. Similar to its English counterpart, 'seriedad' plays a versatile role in Spanish conversation and literature, serving to describe people, situations, and discussions.


The word 'serio' in Spanish translates as 'serious' in English. It is commonly used to describe a situation, person, or an issue that is of significant importance or gravity. Additionally, it can also describe a person's demeanor or character. It is an adjective and should match in gender and number with the noun it modifies.

Example sentences with  serio

Simpático means 'nice'. It is used to describe a person who is friendly and pleasant. An example would be 'El niño es simpático' which translates to 'The child is nice'.

Example sentences with  simpático

The Spanish word 'sinceridad' translates to 'sincerity' in English. It refers to the quality of being free from pretense, deceit, or hypocrisy. It is an important virtue in many cultures, indicating a person's willingness to speak truthfully and without deceit. In context, it can be used similarly to the English term, such as in the phrase 'aprecio tu sinceridad', which means 'I appreciate your sincerity'.


The Spanish word 'sincero' translates to 'sincere' in English. It is an adjective that is used to define someone who speaks and acts truthfully, without hiding their feelings, thoughts, or intentions. For instance, it could be used in a sentence like 'Él es una persona sincera', which translates to 'He is a sincere person'. It embodies the values of honesty and authenticity.


The Spanish word 'sociable' translates to 'sociable' in English. It is typically used as an adjective to describe someone who acts in a friendly, outgoing, and engaging manner towards others. This term also implies that the person enjoys being around people and knows how to interact well in social settings.


The Spanish word 'solidario' translates to 'solidarity' in English. It is mostly used to describe a sense of unity or agreement among individuals with a common interest. It can often be found in political or social contexts, where it expresses the idea of people supporting one another in a group or community. In essence, if someone is 'solidario', they stand with others, particularly when they are in a situation of difficulty or struggle.


The Spanish word 'susceptibilidad' translates to 'susceptibility' in English. It is a noun that refers to the state or character of being susceptible, or likely or liable to be influenced or harmed by a particular thing. For instance, a person's susceptibility to diseases or a material's susceptibility to heat, etc. This word is often used in various contexts, including but not limited to, health and medical sciences, psychology, and material sciences.


The word 'suspectible' in Spanish also translates to 'susceptible' in English. This term is typically used to signify the likelihood or possibility of being influenced or harmed by a certain action, thing, or person. It might relate to someone who is particularly inclined to get sick, or it may refer to the vulnerability of being easily affected emotionally. One can use this word to denote vulnerability, openness, impressionability, or sensitivity. For instance, in a sentence, 'Ella es susceptible a los resfriados', it implies 'She is susceptible to colds.'


The Spanish word 'tacaño' translates to 'cheap' in English. Being 'tacaño' doesn't only refer to the price or value of something being low but is most commonly used to describe a person who doesn't like to spend money. It may hold a negative connotation, indicating that the person is stingy or frugal to an extreme extent. It is an adjective and like other Spanish adjectives, may change in form depending on the gender and number of the noun it modifies.

tener afán de superación
have a desire to overcome

The Spanish phrase 'tener afán de superación' translates to 'have a desire to overcome' in English. This phrase is commonly used to describe the ambition or drive of an individual in improving their situation or achieving certain goals. It serves as a value to one's character, emphasizing their determination and resilience in facing challenges and surpassing obstacles in life.

tener ambición
having ambition

The Spanish phrase 'tener ambición' is translated as 'having ambition' in English. It is a phrase that conveys a powerful aspiration or desire to reach certain goals, implying a strong determination to achieve something. This could range from aspiring for professional success, personal progress to broader idealistic objectives. This phrase can be attributed to individuals who show keenness, enthusiasm, and vigor towards their goals.

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