Spanish Personality Vocabulary in Spanish

A collection of Spanish vocabulary words related to personality traits and characteristics.


The Spanish word 'agradable' equates to 'nice' in English. It is an adjective used to describe something or someone that is pleasant, satisfactory, or attractive. Like its English equivalent, 'agradable' can be used in various contexts, enhancing its versatility. For example, it may refer to a 'nice' person, place, or activity, effectively conveying a sense of appeal or enjoyment.

Example sentences with  agradable

The Spanish word 'altruismo' translates to 'altruism' in English. It denotes the belief in or practice of disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others. This moral doctrine often opposes selfishness and emphasizes actions benefiting others, extending kindness and self-sacrifice for the good of other people. 'Altruismo' is often used in the context of actions, beliefs, or behavior patterns that emphasize self-less acts or contributing to the welfare of others.


The Spanish word 'altruista' translates to 'altruist' in English. An altruist is a person who is unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others. In other words, altruists place the needs and well-being of others before their own. They believe in the philosophy of putting others first and can often be seen participating in philanthropic activities. 'Altruista' embodies a crucial societal value, and understanding this term reflects a more profound knowledge of Spanish and its cultural implications.


The Spanish term for 'kindness' is 'amabilidad'. It is used to express the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. This can refer to the way in which individuals treat one another, character traits, or actions performed. You can find it used in various contexts such as personal exchanges and literature.

Example sentences with  amabilidad

The Spanish word 'amable' translates to 'kind' in English. It's used to describe someone who is friendly and considerate. For example, when referring to a person who behaves nicely you might say 'Él es muy amable', which translates to 'He is very kind'.

Example sentences with  amable

The Spanish word 'ambición' translates to 'ambition' in English. It is a noun commonly used to depict a strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work. It's a significant term in both languages, representing the drive or eagerness someone has to achieve goals, whether they are personal, professional, or otherwise.


The Spanish word 'ambicioso' translates to 'ambitious' in English. An ambitious person is someone who has a strong desire and determination to succeed or achieve something. They are willing to work hard, take risks, and persevere to meet their goals. This word can be used in different contexts, from describing someone's professional aspirations to their personal life goals. It is generally considered a positive characteristic to be ambitious, as it shows a person's drive and motivation.


Animado translates to 'lively'. It is used to describe someone who is full of energy and life. For example, 'El niño es animado' means 'The child is lively'.

Example sentences with  animado

The Spanish word 'antipático' translates to 'antipathic' in English. It is primarily used as an adjective in Spanish and describes a person who is unsympathetic, unlikable, or unpleasant. It can also be used to depict a lack of friendliness or goodwill towards other people. This word's antonym is 'simpático', which stands for a likable or pleasant person. So, if you come across an individual who seems unfriendly, the word 'antipático' would be an appropriate term to apply.


The Spanish word 'apasionado' translates to 'passionate' in English. It is an adjective often used to describe someone who has very strong feelings or enthusiasm about something or someone. It can be used in various contexts, for example, 'He is passionate about music' could be translated as 'Él es apasionado por la música'. The passion can be towards a hobby, a person, a cause, or anything that one deeply cares about or has a strong interest in.


The Spanish word 'arrogancia' translates to 'arrogance' in English. It is a noun and refers to an attitude of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or presumptuous claims or assumptions. In general, it is used to describe a person who believes they are better, smarter, or more important than other people. Arrogance can be expressed in various ways such as in someone's tone of voice, body language, and behavior.


The Spanish word 'arrogante' translates to 'arrogant' in English. This word is used to describe a person who has or reveals an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities. 'Arrogante' can be used in similar contexts in Spanish as 'arrogant' can in English, and it carries a largely negative connotation.


The Spanish word 'austero' translates to 'austere' in English. The term 'austere' can be used to describe something that is unadorned, simple, or plain. It can be applied to both physical objects and personal character traits. For example, an austere room could be one with minimal decoration or furniture. In personal traits, someone described as austere could be perceived as stern, serious or highly disciplined.


The Spanish word 'callado' translates to 'reserved' in English. This term is often used to describe an individual who tends to keep to themselves and does not share or express their thoughts or feelings openly. 'Callado' could also refer to someone who is quiet or not speaking. It is important to note the cultural and contextual differences between English and Spanish, as in certain cases the same word might have slightly different implications depending on the context it is used in.

carecer de amor propio
lack of self-love

The Spanish phrase 'carecer de amor propio' translates to 'lack of self-love' in English. It is a connotation that denotes a situation where an individual does not have enough regard for oneself or is deficient in personal affection or goodwill towards oneself. This phrase can be used in a context to depict emotional deficiency in personal development or a situation of low self-esteem. It resonates with the perception of self worth and the lack of it. The English equivalent may be used in psychological discourse to signify personal conditions that may demand self-help or therapeutic solutions.

carecer de carácter
lack of character

The Spanish phrase 'carecer de carácter' translates to 'lack of character' in English. This phrase can be used to describe a person who lacks individuality, moral strength, or integrity. Just like in English, this phrase can have a negative connotation in Spanish. Therefore, it may be used to point out someone's weak personality or ethical shortcomings.

carecer de escrúpulos
lack of scruples

The Spanish phrase 'carecer de escrúpulos' translates to 'lack of scruples' in English. This phrase is used to describe someone who does not let moral concerns guide their decisions or behavior. They are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their aims, without worrying about whether their actions are right or wrong.

carecer de ética
lack of ethics

The Spanish phrase 'carecer de ética' translates in English directly as 'lack of ethics'. This refers to the absence or disregard for moral principles or standards in one's behavior or actions. It can apply to individuals as well as to organizations or professions. Ethical behavior is generally understood as conduct that respects others' rights and does not harm them. Therefore, if someone is said to 'carecer de ética', they are violating these principles and behaving in a way that causes harm to others.

carecer de moral
lack of morality

The Spanish phrase 'carecer de moral' translates to 'lack of morality' in English. It is used to describe a person or an action deemed as unethical or not conforming to the accepted standards of morality. The phrase is made up of three parts: 'carecer', which means 'to lack'; 'de', a preposition meaning 'of'; and 'moral', which translates to 'morality'. Altogether, they produce the phrase 'carecer de moral' defining an absence or deficiency in moral principles or values.

carecer de personalidad
lack of personality

The Spanish phrase 'carecer de personalidad' translates to 'lack of personality' in English. This phrase can be used to describe a person or entity that does not have unique or distinguishing characteristics, making them seem bland or uninteresting. It is often used in a critical or negative context. In a sentence, it might be used as follows: 'Aunque es atractivo, carece de personalidad', which translates to 'Although he is attractive, he lacks personality'.

carecer de principios
lack of principles

The Spanish phrase 'carecer de principios' translates to 'lack of principles' in English. This phrase could be used to indicate that a person or an organization doesn't adhere to moral or ethical standards. The word-by-word translation of 'carecer de principios' would be 'lack of beginnings', but in context, 'principios' are principles or fundamental beliefs, and 'carecer de' suggests a lack thereof. Thus, 'carecer de principios' portrays a severe criticism about someone's actions or behavior.

carecer de temperamento
lack of temperament

The Spanish phrase 'carecer de temperamento' translates to 'lack of temperament' in English. This phrase is used to refer to a person or a situation that lacks a definite or strong character or personality. For instance, it can be used to describe someone who is not easily excited or prone to emotional reactions, or a situation that is dull or uninteresting because it lacks intensity or vigor.

carecer de valores
lack of values

The Spanish phrase 'carecer de valores' translates into English as 'lack of values'. It can be used in multiple contexts, usually to denote the absence of moral principles or ethical standards in a person, society, or situation. It can also imply the nonexistence of worth or merit in something or someone.


The Spanish word 'cobarde' translates to 'coward' in English. A 'cobarde' refers to a person who lacks courage in facing danger, difficulty, opposition, pain, etc. and is excessively afraid of such instances. This term is often used to describe someone who runs away from situations rather than dealing with them. Essentially, 'cobarde' is used in Spanish to express an individual's lack of bravery.


The Spanish word 'cobardía' is translated as 'cowardice' in English. This term is often used to describe the lack of courage or determination to face danger, difficulty, opposition, pain, etc. In Spanish-speaking cultures, it may be used to identify a personality trait deemed undesirable, akin to its usage in English. It may also appear in other cultural contexts or idioms, adding richness and depth to the language.


The Spanish word 'conservador' translates to 'conservative' in English. In a political context, a 'conservador' could refer to someone who holds traditional attitudes and values and is cautious about change or innovation. However, the term can also be used more broadly to describe a person or entity that is resistant to change and prefers to maintain existing conditions, practices, or institutions.


The Spanish word 'constancia' does not directly translate to 'substance' in English. It instead has a variety of meanings depending on the context in which it's used. In most cases, 'constancia' signifies persistence, constancy, or consistency. For example, it might be used to describe someone's quality of being consistent in their actions or behaviour. It can also refer to a document or certificate that proves the reality of a certain event or fact.


The Spanish word 'constante' translates to 'constant' in English. This term refers to something that remains unchanged or stable over time. It is often used in various contexts, such as mathematics, physics, and everyday conversations. For instance, in maths and science, it represents a value that does not vary. In everyday usage, it may refer to a person who is steady or reliable.


The Spanish word 'coraje' translates to 'courage' in English. It is used in situations that require bravery or strength and conveys the ability to confront fear, pain, danger, or attempts of intimidation. Like 'courage', 'coraje' can be used to describe both physical and moral strength in the face of difficulties.


The Spanish word 'curiosidad' translates to 'curiosity' in English. This is a noun that relates to the desire to learn or know about anything; inquisitiveness. For instance, interest or novelty towards things, people, places etc. The attribute of being intrigued or nosy is best described by the word 'curiosidad' in Spanish.

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