Spanish Personal Objects Spanish Study

A collection of Spanish vocabulary for items commonly considered personal objects.


The Spanish word 'pendientes' translates to 'earrings' in English. This term is used to describe a type of jewelry that is typically worn on the earlobe. Earrings come in many different styles, including studs, hoops, and dangly earrings, and they can be made out of a variety of materials such as metal, plastic, glass, precious stones, beads, wood, and bone. The same term, 'pendientes', is also used in Spanish to refer to tasks or duties that one has not completed yet. Its use can be contextual based on whether it is being applied in a fashion or task-oriented conversation.


The Spanish word 'perfume' translates to 'perfume' in English. It is a fragrant liquid typically made from essential oils extracted from flowers and spices, used to impart a pleasant smell to one's body or clothes. The term originated from the Latin words 'per', meaning 'through' and 'fumus', meaning 'smoke'. Hence, 'perfume' refers to a substance that emits a pleasant aroma.

Example sentences with  perfume

The Spanish word 'pulsera' translates to 'bracelet' in English. This is a piece of jewelry that people wear around their wrist. Bracelets can be made from different materials such as gold, silver, beads, etc. and can be styled in various ways to suit different fashion preferences. The word 'pulsera' might be used in various contexts, for example shopping, fashion, or simply in a conversation about personal belongings.


A small timepiece intended to be carried or worn by a person, typically a wristwatch.

Example sentences with  reloj
reloj analógico
analog watch

The term 'reloj analógico' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'analog watch' in English. An analog watch is a type of watch that displays time through the position of rotating hands on a dial, unlike a digital watch, which displays time in a numerical format. Analog watches are considered classic and traditional, and are often valued for their craftsmanship and aesthetic appeal. 'Reloj' means 'watch' and 'analógico' means 'analog' in English.

reloj de pulsera
watch bracelet

The Spanish term 'reloj de pulsera' directly translates to 'watch bracelet' in English. However, the term is commonly understood to mean 'wristwatch' in English, which is a clock designed to be worn or carried by a person on the wrist. It helps to tell time and may often have additional features like date. Its use allows a person to conveniently check the time without having to reach for a mobile device or a larger clock.

reloj digital
Digital watch

The Spanish term 'reloj digital' translates to 'digital watch' in English. It refers to a type of watch where the hour, minute, and often second, are indicated by digits, instead of hands on dials. A digital watch is a modern form of timepieces, often associated with numerous features such as alarm function, stopwatch, timer, and more. Learning series of such words can help in conversing about modern technology in Spanish.

tarjeta de crédito
credit card

The Spanish phrase 'tarjeta de crédito' translates to 'credit card' in English. It is commonly used in financial contexts, businesses, and daily life. A 'tarjeta de crédito' allows you to borrow money against a line of credit, known as the card's credit limit, before paying it back later. Much like in English speaking cultures, it is an important concept in banking and commerce in Spanish speaking societies.

tarjeta de visita
business card

The Spanish term 'tarjeta de visita' translates to 'business card' in English. A business card is a small, usually credit-card sized paper card that has your business information such as name, contact details, and company logo. It is a way to present your professional information to others in a compact, tangible format. This term is used commonly in both professional and casual contexts where individuals need to share their business contact details quickly and effectively.

tener un valor sentimental
having a sentimental value

The Spanish phrase 'tener un valor sentimental' translates into English as 'having a sentimental value'. It is often used to describe an object or thought that holds special importance on a personal, emotional level rather than material value. It can also refer to something that evokes a sense of nostalgia or triggers specific emotions, attaching special meaning to the object or idea.


The Spanish word 'zapatillas' translates to 'slippers' in English. This is a noun used to refer to a type of light, comfortable shoes that are worn in the home. They are often made of soft or warm materials and can come in various styles, from open-heel sandals to fully covered foot-wraps.

Example sentences with  zapatillas
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