Spanish Personal Objects Spanish Study

A collection of Spanish vocabulary for items commonly considered personal objects.

álbum de fotos
photo album

The term 'álbum de fotos' in Spanish translates to 'photo album' in English. A photo album is a book or binder where one organizes and stores their photographs. It is commonly used to safely keep personal family photos or professional portraits, and is organized by various themes, such as 'vacations', 'birthdays', or 'weddings'. They help keep memories consolidated and safe, and are one way to categorize and keep track of life events and moments in a visual and tangible form.

alianza de oro
gold alliance

The Spanish phrase 'alianza de oro' translates to 'gold alliance' in English. In a literal sense, it refers to a union or partnership that is highly valuable or beneficial, similar to gold. However, in a more specific context, it's often used to refer to a gold wedding ring in several Spanish-speaking regions, signifying the golden (metaphorically precious) covenant between two people in marriage.

alianza de plata
silver alliance

The Spanish phrase 'alianza de plata' translates to 'silver alliance' in English. It can be used literally to refer to an alliance or pact that is referred to as 'silver', possibly denoting its importance or worth. Additionally, 'alianza de plata' can also refer to a silver ring, as 'alianza' is also a term used for ring in Spanish, particularly in reference to engagement or wedding bands. Thus, this phrase symbolizes both unity and value.


The Spanish word 'anillo' translates to 'ring' in English. It can refer to a piece of jewelry traditionally worn on fingers, or circular objects or outlines. It can also refer to groups or gatherings of people or objects forming a circle. Like in English, the word 'anillo' can have a variety of uses in different contexts, although it is commonly associated with jewelry.

barra de labios

The Spanish term 'barra de labios' translates to 'lipstick' in English. It is a cosmetic product containing pigments, oils, waxes, and emollients that apply color, texture, and protection to the lips. Traditionally, it is worn by women but it can be used by anyone desiring to enhance the appearance of their lips. This term is commonly used in various Spanish-speaking cultures.

Example sentences with  barra de labios

A container made of flexible material with an opening at the top, used for carrying things.

Example sentences with  bolsa
bolsa de aseo
toilet bag

The Spanish term 'bolsa de aseo' can be directly translated to English as 'toilet bag'. This commonly refers to a small portable bag that typically contains toiletries such as soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, shaving material, and so on, usually for travel or camping purposes.

Example sentences with  bolsa de aseo
cadena de oro
gold chain

The Spanish phrase 'cadena de oro' translates to 'gold chain' in English. The term is commonly used to describe a piece of jewelry consisting of a chain, typically made of gold, which is worn around the neck. These can vary greatly in style, size, and length, and can be worn as a personal accessory or a fashion statement. In some cultures, a 'cadena de oro' may also symbolize wealth or status.

cadena de plata
silver chain

The Spanish phrase 'cadena de plata' translates to 'silver chain' in English. It is formed from 'cadena', the Spanish word for 'chain', and 'plata', the Spanish word for 'silver'. It is commonly used to refer to jewelry items such as necklaces and bracelets made from silver. For example, 'Ella lleva una hermosa cadena de plata' would translate to 'She is wearing a beautiful silver chain'. Therefore, this phrase can be used to describe any silver metal chain, most often those used for jewelry.


The Spanish word 'cartera' translates to 'portfolio' in English. The term can be used in a variety of contexts. In business, a portfolio typically refers to a collection of financial assets such as stocks, bonds, and cash equivalents. It can also refer to a collection of investments held by an investment company, hedge fund, or financial institution. 'Cartera' can also mean 'wallet' in a more colloquial context, as in a physical container for carrying money and other personal items. The word 'cartera' might also infer to a bag that holds papers, money cards and other documents, often used by women.

colgante de oro
Gold pendant

The Spanish phrase 'colgante de oro' translates to 'gold pendant' in English. It is often used to refer to a piece of jewelry, typically made of gold, that hangs from a chain worn around the neck. 'Oro' is the Spanish word for gold, and 'colgante' is a noun that refers to something that hangs or dangles. Therefore, 'colgante de oro' directly translates to 'hanging of gold', but is understood to mean 'gold pendant' in English.

colgante de plata
Silver pendant

The Spanish phrase 'colgante de plata' translates to 'silver pendant' in English. A 'silver pendant' is a small piece of jewelry, often intricate and ornate, typically made of silver, and designed to hang from a necklace or a chain. This can vary in designs, sizes, and value, depending on the detailing and the weight of the silver used.


The Spanish word 'collar' translates to 'necklace' in English. It is a piece of jewelry, usually made of precious metals or stones, that is worn around the neck. In Spain and many other Spanish-speaking cultures, collars are popular accessories both for everyday wear and special occasions. The word can be used in many contexts, similar to its English equivalent 'necklace'.

crema hidratante
moisturizing cream

The Spanish 'crema hidratante' translates to 'moisturizing cream' in English. This term is used in beauty and skincare contexts, referring to a type of cream or lotion applied to the skin to prevent dryness. Moisturizing creams often contain ingredients that supplement the skin's natural oils to help keep it hydrated and maintain its natural moisture balance. They sometimes come in different varieties such as those for sensitive skin, oil-free, or those with specific ingredients for certain skincare concerns.

Example sentences with  crema hidratante

The Spanish word 'gafas' translates to 'glasses' in English. It is a plural noun commonly used in many Spanish-speaking countries to refer to a pair of lenses set into a frame worn on the face to correct vision or protect the eyes. The term 'gafas' can refer to different types of glasses such as prescription glasses, sunglasses, or reading glasses.

gafas de cerca
close-up glasses

The Spanish term 'gafas de cerca' translates to 'close-up glasses' in English. These are a type of eyewear specifically designed to aid in tasks that require focusing on close distances, such as reading or doing close-up work. They are similar to reading glasses in functionality, and are often used by individuals who have difficulties in seeing or focusing on objects up close, otherwise known as nearsightedness or myopia.

gafas de lejos
distance glasses

The Spanish term 'gafas de lejos' translates to 'distance glasses' in English. This phrase is commonly used to refer to a type of eyeglasses used primarily for seeing objects that are far away more clearly. This kind of glasses is opposite to the term 'reading glasses' which are used for seeing objects that are close up. The term highlights an aspect of vision correction in relation to optometry and eye health.

gafas de sol

The Spanish phrase 'gafas de sol' translates to 'sunglasses' in English. Sunglasses are a form of protective eyewear designed to prevent bright sunlight and high-energy visible light from damaging or discomforting the eyes. They can sometimes also function as a visual aid, featuring lenses that are colored or darkened, and frames that are cool, stylish and attractive. They are typically used in outdoor activities and are very useful in the summer or in sunny regions to protect from direct sun exposure, and potentially harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays.

gafas graduadas
graduate glasses

The Spanish phrase 'gafas graduadas' literally translates to 'graduate glasses' in English. However, in a more appropriate English usage, these are known as 'prescription glasses'. These are glasses whose lenses have been specially made to correct the vision of the person wearing them based on a prescription from an eye care professional. They come in various styles and make, but their primary function is to aid in vision correction for conditions such as myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, and presbyopia.

gargantilla de oro
gold hooker

I'm afraid there has been a mistake. 'Gargantilla de oro' in Spanish actually translates to 'gold choker' in English, referring to a piece of jewelry worn around the neck, often made of gold. Please note the context and usage.

gargantilla de plata
silver hooker

'Gargantilla de plata' is a Spanish phrase that doesn't actually translate to 'silver hooker' in English. Instead, it translates to 'silver choker'. A 'gargantilla de plata' is a piece of jewelry, similar to a necklace, but typically worn tight around the neck. These are often made of various materials, including silver, hence the 'de plata' in the phrase. It's essential to note the difference to avoid any potential awkward conversations.

gorro de baño
bath cap

The Spanish phrase 'gorro de baño' translates to 'bath cap' in English. This refers to a cover worn over the hair while showering or bathing to prevent the hair from getting wet. It is particularly used by women to protect styled or processed hair from water. Bath caps are also used in swimming to reduce drag and increase speed. In strict terms, 'gorro' translates to 'cap' or 'hat' in English, while 'baño' refers to 'bath' or 'bathroom'. Therefore, when combined, 'gorro de baño' means 'bath cap'.

Example sentences with  gorro de baño
gorro de ducha
shower cap

The Spanish term 'gorro de ducha' translates to 'shower cap' in English. It is a term commonly used to refer to a cover made from plastic or waterproof material that is worn over the hair to keep it dry while taking a shower. In many Spanish-speaking countries, it can be found in stores where personal care or hygiene products are sold.

Example sentences with  gorro de ducha

The word 'joya' in Spanish translates to 'jewel' in English. It is used to denote a precious stone or piece of gemstone jewelry. Like in English, it can also be used metaphorically in Spanish to refer to something or someone very valuable or exemplary.


The Spanish word 'lentillas' translates to 'lenses' in English. They are typically used in glasses or contact lenses to correct vision, though they can also be found in items such as cameras and microscopes. The term is widely used in both professional and everyday settings. 'Lentillas' could refer to either a single lens or multiple ones, depending on the context.


The Spanish word 'llaves' translates to 'keys' in English. It can refer to a set of keys for opening locks like a house or a car, or also to keys in a musical context. It can be used in formal and informal conversations, and is a common word in spoken and written Spanish.


The Spanish word 'maletín' translates to 'briefcase' in English. A 'maletín' is a flat, rectangular container, often made of leather, for carrying documents or books. It typically has a handle and can be closed with a clasp. It's commonly used in a professional setting by people who need to carry important documents or work tools such as laptops. Its literal translation would be 'small suitcase' as it is derived from the Spanish word 'maleta' which means suitcase, and the suffix '-ín' in Spanish is used as a diminutive.


The Spanish word 'móvil' translates to 'mobile' in English. It can refer to different contexts such as mobile phone, or indicating that something is capable of being moved. For instance, when used in the context of telecommunications, un 'teléfono móvil' means a mobile phone. In a broader context however, it generally signifies something that is not fixed and can move or be moved. The word is commonly used in both human and scientific connotations as desired.


The Spanish word 'paraguas' translates to 'umbrella' in English. This is a common object used to shield oneself from rain or sun. Its structure usually includes a pole or handle that is manually or automatically extendable, with a top part made of material designed to resist water or reflect sunlight. 'Paraguas' is a compound word in Spanish, derived from the words 'para' meaning 'for' and 'aguas' meaning 'waters', which paints a vivid picture of its purpose - for the waters.


The Spanish word 'peine' translates to 'comb' in English. It is a noun and it refers to a device made of solid material, usually with a series of narrow teeth, that is used for untangling, cleaning or arranging hair. The word 'peine' is masculine and its plural form in Spanish is 'peines'.

Example sentences with  peine
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