Spanish Learn Spanish: Personal Data

Explore comprehensive translations and usage of personal data related Spanish words. Perfect for beginner English students learning Spanish.


The Spanish verb 'habitar' translates to 'inhabit' in English. It is used to describe the action of living in a certain place or environment. It can be employed in various contexts, just like the English equivalent, and it is commonly used in both formal and informal communication.

hacerse mayor
Getting older

The Spanish phrase 'hacerse mayor' translates to 'getting older' in English. The phrase 'hacerse mayor' is formed by two parts, 'hacerse' and 'mayor'. 'Hacerse' is a reflexive verb formed by the base verb 'hacer' and the reflexive pronoun 'se', in this context, it can be understood as 'to become'. 'Mayor' translates directly to 'older' or 'greater'. Therefore, when combined as 'hacerse mayor', the meaning becomes 'to become older' or 'getting older'. This phrase is commonly used to describe the process of growing or aging.


The Spanish word 'hembra' translates to 'female' in English. It is typically used to refer to female gender across various contexts. For instance, when identifying the gender of animals, people, or even objects sometimes in Spanish, 'hembra' is used to denote the female specification. This noun is pronounced as 'em-brah'.


The Spanish word 'heterosexual' is the same in English and it refers to a person who is sexually attracted to people of the opposite sex. It's derived from 'hetero' meaning different and 'sexual'. This term is widely used in various contexts, from casual conversations, in literature, to formal discussions about human sexuality and relationships.


The Spanish word 'hombre' translates to 'man' in English. It is a commonly used noun in the Spanish language, representing an adult male human. In a broader context, it can also refer to human beings in general, regardless of their gender, much like 'mankind' in English. However, its most typical use is to identify an individual male person.


The Spanish word 'homosexual' directly translates to 'homosexual' in English. It is used to refer to a person who is attracted to individuals of the same sex. This term is a classification for sexual orientation and it applies to both men and women. Similar to English, it can be used as both a noun and an adjective in Spanish. Moreover, it is important to note that the context and tone of the conversation could change the sensitivity of this term's usage.


The word 'japonés' is a Spanish term that translates into 'Japanese' in English. It may be used to refer to anything relating to Japan - its people, language, or culture. Used as an adjective, 'japonés' describes something as being of Japanese origin. It links not only to the geographical country of Japan but also encompasses the rich historical, cultural, and linguistic dimensions associated with it. Therefore, when one is referring to a Japanese food, person, language or any other element, the term 'japonés' is used in the Spanish language.

llamar por el apellido
call for the last name

The Spanish phrase 'llamar por el apellido' translates to 'call for the last name' in English. Essentially, it implies the act of addressing someone by their last name, a practice common in formal or professional contexts. In some cultures, it's considered respectful to use a person's last name, particularly in formal, academic, or professional situations. This may include workplaces, schools, or when interacting with elders or superiors.

llamar por el nombre
call by name

The Spanish phrase 'llamar por el nombre' translates to 'call by name' in English. This term is often used to signify directly addressing someone or something by their proper name or title. This can be used both in literal dialogues and metaphorical expressions, akin to its usage in the English language. Just like in English, this phrase can imply respect, familiarity or a demand for attention.


The Spanish verb 'llamarse' is reflexive and directly translates to 'call oneself' in English. It is commonly used to tell or to ask someone's name. For instance, 'Me llamo John' means 'My name is John', which is literally 'I call myself John'. So, while it has the literal meaning of 'call oneself', in practical usage, it is used to signify someone's name.

lugar de nacimiento
place of birth

'Lugar de nacimiento' is a Spanish phrase that translates directly to 'place of birth' in English. It is often used in official forms and documents to indicate the specific city or town where a person was born. This phrase is composed of two words: 'lugar' meaning 'place', and 'nacimiento' meaning 'birth'. So, 'lugar de nacimiento' is a straightforward translation to 'place of birth'.


The Spanish word 'madurar' translates to 'mature' in English. Its primary uses relate to the process of becoming fully developed physically or mentally, possessing advanced intellectual development, or being appropriate for adults only. Just like 'mature', 'madurar' can be used in various contexts, such as the ripening of fruits or the development of feelings or relationships. It serves as a significant concept in human growth and development, as well as in agriculture and emotional intelligence.


The Spanish word 'madurez' translates to 'maturity' in English. This noun typically refers to the state or quality of being fully grown or developed. It can be used in different contexts, such as biological or psychological. In both languages, it carries the connotation of wisdom gained through age or experience, and is often associated with adulthood and full development. In Spanish, it can also denote the sweetness or ripeness of fruit, similar to its usage in English.


The Spanish word 'marroquí' is an adjective and refers to something or someone originating from or associated with Morocco, a country in North Africa. The term is not directly translated as 'Morocco' in English, rather it might be translated as 'Moroccan'. For example, if you are describing a man from Morocco, you would say 'un hombre marroquí' in Spanish, which translates to 'a Moroccan man' in English.

matrimonio civil
civil marriage

The phrase 'matrimonio civil' in Spanish refers to a civil marriage, a type of marital union where the legal formalities are observed and validated by a government official or authorized person, rather than a religious ceremony. It is the legally recognized union of two people as partners in a personal relationship, established by a civil or secular authority rather than by the church, often performed in a city hall or municipal court.

matrimonio de conveniencia
marriage of convenience

The Spanish term 'matrimonio de conveniencia' translates to 'marriage of convenience' in English. A marriage of convenience is generally one that is not based on love, but rather on some other personal gain for at least one of the parties involved. This could be for business, social standing or even for legal status in a foreign country. Such marriages are often organized or facilitated by others, and can sometimes be compared to arranged marriages.

matrimonio religioso
religious marriage

The phrase 'matrimonio religioso' in Spanish translates to 'religious marriage' in English. A religious marriage is a type of marriage where the ceremony is officiated by a religious figure such as a priest, pastor, rabbi, imam or others, depending on the religion. The ceremony often follows a specific protocol defined by the religious institution, and might take place in a religious building like a church, mosque, synagogue, etc. It is often recognized not only by the religious institution but also legally, though this may vary in some areas or cases.


The word 'mexicano' is an adjective in the Spanish language, relating to Mexico, its people, culture or language. In English, it translates to 'Mexican'. For example, it can be used to describe a person who is from Mexico (un hombre mexicano), Mexican food (comida mexicana), or the Mexican culture (la cultura mexicana).


The word 'mote' in Spanish translates to 'nickname' in English. It is often used to refer to a name that is given to someone, typically by friends or family, that has a personal or humorous significance. This could reference their personality, appearance or behavior, etc. It is not usually the person's official name, but rather a term of endearment or friendship. 'Mote' is a common term used in many Spanish-speaking countries.


The Spanish word 'móvil' translates to 'mobile' in English. It can refer to different contexts such as mobile phone, or indicating that something is capable of being moved. For instance, when used in the context of telecommunications, un 'teléfono móvil' means a mobile phone. In a broader context however, it generally signifies something that is not fixed and can move or be moved. The word is commonly used in both human and scientific connotations as desired.

mudarse de barrio
moving from neighborhood

The Spanish phrase 'mudarse de barrio' translates to 'moving from neighborhood' in English. This is often used when someone is changing their residence from one neighborhood to another. For example, one might say 'Voy a mudarme de barrio' to mean 'I am going to move from one neighborhood to another'. This phrase represents a common occurrence in day-to-day life, and is a useful one to understand and use in conversation.

mudarse de zona
moving from area

The Spanish phrase 'mudarse de zona' directly translates to 'moving from area' in English. This is often used metaphorically to indicate a change in position, situation, or environment. For instance, you might use this phrase when describing moving from one neighborhood to another, changing jobs or even transitioning from one stage of life to the next. It's important to note that 'mudarse de zona' implies a significant change, rather than a small or temporary shift.


The Spanish word 'nacionalidad' translates to 'nationality' in English. It is used to indicate a person's country of origin or, in some cases, the nation they identify with. This can refer to where they were born, where they currently live, or where their ancestors are from. The concept of 'nacionalidad' is important in legal and societal contexts, often influencing a person's rights, responsibilities, and identity. It's commonly used in legal documents, forms, and discussions of heritage or citizenship.


The Spanish word 'niñez' translates to 'childhood' in English. This term is used to refer to the period of life that is experienced by individuals before they reach adolescence. It is a time often associated with playfulness, innocence, and learning. In different cultural contexts, it can carry different connotations and experiences but universally it refers to the early formative years of an individual's life.


The Spanish word 'nombre' translates to 'name' in English. It is used in the same way as in English to refer to the identification title given to a person, place, or thing. For example, in the sentence '¿Cuál es tu nombre?', the English translation would be 'What is your name?'. Thus 'nombre' is a common term in Spanish that you'll frequently use when referring to people or items by their given names.

nombre artístico
stage name

The term 'nombre artístico' in Spanish translates to 'stage name' in English. This term is commonly used in entertainment industries such as music, acting and certain forms of visual arts. A stage name is a pseudonym taken on by artists for various reasons, such as easier pronunciation, to be more memorable, or to create a distinct persona.

nombre de pila
first name

The Spanish phrase 'nombre de pila' translates to 'first name' in English. It is used to refer to the name given to a person at birth, typically by their parents, and is usually different from their family or surname. It is used for addressing a person directly and is often unique to each individual, although there are popular first names in every language or culture.

número de teléfono
phone number

The Spanish term 'número de teléfono' translates to 'phone number' in English. It's a sequence of digits or symbols that is used to call or send a message to a specific telephone line. Each number is unique to its line, allowing you to reach exactly who you wish to communicate with. The number often includes a country code, an area code, and a personal line number.

obtener el divorcio
get divorce

The Spanish phrase 'obtener el divorcio' translates to 'get divorce' in English. This is usually used in the context of a marriage ending legally, where one would 'get a divorce' from their spouse. This term is used in legal and personal situations when discussing the end of a marital relationship.

obtener la separación
to obtain separation

The Spanish phrase 'obtener la separación' translates to 'to obtain separation' in English. This could refer to a number of different contexts, such as obtaining separation in a physical sense, like separating two objects from each other. It can also refer to legal or emotional separation, such as pursuing a divorce or distancing oneself emotionally from a person or situation.

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