Spanish Learn Spanish: Personal Data

Explore comprehensive translations and usage of personal data related Spanish words. Perfect for beginner English students learning Spanish.


The word 'adolescente' in Spanish is an adjective or noun that translates to 'teen' in English. It refers to an individual who is in the age range between childhood and adulthood, generally between the ages of 13 and 19. The term can be used to indicate both male and female individuals in this age group, and it's also used to describe the phenomena, changes and characteristics typical of this age stage.


The Spanish word 'alemán' translates to 'German' in English. It could refer to the German language, a person from Germany, or anything related to the country Germany, similar to how 'German' is utilized in English. Its use can vary depending on the context, just like other adjectives denoting nationality or language.


The Spanish word 'anciano' translates to 'old' in English. Specifically, it is often used to refer to an old man or an elderly person. The term is used to describe someone who has lived for many years, often beyond the average lifespan. Its synonyms can include 'viejo', a more generic term for 'old', though 'anciano' is more respectful. It can also be used as a noun to refer directly to an old man, the same way the term 'elder' is used in English.

apellido compuesto
composite name

The term 'apellido compuesto' in Spanish refers to a composite name in English, which is a type of surname that includes two (or more) separate words often linked by a hyphen. It is a common practice in many cultures, including Spain, where a child is given both their mother's and father's surnames. This practice reflects the importance of both parents' family names in the child's identity. The use of composite names can also signify nobility, denoting a person's lineage from both sides of their family.

apellido de soltera
maiden name

The Spanish phrase 'apellido de soltera' translates to 'maiden name' in English. This refers to a person's last/family name at birth, before marriage, which might change post marriage in some cultures. It is typically used for women, referring to their surname prior to their married name.


The Spanish word 'bisexual' translates to 'bisexual' in English. This word describes a person who is attracted to both men and women. It can also describe any organism that possesses both male and female reproductive organs. This term is widely used in the context of human sexuality, though it is also applicable in the realm of biology. Its application varies in social, political, and scientific contexts, particularly in discussions about sexual orientation, gender identity, and biology.

boda civil
civil wedding

The phrase 'boda civil' in Spanish refers to a civil wedding in English. This is a legal ceremony that takes place without any religious affiliation, often conducted by an authorized legal representative such as a judge or justice of the peace. The aim of a civil wedding is the legal registration of a marriage between two people without the complications or requirements often associated with traditional religious ceremonies.

boda religiosa
religious wedding

The Spanish term 'boda religiosa' translates to 'religious wedding' in English. This refers to a matrimonial ceremony that is conducted in accordance with the customs and traditions of a specific religion. This type of wedding often includes rites and rituals that are considered sacred and significant in the context of the given religious belief system. For instance, a 'boda religiosa' in a Catholic context may include the exchange of vows before a priest, readings from the Bible, prayers, and the sacrament of the Eucharist.

cambiar de apellido
change of surname

The phrase 'cambiar de apellido' in Spanish translates to 'change of surname' in English. This is generally used in legal and familial contexts, where a person decides or is required to change their family name. The reasons may vary, such as marriage, divorce, or any personal or legal reasons. In many cultures, it's a common practice after marriage, where one or both partners may choose to adopt the other's last name.

cambiar de dirección
change direction

The Spanish phrase 'cambiar de dirección' translates to 'change direction' in English. It is typically used to denote a change in the course or path that someone or something is taking. For example, in the context of navigation or driving, it might be used to indicate a change in direction or route. Similarly, in the context of a discussion or project, it might refer to a shift in focus or approach.

cambiar de nombre
change name

The Spanish phrase 'cambiar de nombre' translates to 'change name' in English. This phrase can be used both literally and metaphorically. In a literal sense, it can indicate the act of changing one's legally given name, for instance, due to marriage, personal preferences, or other reasons. In a metaphorical sense, it implies changing one's identity or undergoing a transformation in which elements of the past are discarded and a new 'name' or persona is adopted.


The Spanish word 'casado' translates to 'married' in English. It is used to describe the marital status of a person. For instance, if a man is married, he will be described as 'casado'. This word is used specifically in contexts where marital status is relevant.


The Spanish term 'casarse' does not directly translate to 'marriage' in English. It is a verb, which means 'to get married'. Used in a sentence, 'casarse' refers to the act of entering into a marriage union or ceremony. For instance, in the sentence 'Ellos van a casarse', it means 'They are going to get married'.


The word 'chico' is a Spanish term that translates into the English language as 'boy'. It is utilized broadly in Spanish-speaking nations to address a male child or a young male person. In a broader sense, 'chico' is sometimes casually used to refer to a man regardless of age. Spanish language contains gender-specific terms, and 'chico' particularly addresses the male gender. The feminine counterpart for 'chico' in Spanish is 'chica', meaning 'girl' in English.

código postal
zip code

The term 'código postal' in Spanish translates to 'zip code' in English. A zip code is a system used by the postal services to identify specific regions or locations in a country. It is a series of digits that are used as part of an address to aid the sorting and delivery of mail. Each zip code corresponds with a specific geographic area. In Spanish, 'código' means 'code' and 'postal' means 'mail', so combined, 'código postal' refers to the numeric or alphanumeric code used in mail sorting and delivery. In many English-speaking countries, this code is referred to as 'zip code' or 'postcode'.

conceder el divorcio
grant divorce

The term 'conceder el divorcio' in Spanish translates to 'grant divorce' in English. This is often used in the context of legal processes where one party is given or permitted a divorce from the other by an entity that holds decision-making authority, such as a judge or a court. Therefore, the phrase implies that the process or request for a separation of a marital union has been approved.

conservar el apellido
retain the last name

The Spanish phrase 'conservar el apellido' translates to 'retain the last name' in English. It refers to the practice or decision of keeping one's original last name, usually after marriage. In traditional Spanish culture, it is common for both partners to maintain their respective surnames after marriage, which contrasts with some other cultures where one partner (usually the female) may take the other's last name. Therefore, 'conservar el apellido' reflects a social norm within Hispanic societies and the value placed on individual and family identity.

correo electrónico

The Spanish term 'correo electrónico' translates to 'e-mail' in English. This term is used to refer to the system for sending messages over a computer network, especially the internet. Similar to English, 'correo electrónico' can also be used not only on the system itself but also on the messages sent.


The Spanish term 'dirección' translates into English as 'address'. This could refer to a residential or business location. It is used in a similar context as in English, for identifying a specified place or arrangement of a building or a place on a map. An example of usage can be '¿Cuál es tu dirección?', translating to 'What's your address?'.


The Spanish word 'divorciado' translates to 'divorced' in English. It is used to describe a person who has legally ended their marriage. Like in English, it can be used as both a noun and an adjective. For instance, a man who is divorced can be described as a 'hombre divorciado', and a divorced woman as a 'mujer divorciada'. The word ‘divorciado’ derives from the verb 'divorciar', which simply means 'to divorce'.


The term 'divorciarse' in Spanish translates to 'divorce' in English. It is a verb that refers to the legal dissolution of a marriage by a court or other competent body. It's an action where two people decide to legally end their marriage. Both single and married individuals use this term when talking about ending marriage relationships. Please note, it is a reflexive verb in Spanish, which means it is often used with reflexive pronouns like 'me', 'te', 'se', 'nos', 'os', 'se'. For example, 'Ella se va a divorciar' translates to 'She is going to get a divorce'.


The Spanish word 'divorcio' translates to 'divorce' in English. It is a noun and refers to the legal dissolution of a marriage by a court or other competent body. Divorcio is used in various contexts, but primarily in legal and personal discussions regarding the end of a marriage. It is a common term in family law, and its understanding and application are vital in such settings.


The Spanish word 'edad' translates to 'age' in English. It denotes the time that a person, animal, or plant has lived or a thing has existed. It is often used to inquire or talk about someone's age. It is a widely used term in various Spanish-speaking countries and it is an important term to learn for beginners studying the Spanish language.

grow old

The Spanish word 'envejecer' translates to 'grow old' in English. It is a regular verb and may be used to describe the process of aging, either in regards to a person, an object, or an idea/concept. For example, a person may 'envejecer' as they progress in years, an object may 'envejecer' as it wears out over time, or an abstract concept like a tradition or idea may 'envejecer' as it becomes less relevant or applicable over time. It is important to note that while 'envejecer' often carries neutral or negative connotations in English, this is not always the case in Spanish, as aging can be viewed with a degree of respect or positiveness.


The Spanish verb 'enviudar' does not mean envious. 'Enviudar' in English translates to 'to become a widow/widower'. It refers to the situation a person is in after their spouse has passed away. The term 'envious' in Spanish translates to 'envidioso'. Please rectify the error.


The word 'español' is a noun in Spanish language translated to English as 'Spanish'. 'Español' refers to the language that originated in Spain and is officially spoken in 21 countries today. It is the second most spoken first language in the world, after Mandarin Chinese.

estado civil
marital status

The Spanish phrase 'estado civil' translates to 'marital status' in English. It refers to the formal ranking, recognized by the society and law, that an individual holds in terms of his or her relationship commitment. This status could indicate whether the person is single, married, divorced, widowed, separated, etc. It is often used in official documents and forms.


The word 'extensión' in Spanish translates to 'extension' in English. It is a noun and can be used in various contexts. In general sense, it refers to the action or process of becoming longer or larger usually in physical terms. It's also used in technology terms referring to something that is added to an existing product, system, or software to enhance its capabilities.

fecha de nacimiento
date of birth

The Spanish term 'fecha de nacimiento' translates to 'date of birth' in English. This term is primarily used in formal or legal contexts to refer to the specific day on which a person was born. It is composed of three words: 'fecha', which means 'date', 'de', a preposition that translates as 'of', and 'nacimiento', which means 'birth'. Consequently, the term 'fecha de nacimiento' signifies the registration or recognition of the day someone was born, which is a critical piece of personal information in both Spanish and English-speaking cultures.


The Spanish word 'gente' is used to refer to a group or body of individuals. It is often used in a general sense, similar to how we use 'people' in English. For example, 'La gente está hablando' translates to 'People are talking'. Remarkably, even though 'gente' refers to a group of individuals, it is treated as singular in Spanish.

Example sentences with  gente
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