Comprehensive collection of Spanish vocabulary and phrases typically used in an office environment.
The Spanish phrase 'denegar el subsidio de desempleo' translates to 'refusal of unemployment benefit' in English. This term usually refers to a situation where an individual's application for unemployment benefits or support from the government or some designated authority is rejected or dismissed. This could be due to a variety of reasons, such as lack of eligibility or breach of certain required conditions or guidelines. Hence, it points towards a negative circumstance in which the applicant does not receive the financial aid that they may have been depending on during their period of joblessness.
The Spanish term 'departamento de administración' translates to 'department of administration' in English. It is used in various contexts, such as a division within a company overseeing administrative tasks or a governmental body responsible for administrative functions.
The Spanish term 'departamento de atención al cliente' translates to 'Customer Service Department' in English. A Customer Service Department is an essential part of any organization that interacts with customers. It handles customer inquiries, complaints, feedback, and provides information regarding the organization's products or services. The department's main objective is to ensure customer satisfaction and create a positive experience for the customer.
Example sentences with departamento de atención al cliente →The Spanish phrase 'departamento de contabilidad' translates to 'accounting department' in English. It refers to a department or division within a company or organization that handles all financial transactions, financial reports, audits, and analysis. The accounting department is also responsible for tracking income and expenses, ensuring statutory compliance, and supply management with information necessary for key business decisions.
The phrase 'departamento de finanzas' in Spanish translates to 'department of finance' in English. This is a division within a company or organization that is responsible for managing all financial actions in order to optimize its economic performance. It often includes setting up the budget, conducting financial analysis, making strategic investment decisions, fundraising, and risk management among other tasks.
Example sentences with departamento de finanzas →The Spanish term 'departamento de producción' translates to 'department of production' in English. It refers to a department within an organization that is in charge of all activities related to the production or manufacturing of goods/services. In essence, it's the part of the company that takes raw materials or parts and turns them into finished products, whether physical objects or complete services delivered to customers. This term is commonly used in business or industrial contexts.
Example sentences with departamento de producción →The Spanish term 'departamento de recursos humanos' translates to 'department of human resources' in English. This department is the part of a business, organization, or institution that deals with employees' relations, welfare, and policy administration, including hiring and firing, payroll, benefits, and training. It is often abbreviated as HR. Therefore, in an office or corporate setting, you will often hear this term used in relation to any matters involving personnel or staff.
The phrase 'departamento de ventas' in Spanish translates to 'sales department' in English. This is often used within business settings and refers to the division within a company responsible for selling products or services. The sales department is crucial in many businesses as they directly interact with customers and generate revenue for the company.
Example sentences with departamento de ventas →The Spanish phrase 'derechos de aduana' translates into English as 'customs duties'. Customs duties are taxes imposed on imported and, less commonly, exported goods. They are used to generate revenue and protect domestic industries from foreign competition. The producer or importer pays this charge and then often passes it down to the consumer in the form of higher prices for the imported goods. The amount of customs duty varies depending on the type of goods and where they are deemed to have originated from.
Example sentences with derechos de aduana →The Spanish phrase 'desarrollar un servicio' translates into English as 'develop a service'. In a business context, it often refers to the process of creating and implementing a new product or function to offer to clients or customers. This can include various stages such as brainstorming, planning, building, testing, and finalizing. In a broader sense, 'desarrollar un servicio' encapsulates any situation where an individual or group sets out to establish a new kind of service. It could apply to fields ranging from software development to hospitality.
The Spanish phrase 'desarrollar un trabajo' is translated into English as 'develop a job'. This is an action phrase, commonly used in professional or work contexts, that implies not only doing a job but also improving it, enhancing it, or building it from scratch. It entails a sense of progress, growth, and evolution in a work role or project.
The Spanish phrase 'desarrollar una función' is an action phrase that comes from the tech-related language domain. 'Desarrollar' is a verb meaning 'to develop', 'una' means 'a', and 'función' means 'function'. Thus, the phrase 'desarrollar una función' generally means to create or write a function (in programming) for executing a particular task. It often implies troubleshooting, debugging, and enhancing the function to meet specified requirements or to improve performance.
The Spanish term 'desarrollar una tarea' translates to 'develop a task' in English. It refers to the process of planning, starting and executing a specific task or job. For example, when someone is asked to 'desarrollar una tarea', they are being asked to carry out a particular responsibility or duty, which may involve various stages such as brainstorming, planning, executing, reviewing and finalizing.
The Spanish term 'desbordar un trabajo' can be translated to English as 'overflowing a job'. This phrase is typically used figuratively to indicate a situation where the volume or intensity of a particular job, task or responsibility is so great that it exceeds the capacity to effectively manage or handle it. It describes an overwhelming situation, often leading to stress or difficulties.
The term 'desempeñar un oficio' in Spanish is often used to describe the role of carrying out duties or responsibilities associated with an occupation, job, or role. Though the literal translation may be 'to carry out an office', it is more appropriately understood as 'to perform a job' or 'to execute a duty'. It refers to the action of professionally practicing or undertaking a specific task typically linked with an individual's employment or vocation.
The Spanish phrase 'desempeñar una función administrativa' translates to 'to play an administrative role' in English. In a business or an organization, this term is used to define a person's responsibility or job that involves making important decisions, planning, organising, and managing the operations of various tasks within the entity. The concept of this term can also imply authority to a certain level, depending on the specific context within the administrative structure.
Desempeñar una función directiva' translates to 'to play a managerial role' in English. This usually refers to executing responsibilities that involve supervising and handling the operations of a business or organization. A person in a managerial role typically oversees the work of employees, makes key decisions and strategies, and ensures the attainment of organizational goals.
The Spanish phrase 'desempeñar una función ejecutiva' translates to 'to play an executive role' in English. It is often used in a professional or business setting to indicate a person's job or responsibilities. The term 'desempeñar' means 'to play' or 'to carry out,' 'una función' translates to 'a role,' and 'ejecutiva' means 'executive.' Therefore, if someone is 'desempeñando una función ejecutiva,' they are performing tasks or duties associated with a high level managerial or supervisorial position.
The Spanish phrase 'desempeñar una profesión' translates into English as 'to perform a profession'. It refers to fulfilling or carrying out the duties, roles, and responsibilities associated with a particular job or occupation. For instance, a teacher who is 'desempeñando su profesión' is actively involved in teaching tasks such as planning lessons, instructing students, grading papers, and so forth.
The Spanish term 'despedir' translates to 'say goodbye' in English. It's a verb usually used in the formal or informal departure context. It's also utilized to denote letting someone go from their job. In English contexts, we might use it like 'despedirse de alguien' (to say goodbye to someone) or 'despedir a alguien del trabajo' (to fire someone from his or her job).
The Spanish term 'despido' translates to 'dismissal' in English. In a workplace context, it refers to the act of an employer terminating an employee's contract. This could be due to many factors like the employee's misconduct, company's financial situation, or restructuring. It can also denote the act of rejecting or putting aside something or someone. Thus, it is a noun that represents an action related with the end or termination of something.
'Despido ilegal' is a Spanish term that translates into English as 'unlawful dismissal'. This term is often used in the context of labor law, where it refers to the act of terminating an employee's contract of employment without a valid or legal reason. In more general terms, 'unlawful dismissal' refers to any act of dismissing or terminating something or someone in a manner that is not permitted by the law.
The word 'destituir' in Spanish translates to 'remove' in English. It is often used to refer to the action of taking away someone’s job or position, particularly in a formal or official manner. It can also be used to describe the process of removing someone from a task or responsibility, or relieving them of their duties. Just like the word 'remove' in English, 'destituir' is quite a versatile word and its specific meaning can change depending on the context it is being used in.
The Spanish word 'destornillador' translates to 'screwdriver' in English. It is a tool used to turn (drive or remove) screws, which usually has a thin wedge-shaped tip that can fit into a slot or groove in the screw head. In implementation, it involves using the hand to rotate it in the screw’s head and, therefore, drive the screw into place. It is a common and widely used tool in many industries like construction, carpentry, and more.
The Spanish word 'difusión' translates to 'dissemination' in English. This involves the action of spreading something, more especially information or knowledge, widely. It is often used in contexts such as news dissemination, where information is distributed to a large number of people. It can also refer to the process whereby something such as heat or a chemical mixes with a liquid or gas by movement of particles, until it is evenly distributed.
Example sentences with difusión →The Spanish term 'dirección' translates into English as 'address'. This could refer to a residential or business location. It is used in a similar context as in English, for identifying a specified place or arrangement of a building or a place on a map. An example of usage can be '¿Cuál es tu dirección?', translating to 'What's your address?'.
The Spanish phrase 'disfrutar de un año sabático' translates to 'enjoy a sabbatical year' in English. This typically refers to a period in which one takes a break from work (typically lasting one year) to travel, study, or relax. It's a time of rest and perhaps adventure, allowing someone to enjoy life away from their regular responsibilities.
The Spanish phrase 'disfrutar de un día de asuntos propios' translates to 'enjoy a personal day off' in English. This is typically used in a work context, when someone is taking a day off from work to handle personal affairs or simply relax. Remember, in Spanish, prepositions such as 'de' and 'un' are important for conveying the full meaning of the phrase.
The Spanish phrase 'disfrutar de una excedencia' translates to 'enjoy an exemption' in English. This phrase refers to the act of having or taking advantage of an exemption, often in the context of work or official situations. For example, it might be used to describe someone who is taking a break from their job under special circumstances, usually related to health or personal issues, during which they are exempted from their regular duties.
The Spanish phrase 'disminuir el número de desempleados' translates to 'decrease the number of unemployed' in English. This is generally used in a socioeconomic or political context, referring to the goal of reducing the count of people who do not currently have a job and are actively seeking employment. The word 'disminuir' means decrease, 'el número de' translates to 'the number of', and 'desempleados' means unemployed. Thus, this phrase represents a common aim of government policies and economic strategies to lower unemployment rates.