Comprehensive collection of Spanish vocabulary and phrases typically used in an office environment.
The Spanish term 'carta de despido' translates to 'letter of dismissal' in English. This is an official document provided by an employer to confirm the termination of an employee's contract. The letter usually includes the reason for dismissal, the date the dismissal comes into effect, and details regarding any severance or benefits the employee may be entitled to. Following a dismissal, the employer often provides a 'carta de despido' as proof of the termination which may be required for legal or administrative purposes.
The phrase 'carta de recomendación' in Spanish translates to 'letter of recommendation' in English. A 'carta de recomendación' is a document in which the writer assesses the qualities, characteristics, and capabilities of the person being recommended in terms of that individual's ability to perform a particular task or function. They are primarily used in the areas of employment, admission to institutions of higher education, or scholarship eligibility.
The Spanish word 'cartelera' translates to 'poster' in English. It is a noun that is used to refer to a large printed picture, notice or advertisement that is displayed in a public place. It's often used in the context of advertising or promoting movies, music, or other forms of entertainment, as well as for educational or informative purposes. In a broader sense, 'cartelera' can also refer to a billboard or a marquee.
The Spanish word 'cartera' translates to 'portfolio' in English. The term can be used in a variety of contexts. In business, a portfolio typically refers to a collection of financial assets such as stocks, bonds, and cash equivalents. It can also refer to a collection of investments held by an investment company, hedge fund, or financial institution. 'Cartera' can also mean 'wallet' in a more colloquial context, as in a physical container for carrying money and other personal items. The word 'cartera' might also infer to a bag that holds papers, money cards and other documents, often used by women.
The Spanish word 'catálogo' translates to 'catalogue' in English. It refers to a list or record of items. It is often used in the context of a book or brochure that lists and describes the goods or services that are being offered for sale by a company. Catalogs can be both printed and digital, and are a common tool for businesses to advertise and showcase their products to customers.
Example sentences with catálogo →The Spanish phrase 'categoría profesional' translates to 'professional category' in English. It is commonly used in job descriptions and job-related contexts to refer to the classification or grouping of a profession based on certain characteristics such as skills, expertise, responsibilities, and roles. It might also signify different levels of a certain profession, from entry-level to senior positions, each with respective tasks and requirements. Thus, 'categoría profesional' helps identify and categorize professionals within an organization or field of work.
The phrase 'centralizar un trabajo' in Spanish translates to 'centralize a job' in English. This essentially means gathering all aspects of a specific job or task to a central point or place, making the operations more efficient and organized. It is commonly used in the context of business and administration to denote the process of making a task or function handled by a central authority or location.
The Spanish phrase 'cerrar un documento' translates to 'close a document' in English. In computing contexts, this usually refers to the process of closing a file or document that is currently open on your device, thus ending your recent interaction with it. In the literal sense, it can also refer to physically closing a document or file, like shutting a book. This phrase is typically used in professional, academic, and technological situations.
Example sentences with cerrar un documento →The Spanish phrase 'cerrar una operación' directly translates to 'close an operation' in English. In a business context, this phrase is commonly used to indicate the completion of a transaction or process. This can include procedures such as finalizing a deal, closing a sale, or completing a trade. Similarly, in the field of computing or mathematics, 'cerrar una operación' can also signify the successful conclusion of a function or calculation, marking the end of a cycle or process. The usage of this term may vary depending on the context.
The Spanish word 'cese' translates to 'cessation' in English. It's a noun that refers to the action or process of ending or being brought to end. It's mostly used in formal contexts or legal language to denote the stoppage or termination of an event, action, or operation. As with any other Spanish words, its usage can depend on the region and the context in which it's used.
In Peru and other Andean countries, 'chamba' is a popular term used to refer to a job or work.
Example sentences with chamba →The Spanish term 'circulación de mercancías' directly translates to 'circulation of goods' in English. This term is frequently used in trade and economics to describe the movement of goods and products from the place of production to the place of consumption. This could include several different methods such as shipping, air transport or road transport. Proper circulation of goods is essential for the smooth functioning of any economy as it ensures products reach consumers in a timely and efficient manner.
Example sentences with circulación de mercancías →The Spanish phrase 'citar a alguien para una entrevista (de trabajo)' translates to 'summon someone for an interview (working)' in English. This is often used in a professional context where a company or individual invites or schedules another person - typically a job candidate - for a meeting or discussion, commonly known as an interview. In this case, it specifically refers to a working or job interview, where the person's suitability for a role or job position is being assessed.
The Spanish phrase 'clasificar documentos' translates to 'classify documents' in English. It is a verb phrase used to denote sorting or categorizing documents, typically into specific categories or groups based on certain criteria. This is commonly used in administrative and office settings, as well as within digital storage systems and databases.
The term 'cláusula del contrato' in Spanish translates to 'contract clause' in English. This is a specific provision or section within a written contract. Each clause in the contract outlines a certain aspect of the agreement between the two parties. These clauses often involve conditions for the agreement, terms of payment, stipulations on the duration of the contract, etc. Understanding each clause properly is crucial, as they carry legal obligations and the potential for penalties if breached.
The Spanish term 'Cláusula del convenio colectivo' is an English phrase which translates to 'clause of the collective agreement'. It denotes a specific provision or section within a collective agreement or contract. This can be a labour union contract or any agreement struck between an employer and a group of employees. The clause sets out specific conditions, rights, or obligations that are agreed upon by the involved parties and is binding in nature.
A client is a person or organization that uses the services or advice of a professional or company. In business context, they're the ones who purchase or consume the goods and services.
Example sentences with cliente →The Spanish phrase 'cobrar comisiones' translates to 'charge commissions' in English. It is used in the context of financial activities where a service, institution, or individual might impose charges for providing certain services, often articulated as a percentage of transactions handled or profits earned. The term 'cobrar' refers to the act of charging or requiring payment, while 'comisiones' means commissions. However, it doesn't translate to 'receivables', which refers to money due to be received by a business or individual, represented in Spanish by 'cuentas por cobrar'.
The Spanish phrase 'cobrar el subsidio de desempleo' translates to 'to collect the unemployment benefit' in English. In this context, 'cobrar' means 'to collect', 'el subsidio' means 'the benefit', and 'de desempleo' means 'of unemployment'. Essentially, this phrase is commonly used in Spanish-speaking countries to refer to the action of receiving financial support from the government, typically after losing employment. It broadly encapsulates the process and action of claiming this support.
The phrase 'cobrar la factura de la luz' in Spanish directly translates to 'charge the electricity bill' in English. It's commonly used in the context of financial matters, indicating the action of collecting payment for the electric utilities or services provided. The verb 'cobrar' implies the act of receiving or demanding payment. 'La factura de la luz' stands for the electricity bill.
The Spanish phrase 'cobrar un anticipo' translates as 'collect an advance' in English. This term is often used in a business or work context and refers to the action of receiving a partial payment or advance on a salary or for goods or services that will be provided in the future. For example, a contractor might 'cobrar un anticipo' before beginning a piece of work.
The Spanish phrase 'cobrar un sueldo' translates to 'to get a salary' in English. It can be used in various contexts where someone is receiving their regular payment for work, typically expressed on a monthly basis. It is a common phrase used in workplaces and in discussions about jobs and earnings.
The phrase 'cobrar un sueldo razonable' in Spanish can be translated to English as 'to earn a reasonable salary'. It refers to receiving a fair amount of money or benefits for the work, often used to talk about wages that can adequately cover a person's basic needs and expenses.
The Spanish phrase 'cobrar un sueldo ridículo' translates to 'pay a ridiculous salary' in English. This phrase can be used in situations to describe an income that is considered absurdly low and not enough to cover one's living costs. It can be used both literally, in the context of employment and salary discussions, and metaphorically, to describe exploitation or underestimation of someone or something.
The Spanish phrase 'cobrar una hora extra' translates to 'charge an extra hour' in English. It is often used in a workplace context to indicate that you will be charging an additional fee for working an hour beyond the stipulated working hours. This could be applicable to various professions such as freelance work, consulting, or any service-based job that calculates revenue based on working hours. In general, 'cobrar' means to charge or collect, 'una hora' means an hour, and 'extra' means additional or excess.
The phrase 'cobrar una minuta' in Spanish does not directly translate to 'cash' in English. Instead, it refers to the act of billing or charging for a small service or job. It is often used in legal and professional contexts where services are detailed and billed. In these cases, 'minuta' refers to the itemized bill or invoice for the services rendered. The verb 'cobrar' means to collect or charge, so 'cobrar una minuta' means to charge or bill for a service or to collect payment for a service rendered.
'Cobrar una nómina' in Spanish can translates to 'collect a payroll' in English language. This phrase is commonly used in business and employment settings, and refers to the process in which an employee receives their financial compensation, often on a fixed schedule, for the work they have performed during a specific period of time.
The Spanish phrase 'cobrar una paga extra' translates to 'charge an extra pay' in English. This phrase could be used in a business or work employment context, where an individual might charge or gain an additional amount of money beyond their regular payment. This might occur for working overtime, taking on extra responsibilities, or perhaps during holiday seasons when extra pay rates may apply.
This is the Spanish word for 'colleague'. It usually refers to a fellow worker, but can also be used casually among friends.
Example sentences with colega →The phrase 'colocarse en una empresa' in Spanish refers to the action of securing or obtaining a position within a company. It's similar to 'get a job at a company' in English. This can be in any role, from entry-level jobs to upper management roles.