Spanish Office Vocabulary in Spanish

Comprehensive collection of Spanish vocabulary and phrases typically used in an office environment.

(ordenador) portátil

The Spanish phrase '(ordenador) portátil' translates to 'laptop' in English. This term generally refers to a portable computer that you can carry around with you. It has all the functionalities of a desktop computer but is compact and suitable for travel or mobile work. In some Spanish speaking regions like Spain, they use the word 'ordenador' for computer, and 'portátil' means portable. So, '(ordenador) portátil' is literally a 'portable computer' or what is known as a 'laptop' in English.

Example sentences with  (ordenador) portátil
abrir un documento
open a document

The Spanish phrase 'abrir un documento' translates to 'open a document' in English. This is often used in the context of reading, viewing, or editing a document in software applications. For instance, 'Necesito abrir este documento' would mean 'I need to open this document'. Here, 'abrir' means 'open', 'un' means 'a', and 'documento' is a direct translation of the word 'document'.

Example sentences with  abrir un documento

The Spanish word for 'action' is 'acción'. It is used similarly to how it's used in English. It can denote activity or movement, and it can also be used metaphorically, as in taking action on an issue. Just like in English, 'acción' is a versatile word in Spanish and can be used in many different contexts.

Example sentences with  acción

The Spanish word 'accionista' translates to 'shareholder' in English. Shareholders are individuals or institutions that legally own one or more shares of the stock in a public or private corporation. Shareholders may be referred to as members of a corporation. Legally, a person is not a shareholder in a corporation until their name and other details are entered in the corporation's register, as evidence of their ownership of shares. The term 'accionista' is commonly used in business and finance.

to clarify

The Spanish verb 'aclarar' translates to 'to clarify' in English. It is largely used when you want to make something clear or easy to understand, particularly when explaining or providing more information about a certain topic. It can also mean 'to lighten' in the context of colors.

acoso laboral(es)
harassment of workers

The Spanish term 'acoso laboral' refers to the phenomenon of persistent and repeated negative behaviour towards employees in the workplace. This may include situations such as undue pressure, intimidation, bullying, or any form of psychological abuse. Typically, it is an action or series of actions that distress, embarrass or threaten the employee, often leading to negative psychological, emotional and physical impacts. The English equivalent for 'acoso laboral' is 'workplace harassment'.


The Spanish word 'actividad' is used in much the same way as the English word 'activity', referring to something that a person does for pleasure or as a task. It can be about a physical or mental task, a fun event, or a planned work. For example, 'Mi actividad favorita es leer libros' translates to 'My favorite activity is reading books'.

Example sentences with  actividad

The Spanish word 'administración' is used in much the same way as its English equivalent. It can refer to the managers of an organization, the tasks completed by these individuals, or an academic field of study relating to running businesses or public institutions. It is used in both formal and informal contexts and is commonly found in business and governmental language.

Example sentences with  administración

The Spanish word 'afiliarse' refers to the action of becoming a member or affiliate of a particular organization or group. This could be any kind of formal or informal association, such as a club, team, society, company, or political party. It indicates the process of joining a specific community with shared interests or objectives. 'Afiliarse' is a reflexive verb in Spanish, and its use often signifies a personal commitment or connection to the group one is joining.


The Spanish word 'agencia' is commonly used to refer to the place or company providing a particular service. For example, an advertising agency would be 'una agencia de publicidad'. Like the English ‘agency’, the usage of 'agencia' varies depending on the context and it is used broadly in both professional and day-to-day conversations.

Example sentences with  agencia
agencia de colocación
placement agency

The Spanish term 'agencia de colocación' translates to 'placement agency' in English. Placement agencies are firms that help organizations and businesses find suitable candidates for job vacancies. They specialize in matching candidates' skills and experiences with the requirements of a job. While their main clients are companies, they can also assist job seekers looking for employment opportunities. In general, the role of a placement agency is to streamline the hiring process, making it more efficient for both employers and potential employees.


The word 'agenda' in Spanish carries the same meaning as it does in English. It refers to a list, plan, or outline of things to be done, matters to be acted or voted upon. It can also mean an appointment book or a list or program of business to be attended to. This term is commonly used across different contexts ranging from business meetings to personal planning.

agilizar un servicio
speed up service

The Spanish phrase 'agilizar un servicio' translates to 'speed up service' in English. It is used in contexts where a process or service is being made faster or more efficient. For example, in business settings, one might agilize a delivery service to get products to customers more quickly. In essence, it calls to making something more agile or fluid, thus shortening the time it takes to complete a service or task.


The Spanish word 'almacén' translates to 'warehouse' in English. It refers to a large commercial building for storing goods. Factories and manufacturers often use warehouses to store their goods until they are ready to be shipped to retailers or customers. The term 'almacén' can also refer to a place where goods or supplies are stored in a home or other non-commercial context. But, it most commonly refers to a retail establishment selling goods to the public similar to a department store.


The Spanish word 'ambicioso' translates to 'ambitious' in English. An ambitious person is someone who has a strong desire and determination to succeed or achieve something. They are willing to work hard, take risks, and persevere to meet their goals. This word can be used in different contexts, from describing someone's professional aspirations to their personal life goals. It is generally considered a positive characteristic to be ambitious, as it shows a person's drive and motivation.


The Spanish word 'anagrama' translates to 'anagram' in English. An anagram is a word or phrase that is formed by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase using all the original letters exactly once. For example, the English word 'cinema' can become the anagram 'iceman'. It can be used in games and can also be an interesting form of wordplay in literature or writing.

Example sentences with  anagrama

The Spanish word 'análisis' is used in many of the same contexts as the English word 'analysis'. It can refer to an in-depth examination of the elements or structure of something, typically as a basis for discussion or interpretation. Like the English equivalent, 'análisis' is used in various fields such as mathematics, science, and linguistics.

Example sentences with  análisis

'Anticipo' is a Spanish word that translates to 'advance' in English. It is often used in the contexts of finance and planning, where it can refer to a payment made ahead of its due date, or an action taken earlier than planned. This word exhibits the kind of forward-thinking that is common in both Spanish and English cultures. Thus, 'anticipo' provides an interesting glimpse into the shared values and priorities across languages.


The Spanish word 'anunciante' translates to 'advertiser' in English. An advertiser is an individual or an organization that sponsors advertisements for themselves or for their products. The purpose is to influence people's decisions and behaviors through commercial messaging, making them aware of their products or services, or to encourage them to take a particular course of action. They typically publicize these messages through various mediums such as newspapers, television, internet, etc. The role of the advertiser is crucial in the fields of marketing and communication.

Example sentences with  anunciante

The Spanish verb 'anunciar' translates to 'announce' in English. It is used when someone wants to publicly inform or declare something, such as news, an event, or a decision. Just like its English counterpart, 'anunciar' can be used in various contexts including media, academia, social gatherings, and official communications.

anuncio de trabajo
announcement of work

The Spanish term 'anuncio de trabajo' can be translated into English as 'job announcement'. This term is commonly used in job listings and advertisements where companies announce open vacancies in the workforce. They provide information about the type of work, qualifications needed, and how to apply. So, in essence, 'anuncio de trabajo' is typically used to announce or advertise job positions for potential applicants.

archivar documentos
archive documents

The Spanish phrase 'archivar documentos' translates to 'archive documents' in English. This usually refers to the process of filing or organizing documents in a systematic order, traditionally in a physical location like a file drawer or cabinet. In today's digital age, it could also refer to the digital storage of data or files on a computer or online storage system for later retrieval or reference.

arreglar un aparato eléctrico
fixing an electrical appliance

The Spanish phrase 'arreglar un aparato eléctrico' translates to 'fixing an electrical appliance' in English. It is generally used to refer to the process of repairing any device or equipment that operates on electricity. This could range from small household appliances such as toasters or laptops, up to larger items such as washing machines or refrigerators. The crucial element is the action of 'arreglar' - to fix or repair - with the appliance (or 'aparato') being specified as an electrical one ('eléctrico').

arreglar un enchufe
fix a plug

The Spanish phrase 'arreglar un enchufe' translates into English as 'fix a plug'. In this context, 'arreglar' means 'to fix', 'un' is the indefinite article 'a', and 'enchufe' translates to 'plug'. This phrase might be used in situations where electrical appliances or fixtures have gone out of order and need repairing.

arreglar un interruptor
fix a switch

The Spanish phrase 'arreglar un interruptor' translates to 'fix a switch' in English. 'Arreglar' is a verb in Spanish that means 'to repair' or 'to fix'. 'Un' is an indefinite article that means 'a'. 'Interruptor' is a noun that refers to 'switch'. Therefore, when you say 'arreglar un interruptor' in Spanish, you're expressing the action of fixing a switch.

arruinarse una empresa
ruin a company

The Spanish phrase 'arruinarse una empresa' translates to 'ruin a company' in English. It is used to describe a situation where a business or company experiences significant financial decline, mismanagement, or failure. This could be due to various reasons such as poor strategic decisions, economic downturn, financial mismanagement, or other unfavorable conditions. It is a phrase often used in business or financial contexts.

Example sentences with  arruinarse una empresa

The Spanish word 'artículo' means 'article' in English. It can refer to a piece of writing in a newspaper, magazine or other publication. It can also refer to a particular item or object. 'Artículo' is used similarly to how 'article' is used in English, either to refer to a written piece or a specific object within a collection or a list of things.

Example sentences with  artículo

The Spanish term 'asalariado' translates to 'paid' in English. It primarily refers to a person who receives a regular wage or salary. The word derives from 'salario', meaning 'salary', thus indicating its context of use. It is often used in formal and informal conversations, as well as in written Spanish.

ascender a jefe de sección
as head of section

'Ascender a jefe de sección' in Spanish refers to a job promotion to the role of a section leader or head of a particular department or section within a larger organization or company. In this context, 'ascender' refers to the act of rising or moving up in rank or status, 'jefe de sección' refers to the head or overseer of a particular section. This phrase is often utilized within work environments and in discussion of career progression.

ascender a responsable de unidad
to be responsible for unit

The Spanish phrase 'ascender a responsable de unidad' translates to 'to be promoted to unit manager' in English. This phrase is typically used in business or organizational settings, where there is a hierarchy or structure of positions. An 'unidad' in this context represents a group or team within the organization. The person 'responsable de unidad' is the person in charge or leading that particular team. Therefore 'ascender a responsable de unidad' represents the action of moving up in ranks within the structure to become the person in charge of a unit or team.

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