Spanish Spanish Numbers

A collection of Spanish numbers from zero to infinity, including rules for pronunciation and grammar.

calcular un porcentaje mentalmente
calculate a mentally

The phrase 'calcular un porcentaje mentalmente' in Spanish translates to 'calculate a percentage mentally' in English. This refers to the process of figuring out a certain percentage of a quantity in your mind, without the use of a calculator or other tools. For example, if you wanted to calculate 20% of 50 mentally, you would determine that it is 10.

Example sentences with  calcular un porcentaje mentalmente
calcular una cantidad mentalmente
calculate a quantity mentally

The Spanish phrase 'calcular una cantidad mentalmente' translates to 'calculate a quantity mentally' in English. It pertains to the mental ability of figuring out the numeric value or quantity of something without any physical aids like calculators or paper and pen. This phrase could be common in situations where mental math is necessary or encouraged, such as in classrooms, marketplaces, real life situations, or mental math competitions.

Example sentences with  calcular una cantidad mentalmente

The Spanish word 'cálculo' translates to 'calculation' in English. It can be used in various contexts just like its English counterpart. For instance, it may refer to the process of calculating something, such as a mathematic equation or a predicted outcome. Additionally, 'cálculo' can allude to a degree of judgment or discretion used in assessing a situation. Though generally used in mathematical or scientific contexts, it's also commonly used in everyday Spanish in phrases such as 'hacer un cálculo', which means 'to make a calculation' or estimate.

Example sentences with  cálculo
one hundred

The Spanish word 'cien' translates to 'one hundred' in English. It is used to represent the numerical value of 100. It can be used in various contexts such as counting, numbering pages, describing quantities, or used for currency in terms of a 'hundred' units of a given monetary system.

doscientos gramos
two hundred grams

The Spanish phrase 'doscientos gramos' translates to 'two hundred grams' in English. It's a unit of measurement in the metric system which is used around the world, except for the United States, which uses the imperial system. This phrase specifically is usually used in contexts such as grocery shopping or cooking, where amounts of different ingredients are measured in grams.


The word 'segundo' is used in the Spanish language to refer to the second item in a sequence or list. It can be used in various contexts to describe time, order of events, ranking, etc. It's an adjective and it must agree in gender and number with the noun it modifies. For example, 'el segundo libro' means 'the second book'.

Example sentences with  segundo
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