Spanish Spanish Education: News and Media Vocabulary

Discover the Spanish translations of words associated with written press such as newspaper, article, and more.

suscribirse a una revista
subscribe to a magazine

The Spanish phrase 'suscribirse a una revista' directly translates to 'subscribe to a magazine' in English. It's commonly used when referring to the act of committing to receive a publication, typically a magazine, regularly by paying an advance fee.

titular impactante
shocking headline

The Spanish phrase 'titular impactante' translates to 'shocking headline' in English. In Spanish, 'titular' refers to a 'headline' or the primary line of a news article that gives the reader an understanding of the contents of the story. 'Impactante' means 'shocking' or 'striking', and is used to describe something that has a large, often surprising, effect or impact. Therefore, 'titular impactante' is often used in the context of journalism and news reporting to describe a headline that is surprising or impactful.

titular polémico
controversial headline

The word 'titular polémico' in Spanish refers to a 'controversial headline' in English. It is a composite phrase usually used in contexts such as journalism, news reporting, and media. A 'titular polémico' is often used to attract readers or viewers because controversial topics usually draw people's attention. However, it can sometimes cause heated debates or disputes due to its provocative nature.


The Spanish verb 'titularse' does not directly translate to 'holder' in English. Instead, 'titularse' is used when someone graduates or gets a degree in the academic sense. It could also mean to be titled, as in holding a formal title or designation. However, if you're looking for the word 'holder' in a general context, a more appropriate Spanish term could be 'titular' or 'poseedor'.

un comunicado de prensa
a press release

The Spanish term 'un comunicado de prensa' translates to 'a press release' in English. A press release is an official statement delivered to members of the news media for the purpose of providing information, an official statement, or making an announcement. In a similar way, 'un comunicado de prensa' in Spanish is used to disseminate information to the public through the media.

un comunicado de última hora
Last minute statement

The Spanish phrase 'un comunicado de última hora' translates into English as 'last minute statement'. This phrase is commonly utilized in news broadcasting or situations of urgency where a statement or an announcement is delivered right at the last moment or with very short notice. The phrase communicates a sense of urgency and immediacy.

un comunicado oficial
official statement

The Spanish phrase 'un comunicado oficial' translates to 'official statement' in English. An official statement is a formal announcement or clarification made by an organization or individual in a position of authority. It is often used for press releases, government decrees, or corporate announcements. In Spanish contexts, it can be seen in similar situations where an institution or person in power formally divulges crucial information or communicates a specific stand.

vender una exclusiva
sell an exclusive

The Spanish phrase 'vender una exclusiva' translates to 'sell an exclusive' in English. This term is often used in the field of media and journalism. Vender una exclusiva refers to the act of selling exclusive rights to a certain story, news item, or piece of information to a single media outlet or publication. This typically means that the seller has granted this specific media entity the sole ability to publish or broadcast this information, making it an 'exclusive' story or news item. This can also pertain to selling exclusive rights to certain products or services in other industries.

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