Spanish Spanish Education: News and Media Vocabulary

Discover the Spanish translations of words associated with written press such as newspaper, article, and more.

(sección de) cultura
(section) culture

(sección de) cultura, in English language, refers to the term (section) culture. It denotes a part or subdivision of a larger community or society that is characterized by a specific group's shared practices, values, beliefs, and behaviors. This concept encompasses various aspects such as art, music, literature, performing arts, and social customs etc. Essentially, it represents a particular facet or aspect of a community or society that reflects a group's patterns of behavior and intellectual development.

(sección de) deportes
(section) sports

The Spanish phrase '(sección de) deportes' translates to '(section of) sports' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of newspapers, magazines, websites, or any other medium of information where information is divided into sections. In this context, '(sección de) deportes' refers to the specific section where news, articles, scores, and other related information regarding various sports are found.

(sección de) economía
(section) economy

(sección de) economía, or 'economy section' in English, is a term often used in publishing, such as newspapers, television broadcasts, or web articles, to refer to a specific segment or division dedicated to topics related to the economy. This economic content may include financial news, market updates, analyses of economic trends or reports on various economic factors, such as inflation, interest rates, employment percentages, and GDP figures. It serves as a resource for readers or viewers looking for information and updates about the state of the economy at a local, regional, national, or global scale.

agencia de fotografía
photography agency

The term 'agencia de fotografía' in Spanish translates to 'photography agency' in English. A photography agency is a business that provides services related to photography. These services can include, but are not limited to, professional photography sessions, selling stock photography and providing photographers for a variety of events or purposes. This definition and translation can help with expanding your vocabulary and understanding in both English and Spanish.

agencia de prensa
press agency

The Spanish phrase 'agencia de prensa' translates to 'press agency' in English. In media, a press agency is an organization that collects news reports and sells them to subscribing news organizations, such as newspapers, magazines, and radio and television broadcasters. They are also known as newswire service or news service.

artículo de fondo
Background article

The Spanish phrase 'artículo de fondo' translates to 'background article' in English. It refers to a detailed piece of writing that elaborates the background, history, or underlying information about a particular topic, often present in newspapers, websites, or magazines. It gives in-depth coverage, qualitative analysis or interpretation of events or trends, expanding beyond just the basic facts.

artículo de opinión
article of opinion

The Spanish phrase 'artículo de opinión' translates to 'opinion article' in English. It refers to a piece of writing, typically found in a newspaper or magazine, where the author expresses their personal opinions about a specific topic or issue. These articles are often written by experts or professionals in the field related to the topic at hand. They provide insights and perspectives that can lead to a deeper understanding of the subject.

carta al director
letter to the director

The Spanish term 'carta al director' translates to 'letter to the director' in English. This is often used in contexts where someone wishes to communicate with the director of an organization or institution, usually in a written form. It can be a formal or informal letter, depending on the relationship between the sender and the recipient. These letters are typically used to bring up concerns, make suggestions, or seek advice.


The Spanish word 'cartelera' translates to 'poster' in English. It is a noun that is used to refer to a large printed picture, notice or advertisement that is displayed in a public place. It's often used in the context of advertising or promoting movies, music, or other forms of entertainment, as well as for educational or informative purposes. In a broader sense, 'cartelera' can also refer to a billboard or a marquee.


The Spanish word 'censura' translates to 'censorship' in English. In the context of media and communication, 'censura' refers to the suppression, prohibition, or edited alteration of books, films, news, etc., that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security. It's used similarly in both languages, signifying a powerful control mechanism in preserving societal norms or governmental rules.

conceder una exclusiva
grant an exclusive

The Spanish phrase 'conceder una exclusiva' translates to 'grant an exclusive' in English. This term is mainly used in the fields of law and business, where it refers to a situation where someone grants the sole right to do, produce, sell or use a product, service or concept to another party exclusively. The one who grants it has the authority or right to control who gets the access, and to what extent. Just like in English, this term can be used in various contexts in Spanish. However, it's often associated with practices such as exclusive dealing or sole source contracts.


The Spanish word 'corresponsal' translates to 'correspondent' in English. A correspondent refers to a person who writes letters or who communicates for a newspaper, often from a foreign country. In the field of journalism, a correspondent is an on-the-field reporter who delivers reports, usually through broadcast media. The term 'corresponsal' can also be used in a more general context to indicate a person who is involved in regular communication with another person or institution.


The Spanish word 'crítica' translates to 'criticism' in English. It could refer to the act of expressing disapproval and pointing out the faults or shortcomings of a person, work, action, idea or policy. It is also used to describe a methodical, often academic, study or analysis. Just as in English, the context of use can make it either negative in intention, as when used to express censure, or merely analytical, as in academic or artistic critique.


'Crónica' is a Spanish word that translates to 'chronicle' in English. It is often used in journalistic contexts to refer to a factual written account of important or historical events in the order of their occurrence. However, it can also be used more broadly in everyday conversation to describe a detailed and continuing account of an event or situation.

dar una rueda de prensa
give a press conference

The expression 'dar una rueda de prensa' in Spanish translates to 'give a press conference' in English. A 'rueda de prensa' is literally a 'wheel of press', but in usage it refers to a press conference. This is an event where a person or an organization makes a statement or gives information to members of the media. Typically, 'dar una rueda de prensa' is used when someone in a position of importance or authority, such as a politician or a business leader, is providing a formal briefing to journalists or presenting information to the public, usually through the media.


The Spanish word 'declaraciones' translates to 'statements' in English. In the context of language and communication, a statement can be an expression or announcement made verbally or in written form. It might include an opinion, a fact, or an instruction. Similarly, in Spanish, 'declaraciones' can refer to a range of expressed information. For example, it could be a declaration made by a politician or a sentence in a news article. This versatile noun is commonly used in both legal and everyday language.

difundir unas declaraciones
dissemination of statements

The Spanish phrase 'difundir unas declaraciones' translates to 'dissemination of statements' in English. This refers to the act of spreading or making public certain statements, announcements or pieces of information. It can be applied in various contexts, particularly in legal, corporate, or communication settings where important statements need to be distributed and made known to the public or a specific audience.


The word 'edición' is a Spanish term that translates to 'edition' in English. It can be used in various contexts. For instance, in the publishing industry, it refers to the specific version or form of a published text. Like in English, it can also refer to the action of editing or revising a piece of work. Thus, the term 'edición' is commonly used in Spanish-speaking countries in relation to publishing, reporting, digital content, etc.


The Spanish word 'editor' translates to 'editor' in English. An editor is a person who corrects or changes pieces of text before it's committed to print or published online. Editors also work in film, music or other industries where they edit or direct modifications. They usually work to improve the content to make it more readable and accessible to the audience.


The word 'editorial' in Spanish translates to 'editorial' in English. It refers to a section of a newspaper or magazine that gives the opinion of the editor or publisher. It is usually a personal reflection or commentary on a topic of public interest, expressing the viewpoint of the publication.

enterarse de una noticia por la prensa
getting news from the press

The Spanish phrase 'enterarse de una noticia por la prensa' translates to 'getting news from the press' in English. This expression is used when someone gains information about a recent event or situation through the media, such as newspapers, online news articles, or newscasts. In this context, 'enterarse' means 'to find out or to become aware', 'noticia' translates to 'news', 'por' indicates the means or method, and 'la prensa' refers to the 'press' or news media.

enviado especial
Special envoy

The Spanish term 'enviado especial' translates to 'special envoy' in English. A special envoy is a diplomat appointed for a specific task or mission, often temporary, and is typically used in diplomatic discussions or negotiations. These individuals are usually appointed by a government or an organization to undertake diplomatic tasks to represent their interests. The term 'enviado especial' encompasses this idea and is used in similar political or diplomatic contexts in the Spanish language.

hacer una redacción

The phrase 'hacer una redacción' in Spanish refers to a common academic assignment in which you need to write or draft a structured piece of writing, often on a given subject. This could be relatable to writing essays or articles in English. The literal translation of 'hacer una redacción' is 'to do a composition'. It involves organizing thoughts, ideas and arguments in a logical manner to effectively communicate a message or present information on a certain topic.

leer entre líneas
read between lines

The Spanish phrase 'leer entre líneas' literally translates to 'read between the lines' in English. This is an idiomatic expression meaning to understand or find an implicit meaning in something that is not openly stated or obvious. It is often used in reference to interpreting a deeper meaning in literature, conversations or situations. The suggestion is that the truth or an additional meaning lies beneath the surface of the words or actions, and one needs to look a little deeper to fully understand.

libertad de expresión
freedom of expression

The Spanish term 'libertad de expresión' translates as 'freedom of expression' in English. It refers to the right to express one's ideas and opinions freely through speech, writing, and other forms of communication but without deliberately causing harm to others' character and/or reputation by false or misleading statements. Freedom of expression is recognized as a human right under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

libertad de prensa
freedom of the press

The Spanish term 'libertad de prensa' directly translates to 'freedom of the press' in English. This is a fundamental concept of democratic societies. It refers to the right of media outlets to disseminate news, opinions, and information without censorship, intimidation, or interference from the government or any other entity. It is a principle tied to the larger concept of freedom of speech, encouraging transparency and facilitating democratic participation by informing the public about the actions of its representatives or other matters of public interest.


The Spanish word 'noticia' translates to 'news' in English. It is a noun and it can refer to information or report about recent events. It is often used in the context of broadcasting, newspapers, and other forms of media where information is disseminated to the public. It can also refer to a piece of information about a recent event or development.

pactar una exclusiva
agree on an exclusive

The Spanish phrase 'pactar una exclusiva' translates to 'agree on an exclusive' in English. This term is often used in business contexts where parties decide on a unique arrangement or deal, typically beneficial to both involved. It may also be used in journalistic contexts, where someone might secure an exclusive interview or the sole rights to a particular story. This phrase emphasizes the notion of exclusivity and agreement.

periódico de la mañana
morning paper

The Spanish phrase 'periódico de la mañana' translates to 'morning paper' in English. The word 'periódico' means 'paper' or 'newspaper' typically referring to a daily publication that contains news, articles, features, etc. When combined with 'de la mañana' which means 'of the morning', it refers specifically to a morning edition of a newspaper or a newspaper that is published and distributed in the morning.

periódico de la tarde
in the afternoon

The term 'periódico de la tarde' in Spanish can be translated as 'afternoon newspaper' in English. Despite the word by word translation suggesting 'newspaper of the afternoon', the phrase is used to refer to newspapers that are published in the afternoon. These afternoon publications may contain latest news updates which were not in the morning edition. They can also be seen as an evening edition, giving a round-up of the day's news.

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